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Display a calendar of system events

Module Action Calendar

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Required parameters are in bold
Plugin Description Parameters Parameter Info
Accordion Create content within collapsable items headers Pipe-separated list of header titles (with or without icon syntax). Example:{i name='users'} Item 1|Item 2|Item 3
headerbgcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
headeractivebgcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
headercontentcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
headerfontstyle Use to change the headers text style.
Options: | normal | italic | oblique
headerfontsize To set the size of the headers text in pixels. For example: 20 for 20 pixels.
headerfontweight Use to change the headers text weight.
Options: | normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 900
headerborderstyle Determine the kind of border to apply to the headers.
Options: | none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
headerborderwidth To change the width of header border in pixels (1 by default). For example: 3 for 3 pixels.
headerbordercolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
panelbgcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
panelcontentcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
panelfontstyle Use to change the panels text style.
Options: | normal | italic | oblique
panelfontsize To set the size of the panels text in pixels. For example: 20 for 20 pixels.
panelfontweight Use to change the panels text weight.
Options: | normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 900
paneltextalignment To set the horizontal alignment of the panels text.
Options: | left | right | center | justify
panelborderstyle Determine the kind of border to apply to the panels.
Options: | none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
panelborderwidth To change the width of panel border in pixels (1 by default). For example: 3 for 3 pixels
panelbordercolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
Activitystream Create a social network activity stream. auto Automatically load next page of results when scrolling down.
Options: 0 | 1
Addfreetag Provide an input field for adding a tag to an object object Object type and id, as in type:id, if unset, will use current object.
Addreference Add a bibliography reference. biblio_code The code to be added as reference.
Addrelation Provide a button to toggle a pre-specified relation. qualifier Relation qualifier. Usually a three-part string separated by two periods.
source_object Object identifier as type:itemId to start the relation from, will use the current object if left blank.
target_object Object identifier as type:itemId to end the relation to, will use the current object if left blank.
label_add Text to show on the button to add relation
label_added Text to show on the button when relation is already added
label_remove Text to show on the button to remove relation
button_id A unique ID to distinguish the button from others on the page if there is more than one
button_class Class or classes for the Button
Addtocart Add a product to the shopping cart. code Unique identifier for the product. Two products with the same code will be the same and the information used will be the one of the first in.
description Label for the product in the cart.
producttype The product type that is being sold, which will affect fulfillment, for example, standard product, event ticket
productclass The class the product belongs to
productbundle The bundle the product belongs to. Will automatically add other products in the same class to the cart
bundleclass The class the bundle belongs to
price The price to charge for the item.
href URL of the product's information. The URL may be relative or absolute (begin with http://).
label Text for the submit button. default: "Add to cart"
eventcode Unique identifier for the event that is associated to the product.
autocheckout Automatically check out for purchase and send the user to pay (this is disabled when there is already something in the cart)
hidequantity Hide the quantity field so you can create buy now button for a single item, quantity = 1 (not available with the exchange feature)
Options: n | y
onbehalf Allows the selection of user to make purchase on behalf of
forceanon Add to cart as anonymous shopper even if logged in
forwardafterfree Forward to this URL after free purchase
exchangeorderitemid Used in conjunction with exchange feature
exchangetoproductid Used in conjunction with exchange feature
exchangeorderamount Should normally be set to the amount of products in the order being exchanged
ajaxaddtocart Attempts to turn on Ajax for the cart
Options: | y | n
weight The weight of the item.
Addtogooglecal Add a calendar item to a Google calendar. calitemid The item ID of the calendar to add to Google calendar.
iconstyle Choose the icon style
Options: | 1 | 2 | 3
Adjustinventory Adjust the inventory level of a product code Product ID of item in the cart tracker
add Show option to add to inventory
Options: | y | n
subtract Show option to subtract from inventory
Options: | y | n
Agentinfo Show the user's browser and server information. info Display's the visitor's IP address (IP or default), browser information (BROWSER), or server software (SVRSW).
Options: | IP | SVRSW | BROWSER
Ajaxload Load data into an HTML div using Ajax or in an iframe. mode Choose whether to load data into an HTML div using Ajax or in an iframe.
Options: | div | iframe
url Address of the data to load, for example, tiki-index_raw.php?page=Page+Name
selector jQuery selector to retrieve part of the page when using Ajax, for example, #page-data
target Where to load the Ajax data into (will create own DIV if not supplied. When using iframe if JavaScript is disabled it will appear where the plugin is in the page.
id HTML id for the div or iframe.
class Class for the div or iframe.
width In pixels or percentage. Default value is 100%.
height In pixels or percentage. Default value is auto.
scrolling Choose whether to add a scroll bar
Options: | yes | no | auto
responsive Make the display responsive so that browsers determine dimensions based on the width of their containing block by creating an intrinsic ratio that will properly scale on any device.
Options: | 16by9 | 4by3 | no
absolutelinks Convert relative links in the incoming data to be absolute. Default value is "All".
Options: | src | href | none
Alink Create a link to an anchor aname The anchor name as defined in the Aname plugin.
pagename The name of the wiki page containing the anchor. If empty, the anchor name will be searched for on the wiki page where the plugin is used.
Aname Create an anchor that can be linked to no parameters n/a
Annotation Annotate an image src Absolute URL to the image, relative path from Tiki site root or an image from the file gallery display1
width Image width in pixels.
height Image height in pixels.
align Image alignment.
Options: | left | right | center
class Class of the containing DIV element.
showlist Show the list of annotations below the image. (y/n)
Options: | y | n
showlink Show the link below the label in the popups. (y/n)
Options: | y | n
Appframe Create a frame in which to assemble custom applications min Prevent the frame from becoming any shorter than the specified size.
max Prevent the frame from becoming any higher than the specified size.
hideleft Hide the left column when the application frame is in use to provide more space to the application.
Options: n | y
hideright Hide the right column when the application frame is in use to provide more space to the application.
Options: n | y
fullpage Completely fill the content area of the page.
Options: n | y
absolute Use all available space for the application frame (by means of CSS absolute positioning).
Options: n | y
top When using absolute mode, leave some space for the header at the top.
fullscreen Fill the complete page.
Options: n | y
Archivebuilder Define an archive that can be downloaded name Upon download, the name of the file that will be provided.
Article Display a field of an article Field The article field (component) to display. The default field is "Heading".
Id The article to display. If no value is provided, the most recent article will be used.
Articles Display multiple articles usePagination Activate pagination when the articles list is long. Default is n
Options: | y | n
max The number of articles to display in the list (use -1 to show all)
topic Filter the list of articles by topic. Example: [!]topic+topic+topic
topicId Filter the list of articles by topic ID. Example: [!]topicId+topicId+topicId
type Filter the list of articles by types. Example: [!]type+type+type
categId List of category IDs, separated by "%0". Only articles in all these categories are listed
lang List only articles in this language
sort The column and order of the sort in columnName_asc or columnName_desc format. Defaults to publishDate_desc (other column examples are title, lang, articleId, authorName & topicName). Use "random" to have random items.
order List of ArticleId that must appear in this order if present
articleId List of article IDs to display, separated by "|"
notArticleId List of article IDs to not display, separated by "%0"
quiet Whether to not report when there are no articles (no reporting by default)
Options: | y | n
titleonly Whether to only show the title of the articles (not set to title only by default)
Options: | y | n
fullbody Whether to show the body of the articles instead of the heading (not set by default).
Options: | y | n
start The article number that the list should start with (starts with first article by default). This will not work if Pagination is used.
dateStart Earliest date to select articles from. (YYYY-MM-DD)
dateEnd Latest date to select articles from. (YYYY-MM-DD)
periodQuantity Numeric value to display only last articles published within a user defined time-frame. Used in conjunction with the next parameter "Period unit", this parameter indicates how many of those units are to be considered to define the time frame. If this parameter is set, "Start Date" and "End Date" are ignored.
periodUnit Time unit used with "Period quantity"
Options: | hour | day | week | month
overrideDates Whether to comply with the article type's "show before publish" and "show after expiration" settings (not complied with by default)
Options: | y | n
containerClass CSS class to add to the containing "div.article" (default: "wikiplugin_articles")
largefirstimage If set to y (Yes), the first image will be displayed with the dimension used to view of the article
Options: | y | n
urlparam If set to y (Yes), the first image will be displayed with the dimension used to view of the article
Options: | y | n
actions Whether to show the buttons and links to do actions on each article (for the actions you have permission to do
Options: | y | n
translationOrphan User- or pipe-separated list of two-letter language codes for additional languages to display. List pages with no language or with a missing translation in one of the language
useLinktoURL Use the external source URL as link for articles.
Options: | y | n
Attach Display an attachment or a list of them name File name of the attached file to link to. Either name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment
file Same as name
page Name of the wiki page the file is attached to. If left empty when the plugin is used on a wiki page, this defaults to that wiki page.
showdesc Shows the description as the link text instead of the file name (not used by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
bullets Makes the list of attachments a bulleted list (not set by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
image Indicates that this file is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag (not set by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
inline Makes the text between the {ATTACH} tags the link text instead of the file name or description. Only the first attachment will be listed.
Options: | 1 | 0
all Lists links to all attachments for the entire tiki site together with pages they are attached to when set to 1 (Yes)
Options: | 1 | 0
num Identifies the attachment to link to by the order of the attachment in the list of attachments to a page instead of by file name or ID. Either name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment.
id Identifies the attachment to link to by id number instead of by file name or order number. Either name, file, id or num can be used to identify a single attachment.
dls The alt text that pops up on mouseover will include the number of downloads of the attachment at the end when set to 1 (Yes)
Options: | 1 | 0
icon A file type icon is displayed in front of the attachment link when this is set to 1 (Yes)
Options: | 1 | 0
Attributes Assign generic attributes to the current object no parameters n/a
Author Add popups and color coding that identifies authors author Username of the author of the text.
deleted_by Username of the person who deleted the text.
visible Should this author's contribution be visible (default: no).
Options: 0 | 1
popup Generate a popup with names of author(s) (default: no).
Options: 0 | 1
Autoqueryargs Automatically propagate arguments when clicking on links arguments Colon-separated list of arguments, the values of which will be propagated through any link created below this plugin
Autotoc Display a Table Of Contents in a wiki page activity Determine if the Table Of Contents will appear in the active page or not.
Options: yes | no
align Position of the Table Of Contents, either right, left, page ("right" is the default and "page" will display the table of contents where it is placed in the wiki page.).
Options: right | left | page
levels Specify which levels you want to see in the TOC. Levels are integers (1 to 6) separated with colon. Example : levels="1:2:3" to show only level 1, 2 and 3 headers.
offset Offset of Table Of Contents. Offset default value is 15
mode Change the display of the Table Of Contents for wiki pages to inline.
Options: off | inline
title Title for the Table Of Contents
tabs Determine if the table of contents includes the content of Tabs plugin or not.
Options: no | yes
tabset_names If tabs = yes, determine the Tabset names that uses the plugin. Use comma separator. Example : tabset_names="tab1,tab2,tab3" to show only the headers included in the tab1, tab2 and tab3
tabset_panes If tabs = yes, determine the Tabset panes that uses the plugin. Tabset panes are integers (1 to x) separated with comma. Example : tabset_panes="1,2,3" to show only 1, 2 and 3 headers of selected tabs names
Avatar Display a user's profile picture page The wiki page the profile picture will link to. If empty and the user's information is public, then the profile picture will link automatically the that user's user information page
float Align the profile picture on the page
Options: | right | left
fullsize If full-size images are stored in the file gallery, show the full-size image.
Back Display a link that goes back one page in the browser history no parameters n/a
Backlinks List all pages and tracker items that link to a particular page page The page links will point to. Default value is the current page.
info Pipe separated list of fields to display. ex: hits|user
exclude Pipe-separated list of pages to be excluded from the listing, for example: HomePage|Sandbox
include_self With or without self-link (default is without)
Options: | 1 | 0
noheader With or without header (default is with header)
Options: | 0 | 1
Banner Add a banner zone Name of the zone created in Admin > Banners
target Determines the browser behavior when the banner is clicked
Options: | _blank | display
Benchmark Performance-test wiki content (used by developers to optimize plugins). times The number of iterations to process.
details Provides time and memory of each iteration.
Bigbluebutton Hold a video/audio/chat/presentation session using the BigBlueButton web conferencing system. name MeetingID for BigBlueButton. This is a 5 digit number, starting with a 7. Ex.: 77777 or 71111.
prefix Unregistered users will get this token prepended to their name.
welcome A message to be provided when someone enters the room.
number The phone-in support number to join from traditional phones.
voicebridge Code to enter for phone attendees to join the room. Typically, the same 5 digits of the MeetingID.
logout URL to which the user will be redirected after logging out of BigBlueButton.
recording The recording starts when the first person enters the room, and ends when the last person leaves. After a period of processing (which depends on the length of the meeting), the recording will be added to the list of all recordings for this room. Requires BBB >= 0.8.
Options: 0 | 1
showrecording Enable or Disable the display of video recordings.
showattendees Enable or Disable the display of attendees list.
Bloglist Display posts from a site blog Id Select one or more blogs to list posts from. Limitation: if more than one blog is selected, private posts (drafts) will not be shown.
Items Maximum number of entries to list (no maximum set by default)
author Only display posts created by this user (all posts listed by default)
simpleList Show simple list of date, title and author (default) or formatted list of blog posts
Options: | y | n
charCount Number of characters to display if not a simple list (defaults to all)
wordBoundary If not a simple list and Character Count is non-zero, then marking this as yes will break on word boundaries only.
Options: y | n
ellipsis If not a simple list and Character Count is non-zero, then marking this as yes will put ellipsis (...) at end of text (default).
Options: | y | n
more If not a simple list and Character Count is non-zero, then marking this as yes will put a "More" link to the full entry (default).
Options: y | n
showIcons If not a simple list, marking this as no will prevent the "edit" and "print" type icons from displaying (default is to show the icons)
Options: y | n
useExcerpt If the blog has "Use post excerpt" enabled then use excerpts where available (default)
Options: | y | n
dateStart Earliest date to select posts from. (YYYY-MM-DD)
dateEnd Latest date to select posts from. (YYYY-MM-DD)
containerClass CSS Class to add to the container DIV.article. (Default=wikiplugin_bloglist)
Box Create a formatted box with a title bar title Displayed above the content
bg As defined by CSS, name, or color hex code.
width In pixels or percentage. Default value is 100%.
align Aligns the text within the box (left-aligned by default)
Options: left | right | center
float Set the alignment for the entire box. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it unless the clear parameter is appropriately set.)
Options: | left | right
clear Text, etc. is not allowed to wrap around the box if this parameter is set to 1 (Yes)
Options: | 1 | 0
class Apply custom CSS class to the box.
style Enter CSS styling tags for the div type used e.g. padding: 5px
id ID
Button Add a link formatted as a button href URL to be produced by the button. For Wiki page uses ((Page Name)) format. You can use wiki argument variables like {{itemId}} in it
_text Label for the button
_icon_name Enter an iconset name to show an icon in the button
_type Use a type to style the button. By default btn-primary will be applied.
Options: | danger | default | info | link | primary | success | warning |
width In pixels or percentage. (e.g. 200px or 100%)
height In pixels or percentage. (e.g. 200px or 100%)
_class CSS class for the button. Note that the btn class is always applied by default
_style CSS style attributes
_rel Enter box for colorbox effect (like shadowbox and lightbox) or appropriate syntax for link relation.
_target A target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. Set to _self by default
Options: | _blank | _parent | _top
_auto_args Comma-separated list of URL arguments that will be kept from _REQUEST (like $auto_query_args) in addition to those you can specify in the href parameter.
You can also use _auto_args="*" to specify that every arguments listed in the global var $auto_query_args has to be kept from URL
_flip_id HTML id attribute of the element to show/hide content
_flip_hide_text If set to No (n), will not display a "(Hide)" suffix after the button label when the content is shown
Options: | y | n
_flip_default_open If set to y, the flip is open by default (if no cookie jar)
Options: | y | n
_escape If set to y, will escape the apostrophes in onclick
Options: | y | n
_disabled Set to y to disable the button
data URL encoded list or attributes and values.
Calendar Display a calendar and its events calIds Comma-separated list of calendar Ids to restrict the events to specified calendars. Example values:13, 4,7 Not set by default.
viewlist Determines how events. table (default) shows events in a calendar.
Options: | list | table | both
viewmode If in calendar (table) View Type, determines the time span displayed by the calendar.Default is month
Options: | day | week | month | quarter | semester | year
viewnavbar Show or hide the navigation bar (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
Casperjs Enable running CasperJS scripts from this Tiki site. no parameters n/a
Category List categories and objects assigned to them id List of category IDs separated by "+", for example, 1+2+3. Default will use category of the current page.
types List of object types to include in the list, separated by "+", for example, article+blog+blog post+fgal
sort Sort ascending or descending based on various attributes (sorted ascending by name by default)
Options: | created_asc | created_desc | hits_asc | hits_desc | itemId_asc | itemId_desc | name_asc | name_desc | type_asc | type_desc | random
split Whether multiple categories will be listed on different lines (default is to split them)
Options: | y | n
and If set to y (Yes), only objects in all of the categories will be shown (default is to show objects in any of the categories)
Options: | y | n
sub Also list objects in sub-categories of the categories given (default is to list sub-category objects)
Options: | y | n
showdescription Show descriptions (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showname Show object names (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showtype Show type (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
one Show one object per line (multiple per line shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showlinks Show children category links (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
categoryshowlink Show top category link (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
maxRecords Maximum number of objects to list (default is 50)
showTitle Show title text above category object lists (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
lang List only objects in this language. Only apply if type="wiki".
Categorytransition Display controls to trigger category transitions for any object. objType Object Type
objId Object ID
redirect URL the user is sent to after transition is done
Catorphans List objects that are not categorized objects Determine which type of objects are shown (default is wiki)
Options: wiki | file gallery | article | tracker | blog | calendar | forum
max Maximum number of items. Use -1 for unlimited. Default is the site admin setting for maximum records.
offset Result number at which the listing should start (default is no offset)
Catpath Show the full category path for a wiki page divider String used to separate the categories in the path. Default character is >.
top Show the top category as part of the path name (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
Cclite Access and use a cclite social credit and alternative currency account mode Mode of operation - summary or recent. Default: summary
Options: | summary | recent
registry Registry to query. Default: site preference (or first in list when more than one)
Center Center text no parameters n/a
Chart Display a chart from TikiSheet. id Data sheet ID
type Specify a valid chart type
width Width in pixels.
height Height in pixels.
value Required for pie charts
x Required for types other than pie chart
y0 Required for types other than pie chart
y1 Description needed
y2 Description needed
y3 Description needed
y4 Description needed
color List of colors to use.
style List of styles to use.
label Labels for the series or values in the legend.
Chartjs Create a JS Chart id A custom ID for the chart.
type The type of chart. Currently works with pie, bar and doughnut
height The height of the chart in px
width The width of the chart in px
values Colon-separated values for the chart (required if not using JSON encoded data in the plugin body)
data_labels Colon-separated labels for the datasets in the chart. Max 10, if left empty
data_colors Colon-separated colors for the datasets in the chart. Max 10, if left empty
data_highlights Colon-separated color of chart section when highlighted
debug Uses the non-minified version of the chart.js library for easier debugging.
Checkreferer Display content based on the address that originated the request for the current page referer_list Comma-separated list of domains to check
Code Display code with syntax highlighting and line numbering. caption Code snippet label.
wrap Wrap lines of code which do not fit in the display box's width. Enabling avoids overflow or hidden line ends.
Options: | 1 | 0
colors Any supported language listed at http://codemirror.net/mode Pref feature_syntax_highlighter must be true for this to have any effect
Options: | apl | asciiarmor | asn.1 | asterisk | brainfuck | clike | clojure | cmake | cobol | coffeescript | commonlisp | crystal | css | cypher | d | dart | diff | django | dockerfile | dtd | dylan | ebnf | ecl | eiffel | elm | erlang | factor | fcl | forth | fortran | gas | gfm | gherkin | go | groovy | haml | handlebars | haskell | haskell-literate | haxe | htmlembedded | htmlmixed | http | idl | javascript | jinja2 | jsx | julia | livescript | lua | markdown | mathematica | mbox | meta.js | mirc | mllike | modelica | mscgen | mumps | nginx | nsis | ntriples | octave | oz | pascal | pegjs | perl | php | pig | powershell | properties | protobuf | pug | puppet | python | q | r | rpm | rst | ruby | rust | sas | sass | scheme | shell | sieve | slim | smalltalk | smarty | solr | soy | sparql | spreadsheet | sql | stex | stylus | swift | tcl | textile | tiddlywiki | tiki | toml | tornado | troff | ttcn | ttcn-cfg | turtle | twig | vb | vbscript | velocity | verilog | vhdl | vue | wast | webidl | xml | xquery | yacas | yaml | yaml-frontmatter | z80
ln Show line numbers for each line of code.
Options: | 1 | 0
rtl Switch the text display from left to right, to right to left (left to right by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
mediawiki Encloses the code in an HTML code tag, for example: <code>user input<code>
Options: | 1 | 0
theme Any supported theme listed at https://codemirror.net/demo/theme.html
Options: default | 3024-day | 3024-night | abbott | abcdef | ambiance-mobile | ambiance | ayu-dark | ayu-mirage | base16-dark | base16-light | bespin | blackboard | cobalt | colorforth | darcula | dracula | duotone-dark | duotone-light | eclipse | elegant | erlang-dark | gruvbox-dark | hopscotch | icecoder | idea | isotope | juejin | lesser-dark | liquibyte | lucario | material-darker | material-ocean | material-palenight | material | mbo | mdn-like | midnight | monokai | moxer | neat | neo | night | nord | oceanic-next | panda-syntax | paraiso-dark | paraiso-light | pastel-on-dark | railscasts | rubyblue | seti | shadowfox | solarized | ssms | the-matrix | tomorrow-night-bright | tomorrow-night-eighties | ttcn | twilight | vibrant-ink | xq-dark | xq-light | yeti | yonce | zenburn
Coil Includes coil web monetization user Tiki Wiki Username
Colorbox Display a gallery of images in a popup slideshow fgalId ID number of the file gallery that contains the images to be displayed
galId ID number of the image gallery that contains the images to be displayed
fileId Colon-separated list of fileIds in a file gallery to show.
thumb Display as a thumbnail or full size.
Options: | y | n
sort_mode Sort by database table field name, ascending or descending. Examples: fileId_asc or name_desc.
showtitle Show file title
Options: | y | n
showfilename Show file name
Options: | y | n
showallthumbs Show thumbnails of all the images in the gallery
Options: | y | n
parsedescriptions Parse the file descriptions as wiki syntax
Options: | y | n
Comment Display a comment area for a specified object objectType Object type the comment is associated with
Options: trackeritem | image gallery | image | file gallery | file | article | submission | forum | blog | blog post | wiki page | history | faq | survey | newsletter
objectId Object ID
Content Display content from dynamic content repository id Dynamic content ID. The value can be obtained in the listing.
label Label of the dynamic content to display.
Contributionsdashboard List users' contributions to a page start Default Beginning Date
end Default Ending Date
types The types of charts that will be rendered, separated by commas
Convene Suggest meeting dates and times and vote to select one title Title for the event
calendarid ID number of the site calendar in which to store the date for the events with the most votes
minvotes Minimum number of votes needed to show Add-to-Calendar icon, so that new users do not see a potentially confusing icon before the convene has enough information on it
dateformat Display date and time in short or long format, according to the site wide setting (or use "other" to specify a custom format below)
Options: | short | long | other
dateformatother Use a custom format string for the dates using PHP "DateTime::format" parameters, e.g. D j M h:i
adminperms Only admins can edit or delete other users' votes and dates. N.B. This is a guide only as if a user can edit the page they can change this setting, it is intended to make the plugin easier to use for most users.
Options: | y | n
avatars Show user's profile pictures next to their names.
Options: | y | n
autolock Lock this plugin at a certain time and date (format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
locked Prevent further votes or changes from the interface.
Options: | y | n
id Leave blank automatically generate.
voteoptions Comma-separated for personalized set of vote options
Cookie Display a random tagline or "cookie" (in the "fortune cookie" sense). no parameters n/a
Cookieconsent Display content based on whether cookie consent has been granted by the user. no_consent_message Message displayed if user has not consented to accepting cookies.
element DOM element to contain everything (div, span, etc). The default is div, set to none for no container.
element_class CSS class for above.
no_consent_class CSS class for no consent message. Default: wp-cookie-consent-required
Copyright Insert copyright notices no parameters n/a
Countdown Display the time until or after a date and time enddate Target date and time. Multiple formats accepted.
show Select: y=years, o=months, d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds. Enter multiple values as: yodhms. Must be in the order of descending length, and a time unit should not be skipped. If blank, the time is shown down to the hour if not zero.
Options: | y | yo | yod | yodh | yodhm | yodhms | o | od | odh | odhm | odhms | d | dh | dhm | dhms | h | hm | hms | m | ms | s
caldays Will use calendar day difference when set to Yes (y) and time units are not shown. Result is that tomorrow, for example, is always shown as a one day away even if less than 24 hours from now. No (n) is the default.
Options: | y | n
since If Yes (y), will display amount of time since the event (default). If No (n) and if there is body text, will display "is over" or custom text set in text parameter after body text.
Options: | y | n
text Text that will show with the countdown and body text. Set to default or leave empty to show "xxx days until/since [body text]", except that if the since parameter is set to No (n), "[body text] is over" will show after the end date has passed. Also, if no time is shown because of the time units being displayed (for example, only years are shown and it's less than a year before/after the end date) then "[body text] will happen in less than a year/happened in the last year" will show. Or set pipe-separated custom text as follows: before date|before date by less than shortest time unit shown|after date |after date by less than shortest time unit shown|after date and since set to No (n). Set to silent for no text.
thousands Set the thousands separator for results of 1,000 or more. Choices are comma (c), decimal (d), space (s), or leave blank for no separator.
Options: | c | p | s
Countup Make a counter on a wiki page title Counter title
titleFontFamily Counter title font family
Options: | sans serif | serif | monospace | Arial | Century Gothic | Comic Sans MS | Courier New | Tahoma | Times New Roman | Verdana
titleFontWeight Counter title font weight.
Options: | normal | bold | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
titleFontStyle Counter title font style.
Options: | normal | italic | oblique
titleFontSize Counter title font size in pixels. For instance, use 16 for 16 pixels.
titleFontColor Counter title font color. For instance, use blue for blue color.You can also use the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax to specify the color.
icon Numeric ID of an icon in a file gallery. This will be set as the counter icon
iconWidth Icon width size. The default value is 64
iconHeight Icon height size. The default value is 64
description Short description of the counter
descriptionFontFamily Counter description font family.
Options: | sans serif | serif | monospace | Arial | Century Gothic | Comic Sans MS | Courier New | Tahoma | Times New Roman | Verdana
descriptionFontWeight Counter description font weight.
Options: | normal | bold | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
descriptionFontStyle Counter description font style.
Options: | normal | italic | oblique
descriptionFontSize Counter decription font size in pixels. For instance, use 16 for 16 pixels.
descriptionFontColor Counter description font color. For instnace, use blue for blue color. You can also use the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax to specify the color.
startingNumber The number from which the counter will start to count.
endingNumber The number to which the counter will stop to count.
numberFontFamily This is the font family of the displayed number in the counter at a certain time.
Options: | sans serif | serif | monospace | Arial | Century Gothic | Comic Sans MS | Courier New | Tahoma | Times New Roman | Verdana
numberFontWeight Displayed number font weight.
Options: | normal | bold | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
numberFontStyle Displayed number font style.
Options: | normal | italic | oblique
numberFontSize This is the font size of the displayed number at a certain time in pixels. For instance, use 16 for 16 pixels.
numberFontColor This is the font color of the displayed number of counter at a certain time. For instance, use blue for blue color.You can also use the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax to specify the color.
speed The counting(animation) speed of the counter in seconds.
delay The delay time in seconds after which the counter will start to count when it becomes visible in the viewport.
prefix Letter, number or symbol to use as prefix of the number counter (the number that is displayed in the counter at certain time).
suffix Letter, number or symbol to use as suffix of the number counter (the number that is displayed in the counter at certain time).
width Counter width in pixels. For instance, use 200 for 200 pixels
height Counter height in pixels. For instance, use 200 for 200 pixels
backgroundImage Numeric ID of an icon in a file gallery. This will be set as the counter background image
backgroundColor Counter background colorYou can use the color name, the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax to specify the color.
shadow This property adds shadows to the counter via a comma separated list of shadows. A shadow is defined with horizontal and vertical offsets from the element (in our case, the counter),with blur and spread radius and with a color. For instance, use inset 2000px 0px 0px 0px #24a2c09cfor 2000px horizontal offset, 0px vertical offset, 0px blur radius, 0px spread radius and with a light blue color. The inset keyword reverses the shadow inside. For the color value, you can use the color name, the hexadecimal rgb code or the rgba syntax. For more details See here. Please be sure to respect the syntax given in the documentation to see the effect.
Customsearch Create a custom search form for searching or listing items on the site wiki Wiki page where the search form is found
tpl Smarty template (.tpl) file where the search form is found
id A unique identifier to distinguish custom searches for storing of previous search criteria entered by users
autosearchdelay Delay in milliseconds before automatically triggering search after change (0 disables and is the default)
searchfadediv The specific ID of the specific div to fade out when AJAX search is in progress, if not set will attempt to fade the whole area or if failing simply show the spinner
recalllastsearch In the same session, return users to same search parameters on coming back to the search page after leaving
Options: | 0 | 1
callbackscript The wiki page on which custom JavaScript is to be executed on return of Ajax results
destdiv The id of an existing div to contain the search results
searchonload Execute the search when the page loads (default: Yes)
Options: | 0 | 1
requireinput Require first input field to be filled for search to trigger
Options: | 0 | 1
forcesortmode Force the use of specified sort mode in place of search relevance even when there is a text search query
Options: | 0 | 1
trimlinefeeds Remove the linefeeds added after each input which casues the wiki parser to add extra paragraphs.
Options: | 0 | 1
searchable_only Only include results marked as searchable in the index.
Options: | 0 | 1
customsearchjs Mainly keeps the search state on the URL hash, but also adds some helper functions like easier sorting and page size.
Options: | 0 | 1
noajaxforbots Renders the default search results when being crawled by a bot.
Options: | 0 | 1
Cypht Embed Cypht webmail and news reader. imap_name Name for the IMAP connection. E.g. "My Mailbox"
imap_server E.g. imap.example.com
imap_port Default is 993.
imap_tls Use secure connection to IMAP server.
Options: | y | n
imap_username Account IMAP username.
imap_password Account IMAP password.
smtp_name Name for the SMTP connection. E.g. "My Account"
smtp_server E.g. smtp.example.com
smtp_port Default is 587.
smtp_username Account SMTP username.
smtp_password Account SMTP password.
smtp_tls Use secure TLS/SSL connection to SMTP server.
Options: | y | n
smtp_no_auth Disable SMTP authentication if your server does not support it.
Options: | n | y
use_global_settings Use global Cypht settings available at Tiki Webmail page. Choosing "No" will make this instance of Cypht use its own settings. Useful if this is a Groupmail box or you don't want to mix mailbox server and/or site settings from other pages. There are two modes of non-global settings - default one stores settings per user where each individual Tiki user will have their own copy of the settings whereas the second one stores settings per wiki page. Use per-wiki-page option if you want the plugin Cypht settings shared between users using the plugin on the same wiki page.
Options: | n | nw | y
groupmail Share this mailbox for Groupmail usage or keep it private.
Options: | n | y
group GroupMail: Group (e.g. "Help Team")
trackerId GroupMail: Tracker ID (to store GroupMail activity)
fromFId GroupMail: From Field (Id of field in tracker to store email From header)
subjectFId GroupMail: Subject Field (Id of field in tracker to store email Subject header)
messageFId GroupMail: Message Field (Id of field in tracker to store email message identifier)
contentFId GroupMail: Content Field (Id of field in tracker to store email message body content)
accountFId GroupMail: Account Field (Id of field in tracker to store Webmail account name)
datetimeFId GroupMail: Date Time Field (Id of field in tracker to store email sent timestamp)
operatorFId GroupMail: Operator Field (Id of field in tracker to store operator name (username))
Datachannel Display a form to access data channels channel Name of the channel as registered by the administrator.
returnURI URL to go to after data channel has run. Defaults to current page. Can contain placeholders ~np~%reference% or %reference:urlencode%, where reference matches a profile object ref, allowing to redirect conditionally to a freshly created object.~/np~
returnErrorURI URL to go to after data channel has run and failed. If not specified, use the success URL.
quietReturn If set to y, will return quietly after data channel has run which would be needed if plugin is used in non-wiki page context.
Options: | y | n
buttonLabel Label for the submit button. Default: "Go".
class CSS class for this form
template Template to be used to render the form, instead of the default template
emptyCache Which caches to empty. Default "Clear all Tiki caches"
Options: | all | templates_c | temp_cache | temp_public | prefs | none
price Price to execute the data channel (USD).
paymentlabel Price to execute the data channel (USD).
debug Be careful, if debug is on, the page will not be refreshed and previous modules can be obsolete (not on by default)
Options: | y | n
array_values Accept arrays of multiple values in the POST. e.g. itemId[]=42&itemId=43 etc. (multiple values not accepted by default)
Options: | y | n
Dbreport Query an ADOdb database and display results (does not work with PDO) dsn A full DSN (Data Source Name) connection string. Example: mysql://user:pass@server/database
db The name of a DSN connection defined by the Wiki administrator.
wiki Parse wiki syntax within the report (not parsed by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
debug Display the parsed report definition (not displayed by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
audit Create a log entry containing information about the SQL call.
audit_csv If set, a CSV file will be created or appended with information about the SQL call performed.
Diagram Display diagrams.net/mxGraph/Draw.io diagrams fileId Id of the file in the file gallery. A xml file containing the graph model. Leave empty for more options.
page Page of the diagram that should be displayed.
annotate Id of the file in the file gallery. A image file to include in the diagram.
align Alignment of the diagrams during PDF export. Accepted values: "left", "right" and "center"
wikiparse Parameter that will allow to parse wiki markup language inside the diagram if the value is "1"
compressXml Parameter that will allow inline diagram data be saved compressed.
template Diagram's file id to use as a template to new the diagram. This parameter will be skipped if the fileId parameter is present.
galleryId File Gallery id where the new diagram file will be stored. If this parameter is not present the content of the file will be placed in the body of the plugin.
fileName The name used for the diagram file. Acceptable replacements are '%page%' and '%date%'. The default pattern is “Diagram %page% %date%.drawio”.
Dialog Create a custom popup dialog box title
buttons Use comma-separated values for multiple buttons
buttonsClassNames Css class names to apply to the buttons. Use comma-separated values for multiple buttons.
buttonsActions JavaScript to perform on button click. Use comma-separated values for multiple buttons
actions JavaScript to perform on button click. Use comma-separated values for multiple buttons
size Size of the modal dialog. Default is medium
Options: sm | md | lg | xl | fullscreen
staticBackdrop If true, the modal will not close when clicking outside of the modal
Options: y | n
useWikiContent Use wiki page content as the dialog body
Options: y | n
wiki Wiki page to use as dialog body
id Allowing to control the modal via JS. Automatically generated if left empty in the form (it has to be unique)
showAnim Allow the modal to open with a fade in effect
Options: y | n
showCloseIcon Show a close icon in the header of the modal
Options: y | n
autoOpen Open the modal automatically
Options: | y | n
openAction JavaScript callback function to execute when dialog opens.
Div Define and format sections of a page or text type Indicate the type of HTML tag to use (default is div)
Options: | div | span | section | aside | header | footer | pre | strong | em | tt | p | blockquote | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6
bg As defined by CSS, name, or color hex code.
width In pixels or percentage. Default is original size
align Aligns the text within the element
Options: | left | right | center | justify
float Set the alignment for the entire element. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it unless the clear parameter is appropriately set.
Options: | right | left | none
clear Content cannot wrap around this object because of what the parameter is set to.
Options: | right | left | both | none
class Apply custom CSS class to the div.
id Sets the id attribute of the div, as defined by HTML.
title Title for the div, usually displayed as a tooltip.
onclick Enter on onclick event
style Enter CSS styling tags for the div type used.
data URL encoded list or attributes and values.
aria URL encoded list or attributes and values, e.g. label, expanded etc.
role e.g. button, heading, search etc.
Dl Create a definition list type Type of definition list (left-aligned or horizontal).
Options: | s | h
Draw Embed a drawing in a page id Internal ID of the file ID
width Width in pixels or percentage. Default value is page width, for example, 200px or 100%
height Height in pixels or percentage. Default value is complete drawing height.
archive The latest revision of file is automatically shown, by setting archive to Yes (y), it bypasses this check and shows the archive rather than the latest revision
Options: | y | n
Dynamicvariables Show dynamic variables and their values. layout Set to table to show results in a table (not shown in a table by default)
Options: | table
linesep String to use between elements of the list if table layout is not used
Equation Render an equation written in LaTeX syntax as an image no parameters n/a
Events Display events from calendars calendarid ID numbers for the site calendars whose events are to be displayed, separated by vertical bars (|)
maxdays Events occurring within this number of days in the future from today will be included in the list (unless limited by other parameter settings). Default is 365.
max Maximum number of events to display. Default is 10. Set to 0 to display all (unless limited by other parameter settings)
datetime Show the time along with the date (shown by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
desc Show the description of the event (shown by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
timespan Specify the time span.
Options: | all | past | future
usePagination Activate pagination when Events listing are long. Default is n.
Options: | y | n
Exercise Create an exercise/test with questions and grade answer Used inline to specify the right answer to the question and propose an input field.
incorrect Incorrect answer to suggest. Several incorrect answers can be suggested (separated by "+")
Extendcarthold Extend the time that items are held in a shopping cart. no parameters n/a
Fade Create a link that shows/hides initially hidden content label Label for link that shows and hides the content when clicked
icon Arrow icon showing that content can be hidden or shown.
Options: | y | n
show_speed Speed of animation in milliseconds when showing content (200 is fast and 600 is slow. 1000 equals 1 second).
hide_speed Speed of animation in milliseconds when hiding content (200 is fast and 600 is slow. 1000 equals 1 second).
bootstrap Use Bootstrap collapsible box
Options: | y | n
class Apply custom CSS class.
Fancylist Create a formatted numbered list div Use the HTML div tag instead of the HTML ordered list tag (ol)
Options: | 1 | 0
class CSS class for the fancylist
Fancytable Create a formatted table that can be filtered and sorted head Header rows of the table. Use >> to separate multiple rows.
headclass CSS class to apply to the heading row.
headaligns Horizontal alignments for header cells, separated by |. Choices: left, right, center, justify
headvaligns Vertical alignments for header cells, separated by |". Choices: top, middle, bottom, baseline
colwidths Column widths followed by "px" for pixels or "%" for percentages. Each column separated by |.
colaligns Table body column horizontal alignments, separated by |. Choices: left, right, center, justify
colvaligns Table body column vertical alignments, separated by |. Choices: top, middle, bottom, baseline
allowStickyHeaders Sticky Headers for the table when scrolling top Default value: No
Options: | n | y
class Apply custom CSS class to customize the table design
sortable Serves as the overall switch for turning jQuery Tablesorter on (also for filtering) as well as overall sort settings. Enter y to allow sorting and n to disallow (n is the default). Enter type:save to allow sorts to be saved between page refreshes. Enter type:reset;text:***** to allow sorting and show an unsort button with custom text. Enter type:savereset;text:buttontext to allow the same for saved sorts.
sortList Bracketed numbers for column number (first column = 0) and sort direction (0 = ascending, 1 = descending, n = no sort, y = allow sorting but no pre-sort), for example: ~np~[0,y],[1,0],[2,n]. If the first pre-sorted or no filter column is not the first column, then you should use the y parameter (as in [0,y]) to assign all previous columns.~/np~
tsortcolumns Set type and group settings for each column, using | to separate columns. To show group headings upon page load, the Pre-sorted Columns parameter (0sortList) will need to be set for a column with a group setting. Group will not work in plugins where the Server Side Processing parameter (server) is set to y.
Set type to one of the following: text, digit, currency, percent, usLongDate, shortDate, isoDate, dateFormat-ddmmyyyy, ipAddress, url, time, nosort
Also handle strings in numeric columns with: string-min, string-maxHandle empty cells with: empty-top, empty-bottom, empty-zero.
group creates automatic row headings upon sort with the heading text determined by the setting as follows: letter (first letter), word (first word), number, date, date-year, date-month, date-day, date-week, date-time.letter and word can be extended, e.g., word-2 shows the first 2 words. number-10 will group rows in blocks of ten. Group will not work in plugins where the Server Side Processing parameter (server) is set to y.
tsfilters Enter y for a blank text filter on all columns, or n for no filters. Or set custom column filters separated by | for each column for the following filter choices and parameters:
Text - type:text;placeholder:xxxx
(For PluginTrackerlist this will be an exact search, for other plugins partial values will work.)
From Tiki 18, you can add initial:t option to allow prefix search for text filter. E.g. type:text;initial:t
Dropdown - type:dropdown;placeholder:****;empty:****;option:****;option:****;option:****
Options generated automatically if not set and the server parameter is not y.
Use value=Display label to have the option value be different than the displayed label in the dropdown.
Use empty:Display label to include an option with the specified label that will filter only empty rows. Only used if other options are not specified manually.
Date range - type:date;format:yy-mm-dd;from:2013-06-30;to:2020-12-31
(from and to values set defaults for these fields when user clicks on the input field)Beware that items with empty date values will not be shown when default date range filters are applied.
Numeric range - type:range;from:0;to:50
No filter - type:nofilter
For example: tsfilters="type:dropdown;placeholder:Type to filter..." would result in a dropdown filter on the first column with all unique values in that column in the dropdown list.
tsfilteroptions The following options are available: reset (adds button to take off filters), and hide (Filters are revealed upon mouseover. Hide doesn't work when date and range filters are used.). To use both, set tsfilteroptions="type:reset;text:button text;style:hide"
tspaginate Enter y to set default values based on the site setting for maximum records in listings (on the pagination table of the Look & Feel admin panel). Set to n (and server cannot be set to y) for no pagination. Set custom values as in the following example: max:40;expand:60;expand:100;expand:140
tsoutput Enter y to set default values based on the site setting. Set custom values as in the following example: delivery:d;saveFileName:exported_teblesorter.csv
tscolselect Add a button for hiding and re-showing columns. Also sets priority for dropping columns when browser is too narrow. Set each column to a number between 1 and 6 (1 is highest priority and last to be dropped) or to critical to never hide or drop. An example with 4 columns:tscolselect="critical|4|5|6"
tstotals Generate table, column or row totals and set labels, using either y or the following syntax for each total: type:value;formula:value;filter:value;label:value.
Setting to (y) will add one column total row set as follows: type:col;formula:sum;filter:visible;label:Totals.
Separate multiple total row or column settings with a pipe (|). Set type only to generate sums of visible values. In all cases, cells in columns set to be ignored in the tstotaloptions parameter will not be included in calculations.
Instructions for each total option follows:
type - Choices are col, for a row of columns totals, row, for a column of row totals, and all to include amounts from all cells in the table body in a row total.
formula - set what the calculation is. Choices are: sum, count, max, min, mean, median, mode, range, varp, vars, stdevp, stdevs. Click here for a description of these options.
filter - Determines the rows that will be included in the calculations (so no impact if type:row). Also, when server="y", only visible cells are included regardless of this setting. Choices are visible (rows visible on the page), unfiltered (all rows not filtered out, even if not visible because of pagination), all (all rows, even if filtered or hidden), and hidden (rows filtered out and rows hidden due to pagination).
label - set the label for the total, which will appear in the header for row totals and in the first column for column totals.
tstotalformat Format for table totals (click here for patterns). Example: #,###.
tstotaloptions Pipe-separated options for totals for each column which are set in the tstotals parameter:
format - overrides the default number format set in tstotalformat
ignore - column will be excluded from total calculations set in the tstotals parameter. Remember to include any columns that will be added for row totals set in the tstotals parameter.
Favorite Display a button for a user to click to make an object a favorite objectType Indicate type of object
objectId Enter the ID of the object
Figlet Generate FIGlet text banners font Path to "fif" font file. Find more fonts here http://www.figlet.org/fontdb.cgi
width Defines the maximum width of the output string in characters.
File Link to a file that's attached or in a gallery or archive type Indicate whether the file is in a file gallery or is a wiki page attachment
Options: | gallery | attachment
name Identify an attachment by entering its file name, which will show as a link to the file. If the page parameter is empty, it must be a file name of an attachment to the page where the plugin is used.
desc Custom text that will be used for the link instead of the file name or file description
page Name of the wiki page the file is attached to. Defaults to the wiki page where the plugin is used if empty.
showdesc Show the attachment description as the link label instead of the attachment file name.
Options: | 1 | 0
image Indicates that this attachment is an image, and should be displayed inline using the img tag
Options: | 1 | 0
fileId File ID of a file in a file gallery or an archive. Example value: 42
date For an archive file, the archive created just before this date will be linked to. Special values : PAGE_LAST_MOD and PAGE_VIEW_DATE.
showicon Show an icon version of the file or file type with the link to the file.
Options: | y | n
browserdisplay Display in different browser window or tab instead of downloading.
Options: | y | n
translatetitle Translate, if possible, the file title using Tiki multilingual feature (you can add custom translation in Tiki)
Options: | y | n
Files List files by ID, gallery or category, or show a slideshow of image files galleryId To list only files contained in these file galleries (multiple IDs separated by colon).
Or enter a username for user files (hint: enter {{user}} for current logged-in user).
categId To restrict files listed to those belonging to one or more categories. Enter a single category or ID or list of them separated by colon
fileId To list only specified files, enter their file IDs separated by colon. If File IDs are specified here then the Gallery ID field above should be empty.
sort Order ascending (_asc), descending (_desc) or random based on any field in the file gallery table. Default is name_asc
Options: | name_asc | name_desc | created_asc | created_desc | lastModif_asc | lastModif_desc | filename_asc | filename_desc | filesize_asc | filesize_desc | filetype_asc | filetype_desc | lastDownload_asc | lastDownload_desc | random
showaction Show a column with icons for the various actions the user can take with each file (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showfind Show a search box above the list (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showfindisrecursive The search box digs recursively in sub-galleries (by default)
Options: | y | n
showtitle Show the title of the file gallery (shown by default). Also shown on slide show pop up window if a single galleryId is used.
Options: | y | n
showid Show the ID number of each file (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showicon Show the file-type icon for each file
Options: | y | n
showname Show the name given to the file upon upload into the file gallery (shown by default). Set to Yes (y) to show as a caption in a slide show.
Options: | y | n
showfilename Show each file's filename (shown by default except in slide show). Set to Yes (y) to show as a caption in a slide show.
Options: | y | n
showsize Show the size of each file in kilobytes (shown by default except in slide show)
Options: | y | n
showdescription Show the description of the file given upon upload into the file gallery (shown by default except in slide show). Set to Yes (y) to show as a caption in a slide show.
Options: | y | n
showcreated Show the date each file was created (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showmodified Show the date each file was last modified (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showmodtimedate if showmodified is set to y then this will show both the date and time that each file was last modified (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showhits Show the number of hits each file has received (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showlockedby For locked files, show the username of the user who locked it (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showauthor Show the username of the user who is the author of the file (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showcreator Show the username of the user who is the creator of the file (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showgallery Show the name of the parent gallery
Options: | y | n
showfiles For galleries included in the list (where the file gallery includes other galleries), show the number of files in each of those galleries (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showsource Show the source (shown by default).
Options: | y | n
slideshow Show a link that produces a popup slideshow when clicked (not set by default)
Options: | y | n
slidewidth Set width of slideshow popup.
slideheight Set height of slideshow popup.
showcomment Show comments for each file (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showlasteditor Show the username of the user who last modified the file (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showthumb Show Image thumb
Options: | y | n
creator Show only files created by this user
showupload Show a simple form to upload files to the gallery (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
max Number of rows (default: -1 = all)
recursive Recursive
Options: | y | n
withsubgals With subgalleries
Options: | y | n
Fitnesse Create test suites for applications built using Tiki no parameters n/a
Fluidgrid Arrange content into rows and columns using a Bootstrap fluid grid. joincols Merge empty cells into the cell to their left
Options: | y | n
devicesize Specify the device size below which the cells will be stacked vertically
Options: | sm | md | lg | xl
colsize Specify all column widths in units which add up to 12 or percent, separating each width by a pipe (|)
first Cells specified are ordered first left to right across rows (default) or top to bottom down columns
Options: | col | line
customclass Add a class to customize the design
Font Format the font type and size of text family Select the font family to display the content.
Options: | sans serif | serif | monospace | Arial | Century Gothic | Comic Sans MS | Courier New | Tahoma | Times New Roman | Verdana
size The size of the font. This can be pixels, percentage or any other specification that is supported by the HTML/CSS standard. See here for details. The "px" suffix can be omitted. For instance, use size=15 or size=15px for a font size of 15 pixels.
Footnote Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnoteArea) tag Tag footnote with unique identifier
sameastag Tag to existing footnote by its Tag
sameas Tag to existing footnote number
class Add class to footnotearea
scheme Segregate footnotes by class in footnotearea. Apply different numbering style (optional)
Footnotearea Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnote) class Filter footnotearea by footnote class
sameasstyle Numbering style for sameas referencing.
Freetagged List similarly tagged objects tags Leave blank to use the object's own tags.
type Type of objects to extract. Set to All to find all types.
Options: | all | all | wiki page | blog post | article | directory | faq | file gallery | file | poll | quiz | survey | tracker
offset Start record
maxRecords Default -1 (all)
sort_mode Determine sort order based on various fields (Default: created_desc)
Options: | comments_locked_asc | comments_locked_desc | created_asc | created_desc | description_asc | description_desc | hits_asc | hits_desc | href_asc | href_desc | itemid_asc | itemid_desc | name_asc | name_desc | objectid_asc | objectid_desc | type_asc | type_desc
find Show objects with names or descriptions similar to the text entered here
broaden n|y
Options: | y | n
h_level Choose the header level for formatting. Default is 3 (for header level h3). Set to -1 for no header tags.
titles_only Choose whether to show titles only (not shown by default)
Options: n | y
max_image_size Height or width in pixels. Default: 0 (no maximum)
more Show a 'more' link that links to the full list of tagged objects (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
moreurl Alternate "more" link pointing to specified URL instead of default full list of tagged objects
moretext Alternate text to display on the "more" link (default is "more")
Friend Friend and unfriend other users other_user The user you wish to change relations with.
add_button_text Button text that's displayed when friending a user.
remove_button_text Button text that's displayed when un-friending a user.
Ftp Create a button for downloading a file from an FTP server server Name of the server for the FTP account. Example: ftp.myserver.com
user Username for the FTP account
password Password for the FTP account
title Label for the FTP download button
ftpMode Defines how data connections are initiated. Please use the passive mode to avoid data connections errors in case the client is behind firewall.
Options: passive | active
Fullwidthtitle Display the page title the full width of the site content container. title If you need to include tpl files.
iconsrc Source path of the icon.
Ganttchart Create and display a gantt graphic using tracker data trackerId Tracker to search from
order Permanent name of the field to use for row number order
level Permanent name of the field to use for row level
status Permanent name of the field to use for row status
depends Permanent name of the field to use for row dependency
progress Permanent name of the field to use for row progress, values between 0-100
name Permanent name of the field to use for row name
description Permanent name of the field to use for row description
code Permanent name of the field to use for row code
begin Permanent name of the field to use for event beginning
end Permanent name of the field to use for event ending
resourceId Permanent name of the field to use for resources ending
roleId Permanent name of the field to use for roles ending
effort Permanent name of the field to use for effort ending, values in milliseconds
startIsMilestone Flag field to start is milestone
endIsMilestone Flag field to end is milestone
canWrite Flag field to write or not in tasks
canDelete Flag field that permit to delete or not tasks
canWriteOnParent Flag field to write or not in parent tasks
canDuplicate Flag field to allow duplicate tasks
Options: y | n
ganttId Gantt chart ID value to filter
ganttIdField Permanent name of the field to use to filters the ganttId
Gauge Display a horizontal bar gauge value Current value to be represented by the gauge
max Maximum possible value. Default: 100
label Label displayed on the left side of the gauge.
color Main color of the gauge. Use HTML color codes or names.
bgcolor Background color of the gauge. Use HTML color codes or names.
size Bar width in pixels.
labelsize Label width, in pixels.
perc Set to true (Yes) to display a percentage of the maximum.
Options: | 1 |
showvalue Set to %1 (No) to hide the numeric value (shown by default).
Options: | 1 |
height Bar height in pixels.
