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List files in a directory

Plugin LS Dir

Use this wiki plugin to list files in a directory. LS comes from the shell command ls for listing file information. See also PluginLocalFiles.


List files in a directory
Introduced in Tiki 1. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_lsdir

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
dir Full path to the server-local directory. Default is the document root. 1
filter Only list files with file names that contain this filter. Example: .jpg 1
limit digits Maximum amount of files to display. Default is no limit. 0 1
urlprefix url Make the file name a link to the file by adding the URL path preceding the file name. Example: http://yoursite.com/tiki/ 1
sort (blank)
Set the sort order of the file list name 1


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{lsdir dir="/lib/" urlprefix="http://localhost" sort="name" filter=".php" limit="5"}

Created by system. Last Modification: Saturday 03 August, 2019 07:24:24 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.