Tiki Reference Guide » Meta Elements » Robots Geo Metatags tab Related Topics Geolocation OverviewUse this tab to modify how bots and search will identify the geographical region of your website. To AccessFrom the Meta Elements Admin page, click the Geo Metatags tab. Tiki Version 2827262421 Option Description Default geo.position The latitude and longitude of the physical location of the site. For example "38.898748, -77.037684". None geo.region The ISO-3166 country and region codes for your location. For example, "US-NY". None geo.placename A free-text description of your location. None Option Description Default geo.position The latitude and longitude of the physical location of the site. For example "38.898748, -77.037684". None geo.region The ISO-3166 country and region codes for your location. For example, "US-NY". None geo.placename A free-text description of your location. None Option Description Default geo.position The latitude and longitude of the physical location of the site. For example "38.898748, -77.037684". None geo.region The ISO-3166 country and region codes for your location. For example, "US-NY". None geo.placename A free-text description of your location. None Option Description Default geo.position The latitude and longitude of the physical location of the site. For example "38.898748, -77.037684". None geo.region The ISO-3166 country and region codes for your location. For example, "US-NY". None geo.placename A free-text description of your location. None Option Description Default geo.position The latitude and longitude of the physical location of the site. For example "38.898748, -77.037684". None geo.region The ISO-3166 country and region codes for your location. For example, "US-NY". None geo.placename A free-text description of your location. None