Gdgraph Create a simple bar chart from supplied data type Defines what type of bar chart is to be generated
Options: barvert | barhoriz
title Displayed above the graph
axestext Size options for the text used for the x and y axes values - the default selection is Large-Text
Options: Large-Text | Normal-Text
alttag Text for image alt tag - the default is "GDgraph image"
width Overall width in pixels. Default value is 300.
height Sets the total height in pixels of the image generated to display the entire graph - if not set and type is barhoriz then the image height will be calculated from the number of x,y pairs, which is useful if the number of x,y pairs is not known eg they are generated using (say) a LIST, CUSTOMSEARCH or trackerlist plugin. The auto height option only works properly if the title is not shown.
class In addition to the standard wp-gdgraph class, apply a second custom class to the surrounding DIV
divid Apply an id tag to the surrounding DIV
float Set the alignment for the graph image. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it unless the clear parameter is appropriately set.)
Options: none | left | right
clear Text, etc. is not allowed to wrap around the box if this parameter is set to 1 (Yes)
Options: | 1 | 0
Getaccesstoken Display a link on a secure page using an access token entry The path or part of the path that the token is for
keys Query string parameter keys that the token is for, separated by a colon (:)
values Query string parameter values that the token is for, separated by a colon (:)
Googleanalytics Add the tracking code for Google Analytics account The account number for the site. Your account number from Google looks like UA-XXXXXXX-YY. All you need to enter is XXXXXXX-YY
group_option Define option for Google Analytics groups, include or exclude
groups User groups for which Google Analytics will be available
Googlechart Draw charts from Google Analytics data. credentials Location of the (service account) credentials JSON file. Must be kept private and not web accessible. (Only needed on the first plugin on each page)
query_ids In the format ga:XXXXXXX where XXXXXXX the URL of the analytics admin.
query Can be used instead of the parameters below. E.g. "metrics=ga:users&dimensions=ga:country", query can be generated here: ga-dev-tools
query_metrics e.g. "ga:pageviews", default "ga:sessions,ga:users"
query_start-date default "30daysAgo"
query_end-date default "yesterday"
query_dimensions default "ga:date"
query_segment default ""
query_max-results default 50
query_sort One of the metrics usually, e.g. "-ga:sessions" default ""
chart_container ID of a DIV to contain the chart (optional)
chart_type Type of chart, e.g. LINE, PIE etc.
Options: | LINE | COLUMN | BAR | PIE | TABLE | GEO
width In pixels or percentage. Default value is 100%.
height In pixels or percentage. Default value is 300.
float Set the alignment for the entire element. For elements with a width of less than 100%, other elements will wrap around it unless the clear parameter is appropriately set.
Options: | right | left | none
Googledoc Display a Google document type Type of Google document
Options: | document | slides | spreadsheet | forms | drive
key Google doc key - for example: pXsHENf1bGGY92X1iEeJJI
name Name of iframe. Default is "Frame" + the key
url The URL of the file on Google Drive
size Size of frame. Use instead of width and height. The sizes will fit the Google presentations sizes exactly.
Options: | small | medium | large
width Width in pixels or %
height Height in pixels or %
align Position of frame on page
Options: | top | middle | bottom | left | right
frameborder Choose whether to show a border around the iframe
Options: | 1 | 0
marginheight Margin height in pixels
marginwidth Margin width in pixels
scrolling Choose whether to add a scroll bar
Options: | yes | no | auto
editLink Choose whether to show an edit link and set its location
Options: | top | bottom | both
Group Display content based on the user's groups or friends groups Select one or more groups allowed to view the block.
users Select one or more users allowed to view the block.
notgroups Select one or more groups not allowed to view the block.
friends Select one or more users. Friends of these selected users will be allowed to view the block.
pending Select one or more groups. Users will be allowed to view the block if their membership payment to join the groups is outstanding.
notpending Select one or more groups. Users will be allowed to view the block if their membership in all of the selected groups is not pending.
Groupedit Display a list of the groups for users that have the edit limited group permission to edit the group information. no parameters n/a
Groupexpiry Show the expiration date of a group the user belongs to group The name of an existing group on the site
Grouplist Create a complete or filtered list of groups group If no group is selected, all groups will be listed. Selecting a group will cause only groups that include this group to be listed.
description Display the text description provided for the Group.
Options: | y | n
linkhome Link the group name to the group homepage, if there is one (not linked to by default)
Options: | y | n
recur Recursively list the included groups (the default is to not list them repeatedly)
Options: | y | n
own Filter the list of groups to include only the groups from the user viewing the page (default is not to filter)
Options: | y | n
Groupmailcore Display GroupMail functions on a page fromEmail Email address to report.
trackerId ID of GroupMail Logs tracker (set up in alias by profile).
fromFId ID of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile).
operatorFId ID of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile).
subjectFId ID of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile).
messageFId ID of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile).
contentFId ID of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile).
accountFId ID of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile).
datetimeFId ID of GroupMail Logs tracker field (usually set up in alias by profile).
Groupstat Show the distribution of users among groups groups Select one or more groups. If none selected, all groups will be listed.
percent_of Show percentage out of all users in site, or just those specified in the groups parameter.
Options: groups | site
show_percent Show the percentage of total users that are members of each group (percentages are shown by default)
Options: | y | n
show_bar Represent the percentage of total users that are members of each group in a bar graph (default is not to show the bar graph)
Options: | y | n
H5p Enable the creation, sharing and reuse of interactive HTML5 content. fileId The H5P file in a file gallery
Html Add HTML to a page tohead Insert the code in the HTML head section rather than in the body.
Options: | 0 | 1
wiki Parse wiki syntax within the HTML code.
Options: | 0 | 1
Icon Display an icon name Name of the icon
size Size of the icon (greater than 0 and less than 10).
rotate Rotate the icon (90, 180 or 270 degrees) or flip it (horizontal or vertical).
style Style supported by the current icon set.
Iframe Include the body of another web page in a scrollable frame within a page name Name
title Frame title
id HTML id for the iframe.
class Class for the iframe.
width Width in pixels or %
height Pixels or %
align Align the iframe on the page
Options: | top | middle | bottom | left | right
frameborder Choose whether to show a border around the iframe
Options: | 1 | 0
marginheight Margin height in pixels
marginwidth Margin width in pixels
scrolling Choose whether to add a scroll bar
Options: | yes | no | auto
src URL
responsive Make the display responsive so that browsers determine dimensions based on the width of their containing block by creating an intrinsic ratio that will properly scale on any device.
Options: | 16by9 | 4by3 | no
Img Display one or more custom-formatted images type Choose where to get the image from
Options: | fileId | attId | src | fgalId | randomGalleryId
fileId Numeric ID of an image in a file gallery (or a comma- or |-separated list of IDs).
id Only available when file_galleries_redirect_from_image_gallery is active
src Full URL to the image to display.
randomGalleryId Numeric ID of a file gallery. Displays a random image from that gallery.
fgalId Numeric ID of a file gallery. Displays all images from that gallery.
attId Numeric ID of an image attached to a wiki page (or a comma- or |-separated list).
thumb Makes the image a thumbnail with various options.
Options: | y | box | mouseover | mousesticky | popup | download | zoombox | zoom
link Causes the image to be a link to this address. Overrides thumb unless thumb is set to mouseover or mousesticky
height Height in pixels or percent. Syntax: 100 or 100px means 100 pixels; 50% means 50 percent. Percent applies when Image Source is set to file galleries images only.
width Width in pixels or percent. Syntax: 100 or 100px means 100 pixels; 50% means 50 percent. Percent applies when Image Source is set to file galleries images only.
retina Serves up retina images to high density screen displays. Width must be set to use this.
Options: | y | n
widths Comma-separated widths at which we may want the browser to request the image. Requires "sizes".
sizes Comma-separated sizes (in vw, em, px) for the image in xs, sm, md, and lg layouts. Must be 4 parameters.
max Maximum height or width in pixels (largest dimension is scaled). Overrides height and width settings.
desc Image caption. Use name or desc or namedesc for Tiki name and description properties, idesc or ititle for metadata from the image itself, otherwise enter your own description.
alt Alternate text that displays when image does not load. Set to "Image" by default.
responsive Default set by the admin using a preference and determines whether the image has the img-fluid class.
Options: | y | n
featured Set the image to be used for a thumbnail on referencing social network sites or for other special purpose
Options: | n | y
sort_mode Sort by database table field name, ascending or descending. Examples: fileId_asc or name_desc.
Options: | random | created_asc | created_desc | name_asc | name_desc | filename_asc | filename_desc | description_asc | description_desc | comment_asc | comment_desc | hits_asc | hits_desc | maxhits_asc | maxhits_desc | filesize_asc | filesize_desc | filetype_asc | filetype_desc | user_asc | user_desc | author_asc | author_desc | lockedby_asc | lockedby_desc | lastModifUser_asc | lastModifUser_desc | lastModif_asc | lastModif_desc | lastDownload_asc | lastDownload_desc | deleteAfter_asc | deleteAfter_desc | votes_asc | votes_desc | points_asc | points_desc | archiveId_asc | archiveId_desc
button Adds an enlarge button (magnifying glass icon) below the image for use together with thumb. Follows thumb settings unless thumb is set to mouseover or mousesticky (or overridden by link), otherwise button settings are followed, operating as described above for thumb
Options: | y | popup | browse | browsepopup | download
rel Specifies the relationship between the link image and the target. Enter box to cause the image to enlarge in a popup when clicked.
usemap Name of the image map to use for the image.
hspace Horizontal spacing, in pixels, applied to both sides of the image. It may be necessary to use this legacy type of styling if the legacyalign parameter needs to be used for cases where float does not work eg newsletters viewed as an email.
vspace Vertical spacing, in pixels, applied to top and bottom of the image. It may be necessary to use this legacy type of styling if the legacyalign parameter needs to be used for cases where float does not work eg newsletters viewed as an email.
legacyalign Aligns the image itself using the legacy align tag for cases where float does not work eg newsletters viewed as an email. Can be used in addition to the imalign parameter for cases where web pages are viewed by modern browsers and are used by the Newsletter function to send a web page as an email
Options: | right | left | center
imalign Aligns the image itself. Overridden by any alignment settings in styleimage. If stylebox or desc are also set, then image only aligns inside the box - use stylebox in this case to align the box on the page.
Options: | right | left | center
styleimage Enter border to place a dark gray border around the image. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects.
align Aligns a block around the image (including the image). Image is no longer inline when this setting is used. Can be overridden by any alignment settings in stylebox.
Options: | right | left | center
stylebox Enter border to place a dark gray border around the image. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects.
styledesc Enter right or left to align text accordingly. Otherwise enter CSS styling syntax for other style effects.
block Control how other items wrap around the image.
Options: | top | bottom | both
class CSS class to apply to the image. class="fixedSize" prevents the image from being automatically resized and relocated in Tiki SlideShows
title This text will appear in a tool tip when the image is moused over. If this is not set, the desc setting will be used. Use name or desc or namedesc for Tiki name and description properties
metadata Display the image metadata (IPTC, EXIF and XMP information).
Options: | view
quality 0 to 100 (default is 75)
lazyLoad Set to "n" to prevent lazy loading if enabled. Useful in carousels and so on sometimes.
Options: | n
absoluteLinks Use the full URL for src and link URLS.
Options: | n | y
default Default configuration settings (usually set by admin in the source code or through Plugin Alias).
mandatory Mandatory configuration settings (usually set by admin in the source code or through Plugin Alias).
noDrawIcon Do not show draw/edit icon button under image.
Options: | n | y
Include Include a portion of another wiki page page Name of the source wiki page (which contains the included portion)
start When only a portion of the page should be included, full text of the line after which inclusion should start
stop When only a portion of the page should be included, full text of the line before which inclusion should end
linkoriginal Add a "Read more" link at the end of included content, linking to the original page. (shows "Read More" by default)
Options: | y | n
linkoriginal_text Label of the button linking to the source page (if it is displayed)
nopage_text Text to show when the page selected to be included is not found anymore.
pagedenied_text Text to show when the page exists but the user has insufficient permissions to see it.
pagenotapproved_text Text to show when the page exists but no version is approved.
page_edit_icon Option to show the edit icon for the included page (shown by default). Depends on the "edit icons" settings.
Options: | y | n
max_inclusions Maximum amount of times the same page can be included. Defaults to 5
parse_included_page Parse the page to be included before adding it to the parent page. This will help if html pages are included in wiki pages or vice versa, but will cause issues with the wiki table of contents.
Options: | y | n
page_replace_icon Option to show the replace page icon, for the included page to be replaced by original wiki text. Depends on the "edit icons" settings.
Options: | y | n
max_chars_included Limit the length of the included text
page_version Get the version of page included
recursive_include_warning Option to warn when we include a page within itself.
Options: y | n
Includetpl Include a Smarty template (.tpl) file in a page filename If you need to include Smarty template files.
values Values to be passed to tpl file, for example values=var1:val1&var2:val2, which can then be accessed in the Smarty template file as {$values.var1} and {$values.var2}
Includeurl Include the body content from a URL url URL to external file to include.
Indent Indent a block of wiki content by one level no parameters n/a
Insert Create a tracker item when the plugin is inserted in the page. The plugin code is removed and replaced by a link to the newly created item. no parameters n/a
Invite Invite a user to join your groups including Will list only the groups that include this group
defaultgroup Dropdown list will show this group by default
itemId Dropdown list will show the group related to this item ID (in group selector or creator field) by default
Jq Add jQuery JavaScript code notonready Do not execute on document ready (execute inline)
nojquery Optional markup for when JavaScript is off
lang Language to apply JQuery to
Js Add JavaScript code or files file JavaScript filename
lateload Late load, use headerlib
Options: | y | n
Kaltura Display a video created through the Kaltura feature id Kaltura ID of the video to be displayed
player_id Kaltura Dynamic Player (KDP) user interface configuration ID
Options: | 23583451 | 13412472 | 7693591 | 7668631 | 7645931 | 7645941
width Width of the player in pixels or percent
height Height of the player in pixels or percent
align Alignment of the player
Options: | left | center | right
float Alignment of the player using CSS float
Options: | left | right
Kanban boardTrackerId Id of the tracker the board is a partial representation of
title Tracker field containing the inline editable text shown on each card.
description Optional text shown below the title on each card.
column Tracker field representing the columns, usually a dropdown list with options such as "Wishes", "Work" and "Done".
columnValues For the tracker field mapped in "column", defines for each column the value a tracker item must have for that field, as well as the label displayed as the column header and the WiP limit for that column. Implicitely defines the number of columns and in which order they are shown; You can skip values so they are not part of the board (and you typically do, if only to eventually archive done cards). The parameter is and array of colon separated values, each containing a coma separated arguments configuring the column. In order, the configuration represent the: 1) Mandatory. The value the mapped field must have in the tracker item for the card to be shown in the matching column. 2) Optional. If present and not "null", the text to be displayed as the column header instead of the normal tracker field label for the value above. (For example "Done" instead of "Closed") 3) Optional. If present and not "null", the WiP (Work in Progress) limit for the cards in the column. In "null", there is no limit for the number of cards in the column. Typically you will use null for the first and last column. null or nothing between the comas means the parameter is not set. Necessary since the arguments are positional. So for example: someValue,someAlternateTextToDisplay,null:someOtherValue,,4 Means the board would have two colums, the first column would be titled "someAlternateTextToDisplay" containing cards with the value "someValue" for the mapped field and no limit to the number of cards. The second column would have cards with "someOtherValue" for the mapped field, with whatever the label is for that value in the field definition, and the column would be highlighted red if there is more than 4 cards. No card with any other value would be anywhere on the board. To allow empty values, include a field with an empty value (ex: someValue:someOtherValue:,Unsorted cards) If the whole parameter is absent (not recommended), all possible field values will be used to generate columns (except the empty value).
order Sort order for cards within a cell. Must be a numeric field. You will have to create it if the board represents an existing tracker. It is not meant to be displayed to the user, or represent something global like "priority" (that would make no sense on a partial representation). It merely means that the card is displayed above any card with lower value, and below any card with a higher one if displayed in the same cell. When a card is moved board will halve the value of the two surrounding cards to compute the new value.
swimlane Tracker field representing the "rows" or "swimlanes" of the board. Can be any field with discrete values. Usually represents a client, a project, or a team member. By default, all tracker items with that field set to a valid values will be shown on the board. To allow empty values, see swimlaneValues. Note: A kanban board can have multiple rows, but these rows aren't independent, they share the same possible States and Wip limits. If what you want is completely independent "rows", create two boards on the same tracker, with different filters.
swimlaneValues Similar to columnValues, except there is no WiP limit. To allow empty values, include a field with an empty value (ex: someValue:someOtherValue:,Unsorted cards). An aditional swimlane will be included for empty values. If the parameter is present but only contains the empty value (ex: ,Unsorted cards), all possible field values will be used to generate swimlanes, and an aditional swimlane will be included for empty values.
Lang Show alternative content based on the page language lang List of languages for which the block is displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Use + to separate multiple languages.
notlang List of languages for which the block is not displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Use + to separate multiple languages.
Lastmod Show the last modification date for a page page Page name to display information of. Default value is current page.
format Set date and time format according to site settings.
Options: | long_date | short_date | long_datetime | short_datetime | iso
Layout Configure display details of the page header, footer, and side columns, as well as content width and background, etc.; helpful in creating landing/splash pages, etc. header Set to No to hide the page header (top module zone).
Options: y | n
footer Set to No to hide the footer (bottom module zone).
Options: y | n
leftcolumn Set to No to hide the left column.
Options: y | n
rightcolumn Set to No to hide the right column.
Options: y | n
fullwidth Override fixed width, if set, to have liquid layout.
Options: n | y
nosidemargins Enable background images, etc. to span the complete width of the page.
Options: n | y
contentwidth Enter page content width in px or %; for example, 1000px, leave blank for same width as page body.)
bgimage Enter image URL, in the case of a single image.
bgrepeat Options are cover, repeat, no-repeat
Options: repeat | cover | norepeat
fgalId Enter file gallery ID for slideshow background.
fileIds List of IDs of images from the file galleries, separated by commas.
topmargin Enter value in % or px; for example, 30%, 300px. Default is 0.
headerwidth Enter page header width in px or %; leave blank for same width as page body.
footerwidth Enter page footer width in px or %; leave blank for same width as page body.
bgcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
contentbg Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
contenttextcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code; for example, #000, #fff, #ccc.
contentradius Enter px or % to give the content round corners; for example, 10px.
contentboxshadow To create a shadow around the content, for example: 10px 10px 5px grey, 1px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2).
transitiondelay Time interval to pause before moving to the next slide, in seconds.
actionbuttons Set to No to hide the page action buttons.
Options: y | n
topbar Set to No to hide the topbar (top module zone).
Options: y | n
pagetopbar Set to No to hide the pagetop module zone.
Options: y | n
pagebottombar Set to No to hide the pagebottom module zone.
Options: y | n
Like Create a "Like" button. objectType Object Type
objectId Object ID
count_only Sets whether to only show the count of likes rather than give the option to vote
List Search for, list, and filter all types of items and display custom-formatted results. searchable_only Only include results marked as searchable in the index.
Options: | 1 | 0
gui Use the graphical user interface for editing this list plugin.
Options: | 1 | 0
cache Cache output of this list plugin.
Options: y | n | a
cacheexpiry Time before cache is expired in minutes.
cachepurgerules Purge the cache when the type:id objects are updated. Set id=0 for any of that type. Or set type:withparam:x. Examples: trackeritem:20, trackeritem:trackerId:3, file:galleryId:5, forum post:forum_id:7, forum post:parent_id:8. Note that rule changes affect future caching, not past caches.
multisearchid This is for much better performance by doing one search for multiple LIST plugins together. Render results from previous {MULTISEARCH(id-x)}...{MULTISEARCH} block by providing the ID used in that block.
allowStickyHeaders Sticky Headers for the table when scrolling top Default value: No
Options: | n | y
Listexecute Set custom actions that can be executed on a filtered list of objects no parameters n/a
Listpages List pages based on various criteria offset Result number at which the listing should start.
max Limit number of items displayed in the list. Default is to display all.
initial Initial page to show
showNameOnly Show only the page names
Options: | y | n
showNameAndDescriptionOnly Show only the page names and descriptions
Options: | y | n
categId Filter categories by Id numbers. Use different separators to filter as follows:
: - Page is in any of the specified categories. Example: 1:2:3
+ - Page must be in all of the specified categories. Example: 1+2+3
- - Page is in the first specified category and not in any of the others. Example: 1-2-3
structHead Filter by structure head
Options: | y | n
showPageAlias Show page alias in the list
Options: | y | n
includetag Only pages with specific tag (separate tags using ;)
excludetag Only pages with specific tag excluded (separate tags using ;)
showNumberOfPages Show the number of pages matching criteria
Options: | y | n
find Only pages with names similar to the text entered for this parameter will be listed
lang Two-letter language code to filter pages listed.
langOrphan Two-letter language code to filter pages listed. Only pages not available in the provided language will be listed.
translations User- or pipe-separated list of two-letter language codes for additional languages to display. If the language parameter is not defined, the first element of this list will be used as the primary filter.
translationOrphan User- or pipe-separated list of two-letter language codes for additional languages to display. List pages with no language or with a missing translation in one of the language
exact_match Page name and text entered for the filter parameter must match exactly to be listed
Options: | y | n
only_orphan_pages Only list orphan pages
Options: | y | n
Options: | y | n
sort Sort ascending or descending on any field in the tiki_pages table. Syntax is field name followed by _asc or _desc. Two examples: lastModif_desc pageName_asc
start When only a portion of the page should be included, specify the marker from which inclusion should start.
end When only a portion of the page should be included, specify the marker at which inclusion should end.
length Number of characters to display
showCheckbox Option to show checkboxes
Options: | y | n
offset_arg Argument, id of the plugin (if more than one on the page), for pagination
pagination Turn on pagination
Options: | y | n
exclude_pages Wiki page names to be excluded from list
Livesupport This plugin adds an online Support Request button to a wiki page check_operators_online Show live chat only if operator is available
Options: y | n
operator_groups Group that acts as live support operators
leave_message leave message if no operator is available
Options: y | n
Localfiles Show a link to local or shared files and directories. path Local file or directory path
list If the path above is a directory then list the contents.
Options: | y | n
icons Show MIME file-type icons.
Options: | y | n
Lsdir List files in a directory dir Full path to the server-local directory. Default is the document root.
urlprefix Make the file name a link to the file by adding the URL path preceding the file name. Example: http://yoursite.com/tiki/
sort Set the sort order of the file list
Options: | name | size | atime | ctime | mtime
filter Only list files with file names that contain this filter. Example: .jpg
limit Maximum amount of files to display. Default is no limit.
Mail Mail other users or groups group Limit the list of groups to the groups including each group
showgroupdd Show a dropdown list of groups (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
recurse Show each group and each group included in this group
Options: | y | n
recurseuser Indicate how many times to recurse to collect the users of a selected group and the users of each included groups. If 0 do not recurse, if 1, recurse one time, 2 for two times....
showuserdd Show a dropdown list of users (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showuser Show a box for user to enter email addresses
Options: | y | n
showrealnamedd Show a dropdown list of user real names (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
popup Show in popup instead of inline.
Options: | y | n
label_name Text to show on the button to send emails (default: Send mail)
mail_subject Present Email subject content
bypass_preview Send emails without first previewing
Options: | y | n
debug Show list of emails that are sent (admins only)
Options: | y | n
Map Display a map scope Display the geolocated items represented in the page (all, center, or custom as a CSS selector). Default: center
controls Comma-separated list of map controls will be displayed on the map and around it
width Width of the map in pixels
height Height of the map in pixels
center Format: x,y,zoom where x is the longitude, and y is the latitude. zoom is between 0 (view Earth) and 19.
popupstyle Alter the way the information is displayed when objects are loaded on the map.
Options: | bubble | dialog
mapfile MapServer file identifier. Only fill this in if you are using MapServer.
extents Extents
size Size of the map
tooltips Show item name in a tooltip on hover
Options: | y | n
tilesets Tilesets to use for background layers, comma separated. Tileset groups can be added separated by a tilde character (requires Open Layers v3+, default is the geo_tilesets preference)
cluster Distance between features before they are "clustered", 0 (off) to 100. (requires Open Layers v3+, default is 0)
clusterHover Appearance of clusters on mouse over. (requires Open Layers v3+, default is features)
Options: | features | none
clusterFillColor Cluster fill color in RGB. (requires Open Layers v3+, default is 86, 134, 200)
clusterTextColor Cluster text and outline color in RGB. (requires Open Layers v3+, default is 255, 255, 255)
Markdown Parse the body of the plugin using a Markdown parser. no parameters n/a
Mautic Add the tracking code for Mautic type Defines type of data to be tracked
Options: form | contacts
form_id The focus form ID you want to load in Tiki
available_actions The available options are used to display the possible actions in the contact list, the actions are separated by a comma
Mcalendar Convert a Gregorian date to a Mayan calendar date template You must use the variable substitution.
LongCount: ~np~%baktun%, %katun%, %tun%, %winal%, %kin%
Tzolkin: %tzolkin13%, %tzolkin20%, %tzolkin20name%
Haab: %haabkin%, %haabwinal%, %haabwinalname%
Misc: %longkin%, %julianday%

Example: template "%baktun%.%katun%.%tun%.%winal%.%kin%, %tzolkin13% %tzolkin20name%, %haabkin% %haabwinalname%"for 22.05.2009 will return, 8 CHUEN, 9 SIP.

Default template: %baktun%.%katun%.%tun%.%winal%.%kin% %tzolkin13% %tzolkin20name% %haabkin% %haabwinalname%~/np~
grdate Gregorian date for convert. Format: DD.MM.YYYY. Default: Today's date
Mediaplayer Add a media player to a page src Complete URL to the media to include, which has the appropriate extension. If your URL doesn't have an extension, use the File type parameter below.
mp3 Complete URL to the media to include, which has the appropriate extension.
type File type for source URL, e.g. mp4, pdf or odp. Specify one of the supported file types when the URL of the file is missing the file extension. This is the case for File Gallery files which have a URL such as tiki-download_file.php?fileId=4&display or display4 if you have Clean URLs enabled.
width Player width in px or %
height Player height in px or %
mediatype Media type for HTML5
Options: | audio | video
Memberlist List and allow editing of group members groups List of groups to handle through the interface (use * for all). Semi-colon separated.
showDescriptions Display group descriptions below list name.
Options: | y | n
displayMode How to show the member lists.
Options: | tabs
max Maximum number of users to list in each group (default 100).
membersOnly Show only groups containing a certain user. Enter %user% to show groups for the current logged-in user.
sort_mode Sort mode for member listing.
readOnly Read only mode. All ability to modify membership is hidden.
Options: | y | n
defaultGroup Adds possibility to set group as default group. This automatically adds the user to the group. "Required" option will not propose simple addition in group.
