PluginChartJS is a wikiplugin introduced in Tiki16 (but only started working in Tiki17 ) that can generate charts using the open-source Chart.js library.
This plugin is currently only developed to work with Doughnut- and Pie-type charts.
Please note: You should consider this plugin as experimental. Why? Because there are several charting libraries in Tiki, it is probable that some of them will be deprecated, so the community can converge on a common solution. And that solution will be deployed for all charts within Tiki, and for use with PluginList data.
Example usage
This code:
{CHARTJS(values="12:3:20:11")} {CHARTJS}
Would produce:
Or this other code:
{CHARTJS(id="mychart1" type="pie" height="300" width="400" values="15:25:60" data_labels="foo:bar:wohoo" data_colors="red:pink:orange" data_highlights="snow:lightyellow:lightgrey")}{CHARTJS}
Would produce: