Warning: Undefined variable $filepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tikidocfromcode.php on line 146 Display code with syntax highlighting and line numbering | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
This wiki plugin is used to display any source code (including wiki syntax) on a page without it being processed. The code is displayed in a gray box in a fixed-width monospaced font. A title can be added to the box and line numbers added. Syntax highlighting is also available, since Tiki7 using CodeMirror and using GeSHi before that.
Note about Wiki Argument Variables
Wiki argument variables like {{page}} will be interpreted inside any wiki plugin or wiki syntax. To display a wiki argument variable you can escape the first bracket using the np (non parseable) tag: ~np~{~/np~{page}}.
Tiki Doc From Code error: code not found
Syntax highlighting
To activate syntax highlighting and enjoy most of the options (lines number, colors, etc), the Code editor (CodeMirror) feature must be enabled at Control Panels > Editing and Plugins > General Settings (tab) > Features (pane).
See the list of CodeMirror supported languages that can be used for the colors parameter.
If you need a mode that keeps tab spacing, you can use, for instance, mode scss.
For the color highlighting to work for php when GeSHi is not installed and you are using Tiki6 or earlier versions, it's important to include the php tag at the beginning.
Installing GeSHi
Since GeSHi has been licensed under GPL - which is incompatible with Tiki's LGPL license - the administrator will need to manually download a copy of GeSHI. It appears the project now uses GitHub for the repository.
Once you have you copy of Geshi, you should place it in your own tiki's lib/geshi/ directory, so that once placed there the folder structure is something like:
You could alternatively install the stable version of GeSHI with the Debian/Ubuntu package php-geshi (check if the version of the package is fresh enough for your needs, compared to the latest stable from their website or subversion repository).
Supported languages
To be certain which languages your installation of GeSHi covers, check the language files in directory where GeSHi was installed. See the this GitHub repository language folder for example.
The exact name of the language file (without the .php extension) is used to specify the language in the colors parameter.
On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options