Options: | n | both | y
including Only groups including the group that you specify will be listed
Options: | y | n
email_to_removed_user Email notification to removed user
Options: | y | n
showgroupname Display or hide group name
Options: | y | n
Memberpayment Receive payment from a member to extend membership to a group group Name of the group for which the subscription should be added or extended.
price Price per period (USD).
currentuser Membership only for the current user
Options: | y | n
inputtitle Title of the initial input form. Use %0 for the group name, %1 for the price, %2 for the currency, %4 for the number of days and %5 for the number of years. Supports wiki syntax.
inputtitleonly Select Yes (y) to just show the title of the input form and not the period and cost information. Input Title must be set as well.
Options: | y | n
howtitle Add a title to the payment form when initially shown after clicking "Continue". Use %0 for the group name, %1 for the price, %2 for the currency, %4 for the number of days and %5 for the number of years. Supports wiki syntax
howtitleonly Select Yes (y) to just show the title of the payment form. Initial Payment Form Title must be set as well.
Options: | y | n
paytitle Title of the payment form after the initial showing. Use %0 for the group name, %1 for the price, %2 for the currency, %4 for the number of days and %5 for the number of years. Supports wiki syntax
paytitleonly Select Yes (y) to just show the title of the payment form that shows after the initial viewing. Subsequent Payment Form Title must be set as well.
Options: | y | n
preventdoublerequest Prevent user from extended if there is already a pending request
Options: | y | n
freeperiods Give specified numbers of free periods, the first one could be prorated, in addition to those bought
hideperiod Do not allow user to set period - use default of 1.
Options: | y | n
periodslabel Customize the label for the periods input. No effect if Hide Period is set to Yes (y).
returnurl Page that payment service returns to after processing.
Metatag Add custom meta tags to the HTML head section of the page where the plugin is used. name Name attribute of the meta tag
content Content attribute of the meta tag
Miniquiz Create a quiz using a tracker trackerId Numeric value representing the miniquiz tracker ID
Module Display a module module Module name as known in Tiki
Options: action_calendar | alternate_register_link_because_InterTiki | alternate_search | Application_Menu | Archived Content | article_archives | article_topics | articles | Back To Top 0.4.3 | zotero | breadcrumbs | calendar_new | cart | categories | category_transition | change_category | collapse | Compare | contributors | cookiesettings | Copyright | current_activity | Custom site logo | Custom Temporary Notice | directory_stats | Doc Menu | doc-dev-crosslinks | doc_annexes | doc_index | Documentation Menu | documentation_toc | domain_password | facebook | FAQ redirect | featured_links | file_galleries | friend_list | git_detail | adsense | google | groups_emulation | header_navbar_fixed-top | Hide Fixed Top Nav Bar on Scroll (0.4) | Keywords | last_actions | last_visitors | last_modified_blogs | last_modif_events | last_file_galleries | breadcrumb | last_modif_pages | map_layer_selector | list | live_support | locator | login_box | logo | map_edit_features | map_search_location | menu | menupage | minichat | Minou | mod_Admins | map_mode_selector | modHelp | zone | months_links | search_morelikethis | top_active_blogs | users_rank | most_commented | forums_most_commented_forums | freetags_most_popular | mustread | user_blogs | user_bookmarks | freetags_prefered | users_own_rank | user_tasks | register | last_submissions | blog_last_comments | last_blog_posts | last_created_blogs | last_category_objects | wiki_last_comments | directory_last_sites | last_created_faqs | last_files | forums_last_posts | last_podcasts | last_created_quizzes | last_tracker_comments | last_tracker_items | last_validated_faq_questions | rsslist | Newsletter_subscribe | notificationlink | old_articles | who_is_there | package | pagetop_hero | payment_outstanding | num_submissions | permissions | perspective | Post-it | Postit | poweredby | user_tasks_public | adminbar | quickadmin | quick_edit | quick_search | QuickPoll | random_pages | reading_time | comm_received_objects | recordrtc | whats_related | related_video | search | search_wiki_page | search_last_rebuild_stats | semantic_links | loadstats | SF | SF_Logo | share | Shared_footer | short_url | shoutbox | action_similarcontent | freetags_morelikethis | since_last_visit_new | since_last_visit | switch_lang_admin | switch_color_mode | switch_lang | switch_theme | freetag | terminology | assistant | tikitests | credits | Tiki_sites_dropdown | TikiDocumentationSuite | TikiStats | top_articles | top_blog_posters | directory_top_sites | top_file_galleries | top_files | top_forum_posters | top_objects | top_pages | top_quizzes | top_visited_blogs | top_visited_faqs | forums_most_read_topics | forums_most_visited_forums | forums_best_voted_topics | topbar_navbar_main-navigation | trackerhelp | tracker_input | translation | twitter | messages_unread_messages | upcoming_events | user_pages | usergroup_tracker | users_list | websearch | freetags_current | menustructure | xmpp | youtube | last_youtube_playlist_videos
notitle Select Yes (y) to hide the title (default is to show the title)
Options: | y | n
title Title to display at the top of the box, assuming No Title is not set to Yes (y).
float Align the module to the left or right on the page allowing other elements to align against it
Options: | nofloat | left | right
max Number of rows (default: 10)
np Parse wiki syntax. Default: No
Options: | 0 | 1
nobox y|n Show only the content with no title or borders, etc. around the content.
Options: | y | n
decoration Show module title (heading) background, etc. (default is to show them)
Options: | 1 | 0
flip Add ability to show/hide the content of the module (default is the site admin setting for modules)
Options: | 1 | 0
bgcolor Override the background color for the title (if the title is shown). The value can be a color name (ex: bgcolor="blue") or a hexadecimal value (ex: bgcolor="#FFEBCD")
module_style Inline CSS for the containing div element, for example, max-width:80%
style CSS styling for the module data itself.
topclass Custom CSS class of div around the module.
class Custom CSS class.
device On which device the module must be displayed, by default it is displayed on all devices.
category Module displayed depending on category. Multiple category ids or names can be separated by semi-colons.
nocategory Module hidden depending on category. Multiple category ids or names can be separated by semi-colons. This takes precedence over the category parameter above.
perspective Only display the module if in one of the listed perspective IDs. Semi-colon separated.
lang Module only applicable for the specified languages. Languages are defined as two character language codes. Multiple values can be separated by semi-colons.
section Module only applicable for the specified sections. Multiple values can be separated by semi-colons.
page Module only applicable on the specified page names. Multiple values can be separated by semi-colons.
nopage Module not applicable on the specified page names. Multiple values can be separated by semi-colons.
theme Module enabled or disabled depending on the theme file name (e.g. thenews.css). Specified themes can be either included or excluded. Theme names prefixed by ! are in the exclusion list. Multiple values can be separated by semi-colons.
creator Module only available based on the relationship of the user with the wiki page. Either only creators (y) or only non-creators (n) will see the module.
contributor Module only available based on the relationship of the user with the wiki page. Either only contributors (%0y%1) or only non-contributors (%0n%1) will see the module.
Modulelist Display the modules assigned to a zone zone The name of the module zone to include. Can be a custom zone name.
Options: | top | topbar | pagetop | left | right | pagebottom | bottom
Mono Display text in a monospace font font Font name as recognized by browsers.
Mouseover Display hidden content by mousing over text label Text displayed on the page. The body is the hidden content.
url Destination link when mouseover text is clicked. Use http:// for external links
text DEPRECATED Hidden content. The body contains the label.
width Mouseover box width. Default: 400px
height Mouseover box height. Default: 200px
offsetx Shifts the overlay to the right by the specified number of pixels relative to the cursor. Default: 5
offsety Shifts the overlay lower by the specified number of pixels relative to the cursor. Default: 0
parse Parse the body of the plugin as wiki content (parsed by default)
Options: | y | n
parselabel Parse the label as wiki content (parsed by default)
Options: | y | n
class CSS class to apply
bgcolor Background color to apply to the popup
textcolor Color to apply to the text in the popup
sticky When enabled, popup stays visible until it is clicked.
Options: | y | n
padding Padding size in pixels
effect Set the type of show/hide animation that will be used
Options: | none | slide | fade | blind_ui | clip_ui | drop_ui | explode_ui | fold_ui | puff_ui | slide_ui
speed Set the speed of the animation.
Options: | fast | slow
closeDelay Number of seconds before popup closes
tag HTML tag to use for the label. Default a
Mwtable Display a table using MediaWiki syntax fancy Set to true to apply additional formatting to the table (header style, odd/even rows, etc.). Takes precedence over the wiki_classes parameter.
Options: | true | false
wiki_classes Determines whether wiki style classes will be used for the table and cells (used by default)
Options: | true | false
Networkcondition Display content based on the user's IP address ipv4list Comma-separated list of IPv4 addresses to match against the visitor's address.
Now Show the current date and time format Time format using the PHP format described here: https://doc.tiki.org/Date-and-Time-Features
when Date time as specified in text using strtotime, i.e. "next month" - documentation here: https://doc.tiki.org/Date-and-Time-Features
allowinvalid Allow return values that are not a valid date, such as the day of the month
Options: | n | y
timezone Select a Time zone. If left empty, Tiki will guess the most appropriate one.
Options: | Africa/Abidjan | Africa/Accra | Africa/Addis_Ababa | Africa/Algiers | Africa/Asmara | Africa/Asmera | Africa/Bamako | Africa/Bangui | Africa/Banjul | Africa/Bissau | Africa/Blantyre | Africa/Brazzaville | Africa/Bujumbura | Africa/Cairo | Africa/Casablanca | Africa/Ceuta | Africa/Conakry | Africa/Dakar | Africa/Dar_es_Salaam | Africa/Djibouti | Africa/Douala | Africa/El_Aaiun | Africa/Freetown | Africa/Gaborone | Africa/Harare | Africa/Johannesburg | Africa/Juba | Africa/Kampala | Africa/Khartoum | Africa/Kigali | Africa/Kinshasa | Africa/Lagos | Africa/Libreville | Africa/Lome | Africa/Luanda | Africa/Lubumbashi | Africa/Lusaka | Africa/Malabo | Africa/Maputo | Africa/Maseru | Africa/Mbabane | Africa/Mogadishu | Africa/Monrovia | Africa/Nairobi | Africa/Ndjamena | Africa/Niamey | Africa/Nouakchott | Africa/Ouagadougou | Africa/Porto-Novo | Africa/Sao_Tome | Africa/Timbuktu | Africa/Tripoli | Africa/Tunis | Africa/Windhoek | America/Adak | America/Anchorage | America/Anguilla | America/Antigua | America/Araguaina | America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | America/Argentina/Catamarca | America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia | America/Argentina/Cordoba | America/Argentina/Jujuy | America/Argentina/La_Rioja | America/Argentina/Mendoza | America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos | America/Argentina/Salta | America/Argentina/San_Juan | America/Argentina/San_Luis | America/Argentina/Tucuman | America/Argentina/Ushuaia | America/Aruba | America/Asuncion | America/Atikokan | America/Atka | America/Bahia | America/Bahia_Banderas | America/Barbados | America/Belem | America/Belize | America/Blanc-Sablon | America/Boa_Vista | America/Bogota | America/Boise | America/Buenos_Aires | America/Cambridge_Bay | America/Campo_Grande | America/Cancun | America/Caracas | America/Catamarca | America/Cayenne | America/Cayman | America/Chicago | America/Chihuahua | America/Ciudad_Juarez | America/Coral_Harbour | America/Cordoba | America/Costa_Rica | America/Creston | America/Cuiaba | America/Curacao | America/Danmarkshavn | America/Dawson | America/Dawson_Creek | America/Denver | America/Detroit | America/Dominica | America/Edmonton | America/Eirunepe | America/El_Salvador | America/Ensenada | America/Fort_Nelson | America/Fort_Wayne | America/Fortaleza | America/Glace_Bay | America/Godthab | America/Goose_Bay | America/Grand_Turk | America/Grenada | America/Guadeloupe | America/Guatemala | America/Guayaquil | America/Guyana | America/Halifax | America/Havana | America/Hermosillo | America/Indiana/Indianapolis | America/Indiana/Knox | America/Indiana/Marengo | America/Indiana/Petersburg | America/Indiana/Tell_City | America/Indiana/Vevay | America/Indiana/Vincennes | America/Indiana/Winamac | America/Indianapolis | America/Inuvik | America/Iqaluit | America/Jamaica | America/Jujuy | America/Juneau | America/Kentucky/Louisville | America/Kentucky/Monticello | America/Knox_IN | America/Kralendijk | America/La_Paz | America/Lima | America/Los_Angeles | America/Louisville | America/Lower_Princes | America/Maceio | America/Managua | America/Manaus | America/Marigot | America/Martinique | America/Matamoros | America/Mazatlan | America/Mendoza | America/Menominee | America/Merida | America/Metlakatla | America/Mexico_City | America/Miquelon | America/Moncton | America/Monterrey | America/Montevideo | America/Montreal | America/Montserrat | America/Nassau | America/New_York | America/Nipigon | America/Nome | America/Noronha | America/North_Dakota/Beulah | America/North_Dakota/Center | America/North_Dakota/New_Salem | America/Nuuk | America/Ojinaga | America/Panama | America/Pangnirtung | America/Paramaribo | America/Phoenix | America/Port-au-Prince | America/Port_of_Spain | America/Porto_Acre | America/Porto_Velho | America/Puerto_Rico | America/Punta_Arenas | America/Rainy_River | America/Rankin_Inlet | America/Recife | America/Regina | America/Resolute | America/Rio_Branco | America/Rosario | America/Santa_Isabel | America/Santarem | America/Santiago | America/Santo_Domingo | America/Sao_Paulo | America/Scoresbysund | America/Shiprock | America/Sitka | America/St_Barthelemy | America/St_Johns | America/St_Kitts | America/St_Lucia | America/St_Thomas | America/St_Vincent | America/Swift_Current | America/Tegucigalpa | America/Thule | America/Thunder_Bay | America/Tijuana | America/Toronto | America/Tortola | America/Vancouver | America/Virgin | America/Whitehorse | America/Winnipeg | America/Yakutat | America/Yellowknife | Antarctica/Casey | Antarctica/Davis | Antarctica/DumontDUrville | Antarctica/Macquarie | Antarctica/Mawson | Antarctica/McMurdo | Antarctica/Palmer | Antarctica/Rothera | Antarctica/South_Pole | Antarctica/Syowa | Antarctica/Troll | Antarctica/Vostok | Arctic/Longyearbyen | Asia/Aden | Asia/Almaty | Asia/Amman | Asia/Anadyr | Asia/Aqtau | Asia/Aqtobe | Asia/Ashgabat | Asia/Ashkhabad | Asia/Atyrau | Asia/Baghdad | Asia/Bahrain | Asia/Baku | Asia/Bangkok | Asia/Barnaul | Asia/Beirut | Asia/Bishkek | Asia/Brunei | Asia/Calcutta | Asia/Chita | Asia/Choibalsan | Asia/Chongqing | Asia/Chungking | Asia/Colombo | Asia/Dacca | Asia/Damascus | Asia/Dhaka | Asia/Dili | Asia/Dubai | Asia/Dushanbe | Asia/Famagusta | Asia/Gaza | Asia/Harbin | Asia/Hebron | Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh | Asia/Hong_Kong | Asia/Hovd | Asia/Irkutsk | Asia/Istanbul | Asia/Jakarta | Asia/Jayapura | Asia/Jerusalem | Asia/Kabul | Asia/Kamchatka | Asia/Karachi | Asia/Kashgar | Asia/Kathmandu | Asia/Katmandu | Asia/Khandyga | Asia/Kolkata | Asia/Krasnoyarsk | Asia/Kuala_Lumpur | Asia/Kuching | Asia/Kuwait | Asia/Macao | Asia/Macau | Asia/Magadan | Asia/Makassar | Asia/Manila | Asia/Muscat | Asia/Nicosia | Asia/Novokuznetsk | Asia/Novosibirsk | Asia/Omsk | Asia/Oral | Asia/Phnom_Penh | Asia/Pontianak | Asia/Pyongyang | Asia/Qatar | Asia/Qostanay | Asia/Qyzylorda | Asia/Rangoon | Asia/Riyadh | Asia/Saigon | Asia/Sakhalin | Asia/Samarkand | Asia/Seoul | Asia/Shanghai | Asia/Singapore | Asia/Srednekolymsk | Asia/Taipei | Asia/Tashkent | Asia/Tbilisi | Asia/Tehran | Asia/Tel_Aviv | Asia/Thimbu | Asia/Thimphu | Asia/Tokyo | Asia/Tomsk | Asia/Ujung_Pandang | Asia/Ulaanbaatar | Asia/Ulan_Bator | Asia/Urumqi | Asia/Ust-Nera | Asia/Vientiane | Asia/Vladivostok | Asia/Yakutsk | Asia/Yangon | Asia/Yekaterinburg | Asia/Yerevan | Atlantic/Azores | Atlantic/Bermuda | Atlantic/Canary | Atlantic/Cape_Verde | Atlantic/Faeroe | Atlantic/Faroe | Atlantic/Jan_Mayen | Atlantic/Madeira | Atlantic/Reykjavik | Atlantic/South_Georgia | Atlantic/St_Helena | Atlantic/Stanley | Australia/ACT | Australia/Adelaide | Australia/Brisbane | Australia/Broken_Hill | Australia/Canberra | Australia/Currie | Australia/Darwin | Australia/Eucla | Australia/Hobart | Australia/LHI | Australia/Lindeman | Australia/Lord_Howe | Australia/Melbourne | Australia/North | Australia/NSW | Australia/Perth | Australia/Queensland | Australia/South | Australia/Sydney | Australia/Tasmania | Australia/Victoria | Australia/West | Australia/Yancowinna | Brazil/Acre | Brazil/DeNoronha | Brazil/East | Brazil/West | Canada/Atlantic | Canada/Central | Canada/Eastern | Canada/Mountain | Canada/Newfoundland | Canada/Pacific | Canada/Saskatchewan | Canada/Yukon | CET | Chile/Continental | Chile/EasterIsland | EET | EST | Etc/GMT | Etc/GMT+0 | Etc/GMT+1 | Etc/GMT+10 | Etc/GMT+11 | Etc/GMT+12 | Etc/GMT+2 | Etc/GMT+3 | Etc/GMT+4 | Etc/GMT+5 | Etc/GMT+6 | Etc/GMT+7 | Etc/GMT+8 | Etc/GMT+9 | Etc/GMT-0 | Etc/GMT-1 | Etc/GMT-10 | Etc/GMT-11 | Etc/GMT-12 | Etc/GMT-13 | Etc/GMT-14 | Etc/GMT-2 | Etc/GMT-3 | Etc/GMT-4 | Etc/GMT-5 | Etc/GMT-6 | Etc/GMT-7 | Etc/GMT-8 | Etc/GMT-9 | Etc/GMT0 | Etc/Greenwich | Etc/UCT | Etc/Universal | Etc/UTC | Etc/Zulu | Europe/Amsterdam | Europe/Andorra | Europe/Astrakhan | Europe/Athens | Europe/Belfast | Europe/Belgrade | Europe/Berlin | Europe/Bratislava | Europe/Brussels | Europe/Bucharest | Europe/Budapest | Europe/Busingen | Europe/Chisinau | Europe/Copenhagen | Europe/Dublin | Europe/Gibraltar | Europe/Guernsey | Europe/Helsinki | Europe/Isle_of_Man | Europe/Istanbul | Europe/Jersey | Europe/Kaliningrad | Europe/Kiev | Europe/Kirov | Europe/Kyiv | Europe/Lisbon | Europe/Ljubljana | Europe/London | Europe/Luxembourg | Europe/Madrid | Europe/Malta | Europe/Mariehamn | Europe/Minsk | Europe/Monaco | Europe/Moscow | Europe/Nicosia | Europe/Oslo | Europe/Paris | Europe/Podgorica | Europe/Prague | Europe/Riga | Europe/Rome | Europe/Samara | Europe/San_Marino | Europe/Sarajevo | Europe/Saratov | Europe/Simferopol | Europe/Skopje | Europe/Sofia | Europe/Stockholm | Europe/Tallinn | Europe/Tirane | Europe/Tiraspol | Europe/Ulyanovsk | Europe/Uzhgorod | Europe/Vaduz | Europe/Vatican | Europe/Vienna | Europe/Vilnius | Europe/Volgograd | Europe/Warsaw | Europe/Zagreb | Europe/Zaporozhye | Europe/Zurich | GB | GMT | GMT+0 | GMT-0 | HST | Indian/Antananarivo | Indian/Chagos | Indian/Christmas | Indian/Cocos | Indian/Comoro | Indian/Kerguelen | Indian/Mahe | Indian/Maldives | Indian/Mauritius | Indian/Mayotte | Indian/Reunion | MET | Mexico/BajaNorte | Mexico/BajaSur | Mexico/General | MST | NZ | Pacific/Apia | Pacific/Auckland | Pacific/Bougainville | Pacific/Chatham | Pacific/Chuuk | Pacific/Easter | Pacific/Efate | Pacific/Enderbury | Pacific/Fakaofo | Pacific/Fiji | Pacific/Funafuti | Pacific/Galapagos | Pacific/Gambier | Pacific/Guadalcanal | Pacific/Guam | Pacific/Honolulu | Pacific/Johnston | Pacific/Kanton | Pacific/Kiritimati | Pacific/Kosrae | Pacific/Kwajalein | Pacific/Majuro | Pacific/Marquesas | Pacific/Midway | Pacific/Nauru | Pacific/Niue | Pacific/Norfolk | Pacific/Noumea | Pacific/Pago_Pago | Pacific/Palau | Pacific/Pitcairn | Pacific/Pohnpei | Pacific/Ponape | Pacific/Port_Moresby | Pacific/Rarotonga | Pacific/Saipan | Pacific/Samoa | Pacific/Tahiti | Pacific/Tarawa | Pacific/Tongatapu | Pacific/Truk | Pacific/Wake | Pacific/Wallis | Pacific/Yap | PRC | ROC | ROK | UCT | US/Alaska | US/Aleutian | US/Arizona | US/Central | US/East-Indiana | US/Eastern | US/Hawaii | US/Indiana-Starke | US/Michigan | US/Mountain | US/Pacific | US/Samoa | UTC | WET
Objecthits Display the number of hits for certain objects object For a wiki page, the page name, for other object types: ID number + ? + object title
type Object type, such as wiki, file gallery, file, article, etc. Default is wiki.
days Show the number of hits over the past number of days indicated. Default is to show all hits.
since Date since the hits are collected in a format supported by strtotime
Objectlink Display a link to an object type The object type
id The item to display
title The link title if not using the default object one
Oembed Embed a video or media using oEmbed protocol url Complete URL to the oEmbed video or media
width Width in pixels. Default: 560
height Height in pixels. Default: 315
privacyEnhanced Enable privacy-enhanced mode (if applicable)
Options: | y | n
bg Object background color. Example: #ffffff, rgb(255, 255, 255), white
border Object border color. Example: #ffffff, rgb(255, 255, 255), white
start Start time offset in seconds
allowFullScreen Enlarge video to full screen size
Options: | y | n
Package Display the output of a wiki plugin within a Tiki Package. package Name of package in the form vendor/name
plugin Name of the plugin file without the .php
Pagetabs Display the content of a wiki page in a set of tabs. pages The wiki pages you would like to use in this plugin, optional, separate with pipe |. Or a table with the class of "pagetabs" on the main page. On child pages use as a way to redirect to the parent.
Param Display content based on URL parameters name Names of parameters required to display text, separated by |.
source Source where the parameter is checked.
Options: | get | post | cookie
value Value to test for. If empty then just tests if the named params are set and not "empty".
Payment Show the details of a payment request or invoice. id Unique identifier of the payment request
Paymentlist Show details of payments. The payments considered may be restrained by user or date. type Payment type
Options: past | outstanding | cancelled | overdue | authorized
Options: total | table | json
user Payments by a particular user
payer Payments by anonymous where the payer's email is recorded
date_start Date range start, accepts most date formats
date_end Date range end
filter URL encoded string for advanced searching (e.g. description=Club+Membership&details=info@example.com)
offset For pagination
max For pagination
sort For pagination
Options: | login_asc | login_desc | amount_asc | amount_desc | payment_date_asc | payment_date_desc | request_date_asc | request_date_desc
Paypal Embed a PayPal button cmd Type of PayPal button
Options: | _cart | _xclick | donations
cart_action Action if Shopping Cart selected for type
Options: | add | display
item_name Item name or description. Required for Shopping cart
amount Item price
paypal_button Button appearance
Options: | small_button | custom
custom_image_url Custom button image URL
item_number Optional item identifier, often a tracker itemId
quantity Number of items, empty or 0 to have an input the user can fill in
shipping The cost of shipping this item
shipping2 The cost of shipping each additional unit of this item
weight Weight of item
weight_unit The unit of measure if weight is specified
Options: | kgs | lbs
business PayPal business name/ID (Uses value in admin/payment if not set here)
minicart See https://github.com/jeffharrell/MiniCart
Options: | y | n
no_shipping Indicate whether to prompt for and require an address
Options: | 0 | 1 | 2
return Empty for current page, n to disable
shopping_url Empty for current page, n to disable
cancel_return Empty for current page, n to disable
title Tooltip for the form and alt attribute for the image
stringButton The checkout button text
stringSubtotal The subtotal text
stringDiscount The discount text
stringShipping The shipping text
stringProcessing The processing text
Pdf For customized PDF generation, to override global PDF settings. printfriendly Print friendly option will change theme background color to white and text /headings color to black. If set to 'n', theme colors will be retained in pdf
Options: | y | n
orientation Landscape or portrait
Options: | P | L
pagesize ISO Standard sizes: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 or North American paper sizes: Letter, Legal, Tabloid/Ledger (for ledger, select landscape orientation)
Options: | Letter | Legal | Tabloid/Ledger | A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6
toc Set if table of contents will be autogenerated before PDF content
Options: | y | n
toclinks Link TOC headings with content on PDF document
Options: | y | n
tocheading Heading to be appeared before table of content is printed
toclevels Will be autopicked from content of document, for example:H1|H2|H3
pagetitle Print wiki page title with pdf
Options: | y | n
header Enter Wiki Syntax / HTML code / Plain text.
Possible values: Custom HTML / Wiki Syntax / text , {PAGENO}, {DATE j-m-Y}, Page {PAGENO} of {NB}, Left text| Center Text | Right Text.
Set header value as off, to turn off header from page
footer Possible values: HTML / Wiki Syntax / Plain text, {include page="wiki_page_name"} {PAGENO}, {DATE j-m-Y}.
For example: {PAGETITLE}|Center Text|{PAGENO}, Page {PAGENO} of {NB}, {include page="wiki_page_name"}.
Set footer value as off, to remove footer from page
margin_left Numeric value.For example 10
margin_right Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10
margin_top Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10
margin_bottom Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10
margin_header Only applicable if header is set. Numeric value only, no need to add px.Warning: Header can overlap text if top margin is not set properly
margin_footer Only applicable if footer is set.Numeric value only, no need to add px. Warning: Footer can overlap text if bottom margin is not set properly
Options: | off | footnote
autobookmarks Values H1-H6,separated by | For example H1|H2|H3
Options: | 2 | 3 Columns | 4 Columns
password Secure confidential PDF with password, leave blank if password protected is not needed
watermark Watermark text value, for example: Confidential, Draft etc.
watermark_image Full URL of watermark image
background Enter a valid CSS color code.
background_image Enter the full URL.
coverpage_text_settings Heading|Subheading|Text Alignment|Background color|Text color|Page border|Border color. Enter settings separated by |,sequence is important,leave blank for default. For example {PAGETITLE}|Tikiwiki|Center|#fff|#000|1|#ccc
coverpage_wiki Name of the wiki page that will be used for the text of the coverpage.
coverpage_settings Background color|Page border|Border color. Enter settings separated by |,sequence is important,leave blank for default. For example #fff|1|#000
coverpage_image_settings Enter the full URL.
Pdfbookmark Manual bookmark entry for a PDF file content
Options: 0 | 1 | 2
Pdfpage Insert page with new settings in PDF orientation Landscape or portrait
Options: | P | L
pagesize ISO Standard sizes: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 or North American paper sizes: Letter, Legal, Tabloid/Ledger (for ledger, select landscape orientation)
Options: | Letter | Legal | Tabloid/Ledger | A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6
header Enter Wiki Syntax / HTML code / Plain text.
Possible values: Custom HTML / Wiki Syntax / text , {PAGENO}, {DATE j-m-Y}, Page {PAGENO} of {NB}, Left text| Center Text | Right Text.
Set header value as off, to turn off header from page
footer Possible values: HTML / Wiki Syntax / Plain text, {include page="wiki_page_name"} {PAGENO}, {DATE j-m-Y}.
For example: {PAGETITLE}|Center Text|{PAGENO}, Page {PAGENO} of {NB}, {include page="wiki_page_name"}.
Set footer value as off, to remove footer from page
margin_left Numeric value.For example 10
margin_right Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10
margin_top Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10
margin_bottom Numeric value, no need to add px. For example 10
margin_header Only applicable if header is set. Numeric value only, no need to add px.Warning: Header can overlap text if top margin is not set properly
margin_footer Only applicable if footer is set.Numeric value only, no need to add px. Warning: Footer can overlap text if bottom margin is not set properly
Options: | off | footnote
Options: | 2 | 3 Columns | 4 Columns
watermark Watermark text value, for example: Confidential, Draft etc.
watermark_image To turn off watermark image on the page, set value as off
background Enter a valid CSS color code.
background_image Enter the full URL.
Pdfpagebreak Helpful to format PDF files created, plugin adds page break in PDF file generated. no parameters n/a
Perm Display content based on permission settings perms Pipe-separated list of permissions, one of which is needed to view the default text. Example: tiki_p_rename|tiki_p_edit
notperms Pipe-separated list of permissions, any of which will cause the default text not to show. Example: tiki_p_rename|tiki_p_edit
global Indicate whether the permissions are global or local to the object
Options: | 1 | 0
object Name or ID of the object to test if not global or the current object
type Type of object referred to in Object ID
Perspective Display content based on the user's current perspective perspectives Pipe-separated list of identifiers of perspectives in which the block is shown.Example value: 2|3|5
notperspectives Pipe-separated list of identifiers of perspectives in which the block is not shown.Example value: 3|5|8
Pivottable Create and display data in pivot table for reporting data For example 'tracker:1' or 'activitystream'
overridePermissions Return all tracker items ignoring permissions to view the corresponding items.
Options: | y | n
width Width of charts. You have to only put the value (Unit: px). For instance, use 500 for 500 pixels.
height Height of charts. You have to only put the value (Unit: px). For instance, use 500 for 500 pixels.
rows Which field or fields to use as table rows. Leaving blank will remove grouping by table rows. Use permanentNames in case of tracker fields. Separated by colon (:) if more than one.
cols Which field or fields to use as table columns. Leaving blank will use the first available field. Use permanentNames in case of tracker fields. Separated by colon (:) if more than one.
colOrder The order in which column data is provided to the renderer, must be one of "key_a_to_z", "value_a_to_z", "value_z_to_a", ordering by value orders by column total.
rowOrder The order in which row data is provided to the renderer, must be one of "key_a_to_z", "value_a_to_z", "value_z_to_a", ordering by value orders by row total.
rendererName Display format of data
Options: Table | Table Barchart | Heatmap | Row Heatmap | Col Heatmap | Line Chart | Bar Chart | Overlay Bar Chart | Stacked Bar Chart | Relative Bar Chart | Boxplot Chart | Horizontal Boxplot Chart | Area Chart | Histogram | Density Histogram | Percent Histogram | Probability Histogram | Density Histogram Horizontal | Percent Histogram Horizontal | Probability Histogram Horizontal | Horizontal Histogram | Histogram2D | Density Histogram2D | Percent Histogram2D | Probability Histogram2D | Density Histogram2D Horizontal | Percent Histogram2D Horizontal | Probability Histogram2D Horizontal | Horizontal Histogram2D | Scatter Chart | Treemap
aggregatorName Function to apply on the numeric values from the variables selected.
Options: Count | Count Unique Values | List Unique Values | Sum | Integer Sum | Average | Minimum | Maximum | Sum over Sum | 80% Upper Bound | 80% Lower Bound | Sum as Fraction of Total | Sum as Fraction of Rows | Sum as Fraction of Columns | Count as Fraction of Total | Count as Fraction of Rows | Count as Fraction of Columns
vals Variable with numeric values or tracker field permNames, on which the formula from the aggregator is applied. It can be left empty if aggregator is related to Counts. Use permanentNames in case of tracker fields, separated by : in case of multiple fields function.
inclusions Filter values for fields in rows or columns. Contains JSON encoded object of arrays of strings.
menuLimit Pivottable menuLimit option override - number of entries to consider the menu list too big when filtering on a particular column or row.
aggregateDetails When enabled, clicking a table cell will popup all items that were aggregated into that cell. Specify the name of the field or fields to use to display the details separated by colon. Enabled by default. To disable, set contents to an empty string.
aggregateDetailsFormat Uses the translate function to replace %0 etc with the aggregate field values. E.g. "%0 any text %1"
aggregateDetailsCallback Use custom javascript function to build the aggregate details popup window.
highlightMine Highlight owned items' values in Charts.
Options: | y | n
highlightGroup Highlight items' values belonging to one of my groups in Charts.
Options: | y | n
highlightRequest Highlight items' values matching those coming from request like a search form POST. List pairs of tracker field names and incoming request variable names separated by a dash.
xAxisLabel Override label of horizontal axis when using Chart renderers.
yAxisLabel Override label of vertical axis when using Chart renderers.
chartTitle Override title when using Chart renderers.
chartHoverBar Display the Chart hover bar or not.
Options: y | n
translate Use translated data values for calculations and display. Default value: No
Options: | n | y
displayBeforeFilter Load PivotTable results on initial page load even before applying "editable" filters. Turn this off if you have a large data set and plan to use "editable" filters to dynamically filter it. Default value: Yes
Options: | n | y
dataCallback Pass a custom javascript function to tweak the final layout and data traces before rendering them.
allowStickyHeaders Sticky Headers for the Pivot Table when scrolling top or left Default value: No
Options: | n | y
lang This helps to avoid pivotUI missing the choosen aggregator next time you change the site language. Default value: "site" if you want to keep using the site language
Piwik Embed a Piwik preformatted report (widget module) - Piwik Analytics is required. To use this plugin you have to grant in your Piwik view permission to anonymous for the selected "Site Id" or to add a token authentification parameter. piwikserverurl The url to your Piwik Server, where data for the report are collected and available. http(s)://yourpiwik.tld/index.php?
In Piwik, the selected site (Site Id) must have view permission set for anonymous, or a token authentication parameter can be inserted in the Piwik server URL.
http(s)://yourpiwik.tld/index.php&token_auth=yourtokencode Important : token_auth is visible in the html code and must be used in private page accessible to trusted users.
idSite The ID of this website in Piwik To be improved.
moduleToWidgetize Piwik widget module to be used (as described in the widget section of your Piwik server) followed by the actionToWidgetize parameter separated by a comma.
Options: Actions,getPageUrls | Actions,getEntryPageUrls | Actions,getExitPageUrls | Actions,getOutlinks | Dashboard,index | Live,widget | Live,getSimpleLastVisitCount | Live,getVisitorProfilePopup | Referrers,getAll | Referrers,getSearchEngines | Resolution,getResolution | SEO,getRank | UserCountryMap,realtimeMap | UserCountryMap,visitorMap | UserCountryMap,getCountry | UserCountryMap,getContinent | UserLanguage,getLanguage | UserLanguage,getLanguageCode | VisitTime,getByDayOfWeek | VisitTime,getVisitInformationPerLocalTime | VisitTime,getVisitInformationPerServerTime | VisitTime,getByDayOfWeek | VisitsSummary,getEvolutionGraph | VisitsSummary,index | UserCountryMap,visitorMap | VisitorInterest,getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration | VisitFrequency,getSparklines | VisitFrequency,getEvolutionGraph | DevicesDetection,getType | DevicesDetection,getBrowsers | DevicesDetection,getBrowserVersions | DevicesDetection,getOsFamilies | DevicesDetection,getOsVersions | VisitorInterest,getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration | VisitorInterest,getNumberOfVisitsPerPage | VisitorInterest,getNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount | VisitorInterest,getNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast | Resolution,getResolution
period Data display duration. If range is selected you must enter the start and end the date.
Options: day | week | month | year | range
date Enter date or start date for the data to be displayed (yesterday by default). Possible values are: today, yesterday, and yyyy-mm-dd.
enddate Enter end date (format yyyy-mm-dd) for the data to be displayed (only if range period is selected).
_width Optional, width of the module in px or % (100% by default).
_height Optional, height of the module in px.
_scrolling Optional, scrolling of the iframe that contain the module (no by default).
Options: no | yes
code Piwik JavaScript tracking code
group_option Define option for Piwik groups, include or exclude
groups User groups for which piwik will be available
Playscorm Play a SCORM learning object in an iframe using Moodle fileId Numeric ID of a SCORM zip file in a File Gallery
moodle_url Web address of the Moodle instance
moodle_course_id Course ID in Moodle to upload SCORM objects to
width Width in pixels or %
height Pixels or %
scrolling Choose whether to add a scroll bar
Options: | y | n
id Numeric ID to distinguish multiple plugins of there is more than one
Pluginmanager List wiki plugin or module information for the site info Determines what information is shown. Values separated with |. Ignored when singletitle is set to top or none.
Options: | description | description|sourcecode | description|parameters | description|paraminfo | parameters|paraminfo | description|parameters|paraminfo
plugin Name of a plugin (e.g., backlinks), or list separated by |, or range separated by -. Single plugin can be used with limit parameter.
module Name of a module (e.g., calendar_new), or list separated by |, or range separated by -. Single module can be used with limit parameter.
preference Name of a preference (e.g., bigbluebutton_dynamic_configuration), or list separated by |, or range separated by -. Single preference can be used with limit parameter.
trackerfield Name of a tracker field, or list separated by |, or range separated by -. Single preference can be used with limit parameter.
prefsexport Default preferences export with columns name, description, location or list more separated by |.
type Type of the object to get tiki doc from (e.g: plugin, module, preference, ...)
singletitle Set placement of plugin name and description when displaying information for only one plugin
Options: | top | table
titletag Sets the heading size for the title, e.g., h2.
start Start with this plugin record number (must be an integer 1 or greater).
limit Number of plugins to show. Can be used either with start or plugin as the starting point. Must be an integer 1 or greater.
paramtype Only list parameters with this doctype setting. Set to none to show only parameters without a type setting and the body instructions.
showparamtype Show the parameter doctype value.
Options: | y | n
showtopinfo Show information above the table regarding preferences required and the first version when the plugin became available. Shown by default.
Options: | y | n
Poll Embed a poll pollId Numeric value representing the poll ID
showtitle Show poll title (shown by default).
Options: | y | n
showresult Set how results of the poll will be shown (default is link)
Options: | link | voted | always
showtotal Set to No (n) to not show votes. Default is Yes (y).
Options: | y | n
Pref Display content based on global preference settings no parameters n/a
Prefdoc Generate documentation for Tiki preference tabs, mostly for use on the Tiki documentation website (doc.tiki.org). tab The name of the preference tab to display, or a list of available tabs upon invalid.
img Show images at the top of each version of Tiki. Format: TikiVersion:FileGalleryID. Multiple images my be separated like so: TikiVersion1:FileGalleryID1|TikiVersion2:FileGalleryID2.
section Show just a section of preferences of the tab. Specify the name of the section to show.
Preference Allows to edit a preference by anyone that has permissions to see the current page name Preferences to be edited(separated by ,).
currentpage Page's name where this plugin will be shown.
Preview Enabled to generate preview of images or video files fileId Id of the file in the file gallery
animation Output should be a static image (0) or an animation (1)
width Width of the result in pixels
height Height of the result in pixels
download Show download link to the original file
range Page range preview in the format -. Example for the preview page from 2 to 4: "2-4"
Profile Add a button for applying a profile. domain Profile repository domain. Default value is profiles.tiki.org
name Name of the profile to be applied.
Profilesymbolvalue Display the profile symbol related with profile and a reference and optionally with domain or package domain Domain
profile Profile name
reference Reference name
package Package extension name
Proposal Allow users to vote on a proposal and view the results caption Short description of the proposal to vote on. Will be displayed above the result table.
weights Comma-separated list of groups and their associated weight. Default is Registered(1) Example: Reviewer(2.5),User(1),Manager(0.25),Registered(0)
Qr Generate QR Code size Size of QR Code
Quote Format text as a quote replyto Name of the quoted person.
thread_id The thread Id of the comment being replied to in forums. Overwrites replyto
source_url The URL to the source quoted.
date Date when the statement quoted was made (YYYY-MM-DD)
R Parse R syntax and show the output either from the code introduced between the plugin tags or from the file attached to a tracker item sent through PluginTracker. It can also be combined with Pretty Trackers to edit parameters from the script through web forms. echo Show a code block with the R commands to be run before running them (similarly to the echo command)
Options: | 0 | 1
echodebug Show a code block with the R commands to be run even if the R program fails to execute
Options: | 0 | 1
caption Code snippet label.
wrap Enable word wrapping on the code to avoid breaking the layout.
Options: | 1 | 0
colors Syntax highlighting with colors. Available: php, html, sql, javascript, css, java, c, doxygen, delphi, rsplus...
ln Show line numbers for each line of code.
Options: | 1 | 0
wikisyntax Choose whether the output should be parsed as wiki syntax (Optional). Options: 0 (no parsing, default), 1 (parsing)
Options: | 0 | 1
width Width of the graph (Optional). Options: an integer number in pixels (default) or in units specified. If ommitted but height is set, width will be proportional to keep aspect ratio
height Height of the graph (Optional). Options: an integer number in pixels (default) or in units specified. If ommitted but width is set, height will be proportional to keep aspect ratio
units Choose units for the width and/or height parameters (Optional). Options: px (default) for pixels, in (inches), cm or mm
pointsize The default pointsize of plotted text, interpreted as big points (1/72 inch) at res dpi (optional). Options: interger number such as 12 or bigger
bg The initial background colour (optional). Options: white, yellow, grey, ... and transparent
parse_body parses the body content to allow data to be generated from other plugins
res The nominal resolution in dpi which will be recorded in the bitmap file (if any). Also used for units other than the default, and to convert points to pixels (Optional). Options: a positive integer (default: 72 dpi). Values higher than 150 usually seem to be too much
svg Show link for the creation of the SVG version of the plot. Options: 0 (do not create it, default), 1 (create it). Requires R Cairo pakage, which can be checked with the following command in the R console: capabilities()
pdf Show link for the creation of the PDF version of the plot. Options: 0 (do not create it, default), 1 (create it). Requires R Cairo pakage, which can be checked with the following command in the R console: capabilities()
onefile Should all plots appear in one file? This is the default value (1); but if you answer no, they will attempt to appear in separate files in the server, even if you currently will not be able to fetch them easily through the internet browser. This param can be used with figure types svg and pdf; however, not many svg viewers support several plots in one svg file
Options: | 0 | 1
loadandsave Load a previous R session (.RData, if any) for the same wiki page so that R object will be used while you work within the same page. For pretty trackers are used (wiki pages with itemId), the R session data (.RData) will be shared for the same itemId across wiki pages
Options: | 0 | 1
cachestrategy Define caching strategy, including LoadAndSave session. Default: One cache and one LoadAndSave session per plugin
Options: one | peruser | nocache
cacheduration Force cache recalculation after time limit. Default: No limit
Options: 0 | 3600 | 86400 | 604800 | 2592000 | 31536000
cacheby Write cached files inside a folder containing the Page id (pageid; default option) or the Page name (pagename)
Options: | pagename | pageid
cacheagedisplay Display cache last modification date below the graph (default option: do not display)
Options: | 0 | 1
attId AttId from a tracker Item attachment. ex: 1. (Optional)
type Choose the source file type in the appropriate mimetype syntax (Optional). Options: csv|xml. ex: csv. (default). For xml, see documentation for more details on the additional R packages required
Options: | text/csv | text/xml
x11 Choose whether the server can use X11 to produce graphs in R, or alternatively use dev2bitmap instead (Optional). Options: 1 (R has support for X11, default), 0 (no support for X11 thus using dev2bitmap). These capabilities can be checked in the server with the command in the R console: capabilities()
removen Remove the extra \n tags generated by some R packages out of the user control (such as with charts generated through GoogleVis R package). Options: 0 (do not remove \n tags, default), 1 (remove them all).
customoutput Write your custom png creation R command. Use tikiRRfilename for value of output. RR does not produce an output file.
Options: | 0 | 1
Randominclude Include a random page's content. no parameters n/a
Rcontent Display pre-programmed changing content id Numeric value representing the content ID
Realnamelist Show user real names for members of a group sep String to use between elements of the list if table layout is not used
max Result limit
sort Set to sort in ascending or descending order (unsorted by default
Options: | asc | desc
layout Set to table to show results in a table (not shown in a table by default)
Options: | table
link Make the listed names links to various types of user information
Options: | userinfo | userpage | userpref
exclude Exclude certain test or admin names from the list
Options: | admin | admin-test | test | test-admin
Redirect Redirect to another page. page Wiki page name to redirect to.
url Complete URL, internal or external.
perspective The ID of a perspective to switch to (requires feature_perspective).
autologin_remotetiki Base URL where remote Tiki is located, to auto login to prior to redirection to page there, e.g. https://othertiki.com.
Regex Perform a regular expression search and replace pageName Name of page containing search and replace expressions separated by two colons. Example of syntax on that page: /search pattern/::replacement text
Registermemberpayment Register and make a member payment at the same time group Name of the group for which the subscription should be added or extended.
price Price per period (USD).
currentuser Membership only for the current user
Options: | y | n
inputtitle Title of the initial input form. Use %0 for the group name, %1 for the price, %2 for the currency, %4 for the number of days and %5 for the number of years. Supports wiki syntax.
inputtitleonly Select Yes (y) to just show the title of the input form and not the period and cost information. Input Title must be set as well.
Options: | y | n
howtitle Add a title to the payment form when initially shown after clicking "Continue". Use %0 for the group name, %1 for the price, %2 for the currency, %4 for the number of days and %5 for the number of years. Supports wiki syntax
howtitleonly Select Yes (y) to just show the title of the payment form. Initial Payment Form Title must be set as well.
Options: | y | n
paytitle Title of the payment form after the initial showing. Use %0 for the group name, %1 for the price, %2 for the currency, %4 for the number of days and %5 for the number of years. Supports wiki syntax
paytitleonly Select Yes (y) to just show the title of the payment form that shows after the initial viewing. Subsequent Payment Form Title must be set as well.
Options: | y | n
preventdoublerequest Prevent user from extended if there is already a pending request
Options: | y | n
freeperiods Give specified numbers of free periods, the first one could be prorated, in addition to those bought
hideperiod Do not allow user to set period - use default of 1.
Options: | y | n
periodslabel Customize the label for the periods input. No effect if Hide Period is set to Yes (y).
returnurl Page that payment service returns to after processing.
fixedperiods Give specific periods that can be chosen with a dropdown list. Example: name:value;name:value;value;value;
Relations Display the relation of an object to the rest of the site qualifiers Comma-separated list of relation qualifiers.
object Object identifier as type:itemId
singlelist Render all qualifiers into a single list without displaying the qualifier name.
Options: | 0 | 1
emptymsg Message to give if result is empty and no relations are found.
Remarksbox Display a comment, tip, note or warning box type Select type of remarksbox, which determines what icon and style will be displayed
Options: | comment | confirm | errors | information | note | tip | warning
title Label displayed above the remark.
highlight Use the highlight class for formatting (not used by default).
Options: | y | n
icon Enter a custom icon name (from tiki available icon at https://doc.tiki.org/PluginIcon)
close Show a close button (not shown by default).
Options: | y | n
width Width (e.g. 100% or 250px - default "")
store_cookie Set whether to remember if the alert is dismissed (not remembered by default). Requires id and version parameters to be set.
Options: | y | n
id Sets an HTML id for the account.
version Sets a version for the alert. If new version, the alert should show up again even if it was previously dismissed using the store_cookie parameter
Options: | div | h4
Rr Same as PluginR, but allowing the execution of potentially dangerous commands once the admin has validated the plugin call. echo Show a code block with the R commands to be run before running them (similarly to the echo command)
Options: | 0 | 1
echodebug Show a code block with the R commands to be run even if the R program fails to execute
Options: | 0 | 1
caption Code snippet label.
wrap Enable word wrapping on the code to avoid breaking the layout.
Options: | 1 | 0
colors Syntax highlighting with colors. Available: php, html, sql, javascript, css, java, c, doxygen, delphi, rsplus...
ln Show line numbers for each line of code.
Options: | 1 | 0
wikisyntax Choose whether the output should be parsed as wiki syntax (Optional). Options: 0 (no parsing, default), 1 (parsing)
Options: | 0 | 1
width Width of the graph (Optional). Options: an integer number in pixels (default) or in units specified. If ommitted but height is set, width will be proportional to keep aspect ratio
height Height of the graph (Optional). Options: an integer number in pixels (default) or in units specified. If ommitted but width is set, height will be proportional to keep aspect ratio
units Choose units for the width and/or height parameters (Optional). Options: px (default) for pixels, in (inches), cm or mm
pointsize The default pointsize of plotted text, interpreted as big points (1/72 inch) at res dpi (optional). Options: interger number such as 12 or bigger
bg The initial background colour (optional). Options: white, yellow, grey, ... and transparent
parse_body parses the body content to allow data to be generated from other plugins
res The nominal resolution in dpi which will be recorded in the bitmap file (if any). Also used for units other than the default, and to convert points to pixels (Optional). Options: a positive integer (default: 72 dpi). Values higher than 150 usually seem to be too much
svg Show link for the creation of the SVG version of the plot. Options: 0 (do not create it, default), 1 (create it). Requires R Cairo pakage, which can be checked with the following command in the R console: capabilities()
pdf Show link for the creation of the PDF version of the plot. Options: 0 (do not create it, default), 1 (create it). Requires R Cairo pakage, which can be checked with the following command in the R console: capabilities()
onefile Should all plots appear in one file? This is the default value (1); but if you answer no, they will attempt to appear in separate files in the server, even if you currently will not be able to fetch them easily through the internet browser. This param can be used with figure types svg and pdf; however, not many svg viewers support several plots in one svg file
Options: | 0 | 1
loadandsave Load a previous R session (.RData, if any) for the same wiki page so that R object will be used while you work within the same page. For pretty trackers are used (wiki pages with itemId), the R session data (.RData) will be shared for the same itemId across wiki pages
Options: | 0 | 1
cachestrategy Define caching strategy, including LoadAndSave session. Default: One cache and one LoadAndSave session per plugin
Options: one | peruser | nocache
cacheduration Force cache recalculation after time limit. Default: No limit
Options: 0 | 3600 | 86400 | 604800 | 2592000 | 31536000
cacheby Write cached files inside a folder containing the Page id (pageid; default option) or the Page name (pagename)
Options: | pagename | pageid
cacheagedisplay Display cache last modification date below the graph (default option: do not display)
Options: | 0 | 1
attId AttId from a tracker Item attachment. ex: 1. (Optional)
type Choose the source file type in the appropriate mimetype syntax (Optional). Options: csv|xml. ex: csv. (default). For xml, see documentation for more details on the additional R packages required
Options: | text/csv | text/xml
x11 Choose whether the server can use X11 to produce graphs in R, or alternatively use dev2bitmap instead (Optional). Options: 1 (R has support for X11, default), 0 (no support for X11 thus using dev2bitmap). These capabilities can be checked in the server with the command in the R console: capabilities()
removen Remove the extra \n tags generated by some R packages out of the user control (such as with charts generated through GoogleVis R package). Options: 0 (do not remove \n tags, default), 1 (remove them all).
customoutput Write your custom png creation R command. Use tikiRRfilename for value of output. RR does not produce an output file.
Options: | 0 | 1
security Set the security level for the R commands allowed by the plugin. ex: 1. (default in R), 0 for no security checking (default in RR).
Options: | 0 | 1
Rss Display items from one or more RSS feeds id List of feed IDs separated by colons (e.g., feedId:feedId2). You can find the IDs in the RSS Administration page: tiki-admin_rssmodules.php.
url The full URL of the RSS feed. Use this parameter if you want to directly link to an RSS feed without adding it to the RSS Administration page.
refresh Refresh period in minutes, determining how frequently the RSS feed is updated.
max Number of results displayed.
date Show date of each item (not shown by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
desc Show feed descriptions (not shown by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
author Show authors (not shown by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
icon URL to a favicon to put before each entry
showtitle Show the title of the feed (shown by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
ticker Turn static feed display into ticker news like
Options: | 1 | 0
desclen Max characters/length, truncates text to fit design
sortBy Sort by field
Options: title | publication_date | author
sortOrder Sort order
Options: ASC | DESC
tplWiki Custom wiki page with smarty content to use for displaying feed items instead of the default template
Scroll Show animated text that scrolls up or down width Width in pixels. Example: 600px.
height Height in pixels. Example: 450px.
speed Scroll speed in number of seconds (default is 8)
Semanticsearch Create a custom search using the https://github.com/Textualization/php-semantic-search resultstpl Smarty template (.tpl) file where search user interface template is found
searchformtpl Smarty template (.tpl) file where search user interface template is found
searchformwiki Wiki page where the search form is found
indexer The textualization index class to instantiate.
embedder The textualization embedder class to instantiate. It must match the one used during server indexing.
dblocation The filesystem location of the .db file to search into.
