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History: API Tracker

Source of version: 12 (current)

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            ! API Tracker
Tiki supports URL arguments and they can be used to interact with the Trackers and the plugins displaying or creating items. For example you can define a default value for a field in a customSearch or force the insertion of a value when creating an item.

!! Examples
~tc~ This displayed only the field childrenIdNumber in the create item form. Needs a fix ?
!!! To set a link that will create a new item and insert a value in a field
Here we use it to create an item with a specific value for field.
(replace "childrenIdNumber" with your category field permaname)

!!! Allow creation, edition and deletion of tracker items in a modal pop-up

This is the html syntax for use in a smarty template file.

{CODE(caption="Creation of an item in tracker 1")}
<a class="click-modal tips" title=":Create new item" data-role="button" data-inline="true" href="tiki-tracker-insert_item?trackerId=1">Create new item</a>
{CODE(caption="Edition of item 3 in tracker 1")}
<a class="click-modal tips" title=":Edit item" data-role="button" data-inline="true" href="tiki-tracker-update_item?trackerId=1&itemId=3">Edit item 3</a>
{CODE(caption="Deletion of item 3 in tracker 1")}
<a class="click-modal tips" title=":Remove item" data-role="button" data-inline="true" href="tiki-tracker-remove_item?trackerId=1&itemId=3">Remove item 3</a>

!!! Create/Update some fields of an item using ''editable''

If you want to update two fields which permanentNames are ''name'' and ''surname'' and leave the other fields unchanged:
{CODE(caption="Edition of two fields of item 3 in tracker 1")}
(same principle for item creation)

!!! Hide some fields of an item on the creation/edition using ''noteditable''

If you want to hide two fields which permanentNames are name and surname and edit the other fields:
{CODE(caption="Hiding of two fields of item 3 in tracker 1")}
(same principle for item creation)

!!! Pre-fill field values using ''fields''
Note: once you use ''fields'', only the fields which you specifically mention will be available for edition.
{CODE(caption="Edition of three fields of item 3 in tracker 1 with a prefilled value")}
{CODE(caption="Creation of item 3 in tracker 1 with a prefilled value and two extra fields")}
This will prefill the "education" field and it will display fields ''name'' and ''surname'' as empty fields. It is probably perfect for creating a new item but not what you would expect for editing an existing item (loss of previous values).

A better solution which does not lose previously entered content:
{CODE(caption="Edition of three fields of item 3 in tracker 1 with one prefilled value")}

!!! To set a link that will create a new item and force-insert and hide a value for a field
Here we use it to create an item with a specific category Id.
(replace "childrenIdNumber" with your category field permaname)
All fields can be edited except the one which is forced which will not be shown.

This can be used with a variable like a field from a plugin list. Here we prefill the (user)name and hide it.''The smarty replace modifier is required to remove extra space(s) added to the value(s)''
tiki-tracker-insert_item?trackerId=11&forced~paymentsFamilyName={$row.name|replace:' ':''}

!!! To set a link that will open the update modal for an existing item and insert a value for a field
Here we use it to create an item with a specific category Id.
(replace "permaname" with your category field permaname)

!!! Status control with tiki-tracker-insert_item and tiki-tracker-update_item
|| code | status of saved item | is status selector displayed in pop-up window?
status=open | open  | yes
status=pending  | pending | yes
status=closed | closed  | yes
status=0  | default value in tracker properties | No
nothing about status  | default value in tracker properties | only if "show status" is set in tracker properties
{CODE(caption="Example" theme="default")}tiki-tracker-insert_item?trackerId=57&editable[]=inscrContenuCmdCommande&status=closed{CODE}

!! Updating a tracker field using POST
((API Tracker Update Demo))