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Copy a tracker item

Plugin Tracker Item Copy

Introduced in Tiki7

Use this wiki plugin to copy a tracker item.


Copy a tracker item
Introduced in Tiki 7. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_trackeritemcopy, feature_trackers

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
copyFieldIds text
separator: | :
Field IDs to copy old value of, separated by :, joined fields separated by | 7.0
linkFieldIds text
separator: :
Fields links that are related to this tracker that you would like to join on, separated by : 8.0
trackerId text
separator: :
Tracker from which to copy item, joined tracker ids separated by : 7.0
copies_on_load int Set the number of copies to make on load of plugin automatically 7.0
itemId text ID of item to make copy of, otherwise input is asked for 7.0
return_array text If Yes (y), returns array of new information instead of displaying results to screen, used in non-interactive mode 7.0
updateFieldValues text
separator: | :
New values to replace for the field IDs specified, separated by :, joined fields separated by |. randomstring will generate random string; and f_xx to use value of field xx of itemId 7.0
updateFieldIds text
separator: | :
Field IDs to update with new values specified, separated by :, joined fields separated by | 7.0

Note: Will not work with category or certain special fields, copies only data from specified fields.


Plugin TrackerItemCopy | Plugin Tracker ItemCopy | Clone | CloneItems | Duplicate | DuplicateItems | Clone Items | Duplicate Items | Clone Item | Duplicate Item | CloneItem | DuplicateItem