History: Automatic updates
Source of version: 4
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This is the recipe for 1-click udpdates starting in ((Tiki25)). !! Context 1-click udpdates is a highly-requested capability which is tricky to do. !! Requirements * Command line access * Tiki Manager dependencies, or the capability to install them ** Git, etc. !! High-level * Install Tiki from Git * Set up ((Scheduler)) * Install ((Tiki Manager Package)) * Use Tiki Manager instance update on demand or automatically !! Benefits !!! Updates directly from Git sources * Can get any revision, and not just released versions * Can efficiently maintain local modifications ** Before updates/upgrades, there is a check to detect conflicts * Can use your own Git branch * Can use merge requests / branches !!! Sensible file permissions Since Tiki Manager is not ran by the web user (like Apache or www), it can set safer file permissions !!! Background process Since Tiki Manager is not ran by the web user (like Apache or www), it is not prone to time-out errors