Sharethis Add a ShareThis button sendsvcs By default, email, aim and sms are available. Input one or two of the services separated by a | to limit the choice of send services.
Options: | aim | aim|email | aim|sms | email | email|sms
style Set button style.
Options: | horizontal | vertical | rotate
rotateimage A value of y (Yes) will cause the button icon to rotate every 3 seconds between a few icons, cycling through twice before stopping.
Options: | y | n
multiple Enter pipe-separated list of services, e.g., email|facebook|twitter|sharethis.
postfirst Input a list of post services (like Facebook|Myspace|Digg, etc.) separated by a | to customize the services that are shown in the opening panel of the widget.
buttontext Custom link text for the button.
headertitle Optional header title text for the widget.
headerbg HTML color code (not color name) for the background color for the header if an optional header title is used.
headertxtcolor HTML color code (not color name) for the header text if an optional header title is used.
linkfg HTML color code (not color name) for the link text for all send and post services shown in the widget
popup Set whether the widget will show in a popup window.
Options: | | true
embed Allow embedded elements (like flash) to be seen while iframe is loading.
Options: | | true
Sheet Display data from a TikiSheet id Internal ID of the TikiSheet. Either id or url is required.
url Internal URL of the Table to use as a spreadsheet. Either id or url is required.
simple Show a simple table view (Default: n = jquery.sheet view if feature enabled).
Options: | y | n
width Width in pixels or percentage. Default value is page width, for example, 200px or 100%
height Height in pixels or percentage. Default value is complete spreadsheet height.
editable Show edit button. Default is to show depending on user's permissions.
Options: | y | n
subsheets Show multi-sheets (default is to show)
Options: | y | n
range Show a range of cells (or single cell). Default shows all. e.g. D1:F3 or e14:e14
class Apply custom CSS class to the containing div.
Shopperinfo Collect shopper information for the shopping cart values Names of values to be collected separated by : as defined in shopper profile
labels Labels of the values to be collected separated by a colon
showifloggedin Normally this is used for anonymous users but sometimes may be used when logged in also
Options: | y | n
Shorten Show/hide a portion of text length Char length of always visible portion of text.
moreText A label indicating the text is expandable.
lessText A label for collapse text action.
show_speed Speed of animation in milliseconds when showing content (200 is fast and 600 is slow. 1000 equals 1 second).
hide_speed Speed of animation in milliseconds when hiding content (200 is fast and 600 is slow. 1000 equals 1 second).
Showpages Find pages by searching within page names find Search criteria
max Maximum amount of results displayed.
display Display page name and/or description. Both displayed by default.
Options: | name | desc | name|desc
Showpref Display the value of public global preferences pref Name of preference to be displayed.
Showreference Add bibliography listing in the footer of a wiki page title Title to be displayed in the bibliography listing. Default is Bibliography.
showtitle Show bibliography title. Title is shown by default.
Options: | yes | no
hlevel The HTML header tag level of the title. Default: 1
Options: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
removelines Remove the horizontal lines displayed above and below the list of references.
Options: | yes | no
pageid Provide the page id
Sign Sign and date your contribution to a page user Auto-generated, the username.
datetime Auto-generated, the timestamp
Signature Allows to draw signatures name Name of component.
width Signature image width (default is 400px)
height Signature image height (default is 200px)
align Signature image align in document (default is left)
editable_by_user Put some usernames that are allowed to edit this plugin
editable_by_groups Put some groups that are allowed to edit this plugin
Skype Add a link for calling or chating with a Skype user action Set whether to call or chat. Default is chat
Options: | call | chat
showstatus Show a status icon or not i.e. if online/offline/etc. Default is to not show status.
Options: y | n
Slideshow Create a slideshow from the content of a wiki page theme The theme you want to use for the slideshow, default will be what you choose from the admin panel under Look and Feel for jQuery UI
Options: black | blood | beige | league | moon | night | serif | simple | sky | solarized
parallaxBackgroundImage URL of the background image to use in your slideshow, overrides backgroundcolor
parallaxBackgroundSize syntax, e.g. "2100px 900px" - currently only pixels are supported (don't use % or auto)
parallaxBackgroundHorizontal Number of pixels to move the parallax background per slide, Calculated automatically unless specified. Set to 0 to disable movement along an axis
transition Transition style
Options: zoom | fade | slide | convex | concave |
transitionSpeed Transition Speed
Options: default | fast | slow
backgroundTransition Transition style for full page slide backgrounds
Options: none | fade | slide | convex | concave | zoom
controls Display presentation control arrows
Options: y | n
controlsLayout Determines where controls appear, "edges" or "bottom-right"
Options: bottom-right | edges
controlsBackArrows Visibility rule for backwards navigation arrows; "faded", "hidden" or "visible"
Options: faded | hidden | visible
progress Display a presentation progress bar
Options: y | n
slideNumber Display the page number of the current slide
Options: y | n
fragments Turns fragments on and off globally
Options: y | n
Options: grow | shrink | fade-out | fade-up | current-visible
Options: none | red | green | blue
autoSlide Number of milliseconds between automatically proceeding to the next slide, disabled when set to 0, this value can be overwritten by using a data-autoslide attribute on your slides
autoSlideStoppable Stop auto-sliding after user input
Options: y | n
alignImage Automatically move images to left hand side of slide text, will only align images greater than 200px in width
Options: n | y
headingLevelSlideSeparator Allows you to specify the heading levels to use to trigger a new slide (Included between h1 and h6)
Options: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Slideshowslide Advance plugin to add slide in slideshow with different background colors, background video, transition and other settings. bgColor Set background color for slide.
textColor Set Text color for slide.
backgroundUrl URL of the background image to use in your slideshow, overrides backgroundcolor
parallaxBackgroundSize syntax, e.g. "2100px 900px" - currently only pixels are supported (don't use % or auto)
parallaxBackgroundHorizontal Number of pixels to move the parallax background per slide, Calculated automatically unless specified. Set to 0 to disable movement along an axis
backgroundVideoUrl Automatically plays a full size video behind the slide
videoMuted Flags if the audio should be muted for background video
Options: n | y
videoLoop Flags if the background video played in loop
Options: n | y
transitionIn Select entry transition effect for slide
Options: none | fade | slide | convex | concave | zoom
transitionOut Select exit transition effect for slide
Options: none | fade | slide | convex | concave | zoom
transitionSpeed Transition Speed
Options: | fast | slow
backgroundTransition Transition style for full page slide backgrounds
Options: none | fade | slide | convex | concave | zoom
Smarty Insert a Smarty function or variable name The name of the Smarty function that the plugin will activate. Available functions can be found at lib/smarty_tiki/function.(name).php and vendor_bundled/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins/function.(name).php
Snarf Display the contents of another web page url Full URL to the page to include.
regex PCRE-compliant regular expression pattern to find the parts you want changed
regexres PCRE-compliant regular expression replacement syntax showing what the content should be changed to
wrap Enable/disable word wrapping of snippets of code (enabled by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
colors Syntax highlighting to use for code snippets (Plugin Code is used for this)
ln Set to Yes (1) to add line numbers to code snippets (not shown by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
wiki Parse wiki syntax within the code snippet (not parsed by default).
Options: | 1 | 0
rtl Switch the text display from left to right to right to left
Options: | 1 | 0
ishtml Set to Yes (1) to display the content as is instead of escaping HTML special characters (not set by default).
Options: | 1 | 0
cache Cache time in minutes. Default is to use site preference, Set to 0 for no cache.
ajax Text to click on to fetch the URL via Ajax
Sort Sort lines of text sort Set the sort order of lines of content (default is ascending)
Options: | asc | desc | reverse | shuffle
Split Arrange content on a page into rows and columns joincols Generate the colspan attribute if columns are missing
Options: | y | n
fixedsize Generate the width attribute for the columns
Options: | y | n
colsize Specify all column widths in number of pixels or percent, separating each width by a pipe (|)
first Cells specified are ordered first left to right across rows (default) or top to bottom down columns
Options: | col | line
edit Display edit icon for each section. Works when used on a wiki page and the first parameter is set to col
Options: | y | n
customclass Add a class to customize the design
Sql Query a MySQL database and display the results db DSN name of the database being queried. The DSN name needs to first be defined at tiki-admin_dsn.php
raw Return with table formatting (default) or raw data with no table formatting
Options: | 0 | 1
delim The delimiter to be used between data elements (sets raw=1)
wikiparse Turn wiki parsing of select results on and off (default is on)
Options: | 0 | 1
audit Create a log entry containing information about the SQL call.
audit_csv If set, a CSV file will be created or appended with information about the SQL call performed.
Stat Show various statistics for an object type Colon-separated list of object type to show stats for.
Options: | article | article:trackeritem | article:trackeritem:wiki | article:wiki | article:wiki:trackeritem | trackeritem | trackeritem:article | trackeritem:article:wiki | trackeritem:wiki | trackeritem:wiki:article | wiki | wiki:article | wiki:article:trackeritem | wiki:trackeritem | wiki:trackeritem:article
parentId Enter a tracker ID to restrict stats to that tracker (for use with trackeritems only).
lastday Added and/or viewed in the last 24 hours (only added items shown for tracker items whether a (added) or v (viewed) or both is set)
Options: | a | a:v | v | v:a
day Added and/or viewed since the beginning of the day (only added items shown for tracker items whether a (added) or v (viewed) or both is set)
Options: | a | a:v | v | v:a
lastweek Added and/or viewed in the last 7 days (only added items shown for tracker items whether a (added) or v (viewed) or both is set)
Options: | a | a:v | v | v:a
week Added and/or viewed since the beginning of the week (only added items shown for tracker items whether a (added) or v (viewed) or both is set)
Options: | a | a:v | v | v:a
lastmonth Added and/or viewed last month (only added items shown for tracker items whether a (added) or v (viewed) or both is set)
Options: | a | a:v | v | v:a
month Added and/or viewed since the beginning of the month (only added items shown for tracker items whether a (added) or v (viewed) or both is set)
Options: | a | a:v | v | v:a
lastyear Added and/or viewed in the last 365 days (only added items shown for tracker items whether a (added) or v (viewed) or both is set)
Options: | a | a:v | v | v:a
year Added and/or viewed since the beginning of the year (only added items shown for tracker items whether a (added) or v (viewed) or both is set)
Options: | a | a:v | v | v:a
Sub Apply subscript font to text no parameters n/a
Subscribegroup Allow users to subscribe to a group group Group name to subscribe to or unsubscribe from
subscribe Subscribe text, containing %s as the placeholder for the group name.
unsubscribe Unsubscribe text, containing %s as the placeholder for the group name.
subscribe_action Subscribe button label, containing %s as the placeholder for the group name.
unsubscribe_action Unsubscribe button label, containing %0 as the placeholder for the group name.
postsubscribe_url URL to send the user to after subscribing, if required.
postunsubscribe_url URL to send the user to after unsubscribing, if required.
defgroup Make this the default group text, containing %s as the placeholder for the group name.
undefgroup Stop this being default group text, containing %s as the placeholder for the group name.
defgroup_action Default group button label. Will subscribe to the group first if not already a member.
undefgroup_action Stop this being default group button label. Does not unsubscribe from the group.
undefgroup_group Group name to set as default when user stops this group being it.
defgroup_redirect_home Redirect to new home page after default group change. (default is to redirect)
Options: | y | n
allowLeaveNonUserChoice Always allow leaving a group even if the group settings do not allow user choice.
Options: | y | n
Subscribegroups Allow users to subscribe to a list of groups subscribe Text shown in the dropdown box. Default: Subscribe to a group
showsubscribe Show the subscribe box (shown by default). Will not show if there are no other groups the user may register for.
Options: | y | n
subscribestyle Style to show the subscribe box.
Options: dropdown | table
showdefault Shows which group is the user's default group (if any) and allows the user to change his or her default group.
Options: | y | n
showgroupdescription Show the description of the group (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
groups Colon-separated list of groups. By default the list of groups available to the user.
including Only list groups that include the group being specified here
defaulturl Page user will be directed to after clicking on icon to change default group
leadergroupname Name of group for leaders of the group, where groupName will be substituted by the group name
pendinggroupname Name of group for users that are waiting for approval to enter the group, where groupName will be substituted by the group name
managementpagename Name of wiki page for group management by leaders, where groupName will be substituted by the group name
hidelink_including Hide link to group home page for groups that include the group being specified here
alwaysallowleave Always allow leaving group even if the group settings do not allow user choice.
Options: | y | n
Subscribenewsletter Allow users to subscribe to a newsletter nlId Identification number of the Newsletter that you want to allow the users to subscribe to
thanks Confirmation message after posting form. The plugin body is then the button label.
button Button label. The plugin body is then the confirmation message
wikisyntax Choose whether the output should be parsed as wiki syntax
Options: | 1 | 0
inmodule Display the newsletter subscription form in module view (if included in a Tiki module)
Options: | y | n
usecaptcha Captcha verification for anonymous visitors (yes by default). Turning off this option may lead to have this newsletter list filled by Spambot
Options: 1 | 0
Sup Apply superscript font to text no parameters n/a
Survey Embed a survey id Id of the survey set up by the administrator
page Wiki Page to redirect the user after his vote
lang Language for the survey
Swiper Embed swiper in content, support file galleries, files id and custom content fgalId Enter file gallery id for slider
fileIds List of IDs of images from the File Galleries separated by commas.
effect Transition effect. Could be "slide", "fade", "cube", "coverflow" or "flip"
Options: slide | fade | cube | coverflow | flip
sliderPosition Placement of slider, above topbar, below topbar, above menus and content or inside content
Options: | | abovetopbar | undertopbar
pagination Slider pagination, default bullets
Options: | n | bullets | fraction | progressbar
navigation Display navigation arrows
Options: y | n
background Slider background color, enter color code for example #000
parallaxBgImg Enter image url for parallax background behind swiper
width Enter width of slider in px or %, default 100%
height Enter height of slider in px or %, default min height 100px, max height will adjust with content
titleColor Enter text color code of slide title, for example #ccc
titleSize For example 42px, default 32 px
descriptionColor Enter text color code of slide description, for example #ccc
descriptionSize For example 24px, default 16 px
slideContentBg Enter a valid CSS color code, or an rgba value if opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
slideContentPostion Enter position for example top:20%;left:20% or bottom:20%;right:10%
autoPlay Autoplay slider, on by default
Options: y | n
autoPlayDelay Time interval to pause before moving to next slide in seconds.
displayThumbnails Show thumbnails under main slider
Options: n | y
speed Duration of transition between slides (in milliseconds)
autoHeight Set to true and slider wrapper will adapt its height to the height of the currently active slide
Options: n | y
spaceBetween Distance between slides in px.
slidesPerView Slides visible at the same time on slider's container. Coverflow transition works best with 3 slides per view
slidesPerViewMobile Slides visible at the same time on small screens
slidesPerViewTab Slides visible at the same time on low resolution tablets
slidesPerColumn Number of slides per column, for multirow layout
slidesPerColumnFill Could be 'column' or 'row'. Defines how slides should fill rows, by column or by row
Options: column | row
centeredSlides If true, then active slide will be centered, not always on the left side.
Options: n | y
slidesOffsetBefore Add (in px) additional slide offset in the beginning of the container (before all slides)
slidesOffsetAfter Add (in px) additional slide offset in the end of the container (after all slides)
slideToClickedSlide Set to true and click on any slide will produce transition to this slide.
Options: n | y
freeMode If true then slides will not have fixed positions.
Options: n | y
preloadImages When enabled Swiper will force to load all images.
Options: y | n
updateOnImagesReady When enabled Swiper will be reinitialized after all inner images ( tags) are loaded. Required preloadimages: true.
Options: y | n
loop Set to true to enable continuous loop mode (If you use it along with slidesperView: 'auto' then you need to specify loopedslides parameter with amount of slides to loop (duplicate)).
Options: y | n
Tabs Arrange content in tabs name Unique tabset name (if you want the last state to be remembered). Example:user_profile_tabs
tabs Pipe-separated list of tab titles. Example:tab 1|tab 2|tab 3
toggle Allow toggling between tabs and no-tabs view
Options: | y | n
inside_pretty Parse pretty tracker variables within tabs
Options: | n | y
direction Change direction of tabs (horizontal by default).
Options: | horizontal | vertical
tabbgcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
tabactivebgcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
tabborderstyle Determine the kind of border to apply to the tabs
Options: | none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
tabborderwidth To change the width of tabs border in pixels (1 by default). For example: 3 for 3 pixels
tabbordercolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
tabfontstyle Use to specify the font style of the tabs text
Options: | normal | italic | oblique
tabfontweight Use to define the thickness of the text characters to be displayed in the tabs
Options: | normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 900
tabfontsize To set the size of the tabs text in pixels. For example: 20 for 20 pixels
tabtextcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
tabactivetextcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
panelbgcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
paneltextcolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
paneltextstyle Use to change the panels text style
Options: | normal | italic | oblique
panelfontweight Use to define the thickness of the text characters to be displayed in the panels
Options: | normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 900
panelfontsize To set the size of the text in pixels. For example: 20 for 20 pixels
panelborderstyle Determine the kind of border to apply to the panels
Options: | none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset
panelborderwidth To change the width of panel border in pixels (1 by default). For example: 3 for 3 pixels
panelbordercolor Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5).
Tag Apply an HTML tag to content tag Any valid HTML tag, 0% by default
style Equivalent to the style attribute of an HTML tag.
Tikidocfromcode List wiki plugin, module, preference or tracker field documentation for the site info Determines what information is shown. Values separated with |. Ignored when singletitle is set to top or none.
Options: | description | description|sourcecode | description|parameters | description|paraminfo | parameters|paraminfo | description|parameters|paraminfo
plugin Name of a plugin (e.g., backlinks), or list separated by |, or range separated by -. Single plugin can be used with limit parameter.
module Name of a module (e.g., calendar_new), or list separated by |, or range separated by -. Single module can be used with limit parameter.
preference Name of a preference (e.g., bigbluebutton_dynamic_configuration), or list separated by |, or range separated by -. Single preference can be used with limit parameter.
trackerfield Name of a tracker field, or list separated by |, or range separated by -. Single preference can be used with limit parameter.
prefsexport Default preferences export with columns name, description, location or list more separated by |.
type Type of the object to get tiki doc from (e.g: plugin, module, preference, ...)
singletitle Set placement of plugin name and description when displaying information for only one plugin
Options: | top | table
titletag Sets the heading size for the title, e.g., h2.
start Start with this plugin record number (must be an integer 1 or greater).
limit Number of plugins to show. Can be used either with start or plugin as the starting point. Must be an integer 1 or greater.
paramtype Only list parameters with this doctype setting. Set to none to show only parameters without a type setting and the body instructions.
showparamtype Show the parameter doctype value.
Options: | y | n
showtopinfo Show information above the table regarding preferences required and the first version when the plugin became available. Shown by default.
Options: | y | n
Tikimanager Embed partial or full Tiki Manager instance management functionality in a wiki page. instanceIds Comma-separted list of instance IDs available to manage. For a full list, use Tiki Manager admin page.
showactions Comma-separted list of actions shown in the interface. If none are listed, all actions will be available by default.
hideactions Comma-separted list of actions hidden from the interface. If none are listed, all actions will be available by default.
Tikimanagerclone Make on demand clone of an instance to another mode Clone mode(Clone or Upgrade). The Clone mode allows to make a clone only and the Upgrade mode, to make a clone with an extra upgrade operation.
Options: clone | upgrade
source Source instance(instance to clone) ID or name.
target Destination instance(s) ID or name, comma separated in case of multiple instances.
branch Select branch.
skipReindex Skip rebuilding index step. (Only in upgrade mode).
Options: 0 | 1
skipCacheWarmup Skip generating cache step. (Only in upgrade mode).
Options: 0 | 1
unifiedIndexRebuild Unified index rebuild, set instance maintenance off and after perform index rebuild. (Only in upgrade mode)
Options: 1 | 0
direct Prevent using the backup step and rsync source to target.
Options: 1 | 0
stash Saves your local modifications, and try to apply after update/upgrade
Options: 0 | 1
timeout Modify the default command execution timeout from 3600 seconds to a custom value
ignoreRequirements Ignore version requirements. Allows to select non-supported branches, useful for testing.
Options: 0 | 1
toClone What to clone.
Options: data and code | data | code
Tikimanagerupdate Embed a button in wiki page to perform on demand update of an instance. instances List of instance IDs to be updated, separated by comma (,).
email Email address to notify in case of failure. Use , (comma) to separate multiple email addresses.
skipReindex Skip rebuilding index step.
Options: 0 | 1
skipCacheWarmup Skip generating cache step.
Options: 0 | 1
unifiedIndexRebuild Live reindex, set instance maintenance off and after perform index rebuild.
Options: 1 | 0
lag Time delay commits by X number of days. Useful for avoiding newly introduced bugs in automated updates.
stash Saves your local modifications, and try to apply after update/upgrade
Options: 0 | 1
ignoreRequirements Ignore version requirements. Allows to select non-supported branches, useful for testing.
Options: 0 | 1
Timeline Display a timeline scope Display the event list items represented in the page. (all, center, or a custom CSS selector)
width Width of the timeline as CSS units (default: 100%)
height Height of the timeline as CSS units (default: 400px)
scale1 Unit of time to use for the primary scale (default is Month)
Options: | hour | day | week | month | year | decade | century
scale2 Unit of time to use for the secondary scale
Options: | hour | day | week | month | year | decade | century
Titlesearch Search page titles search Portion of a page name.
info Also show page hits or user
Options: | hits | user | hits|user | user|hits
exclude Pipe-separated list of page names to exclude from results.
noheader Set to Yes (1) to have no header for the search results.
Options: | 1 | 0
Toc Display a table of contents of pages in a structure structId By default, structure for the current page will be displayed. Alternate structure may be provided.
pagename By default, the table of contents for the current page will be displayed. Alternate page may be provided.
order Order items in ascending or descending order (default is ascending).
Options: | asc | desc
sortalpha Order for the first Level of pages that will be displayed. Order by structure is the default.
Options: | struct | alpha
showdesc Display the page description in front of the page name
Options: | 1 | 0
shownum Display the section numbers or not
Options: | 1 | 0
type Style to apply
Options: | plain | fancy | admin
mindepth Set the level starting from which page names are displayed. 0 or empty (the default) means from level 1. Starting from 0 (and not 1).
maxdepth Set the number of levels to display. 0 means only 1 level will be displayed and empty mean no limit (and is the default).
Together Collaborate in real time buttonname Set the button name. Default is CoWrite with TogetherJS
serverurl Hub server URL address if the default one is not working or you are willing to host your own hub server.
Totp Allows to generate Time-based One-time Password secret Secret key required to generate time-based one-time passwords. If not provided, a new secret key will be generated automatically.
interval Amount of seconds that a TOTP will be valid/refreshed
issuer Name of the application where the generated time-based one-time password will be used.
Tour Quick and easy way to build your product tours with Driver.js element Element to show the popup on; if empty, use the plugin location itself
title Title of the step
start Start the tour on page load? If "No", then a start button can be made with "Restart Button", below. (Set only in the first step.)
Options: y | n
show_once Show automatically only once. tour_id should also be set if there are multiple tours. (Set only in the first step.)
Options: | y | n
tour_id Set a tour ID to be able to only show the tour once. (Set only in the first step.)
show_restart_button Display a button to restart the tour. Enter the text to appear on the button. (Set only in the first step.)
overlay_color Set an overlay color to be shown behind the popover and its element, highlighting the current step. (Set only in the first step.)
overlay_opacity Set the opacity of the overlay. (Set only in the first step.)
allow_close Allow closing the popover by clicking on the backdrop. (Set only in the first step.)
Options: y | n
side The side of the popup. (Set only in the first step.)
Options: right | top | bottom | left
align The alignment of the popup. (Set only in the first step.)
Options: end | start | center
number_of_steps Number of steps in the tour. (Set only in the first step.)
animate Animate the popup. (Set only in the first step.)
Options: y | n
next_button_text Text to show on the Next button. (Set only in the first step.)
prev_button_text Text to show on the Prev button. (Set only in the first step.)
show_progress Show the progress text in popover. (Set only in the first step.)
Options: y | n
progress_text Template for the progress text. You can use the following placeholders in the template: // - {{current}}: The current step number. // - {{total}}: Total number of steps. Example: Step {{current}} of {{total}}. (Set only in the first step.)
Tr Translate text to the user language no parameters n/a
Tracker Embed a form to populate a tracker trackerId Numeric value representing the tracker ID
fields Colon-separated list of field IDs to be displayed in the form as input fields. If empty, all fields will be shown. Example: 2:4:5
values Colon-separated list of default values corresponding to the fields parameter. First value corresponds to first field, second value to second field, etc. Default values can be set by using autosavefields and autosavevalues as URL parameters.
action Colon-separated labels for form submit buttons. Default is Save. When set to NONE, the save button will not appear and values will be saved dynamically.
action_style Sets button style classes for action buttons. If multiple buttons have been set in the action parameter, the same number of colon-separated styles must be set here. Example:btn btn-secondary:btn btn-success:btn btn-primary float-end
showtitle Display the title of the tracker at the top of the form (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showdesc Show the tracker's description (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showfieldsdesc Show the tracker's field descriptions (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showmandatory Indicate mandatory fields with an asterisk (shown by default).
Options: | y | n
showstatus Show the status of the items (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
embedded Embedded
Options: | y | n
email To send an email once the tracker item has been created. Format: from|to|template For from and to, use an email address (separate multiple addresses with a comma), a username, a fieldId of a field containing either an email address or a username, a fieldId of a UserSelector or GroupSelector field, or "createdBy" or "lastModifBy" for the item creator or modifier. When username is being used, the email will be sent to the email address of the user on file. When sending to several emails using different template, provide the template name for the message body for each email; I.e., the first template will be used for the first to, the second template if exists will be used for the second from (otherwise the last given template will be used). Each template needs two files, one for the subject one for the body. The subject will be named template_subject.tpl. All the templates must be in the templates/mail directory. Example: webmaster@my.com|a@my.com,b@my.com|templatea.tpl,templateb.tpl (templates/mail/tracker_changed_notification.tpl is the default from which you can get inspiration).
emailformat Choose between values text or html, depending on the syntax in the template file that will be used
url URL the user is sent to after the form is submitted. The string itemId will be replaced with itemId=xx where xx is the new (or current) itemId. This parameter can be used in combination with the TABS plugin using ?cookietab=1&itemId (change the cookietab parameter's value depending on the tab you want the user to be sent to).
urlparams Input form parameters (or field IDs) separated by a colon (:) to pass them in the URL after the form is submitted and redirected to the URL specified in the url param. Example: urlparams="1:2:3:trackit". Enter * to keep all the submitted parameters in the URL.
target Set the target parameter for the url (determines whether target will open in a new page, etc.)
