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Major Slowdown tab

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Use this tab to configure the Tiki options tha may affect your overall performance.
To Access
From the Performance Admin Panel page, click the Major Slow Down tab.
The features on this tab have been reported to lower overall performance, especially in high-volume sites.

Option Description Default
Plugin ShareThis Add a ShareThis button Disabled
Log SQL All SQL queries will be registered in the database in the tiki_sql_query_logs table.
Do not enable this feature all the time. It can be very resource intensive and will impact performance.
Log mail in Tiki logs A line of type mail will be included in the System Log with the destination address and subject of each email sent.
May impact performance
Smarty template usage indicator Add HTML comment at start and end of each Smarty template (.tpl file)
Clear the Tiki system cache for this change to take effect.
Use only for development, not in production at a live site, because these warnings are added to emails as well, and are visible to users in the page source.
May impact performance
Show category object count Show object count when browsing categories, complying with search and type filters
Can slow the loading of the categories page on large sites.
Clear cache upon category change A cache is used to avoid having to fetch all categories from the database every time; this clears the cache when an object is categorized to keep the count up to date.
Can slow saving objects on sites with a lot of categories. You may need to manually clear caches to update category object counts.
Log bytes changes (+/-) in action logs May impact performance Disabled
Parse search results When enabled search results are parsed so content formatting is visible in the search results
May impact performance
Custom blog headings Using custom blog headings will use significantly more server resources. Unless you need per-blog templates, you should customize the template file instead. Disabled
PHP Error reporting level Level of errors to be reported. Errors can be seen in a collapsible box at the bottom of the page, if any exist.
No error reporting | Report all PHP errors except strict | Report all PHP errors | Report all PHP errors except notices | According to the PHP configuration
Report all PHP errors excep...
Enable Typography Features Features to replace normal characters with typographic equivalents Disabled