UI Effects tab
Related Topics
- Overview
- Use this tab to select the standard configuraiton of specific UI (including JS and JQ) effects.
- To Access
- From the Look and Feel Admin page, click the Pagination Links tab.
Option | Description | Default |
Effect for modules | Default | None | Slide | Fade | Blind (UI) | Clip (UI) | Drop (UI) | Explode (UI) | Fold (UI) | Puff (UI) | Slide (UI) | None |
Speed | Fast | Normal | Slow | Normal |
Direction | Vertical | Horizontal | Left | Right | Up | Down | Vertical |
Effect for tabs | Default | None | Slide | Fade | Blind (UI) | Clip (UI) | Drop (UI) | Explode (UI) | Fold (UI) | Puff (UI) | Slide (UI) | Slide |
Speed | Fast | Normal | Slow | Fast |
Direction | Vertical | Horizontal | Left | Right | Up | Down | Vertical |
Shadowbox / ColorBox | Display images in a modal popup window (also referred to as shadowbox, lightbox or colorbox). | Enabled |
Allow image lazy loading | Allow that images are loaded in a lazy way | Disabled |
Visual style of Colorbox (a.k.a. "Shadowbox") | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | One |
Date picker for date selection | JavaScript popup date selector (uses jQuery UI DatePicker). | Enabled |
Anchor links on headings | Cause a link icon to appear on hover over each heading, useful for sharing the URL to an exact location on a page. h1 only | h2 and above | h3 and above | h4 and above | h5 and above | h6 and above | none (disabled) |
h6 and above |
Enable JavaScript plugin for equal-height rows | Enable responsive rows, the contained elements of which have the same height. | Disabled |
Conditional formatting | Use different coloring for certain system objects. Only groups are supported for now. | Disabled |
Draggable Modals | Modal popups can be moved around. | Enabled |
Resizable Modals | Modal popups can be resized. | Enabled |