Related Topics
- Overview
- Enables third party package features and user interface (UI) options.
- To Access
- From the Features page, click the Interface tab.
Option | Description | Default |
Element Plus | Use Element Plus Vue based UI elements | Enabled |
Element Plus Autocomplete | Provides various dropdown menus on many text input boxes for page names, user names, groups, tags, etc. | Enabled |
Element Plus Select | Provides a more advanced select input with features like clearable, collapsible tags, filterable, allow create, and sortable. | Enabled |
Clearable Select | whether select can be cleared | Disabled |
Collapsible Tags | whether to collapse tags to a text when multiple selecting | Disabled |
Max Collapse Tags | max tags to show when collapsed | 3 |
Filterable Select | whether select can be filtered | Enabled |
Allow Create | whether creating new items is allowed | Disabled |
Sortable | whether selected items can be re-ordered via drag and drop | Disabled |
jQuery Autocomplete | Provides various dropdown menus on many text input boxes for page names, user names, groups, tags, etc. | Disabled |
Reflection | Creates a reflection under an image. Used in Plugin Img with the parameter "class=reflect" | Disabled |
SmartMenus | Add "SmartMenus" to Bootstrap menus. See for more. | Enabled |
SmartMenus collapsible behavior | Parent items behavior in collapsible (mobile) view. Default | Toggle | Link | Accordion | Accordion toggle | Accordion link |
Default |
SmartMenus open/close on click | Use mouse clicks to open/close item/sub menus | Disabled |
TagCanvas | TagCanvas is a Javascript class which will draw and animate an HTML5 canvas-based tag cloud. | Enabled |
jQuery UI theme | jQuery UI theme. Used in some modal popups and in the TikiSheet feature, etc. None | black-tie | blitzer | cupertino | dark-hive | dot-luv | eggplant | excite-bike | flick | hot-sneaks | humanity | le-frog | mint-choc | overcast | pepper-grinder | redmond | smoothness | south-street | start | sunny | swanky-purse | trontastic | ui-darkness | ui-lightness | vader |
Flick |
JQuery UI | Include jQuery UI library. Enables a number of interface features. This feature is required for the interface for many features to work properly. |
Enabled |
Validation | Provides various validation possibilities such as for trackers. | Enabled |
jQuery zoom | Enables zoom in images on mouseover or click. Used in Plugin Img with the parameter "thumb=zoombox" | Disabled |
jQuery Select2 Select Boxes | Styled replacement for dropdown select lists and multiple-select inputs. | Disabled |
Sortable Select2 Multi-selects | Enable drag and drop re-ordering of Select2 multi-select options. | Disabled |
FitVids.js | jQuery plugin for fluid-width (responsive) embedded videos. | Disabled |
FitVids.js additional domains | Youtube and Vimeo are supported by default. Also apply FitVids.js to videos from these domains. | None |
jQuery Timeago | jQuery plugin for fuzzy timestamps. | Disabled |
jQuery Double Scroll | jQuery plugin which adds an extra horizontal scroll bar at the top. | Disabled |
Allow image lazy loading | Allow that images are loaded in a lazy way | Disabled |
Prefix CSS | Use -prefix-free JavaScript library to add vendor specific css prefixes. May be replaced by a server-side option soon. |
Disabled |
jQuery infinite carousel | Create a slideshow (like an image carousel) for file galleries. Used in Plugin Carousel. | Disabled |
jQuery sortable tables | Provides an interactive way to sort and filter data in tables produced with Plugin FancyTable and Plugin TrackerList, as well as administrative tables. | Disabled |
Enable Vue.js | Loads the vue.js library. | Enabled |
Always Load Vue.js | Loads the vue.js library for every page. | Enabled |
Vue.js Deployment Mode | Selects which vue.js library is used. Production full (minified) | Production runtime (minified) | Development full | Development runtime only |
Production full (minified) |
Tracker Field Rules | Conditional rules for tracker fields. Experimental new feature, expect some issues. |
Enabled |