Options: | _blank | _parent | _self | _top
overwrite Overwrite current field values of the item with the input values. Does not overwrite wiki pages and does not work when the discarditem parameter is set to Yes (y).
Options: | y | n
sort Display columns in the order listed in the fields parameter instead of by field ID (field ID order is used by default)
Options: | y | n
preview To add a preview button with the label set by this parameter. Default: Preview. Useful to preview the computed fields of an item.
reset Label for the reset button, to return all fields to their default values.
view Determine which items will be affected byt the form. If set to user and trackerId is not set, then the user tracker associated with the default group will be affected. If trackerId is set, then the item associated with the user in that tracker will be affected. If set to page, the item associated with that page will be affected (trackerId must be set in this case).
Options: | group | page | user | userandfield
userfieldtofilter User field to filter user tracker items to: view="user&field"
fieldtofilter Field to filter user tracker items to: view="user&field"
fieldtofiltervalue Value to filter user tracker items to: view="user&field"
fieldtofiltercriteria If more than one item found, will choose under this criteria. Used in combination with:view="user&field"
Options: | creationAsc | creationDesc
status Status of the item used in combination with: view="user"orview="user&field"
transactionName The transaction identifier. This identifier connects the various trackers into a single transaction. Must be unique per transaction. The multiple steps in a single transaction must share the same transaction name.
transactionStep Transaction step number specifying the order of the transaction steps. The first step must be 0.
transactionFinalStep Indicate whether this is the final transaction step
Options: | y | n
transactionPreviousURL The page to go back to when the "previous" button is clicked.
transactionPreviousLabel Text for the "previous" button label.
itemId ItemId identifying the item to be edited.
ignoreRequestItemId Do not filter on the parameter itemId if in the url (default is to filter)
Options: | y | n
tpl Name of the template used to display the tracker items. In the template, the smarty variable {$f_id} will be replaced with the appropriate input tag, with id representing the field ID. The form tag and the submit button are generated by Tiki outside the template
wiki Name of the wiki page containing the template to display the tracker items. This page must have the permission tiki_p_use_as_template assigned to the Anonymous group to be used as a template.
newstatus Default status applied to newly created or saved items.
Options: | o | p | c
colwidth Specify the width in pixels or percentage of the first column (the labels) in the tracker form.
autosavefields Colon-separated list of field IDs to be automatically filled with values upon save.
autosavevalues Colon-separated values corresponding to autosavefields. Special syntax cases:
categories(x) - selects the first child category under a category with ID x for use in a category field
category(x) - selects a category with this ID x for use in a category field
preference(x) - inserts the value of the preference with x being the preference name.
levelupfields Used with the autosavefields and autosavevalues parameters. Colon-separated list of field IDs being auto-saved where the specified auto-save value will not take effect if it is less than or equal to the current value of the field
registration Add registration fields such as Username and Password for use in registration trackers
Options: | y | n
chosenGroup The user enters this group via the registration (only a single group name is supported)
validateusers Here one can overrule the default validate users by e-mail preference.
Options: | y | n
outputtowiki Output result to a new wiki page with the name taken from the input for the specified fieldId
discarditem Used with outputtowiki - whether to discard the tracker item itself once the wiki page is created, so that, in effect, the tracker is just a vehicle to create form fields to facilitate creating wiki pages.
Options: | y | n
outputwiki Name of the wiki page containing the template to format the output to wiki page. Must be set for outputtowiki to work. The template can contain variables to represent fields, for example {$f_6} would result in the value of fieldId 6. Also {$f_itemId} can be used for the itemId and if you have set register to yes, you can use {$register_login} and {$register_email}.
outputwikinamespace Name of namespace that is used for the wiki page that is created when outputting to a wiki page.
outputwikirelation Store tiki.wiki.linkeditem and tiki.wiki.linkedfield relation from the created wiki page when outputting to a wiki page. Optionally, (separate feature to be turned on in admin panel) these relations are used to sync page renames with the field specified in outputtowiki, and also optionally to redirect page viewing to the tracker item instead (where you can then include the page if needed).
Options: | y | n
fieldsfill Colon-separated list of field IDs to be filled with multiple values, to create multiple items in one save. If empty, only one item will be created. Only for item creation. Example: 2:4:5
fieldsfillseparator Choose separator between fields in each line of the Multiple Fill text area. Default is pipe (|).
fieldsfilldefaults Colon-separated list of default values for Multiple Fill Fields.
fieldsfilllabel Explanatory text on the left of the Multiple Fill Fields text area. Default is "Insert one item per line:".
fieldsfilldescription Explanatory text below the Multiple Fill Fields text area. Default is the list of the fields which should be in each line. Put a space for no visible text below the Multiple Fill Fields text area.
formtag If set to Yes (y), the tracker is contained in a form tag and has action buttons
Options: | y | n
ajax Use ajax to create and update tracker items instead of form submission via request variables.
rules Set up rules on field definitions to show and hide fields conditionally.
Options: | y | n
rulesparent JQuery selector for the parent object to show or hide when executing field rules.
Trackercalendar Create and display a calendar using tracker data trackerId Tracker to search from
begin Permanent name of the field to use for event beginning
end Permanent name of the field to use for event ending
resource Permanent name of the field to use as the resource indicator
coloring Permanent name of the field to use to segment the information into color schemes.
external Follow external link when event item is clicked. Useful for supporting links to pretty tracker supported pages.
Options: | y | n
url Complete URL, internal or external.
trkitemid If Yes (y) the item id will be passed as itemId, which can be used by Tracker plugins. Will be passed as itemid if No (n)
Options: | y | n
addAllFields If Yes (y) all fields in the tracker will be added to the URL, not just the itemId
Options: | y | n
useSessionStorage If Yes (y) copy all the field values into window.sessionStorage so it can be accessed via JavaScript.
Options: | y | n
amonth Display the option to change the view to agenda by months
Options: | y | n
aweek Display the option to change the view to agenda by weeks
Options: | y | n
aday Display the option to change the view to agenda by days
Options: | y | n
lyear Display the option to change the view to list by years
Options: | y | n
lmonth Display the option to change the view to list by months
Options: | y | n
lweek Display the option to change the view to list by weeks
Options: | y | n
lday Display the option to change the view to list by days
Options: | y | n
ryear Display the option to change the view to resources by years
Options: | y | n
rmonth Display the option to change the view to resources by months
Options: | y | n
rweek Display the option to change the view to resources by weeks
Options: | y | n
rday Display the option to change the view to resources by days
Options: | y | n
dView Choose the default view for the Tracker Calendar
Options: | month | agendaWeek | agendaDay | list | listMonth | listWeek | listDay | timelineYear | timelineMonth | timelineWeek | timelineDay
dYear Choose the default year (yyyy) to use for the display
dMonth Choose the default month (mm, as numeric value) to use for the display. Numeric values here are 1-based, meaning January=1, February=2, etc
dDay Choose the default day (dd) to use for the display
colormap Colormap to be used when segmenting the information using the coloring field. Each map is composed of value and color separated with a comma, use pipes to separate multiple colormaps: 1,#6cf|2,#6fc
fDayofWeek Choose the day that each week begins with, for the tracker calendar display. The value must be a number that represents the day of the week: Sunday=0, Monday=1, Tuesday=2, etc. Default: 0 (Sunday)
weekends Display Saturdays and Sundays (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
minHourOfDay First time slot that will be displayed for each day, e.g. 07:00:00
maxHourOfDay Last time slot that will be displayed for each day, e.g. 24:00:00
slotDuration Frequency for displayting time slots, e.g. 00:30:00 (defaults to the calendar_timespan preference)
eventOverlap Allow resources to overlap in time.
Options: | y | n
maxEvents Adjust the maximum number of events to display in calendar views
Trackercomments Display the number of comments for a tracker trackerId Numeric value representing the tracker ID
shownbitems Determines whether the number of items will be shown (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
view Enter a username to select the items of the current user
Trackerfilter Create a form to filter tracker fields filters The list of fields that can be used as filters along with their formats. The field number and format are separated by a / and multiple fields are separated by :.Format choices are:
d - dropdown
r - radio buttons
m - multiple choice dropdown
c - checkbox
t - text with wild characters
T - exact text match
i - initials
sqlsearch - advanced search
range - range search (from/to)
>, ><, >>=, ><= - greater than, less than, greater than or equal, less than or equal.
Example: 2/d:4/r:5:(6:7)/sqlsearch
action Label on the submit button. Default: Filter. Use a space character to omit the button (for use in datachannels etc)
displayList Show the full list (before filtering) initially (filtered list shown by default)
Options: | y | n
line Displays all the filters on the same line (not shown on same line by default)
Options: | y | in | n
noflipflop The toggle button to show/hide filters will not be shown if set to Yes (y). Default is not to show the toggle (default changed from "n" to "y" in Tiki 20.0).
Options: | y | n
export_action Label for an export button. Leave blank to show the usual "Filter" button instead.
export_status Export the status field if the Export CSV option is used
Options: | y | n
export_created Export the created date field if the Export CSV option is used
Options: | y | n
export_modif Export the modified date field if the Export CSV option is used
Options: | y | n
export_charset Character set to be used if the Export CSV option is used
mapButtons Display Mapview and Listview buttons
Options: | y | n
trackerId Numeric value representing the tracker ID
fields Colon-separated list of field IDs for the fields to be displayed. Example: 2:4:5. The field order specified here determines the column order if the sort parameter is set to y.
sort Display columns in the order listed in the fields parameter instead of by field ID (field ID order is used by default
Options: | y | n
popup Colon-separated list of fields which will display in a tooltip on mouse over. Example: 6:7. Setting this parameter implies y value for sort param.
stickypopup Choose whether the popup tooltip will stay displayed on mouse out (does not stay open by default)
Options: | y | n
showtitle Display the title of the tracker (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showlinks Show links to each tracker item (not shown by default). At least one field needs to be set as Public in order for this to work.
Options: | y | n | r
showdesc Show the tracker's description (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
shownbitems Show the number of items found (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showinitials Show an alphabetical index by first letter to assist in navigation (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showstatus Show the status of the items (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showcreated Creation date display is based on tracker settings unless overridden here
Options: | y | n
showlastmodif Last modification date display is based on tracker settings unless overridden here
Options: | y | n
showlastmodifby Last modified by user display is based on tracker settings unless overridden here
Options: | y | n
showfieldname Use the field names as column titles (used by default)
Options: | y | n
showitemrank Show item ranks (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showcomments Show comments count or last comment date and user depending on tracker preferences
Options: | y | n
status Only show items matching certain status filters (only items with open status shown by default)
Options: | o | p | c | op | oc | pc | opc
sort_mode Sort rows in ascending (_asc) or descending (_desc) order based on field ID, date created or date last modified
sortchoice Add a dropdown of sorting choices. Separate each choice with a :. For each choice, use the format value|label. See sort_mode for value choices. Example with two sorting choices: sortchoice="created_desc|Newest first:lastModif_desc|Last modified first"
max Maximum number of items to display or -1 for all items. Defaults to max records preference, if set. Pagination will not show if all items are shown by setting to -1.
offset Offset of first item. Default is no offset.
forceoffset Fix offset to that specified. This will disallow pagination.
Options: | y | n
showpagination Determines whether pagination will be shown (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
allowtableexpansion Show a toggle button to allow wide tables to overflow to the right of the content area rather than be scrollable in a limited-width area (not by default).
Options: | y | n
filterfield Colon-separated list of fields to allow filtering on.
filtervalue Filter value (or multiple values) that correspond to filterfield. For better performance, use exactvalue instead.
Special search values to match:
*value - text that ends in "value"
value* - text that begins with "value"
#user - the current user's login name
#group_default - the current user's default group.
To filter by empty/non-empty values, use parameter exactvalue instead
exactvalue Exact value (or multiple values) that correspond to filterfield.
Special search values to filter by:
categories(x) - tracker item is in category with ID x or one its descendants
notcategories(x) - tracker item is not in category with ID x or one of its descendants
preference(name) - match against the value of a Tiki preference
notpreference(name) - match if value does not equal a Tiki preference value
not(value) - match if the field does not equal "value"
not() - match for non empty values (opposite with exactvalue="")
or(value1,value2) - match if the field equals "value1" or "value2" (can list more than 2 alternative values)
field(x, itemid) - match field with ID x in item with ID itemid. field(x) can be used if the itemId URL parameter is set
notfield(x, itemid) - match if not equal to field with ID x in item with ID itemid field(x) can be used if the itemId URL parameter is set
The following comparisons can also be applied to date fields by using date phrases that PHP recognizes (see https://doc.tiki.org/Date-and-Time-Features ):
less(value) - match if less than "value"
greater(value) - match if greater than "value"
lessequal(value) - match if less than or equal to "value"
greaterequal(value) - match if greater than or equal to "value"
checkbox Adds a checkbox on each line to perform an action. Required elements are separated by /. Those elements are:
FieldId - the value of this field will be posted to the action
PostName - the name of the post
Title - the title of the submit button
Submit - the name of the submit button
ActionUrl - the file that will be called upon submit
Tpl - optional template inserted before the submit button and returned
SelectType - Leave empty for multiple select, or use dropdown or radio.
Embed - Set to %0y%1 if the trackerlist table is embedded inside an existing form. ActionUrl is ignored in this case.
Checked - comma-separated list of pre-checked items
Format: checkbox="FieldId/PostName/Title/Submit/ActionUrl/Tpl/SelectType/Embed/Checked"
Example: checkbox="6/to/Email to selected/submit/messu-compose.php//dropdown//1,2,3"
goIfOne Display the item rather than list if only one item is found
Options: | y | n
more Show a 'more' button that links to the tracker item (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
moreurl More link pointing to specified URL instead of default tracker item link
view Display only the items of the following:
user - the current user
group - the current user's groups
page - the current page name
ip - the current IP address

Options: | page | user | group | ip
tpl Use content of the specified tpl file as template to display the item. Use {$f_fieldId} to display a field with ID fieldId.
wiki Use content of the wiki page as template to display the item. The page should have the permission tiki_p_use_as_template set, and should only be editable by trusted users such as other site admins
tplwiki Use content of the wiki page as template to display the item but with as little parsing on the content as with a tpl on disk. The page should have the permission tiki_p_use_as_template set, and should only be editable by trusted users such as other site admins
view_user Will display the items of the specified user
itemId Colon-separated list of item IDs to restrict the listing to
ignoreRequestItemId Ignore the itemId url parameter when filtering list (not ignored by default)
Options: | y | n
url The link that will be on each main field when showlinks="y". Special values:
url="mypage?itemId" - will link to the item based on its item ID
url="mypage?tr_offset" - will link to the item based on its offset value
url="sefurl" - will link to the item using itemX (where X is the item ID) for when SEFURL is being used
vi_tpl - use to show the item without admin buttons and with a back button when using a template (Display > Section Format must be set to "Configured" in the tracker properties). Example: url="tiki-view_tracker_item.php?vi_tpl=wiki:PageName&itemId"
ei_tpl - similar to vi_tpl except that admin buttons are shown for users with proper permissions when "Restrict non admins to wiki page access only" is set in the tracker properties.
ldelim Smarty left delimiter for Latex generation. Example:@{
rdelim Smarty right delimiter for Latex generation Example:}@
list_mode Set output format. Yes (y) displays tracker list view with truncated values (default); No (n) displays in tracker item view; Comma Separated Values (csv) outputs without any HTML formatting.
Options: | y | n | csv
export Show an export button (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
compute Sum or average all the values of a field and displays it at the bottom of the table. fieldId/sum:fieldId/avg
silent Show nothing if no items found (the table header and a 'No records found' message is shown by default).
Options: | y | n
showdelete Show a delete icon for each item (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
urlafterdelete Url to redirect to after delete
showopenitem Show an open item option (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showcloseitem Show a close item option (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showpenditem Show a pending item option (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showwatch Show a watch button (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showrss Show an RSS feed button (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showmap Show Map of results (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
calendarfielddate Used to display items in a calendar view. One fieldId if one date, or 2 fieldIds separated with : for start:end
calendarviewmode Calendar view type time span (default is month)
Options: | month | bimester | trimester | quarter | semester | year
calendarpopup Calendar items will popup, overrides the stickypopup parameter if turned off (default is to pop up).
Options: | y | n
calendarstickypopup Calendar item popups will stay open if set to y (Yes). Not sticky by default
Options: | y | n
calendarbeginmonth Set whether calendar will begin at the beginning of the month (does by default).
Options: | y | n
calendarviewnavbar Show calendar navigation bar (shown by default).
Options: | y | n | partial
calendartitle Enter a title to display a calendar title (not set by default)
calendardelta Set the calendar delta that will be shown (not set by default)
Options: | +month | -month | +bimester | -bimester
displaysheet Display tracker as a spreadsheet (not used by default)
Options: | y | n
force_compile Force Smarty to recompile the templates for each tracker item when using a wiki page as a template. Default=n (best performance)
Options: | y | n
periodQuantity Numeric value to display only last tracker items created within a user defined time-frame. Used in conjunction with the next parameter "Period unit", this parameter indicates how many of those units are to be considered to define the time frame. Use in conjunction with max=-"1" to list all items (by default max is set to 10).
periodUnit Time unit used with "Period quantity"
Options: | hour | day | week | month
periodType Time period after creation or after modification
Options: | c | m
editable Colon-separated list of fields for which inline editing will be enabled.
editableall Allow all displayed fields to be editable
Options: | y | n
force_separate_compile Compile each item separately instead of compiling the entire template.
Options: | y | n
allowStickyHeaders Sticky Headers for the table when scrolling top Default value: No
Options: | n | y
server Enter y to have the server do the sorting and filtering through Ajax and n to have the browser do it (n is the default). Set to y (and also set the Paginate parameter (tspaginate)) if you do not want all rows fetched at once, but rather fetch rows as you paginate, filter or sort.
sortable Serves as the overall switch for turning jQuery Tablesorter on (also for filtering) as well as overall sort settings. Enter y to allow sorting and n to disallow (n is the default). Enter type:save to allow sorts to be saved between page refreshes. Enter type:reset;text:***** to allow sorting and show an unsort button with custom text. Enter type:savereset;text:buttontext to allow the same for saved sorts.
sortList Bracketed numbers for column number (first column = 0) and sort direction (0 = ascending, 1 = descending, n = no sort, y = allow sorting but no pre-sort), for example: ~np~[0,y],[1,0],[2,n]. If the first pre-sorted or no filter column is not the first column, then you should use the y parameter (as in [0,y]) to assign all previous columns.~/np~
tsortcolumns Set type and group settings for each column, using | to separate columns. To show group headings upon page load, the Pre-sorted Columns parameter (0sortList) will need to be set for a column with a group setting. Group will not work in plugins where the Server Side Processing parameter (server) is set to y.
Set type to one of the following: text, digit, currency, percent, usLongDate, shortDate, isoDate, dateFormat-ddmmyyyy, ipAddress, url, time, nosort
Also handle strings in numeric columns with: string-min, string-maxHandle empty cells with: empty-top, empty-bottom, empty-zero.
group creates automatic row headings upon sort with the heading text determined by the setting as follows: letter (first letter), word (first word), number, date, date-year, date-month, date-day, date-week, date-time.letter and word can be extended, e.g., word-2 shows the first 2 words. number-10 will group rows in blocks of ten. Group will not work in plugins where the Server Side Processing parameter (server) is set to y.
tsfilters Enter y for a blank text filter on all columns, or n for no filters. Or set custom column filters separated by | for each column for the following filter choices and parameters:
Text - type:text;placeholder:xxxx
(For PluginTrackerlist this will be an exact search, for other plugins partial values will work.)
From Tiki 18, you can add initial:t option to allow prefix search for text filter. E.g. type:text;initial:t
Dropdown - type:dropdown;placeholder:****;empty:****;option:****;option:****;option:****
Options generated automatically if not set and the server parameter is not y.
Use value=Display label to have the option value be different than the displayed label in the dropdown.
Use empty:Display label to include an option with the specified label that will filter only empty rows. Only used if other options are not specified manually.
Date range - type:date;format:yy-mm-dd;from:2013-06-30;to:2020-12-31
(from and to values set defaults for these fields when user clicks on the input field)Beware that items with empty date values will not be shown when default date range filters are applied.
Numeric range - type:range;from:0;to:50
No filter - type:nofilter
For example: tsfilters="type:dropdown;placeholder:Type to filter..." would result in a dropdown filter on the first column with all unique values in that column in the dropdown list.
tsfilteroptions The following options are available: reset (adds button to take off filters), and hide (Filters are revealed upon mouseover. Hide doesn't work when date and range filters are used.). To use both, set tsfilteroptions="type:reset;text:button text;style:hide"
tspaginate Enter y to set default values based on the site setting for maximum records in listings (on the pagination table of the Look & Feel admin panel). Set to n (and server cannot be set to y) for no pagination. Set custom values as in the following example: max:40;expand:60;expand:100;expand:140
tsoutput Enter y to set default values based on the site setting. Set custom values as in the following example: delivery:d;saveFileName:exported_teblesorter.csv
tscolselect Add a button for hiding and re-showing columns. Also sets priority for dropping columns when browser is too narrow. Set each column to a number between 1 and 6 (1 is highest priority and last to be dropped) or to critical to never hide or drop. An example with 4 columns:tscolselect="critical|4|5|6"
tstotals Generate table, column or row totals and set labels, using either y or the following syntax for each total: type:value;formula:value;filter:value;label:value.
Setting to (y) will add one column total row set as follows: type:col;formula:sum;filter:visible;label:Totals.
Separate multiple total row or column settings with a pipe (|). Set type only to generate sums of visible values. In all cases, cells in columns set to be ignored in the tstotaloptions parameter will not be included in calculations.
Instructions for each total option follows:
type - Choices are col, for a row of columns totals, row, for a column of row totals, and all to include amounts from all cells in the table body in a row total.
formula - set what the calculation is. Choices are: sum, count, max, min, mean, median, mode, range, varp, vars, stdevp, stdevs. Click here for a description of these options.
filter - Determines the rows that will be included in the calculations (so no impact if type:row). Also, when server="y", only visible cells are included regardless of this setting. Choices are visible (rows visible on the page), unfiltered (all rows not filtered out, even if not visible because of pagination), all (all rows, even if filtered or hidden), and hidden (rows filtered out and rows hidden due to pagination).
label - set the label for the total, which will appear in the header for row totals and in the first column for column totals.
tstotalformat Format for table totals (click here for patterns). Example: #,###.
tstotaloptions Pipe-separated options for totals for each column which are set in the tstotals parameter:
format - overrides the default number format set in tstotalformat
ignore - column will be excluded from total calculations set in the tstotals parameter. Remember to include any columns that will be added for row totals set in the tstotals parameter.
Trackerif Display content based on results of a tracker field test test Test
ignore Ignore test in edit mode
Options: | y | n
Trackeritemcopy Copy a tracker item trackerId Tracker from which to copy item, joined tracker ids separated by :
linkFieldIds Fields links that are related to this tracker that you would like to join on, separated by :
copyFieldIds Field IDs to copy old value of, separated by :, joined fields separated by |
updateFieldIds Field IDs to update with new values specified, separated by :, joined fields separated by |
updateFieldValues New values to replace for the field IDs specified, separated by :, joined fields separated by |. randomstring will generate random string; and f_xx to use value of field xx of itemId
itemId ID of item to make copy of, otherwise input is asked for
copies_on_load Set the number of copies to make on load of plugin automatically
return_array If Yes (y), returns array of new information instead of displaying results to screen, used in non-interactive mode
Trackeritemfield Display or test the value of a tracker item field trackerId Numeric value representing the tracker ID.
itemId Numeric value representing the item ID. Default is the user tracker item for the current user.
fieldId Numeric value representing the field ID displayed or tested
fields Colon-separated list of field IDs. Default is all fields
list_mode Set output format. Yes (y) displays tracker item field with truncated values (default); No (n) displays in tracker item field view; Comma Separated Values (csv) outputs without any HTML formatting.
Options: | y | n | csv
status Status of the tracker item
Options: | o | p | c | op | oc | pc | opc
test Set to Yes (1) to test whether a field is empty (if value parameter is empty) or has a value the same as the value parameter.
Options: | 1 | 0
value Value to compare against.
Trackerlist List, filter and sort the items in a tracker trackerId Numeric value representing the tracker ID
fields Colon-separated list of field IDs for the fields to be displayed. Example: 2:4:5. The field order specified here determines the column order if the sort parameter is set to y.
sort Display columns in the order listed in the fields parameter instead of by field ID (field ID order is used by default
Options: | y | n
popup Colon-separated list of fields which will display in a tooltip on mouse over. Example: 6:7. Setting this parameter implies y value for sort param.
stickypopup Choose whether the popup tooltip will stay displayed on mouse out (does not stay open by default)
Options: | y | n
showtitle Display the title of the tracker (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showlinks Show links to each tracker item (not shown by default). At least one field needs to be set as Public in order for this to work.
Options: | y | n | r
showdesc Show the tracker's description (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
shownbitems Show the number of items found (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showinitials Show an alphabetical index by first letter to assist in navigation (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showstatus Show the status of the items (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showcreated Creation date display is based on tracker settings unless overridden here
Options: | y | n
showlastmodif Last modification date display is based on tracker settings unless overridden here
Options: | y | n
showlastmodifby Last modified by user display is based on tracker settings unless overridden here
Options: | y | n
showfieldname Use the field names as column titles (used by default)
Options: | y | n
showitemrank Show item ranks (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showcomments Show comments count or last comment date and user depending on tracker preferences
Options: | y | n
status Only show items matching certain status filters (only items with open status shown by default)
Options: | o | p | c | op | oc | pc | opc
sort_mode Sort rows in ascending (_asc) or descending (_desc) order based on field ID, date created or date last modified
sortchoice Add a dropdown of sorting choices. Separate each choice with a :. For each choice, use the format value|label. See sort_mode for value choices. Example with two sorting choices: sortchoice="created_desc|Newest first:lastModif_desc|Last modified first"
max Maximum number of items to display or -1 for all items. Defaults to max records preference, if set. Pagination will not show if all items are shown by setting to -1.
offset Offset of first item. Default is no offset.
forceoffset Fix offset to that specified. This will disallow pagination.
