Home » Annexes » List of Wiki Plugins » PluginList » PluginList overview about control blocks parameters and values Sortable List of Control blocks CommandDescriptionRequiredsee alsoALTERNATEused in conjunction with the OUTPUT command it can define an alternative output when an individual item (row) from a search/listing has no value.optionalPluginList output control blockbodyoptionalcaptionoptionalcarouselwraps the carousel specific parameters and values inside a command OUTPUT with type=carouseloptionalcolumnOptionally sed when in the command OUTPUT (embraced) the parameter type=table. {column ...} defines the specific configuration of each column of the table. One command per column.optionaldisplayUsed to define placement and formatting of individual objects. {display ...} embraced by the FORMAT command. optionalPluginList display control blockfilterfilter is a required command in the LIST body content and is used to define the search query that will be run to gather a set of results from the complete set of objects that have been indexed by the Unified Search. A large number of possible individual parameters can be 'filtered' . Multiple filter commands can be applied in an additive manner, ie the equivalent of an AND operation. requiredFORMATThe FORMAT command is used to create individually templated objects that can then be used in any of the individual OUTPUT methods. The FORMAT command allows to apply a wiki template and store it inside a named value. The value can then be used inside an other wiki template, or more usefully inside a smarty template.optionalPluginList format control blockiconoptionallistUp to Tiki 12.3, replaced by 'pagination' The LIST plugin will display 50 results by default but depending on the output you might want to decrease the visible amount of results to improve performance.optional Sortable List of Parameters ParameterCommandDescriptionVersioncategoriesfilter (inline)Match on the object's directly associated categories.codedisplay (inline)contentfilter (inline)Full text search on all of the object's content Additional field argument can be provided to search for other fields instead of the default ones.contributorsfilter (inline)user login to search for as the contributors for the contentdeepcategoriesfilter (inline)Match on the object's categories or their parents, providing deep searching.editabledisplay (inline)editable=inline will set the field to be editable online. required: "Inline editing (found in trackers)" and column should be set to mode=raw. example: {column label="First Name" field="firstName" mode=raw} ... {FORMAT(name="firstName")}{display name="tracker_field_firstName" format=trackerrender editable=inline}{FORMAT}11.xexcludeParentsdisplay (inline)favoritefilter (inline)Show only the favorited objects of a certain user.fieldcolumn (inline)name of the field(s) of this column corresponds (must be identical) with the parameter "name" of the command "FORMAT"fieldfilter (inline)to search trackers (for type=trackeritem, specify field; for instance, for tracker field "Foo Bar" with permanent name "foobar", you need to write field=tracker_id_foobar ) object type to filter, example: field=tracker_id Sortable List of Values ValueParameterCommandDescriptionVersioncarouseltemplateOUTPUT (embracing)Sample using the default Bootstrap Carousel formatting. See: LIST - output command14.xdateformatdisplay (inline)using the short date formatdatetimeformatdisplay (inline)using the short datetime format8.ximagegrabberformatdisplay (inline)automatically grabs images from a source that is provided.medialisttemplateOUTPUT (embracing)Sample using the default media list formatting. See: LIST - output command13.xobjectlinkformatdisplay (inline)uses the value as the label to a link to the objectplainformatdisplay (inline)as-is, default format optionally in conjunction with parameter 'separator'referenceformatdisplay (inline)to display a link based on the value mandatory in cojunction with parameter 'type' optionally in cojunction with parameter'separator' use ''format=reference" for tracker fields which are "page selector" fields, to assure that you link to the page whose name is contained in the tracker, rather than to the tracker record.snippetformatdisplay (inline)to display the initial portion of the a large text optionally in conjunction with parameters 'length' and 'suffix'tabletemplateOUTPUT (embracing)Note that the column plugins (within OUTPUT) are converted to a data array sent to the template. The table formatting uses smarty formatting and provides the same capabilities. See: LIST - output command