Plugin Img
Use this wiki plugin to display an image either inline or with styling and resizing. Images can be identified by URL address and by ID for images in Tiki file or image galleries or attachments on the Tiki site. The image can be styled and resized and can be included in a styled box with the image description or name displayed. Images can be set to enlarge on mouseover, or via colorbox, or in a separate web page.
Usage and Parameters
Here are some quick examples:
Below are the parameters for this plugin, categorized into tabs:
Image aligned right and hyperlinked
This code:
{img attId="39" imalign="right" link="" alt="Panama Hat"} This text after the img code will nevertheless be on the left because the image is right aligned. The text will also wrap around the image since the ''imalign'' parameter "floats" the image.
Would produce this on this site:
This text after the img code will nevertheless be on the left because the image is right aligned. The text will also wrap around the image since the imalign parameter "floats" the image.
The target of the link will always be "_blank".
Add several images in a row
This code:
{img attId="57|58|59" desc="desc" alt="Sample Images" thumb="y" stylebox="float: left; margin-right:10px"}
This might not be possible with all versions earlier than Tiki 4.
Would produce this on this site:
Different image for a thumbnail
Below is an example of using a thumbnail image (apples) that is different than the image brought up when the thumbnail is clicked (oranges):
{img attId="57" thumb="y" link="tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=58&display" rel="box[g]"}
Would produce this on this site:
Zoom image on mouse over
Below is an example of using a thumbnail image (apples) that enlarges when moused over:
{img attId="57" thumb="zoom"}
Would produce this on this site:
Zoom image in a modal box
Add the parameter thumb="zoombox"
. Then you will be able to get image magnification, when the source image is bigger than the size shown on screen. Full size image appears with zoom option in a "Colorbox" overlay when thumbnail is clicked.
Below is an example of using a thumbnail image (pears) that enlarges in the Colorbox modal overlay:
{img src="img/wiki_up/393px-Pears.jpg" thumb="zoombox"}
Would produce this on this site:
Avoid images being resized and relocated in Slideshows
This S5 slideshow engine in Tiki (see PluginSlideShow) resizes and relocates images automagically by deafault, in order to allow quickly show content, and a small thumbnail of the image at the upper right corner of the slide.
If you prefer to have the image shown at its original size and position, you can add the parameter class="fixedSize"
to your img
call. Example:
This code would show the image as a small thumbnail in the upper right corner of the slide: code to allow resizing and relocating the image Copy to clipboard
But this code would allow the image to be shown at the original size of 500px and at the same position where this code was written. code to keep original size and position Copy to clipboard
For a better usage with Social Network
A parameter was added to facilitated integration with Social Network application.
To tell open graph what is the featured picture to be used in a post, story, etc...(and may be something different for twitter) you can use the "featured" parameter.
{img type="src" src="display2228" alt="TikiFest Virtual 2021 banner" featured="y"}
Multi-resolution images (Retina display)
Added in Tiki18. See Multi-resolution images
When the SEFURLs feature is enabled you can enter "displayID" (where ID is the number of the image in the File Gallery) in the image source field (the src
Related pages
- Wiki-Syntax Images - General information about adding images to tiki pages
- PluginColorbox - displays images in a file or image gallery in a slideshow (version 5.0)
- PluginFiles - use the slideshow parameter to create pop-up slideshows
- PluginGalleriffic - display images in a file gallery using the jQuery Galleriffic module
- PluginSlider makes an embedded slideshow from whatever content you add there (images, text, video, etc, split between markers for new slide) .
- PluginCarousel displays the images of a file gallery in a self-advancing carousel, as an embedded slideshow.