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Display multiple articles

Plugin Articles

Use this wiki plugin, available since Tiki1, to include any number of articles into a wiki page. For a plugin that includes components of a single article, see PluginArticle. This is particularly useful if you want to include the top 2 articles into your homepage, but being anyway able to write some custom Wiki text. For a quick summary of a list of articles you can also use PluginModule to display Module last_articles.


Tiki Doc From Code error: articles not found

Fields displayed with the articles (author, nb of views, etc.)

To choose which fields to display on top of each article, go to Control panels - Articles - Article Types and tick/untick the choosen field -see https://doc.tiki.org/Articles+Listing


In this example below, a wiki page is shown including the articles plugin, so that last articles are shown below the "! News" heading of the page.

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{articles max="5" topicId="!5"}



When topic="!New+Events', only the articles that have not a topic News or a topic Events will be displayed. You can put as many topics you want by separating them with the character '+'.The character '!' means not - It can be only on first place. Do not put space around the separator.


The multilinguism is managed on 2 aspects:

  • If you have selected the multilingualism and best_language features, and when this plugin is inserted in a page that has a defined language, some articles can be filtered out. For each set of translations, when one article of this set has the same language as the page language, only this article in the set will be displayed. Please note that you can still see an article of another language, if this article is not in a set of translations or if this set of translations has no article in the page language.
  • If you use the parameter lang, only the articles in this language will be shown

Created by sylvie. Last Modification: Sunday 28 March, 2021 15:05:39 GMT-0000 by Daniel Gauthier.