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Send payments between members using cclite

Plugin Trade

Introduced in Tiki6

Use this wiki plugin to send or receive payments from one member to another using the Payment feature. (for cclite only so far, experimental)


Send payments between members using cclite
Introduced in Tiki 6. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_trade, payment_feature

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
price text Currency depends on the selected registry. 6.0
action text Default:Continue Continue 6.0
currency text Currency to trade in. Default: Cclite currency preference for registry set above 6.0
inputtitle text Title of the input form. Use %0 for the amount, %1 for currency, %2 for your user name, %3 for the other user. Supports wiki syntax
Default:"Payment of %0 %1 from user %2 to %3" for offered items, "Request payment of %0 %1 to user %2 from %3" for wanted
other_user username Name of the user to receive or send the payment. Leave empty to display an input box. 6.0
registry text Registry to trade in. Default: site preference (or first in list when more than one) 6.0
wanted (blank)
Offered or wanted item. Default:Offered n 6.0