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The Messages feature enables sending messages from one site user to another.
To access
Click the Messages icon on the Admin Panel
Access http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=messages

Option Description Default
User messages Enables inter-user messages (for this to work for new users, the tiki_p_messages permission must be assigned to at least the Registered group).. Disabled
Users accept internal messages by default Enabled
Users can opt out of internal messages Enabled
Maximum mailbox size Maximum number of messages allowed in the mailbox.
0 for unlimited
0 messages
Maximum mail archive size Maximum number of archive messages allowed.
0 for unlimited
200 messages
Maximum sent box size Maximum number of sent messages allowed in the mailbox.
0 for unlimited
200 messages
Show user's real name Use the user's real name instead of log-in name in the autocomplete selector in the messaging feature. Disabled
Truncate internal message notification Number of characters to show in the message notification sent through email, with a link to read the full internal message. 2500 characters