Options: | y | n
showpagination Determines whether pagination will be shown (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
allowtableexpansion Show a toggle button to allow wide tables to overflow to the right of the content area rather than be scrollable in a limited-width area (not by default).
Options: | y | n
filterfield Colon-separated list of fields to allow filtering on.
filtervalue Filter value (or multiple values) that correspond to filterfield. For better performance, use exactvalue instead.
Special search values to match:
*value - text that ends in "value"
value* - text that begins with "value"
#user - the current user's login name
#group_default - the current user's default group.
To filter by empty/non-empty values, use parameter exactvalue instead
exactvalue Exact value (or multiple values) that correspond to filterfield.
Special search values to filter by:
categories(x) - tracker item is in category with ID x or one its descendants
notcategories(x) - tracker item is not in category with ID x or one of its descendants
preference(name) - match against the value of a Tiki preference
notpreference(name) - match if value does not equal a Tiki preference value
not(value) - match if the field does not equal "value"
not() - match for non empty values (opposite with exactvalue="")
or(value1,value2) - match if the field equals "value1" or "value2" (can list more than 2 alternative values)
field(x, itemid) - match field with ID x in item with ID itemid. field(x) can be used if the itemId URL parameter is set
notfield(x, itemid) - match if not equal to field with ID x in item with ID itemid field(x) can be used if the itemId URL parameter is set
The following comparisons can also be applied to date fields by using date phrases that PHP recognizes (see https://doc.tiki.org/Date-and-Time-Features ):
less(value) - match if less than "value"
greater(value) - match if greater than "value"
lessequal(value) - match if less than or equal to "value"
greaterequal(value) - match if greater than or equal to "value"
checkbox Adds a checkbox on each line to perform an action. Required elements are separated by /. Those elements are:
FieldId - the value of this field will be posted to the action
PostName - the name of the post
Title - the title of the submit button
Submit - the name of the submit button
ActionUrl - the file that will be called upon submit
Tpl - optional template inserted before the submit button and returned
SelectType - Leave empty for multiple select, or use dropdown or radio.
Embed - Set to %0y%1 if the trackerlist table is embedded inside an existing form. ActionUrl is ignored in this case.
Checked - comma-separated list of pre-checked items
Format: checkbox="FieldId/PostName/Title/Submit/ActionUrl/Tpl/SelectType/Embed/Checked"
Example: checkbox="6/to/Email to selected/submit/messu-compose.php//dropdown//1,2,3"
goIfOne Display the item rather than list if only one item is found
Options: | y | n
more Show a 'more' button that links to the tracker item (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
moreurl More link pointing to specified URL instead of default tracker item link
view Display only the items of the following:
user - the current user
group - the current user's groups
page - the current page name
ip - the current IP address

Options: | page | user | group | ip
tpl Use content of the specified tpl file as template to display the item. Use {$f_fieldId} to display a field with ID fieldId.
wiki Use content of the wiki page as template to display the item. The page should have the permission tiki_p_use_as_template set, and should only be editable by trusted users such as other site admins
tplwiki Use content of the wiki page as template to display the item but with as little parsing on the content as with a tpl on disk. The page should have the permission tiki_p_use_as_template set, and should only be editable by trusted users such as other site admins
view_user Will display the items of the specified user
itemId Colon-separated list of item IDs to restrict the listing to
ignoreRequestItemId Ignore the itemId url parameter when filtering list (not ignored by default)
Options: | y | n
url The link that will be on each main field when showlinks="y". Special values:
url="mypage?itemId" - will link to the item based on its item ID
url="mypage?tr_offset" - will link to the item based on its offset value
url="sefurl" - will link to the item using itemX (where X is the item ID) for when SEFURL is being used
vi_tpl - use to show the item without admin buttons and with a back button when using a template (Display > Section Format must be set to "Configured" in the tracker properties). Example: url="tiki-view_tracker_item.php?vi_tpl=wiki:PageName&itemId"
ei_tpl - similar to vi_tpl except that admin buttons are shown for users with proper permissions when "Restrict non admins to wiki page access only" is set in the tracker properties.
ldelim Smarty left delimiter for Latex generation. Example:@{
rdelim Smarty right delimiter for Latex generation Example:}@
list_mode Set output format. Yes (y) displays tracker list view with truncated values (default); No (n) displays in tracker item view; Comma Separated Values (csv) outputs without any HTML formatting.
Options: | y | n | csv
export Show an export button (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
compute Sum or average all the values of a field and displays it at the bottom of the table. fieldId/sum:fieldId/avg
silent Show nothing if no items found (the table header and a 'No records found' message is shown by default).
Options: | y | n
showdelete Show a delete icon for each item (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
urlafterdelete Url to redirect to after delete
showopenitem Show an open item option (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showcloseitem Show a close item option (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showpenditem Show a pending item option (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showwatch Show a watch button (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showrss Show an RSS feed button (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
showmap Show Map of results (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
calendarfielddate Used to display items in a calendar view. One fieldId if one date, or 2 fieldIds separated with : for start:end
calendarviewmode Calendar view type time span (default is month)
Options: | month | bimester | trimester | quarter | semester | year
calendarpopup Calendar items will popup, overrides the stickypopup parameter if turned off (default is to pop up).
Options: | y | n
calendarstickypopup Calendar item popups will stay open if set to y (Yes). Not sticky by default
Options: | y | n
calendarbeginmonth Set whether calendar will begin at the beginning of the month (does by default).
Options: | y | n
calendarviewnavbar Show calendar navigation bar (shown by default).
Options: | y | n | partial
calendartitle Enter a title to display a calendar title (not set by default)
calendardelta Set the calendar delta that will be shown (not set by default)
Options: | +month | -month | +bimester | -bimester
displaysheet Display tracker as a spreadsheet (not used by default)
Options: | y | n
force_compile Force Smarty to recompile the templates for each tracker item when using a wiki page as a template. Default=n (best performance)
Options: | y | n
periodQuantity Numeric value to display only last tracker items created within a user defined time-frame. Used in conjunction with the next parameter "Period unit", this parameter indicates how many of those units are to be considered to define the time frame. Use in conjunction with max=-"1" to list all items (by default max is set to 10).
periodUnit Time unit used with "Period quantity"
Options: | hour | day | week | month
periodType Time period after creation or after modification
Options: | c | m
editable Colon-separated list of fields for which inline editing will be enabled.
editableall Allow all displayed fields to be editable
Options: | y | n
force_separate_compile Compile each item separately instead of compiling the entire template.
Options: | y | n
allowStickyHeaders Sticky Headers for the table when scrolling top Default value: No
Options: | n | y
server Enter y to have the server do the sorting and filtering through Ajax and n to have the browser do it (n is the default). Set to y (and also set the Paginate parameter (tspaginate)) if you do not want all rows fetched at once, but rather fetch rows as you paginate, filter or sort.
sortable Serves as the overall switch for turning jQuery Tablesorter on (also for filtering) as well as overall sort settings. Enter y to allow sorting and n to disallow (n is the default). Enter type:save to allow sorts to be saved between page refreshes. Enter type:reset;text:***** to allow sorting and show an unsort button with custom text. Enter type:savereset;text:buttontext to allow the same for saved sorts.
sortList Bracketed numbers for column number (first column = 0) and sort direction (0 = ascending, 1 = descending, n = no sort, y = allow sorting but no pre-sort), for example: ~np~[0,y],[1,0],[2,n]. If the first pre-sorted or no filter column is not the first column, then you should use the y parameter (as in [0,y]) to assign all previous columns.~/np~
tsortcolumns Set type and group settings for each column, using | to separate columns. To show group headings upon page load, the Pre-sorted Columns parameter (0sortList) will need to be set for a column with a group setting. Group will not work in plugins where the Server Side Processing parameter (server) is set to y.
Set type to one of the following: text, digit, currency, percent, usLongDate, shortDate, isoDate, dateFormat-ddmmyyyy, ipAddress, url, time, nosort
Also handle strings in numeric columns with: string-min, string-maxHandle empty cells with: empty-top, empty-bottom, empty-zero.
group creates automatic row headings upon sort with the heading text determined by the setting as follows: letter (first letter), word (first word), number, date, date-year, date-month, date-day, date-week, date-time.letter and word can be extended, e.g., word-2 shows the first 2 words. number-10 will group rows in blocks of ten. Group will not work in plugins where the Server Side Processing parameter (server) is set to y.
tsfilters Enter y for a blank text filter on all columns, or n for no filters. Or set custom column filters separated by | for each column for the following filter choices and parameters:
Text - type:text;placeholder:xxxx
(For PluginTrackerlist this will be an exact search, for other plugins partial values will work.)
From Tiki 18, you can add initial:t option to allow prefix search for text filter. E.g. type:text;initial:t
Dropdown - type:dropdown;placeholder:****;empty:****;option:****;option:****;option:****
Options generated automatically if not set and the server parameter is not y.
Use value=Display label to have the option value be different than the displayed label in the dropdown.
Use empty:Display label to include an option with the specified label that will filter only empty rows. Only used if other options are not specified manually.
Date range - type:date;format:yy-mm-dd;from:2013-06-30;to:2020-12-31
(from and to values set defaults for these fields when user clicks on the input field)Beware that items with empty date values will not be shown when default date range filters are applied.
Numeric range - type:range;from:0;to:50
No filter - type:nofilter
For example: tsfilters="type:dropdown;placeholder:Type to filter..." would result in a dropdown filter on the first column with all unique values in that column in the dropdown list.
tsfilteroptions The following options are available: reset (adds button to take off filters), and hide (Filters are revealed upon mouseover. Hide doesn't work when date and range filters are used.). To use both, set tsfilteroptions="type:reset;text:button text;style:hide"
tspaginate Enter y to set default values based on the site setting for maximum records in listings (on the pagination table of the Look & Feel admin panel). Set to n (and server cannot be set to y) for no pagination. Set custom values as in the following example: max:40;expand:60;expand:100;expand:140
tsoutput Enter y to set default values based on the site setting. Set custom values as in the following example: delivery:d;saveFileName:exported_teblesorter.csv
tscolselect Add a button for hiding and re-showing columns. Also sets priority for dropping columns when browser is too narrow. Set each column to a number between 1 and 6 (1 is highest priority and last to be dropped) or to critical to never hide or drop. An example with 4 columns:tscolselect="critical|4|5|6"
tstotals Generate table, column or row totals and set labels, using either y or the following syntax for each total: type:value;formula:value;filter:value;label:value.
Setting to (y) will add one column total row set as follows: type:col;formula:sum;filter:visible;label:Totals.
Separate multiple total row or column settings with a pipe (|). Set type only to generate sums of visible values. In all cases, cells in columns set to be ignored in the tstotaloptions parameter will not be included in calculations.
Instructions for each total option follows:
type - Choices are col, for a row of columns totals, row, for a column of row totals, and all to include amounts from all cells in the table body in a row total.
formula - set what the calculation is. Choices are: sum, count, max, min, mean, median, mode, range, varp, vars, stdevp, stdevs. Click here for a description of these options.
filter - Determines the rows that will be included in the calculations (so no impact if type:row). Also, when server="y", only visible cells are included regardless of this setting. Choices are visible (rows visible on the page), unfiltered (all rows not filtered out, even if not visible because of pagination), all (all rows, even if filtered or hidden), and hidden (rows filtered out and rows hidden due to pagination).
label - set the label for the total, which will appear in the header for row totals and in the first column for column totals.
tstotalformat Format for table totals (click here for patterns). Example: #,###.
tstotaloptions Pipe-separated options for totals for each column which are set in the tstotals parameter:
format - overrides the default number format set in tstotalformat
ignore - column will be excluded from total calculations set in the tstotals parameter. Remember to include any columns that will be added for row totals set in the tstotals parameter.
Trackerprefill Create a button to prefill tracker fields page Tracker page name
label Button Label.
urlparams Parameters to pass in the URL, for example, &my_parameter1=123&my_parameter2=q
field1 Field ID for the first field
value1 Content that should be used to prefill the field.
field2 Field ID for the second field
value2 Content that should be used to prefill the field.
field3 Field ID for the third field
value3 Content that should be used to prefill the field.
field4 Field ID for the fourth field
value4 Content that should be used to prefill the field.
field5 Field ID for the fifth field
value5 Content that should be used to prefill the field.
field6 Field ID for the sixth field
value6 Content that should be used to prefill the field.
field7 Field ID for the seventh field
value7 Content that should be used to prefill the field.
field8 Field ID for the eighth field
value8 Content that should be used to prefill the field.
Trackerquerytemplate Generate a form from tracker data tracker The name of the tracker to be queried, or if byname="n", the tracker ID.
debug Turn tracker query debug on (off by default).
Options: | y | n
byname Use the tracker name instead of tracker ID in the tracker parameter. Also use the field name instead of field ID in the filter parameters. Set to Yes (y) to use names (default) or No (n) to use IDs.
Options: | y | n
render Render as needed for trackers (default).
Options: | y | n
itemid Item id of tracker item
itemids Item id of tracker items, separated with comma
likefilters Apply "like" filters to fields. Format: field:value;field:value;field:value, where field may be the field name or ID depending on the setting for the byname parameter.
andfilters Apply "and" filters to fields. Format: field:value;field:value;field:value, where field may be the field name or ID depending on the setting for the byname parameter.
orfilters Apply "or" filters to fields. Format: field:value;field:value;field:value, where field may be the field name or ID depending on the setting for the byname parameter.
getlast Retrieve only the last item from the tracker.
Options: | y | n
Trackerstat Display statistics about a tracker. trackerId Numeric value representing the tracker ID
fields Colon-separated list of field IDs to be displayed. Example: 2:4:5. Leave it empty to display all fields from this tracker.
show_count Choose whether to show the count of votes each option received (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
show_percent Choose whether to show the percentage of the vote each option received (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
show_bar Choose whether to show a bar representing the number of votes each option received (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
status Only show items matching certain status filters
Options: | o | p | c | op | oc | pc | opc
show_link Add a link to the tracker
Options: | y | n
show_lastmodif Show last modification date of a tracker. Set to Yes (y) to use site setting for the short date format or use PHP's format (www.php.net/strftime). Example:
Trackertimeline Show a timeline view of a tracker tracker Numeric value representing the tracker ID
title Tracker Field ID containing the item title.
summary Tracker Field ID containing the summary of the item. The summary will be displayed on the timeline when the item is focused.
start Tracker Field ID containing the element start date. The field must be a datetime/jscalendar field.
end Tracker Field ID containing the element end date. The field must be a datetime/jscalendar field.
group Tracker Field ID containing the element's group. Elements of a same group are displayed on the same row.
lower Date from which element should be displayed. Date must be provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.
upper Date until which element should be displayed. Date must be provided in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.
scale1 Unit of time to use for the primary scale (default to hour - * SIMILE only)
Options: | hour | day | week | month | year | decade | century
scale2 Unit of time to use for the secondary scale (default to empty - * SIMILE only)
Options: | hour | day | week | month | year | decade | century
height Height of the timeline band as a CSS unit (default: 250p - - * SIMILE only)
band2_height Height of the lower timeline band as a percentage (default: 250p - - * SIMILE only)
link_group Convert the group name to a link
Options: | y | n
link_page Tracker Field ID containing the page name for item details.
simile_timeline Use the SIMILE Timeline Widget.
Options: y | n
image_field Tracker Field ID containing in image.
Trackertoggle Adjust the visibility of content based on a tracker field's value, possibly dynamically fieldId Numeric value representing the field ID tested.
value Value to compare against.
visible Set whether visible when the field has the value.
Options: | y | n
id HTML id of the element that is toggled
itemId Use the field of specific item. The URL param itemId is used if this parameter is not set.
Trade Send payments between members using cclite price Currency depends on the selected registry.
registry Registry to trade in. Default: site preference (or first in list when more than one)
currency Currency to trade in. Default: Cclite currency preference for registry set above
other_user Name of the user to receive or send the payment. Leave empty to display an input box.
wanted Offered or wanted item. Default:Offered
Options: | n | y
action Default:Continue
inputtitle Title of the input form. Use %0 for the amount, %1 for currency, %2 for your user name, %3 for the other user. Supports wiki syntax
Default:"Payment of %0 %1 from user %2 to %3" for offered items, "Request payment of %0 %1 to user %2 from %3" for wanted
Transclude Include the content of another page with certain changes page Name of the wiki page to use as a template for the values.
Translated Create multilingual links lang Two letter language code of the language, example: fr
flag Country name, example: France
Translationof Translate a link from one language to another orig_page Name of the page from which this link will be translated.
translation_lang Two letter language code of the language in which you want to translate this link. Example: fr
translation_page Name of the page that will become the translation of the "Original Page".
Twitter Display the activity for a twitter account tweet Depends on the type of timeline (Users, Collections, Favorites or Lists). For a User, it is the Account Name (like twitterdev), for Favorites, something like twitterdev/favorites. For lists, something like twitterdev/lists/listname, etc.
widgetId Numeric identifier of the widget
theme Embedded timelines are available in light and dark themes for customization. The light theme is for pages that use a light colored background, while the dark theme is for pages that use a dark colored background. Default is light.
Options: | light | dark
tweetcolor Text color for individual tweets. Default is theme default.
tweetbg Change the border color used by the widget. Default is theme default.
height Height of widget in pixels. Default is 300.
width Width of widget in pixels or 'auto' to fit to width of page. Default is auto.
noheader Default is with Header
Options: | y
nofooter Default is with Footer
Options: | y
noborders Default is with Borders
Options: | y
noscrollbar Default is with Scrollbar
Options: | y
shellbg Transparent Shell Background. Default is theme default
Options: | transparent
Usercount Display number of users for a site or one or more groups groups List of colon separated groups where a consolidated user count for multiple groups is needed. Users in multiple groups are counted only once. If left blank then the behaviour is defined by the body parameter settings.
Useringroup checks if an individual user is in a particular Group and simply return a string set to either true or false userId the userId to be checked
testgroup the Group that the userId check is made against
truetext The text that is displayed if the test result is true
falsetext The text that is displayed if the test result is false
Userlastlogged Show the last login information for a given or current user user Username to display last login information for. Current user information shown if left blank.
date_format Date format setting. Short_datetime used by default
Options: | long_date | short_date | long_time | short_time | long_datetime | short_datetime | iso8601_datetime | compact_iso8601_datetime
Userlink Display a link to a user's information page user User account name (which can be an email address)
Userlist Display a list of registered users sep Separator to use between users in the list. Default: comma
max Result limit
sort Set to sort in ascending or descending order
Options: | asc | desc
layout Set to table to display results in a table
Options: | | table
link Make the user names listed links to different types of user information
Options: | userinfo | userpage | userpref
realname Display the user's real name (when available) instead of login name
Options: | y |
group Filter on a group
Userpref Display contents based on user preference settings no parameters n/a
Versions Create tabs for showing alternate versions of content nav Display a navigation box that allows users to select a specific version to display.
Options: | y | n
title Display the current version name as the title. No title shows when nav="y"; otherwise shows by default.
Options: | y | n
default Specifies version label to show when displaying the page for the first time. Default label is 'Default'
Viewtextfile Allows a simple plain/text file stored in a File Gallery to be displayed in a wiki page fileId File Id of the .TXT file stored in a File Gallery
startline Display the file content starting at this line (remembering that the first line is number 0 (zero) - which is also the default value
stopline Display the file content stopping at this line (remembering that the first line is number 0 (zero)
showfileinfo logic flag to display the file info Yes/No
Options: n | y | n
showlinenumbers logic flag to display line numbers Yes/No
Options: n | y | n
width Width in pixels
height Height in pixels
Vimeo Embed a Vimeo video url Complete URL to the Vimeo video. Example: http://vimeo.com/3319966
width Width in pixels
height Height in pixels
quality Quality of the video
Options: | high | medium | low
allowFullScreen Expand to full screen
Options: | true | false
fileId Numeric ID of a Vimeo file in a File Gallery (or list separated by commas or |).
fromFieldId Numeric ID of a Tracker Files field, using Vimeo displayMode.
fromItemId Numeric ID of a Tracker item, using Vimeo displayMode.
galleryId Gallery ID to upload to.
showTitle Show the Video Title (default is to show)
Options: | true | false
showByline Show the creator's byline
Options: | true | false
showPortrait Show the creator's profile picture
Options: | true | false
Vote Create a tracker for voting trackerId Numeric value representing the tracker ID
fields Colon-separated list of field IDs to be displayed. If not set all the fields that can be used (except IP, user, system, private fields) are used. Example: 2:4:5
show_percent Choose whether to show the percentage of the vote each option received (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
show_bar Choose whether to show a bar representing the number of votes each option received (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
show_stat Choose whether to show the voting results (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
show_stat_only_after Choose whether to show the voting results only after the date given in the tracker configuration (not set by default)
Options: | y | n
show_creator Choose whether to display the user name of the creator of the voting tracker (not shown by default)
Options: | y | n
status Only show items matching certain status filters
Options: | o | p | c | op | oc | pc | opc
float Align the plugin on the page, allowing other elements to wrap around it (not set by default)
Options: | left | right | none
show_toggle Show toggle or not to display the form and the results
Options: | y | n
Votings Saves voting information in Smarty variables for display objectkey Object key that is used to record votes
returnval Value to display as output of plugin
Vue Add a Vue.js component app Make the base App object and initialise Vue.js
Options: | y | n
name Identifier of the component.
Wantedpages Show location of links to pages not yet created ignore A wildcard pattern of originating pages to be ignored. (refer to PHP function fnmatch() for details)
splitby The character by which ignored patterns are separated.
skipalias Whether to skip wanted pages that have a defined alias (not skipped by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
skipext Whether to include external wikis in the list (not included by default)
Options: | 1 | 0
collect Collect either originating (from) or wanted pages (to) in a cell and display them in the second column.
Options: | from | to
debug Switch on debug output with details about the items (debug not on by default)
Options: | 0 | 1 | 2
table Multiple collected items are separated in distinct table rows (default), or by comma or line break in one cell.
Options: | co | br | sep
level Filter the list of wanted pages according to page_regex or custom filter. The default value is the site's __current__ page_regex.
Options: | custom | full | strict
Webdocviewer View a document in a page fileId The FileId of a file in a File Gallery of the file you wish to embed in the viewer.
url The URL of the file you wish to embed in the viewer. If the file is stored in File Galleries, please use the fileId parameter
width Width in pixels
height Height in pixels
Webservice Display remote information exposed in JSON or YAML or SOAP XML url Complete service URL
service Registered service name.
template For use with registered services, name of the template to be used to display the service output. This parameter will be ignored if a body is provided.
bodyname Name of the argument to send the body as for services with complex input. Named service required for this to be useful.
params Parameters formatted like a query: param1=value1&param2=value2
Wikidiff Display the differences between two wiki objects object_id Object to do a diff on (page name for wiki pages)
object_type Object type (wiki pages only)
Options: | wiki page
oldver Integer for old version number, or date
newver Integer for old version number, or date - Leave empty for current version
curver Show the link of the current version to help go back to the current version of the page
Options: y | n
diff_style Defaults to "diff style" preference if empty
Options: | htmldiff | sidediff | sidediff-char | inlinediff | inlinediff-char | sidediff-full | sidediff-full-char | inlinediff-full | inlinediff-full-char | unidiff | sideview
show_version_info Show the heading "Comparing version X with version Y"
Options: | n | y
pagedenied_text Text to show when the page exists but the user has insufficient permissions to see it.
pagenotapproved_text Text to show when the page exists but no version is approved.
Wysiwyg Use a WYSIWYG editor to edit a section of content width Minimum width for DIV. Default: 100px
height Minimum height for DIV. Default: 300px
use_html By default, the body (content) of calls to the WYSIWYG plugin is interpreted according to the "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" (wysiwyg_htmltowiki) preference. By default, "Use HTML" is considered enabled if "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" is disabled, and vice versa. This parameter allows overriding that preference if needed.
Options: | y | n
Xmlupdate Allows multiple elements of an XML file stored in a File Gallery to be updated - the File Gallery (at present) is assumed to store all files in a Directory. fileId File Id of the XML file stored in a File Gallery which is assumed to store its data in a directory
attribute optional use of an attribute for the XML nodes - used as a label in the input form. If used then all nodes in the XML file should have the attribute text set even if it is a blank/space
namelisted yes/no option to include the XML node name in the plugin output - default is yes - and should always be yes if the attribute parameter is not used or not all the nodes have their attribute text set
Options: yes | no
Xmpp Chat using Xmpp room Room to auto-join
Options: | embedded | fullscreen | overlayed
width Chat room width in CSS units
height Chat room height in CSS units
visibility This room is visible to anyone or only for members
Options: members_only | anonymous
can_anyone_discover_jid If just moderator or anyone else can fetch information about an occupant.If just "moderator", anonymous user will not be able to change their nicknames.
Options: anyone | moderator
show_controlbox_by_default If controlbox should be shown after page load. This preference only works when view mode is overlayed
Options: | y | n
show_occupants_by_default If occupants window should be visible by default This preference only works when view mode is embedded
Options: | y | n
groups Allowed groups to use this resource
secret If the room will be listed on public chat room list
Options: | y | n
archiving If room messages will be stored
Options: | y | n
persistent If room will continue to exist after last user leaves
Options: | y | n
moderated If room is moderated
Options: | y | n
Youtube Embed a YouTube video in a page movie Complete URL to the YouTube video or last part (after www.youtube.com/v/ and before the first question mark)
privacyEnhanced Enable privacy-enhanced mode
Options: | y | n
width Width in pixels. Default :425
height Height in pixels Default :350
start Start time offset in seconds
quality Quality of the video. Default is high.
Options: | high | medium | low
allowFullScreen Enlarge video to full screen size
Options: | y | n
related Show related videos (shown by default)
Options: | y | n
background Toolbar background color. Use an HTML color code. Example: ffffff
border Toolbar border colors. Use an HTML color code. Example: ffffff
Zotero Retrieves and includes a Zotero reference in the page. key Unique reference for the group associated to the site. Can be retrieved from the Zotero Bibliography module.
tag Uses the first result using the specified tag. Useful when the tag mechanism is coerced into creating unique human memorizable keys.
note Append a note to the reference for additional information, like page numbers or other sub-references.
Zoterolist Display the complete reference list from a Zotero server tag Provide the list of references with a given tag.


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{module module="action_calendar" items="wiki"}

Would produce on this site:

Action Calendar

December 2023 - December 2023
26 27 28 29 30 01 02
03 04 05 06 07 08 09
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 01 02 03 04 05 06

See these pages for information that applies for all modules:

Created by lindon. Last Modification: Monday 09 December, 2024 07:40:17 GMT-0000 by Baraka Kinywa.