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List the specified number of pages, starting from the most recently modified.
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Module last_modif_pages

This module displays the most recently edited wiki pages, in reverse chronological order, and provides a link to each page.


List the specified number of pages, starting from the most recently modified.

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Preferences required: feature_wiki

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
absurl If set to "y", some of the links use an absolute URL instead of a relative one. This can avoid broken links if the module is to be sent in a newsletter, for example. Default: "n".
action If set to "y", show action performed on the pages. ( y / n )
comment If set to "y", show the descriptions of the change made on the pages. ( y / n )
date If set to "y", show page edit dates. ( y / n )
url Target URL of the "...more" link at the bottom of the module. Default: tiki-lastchanges.php
user If set to "y", show who edited the pages. ( y / n )
maxlen int Maximum number of characters in page names allowed before truncating.
maxcomment int Maximum number of characters in comments allowed before truncating.
days int Number of day in past to look for modified pages. Defaults to "356"
show_namespace Show namespace prefix in page names. ( y / n ) y


You will see it listed at "Admin > Modules > Assign new module > Module Name (drop down)" (tiki-admin_modules.php).

You can assign a this Module to a lateral column (See Module Admin page if needed), or you can include it within a wiki page, using the PluginModule.

Copy to clipboard
{MODULE(module=>last_modif_pages) /}

See PluginModule for additional parameters that can be used.

The assigned module looks like this:

See these pages for information that applies for all modules: