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Allows to draw signatures

Plugin Signature

Use this wiki plugin to interactively sign a page with your hand written signature.

Not to be confused with PluginSign


Allows to draw signatures

Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_signature

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
align text Signature image align in document (default is left)
editable_by_groups text Put some groups that are allowed to edit this plugin
editable_by_user text Put some usernames that are allowed to edit this plugin
height digits Signature image height (default is 200px)
name text Name of component.
width digits Signature image width (default is 400px)


This code:

Copy to clipboard

Would produce:

Screen Captured Demonstration




It uses https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad

Copy to clipboard
We have pushed a new wikiplugin_signature, which allows to draw a signature and save it as an image. How to use: {CODE()} {signature} {CODE} Additional params: * name - Like the “person“ who should sign (example: customer). The name is displayed in the signature button. * width - The signature image width (default is 400px). * height - The signature image height (default is 200px) * align - Where to position the signature (default is left). After save, the image is stored within the plugin content as image/png base64. The plugin is also ready for PDF export since it uses images after signature is saved. Caveats: Who signs needs permission to edit the tiki-page. Code changes delivered to master: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/608

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
98 Video_2021-01-02_062741.gif A quick demo of PluginSignature Marc Laporte 676.59 Kb 217