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History: Changelog 1.5

Source of version: 4 (current)

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            !Changelog 1.5
* You can select the name of your Wiki home page. Can be other than HomePage.
* Now admin has an option to enable full wiki page names allowing spaces and accents and other characters to be part of a wiki page.
* Quick image uploads to wiki pages, you can upload a picture from the editpage feature and have it displayed in the page immediately.
* Added a phpinfo link to check your php installation in the admin menu.
* Now you can make batch uploads of zip files for file galleries. If you have the right permission just upload a zip file and all the files will be added to the gallery.
* Now you can use comments for individual blog posts.
* Tikilib code reduced splitting it into smaller libraries reducing memory consumption. (stage1)
* Added a description field for Wiki pages (optional) when this feature is disabled the description is displayed below the page name and as the title of a link to the page (form other pages).
* Added direct link to pages in paginations (optional) if enabled you can jump to any page of a multipage listing by following a link.
* Newsletters added, admins can setup newsletters and users can subscribe, emails are required to confirm subscriptions and prevent spamming. Then admin can simply send an HTML based newsletter to the subscribed (and confirmed) users. Users can unsubscribe using a URL.
* Added an option to generate gzipped output to the browser.
* Base templates can now be defined by theme so you can create a theme presenting a whole different layout for Tiki. You can also use this to create themes including images and other decoration elements in Tiki. Since only base templates are classified by theme you can do it changing just a few files. If you don't want to change the layout just copy the templates from the templates directory if you are creating a theme.
* Changed wiki page names to support up to 150 characters.
* Menus now preserve their state between pages (using cookies) if cookies are disabled then menus wont preserve state but will still work as they did before.
* Added plugins to the Wiki, now you can create your own plugins for the wiki to suit your needs. The syntax is simple, see lib/wiki_plugins/example.php for a description and example.
* Admin can choose if passwords are stored in plaintext or not. If not, a hash will be used to authenticate users and the remind-password feature will generate a new password and send it by email. The new password will be immediately due so the user will be forced to change it.
* All the JavaScript code has been packed into a library.
* Tiki can now be run on any Web server port.
* HTTPS protocol is now supported. Tiki can now run over HTTPS connections.
* BiDi support. Added support for BiDi languages. Added BiDi.css file to control BiDi directionality and layout.
* Added ~ns~ ~/ns~ syntax to the Wiki to make page sections unparsed. Can be used to put HTML code or anything that you want as-is without wiki syntax being parsed.
* Full text searching added (optional). By enabling this feature, results will be sorted by the relevance of the match to the search query. Also, search results will be ordered first by relevance, and then by section (wiki, blog, etc.). Non-fulltext searching continues to sort first by section, and then by 'hits'.
* PHPWikiImport feature. You can export pages from a PHPWiki dump into tiki even versions will be created.
* Export all wiki feature. As admin you can export the whole wiki as a text dump that can later be imported into this or another Tiki site.
* Import/export wiki pages. Wiki pages can now be exported to a .txt Mimealike format and imported from an exported file.
* Slideshows added, if a wiki page contains more than one ~np~ -=titlebar=- ~/np~ then you can display it as a slide show. This is a very cool feature.
* Admin can select the minimum length for a password to be valid.
* Admin can choose if user passwords must include letters and numbers to be valid.
* Admin can setup passwords lifetime and Tiki will force the user to change his password once the password is expired.
* Challenge-response authentication added, if enabled and the browser support JavaScript then user passwords are never send across the network being replaced by a challenge-response authentication algorithm. This improves security since the chance of password eavesdropping is reduced a lot.
* Added sections to forums, now you can put forums into sections and the forums listing will list forums for each existing section. (As phpBB and other forum software does).
* Improved forum layout to be nicer (Roger)
* Avatars added to forums. Users can configure their avatars from their user preferences screen, pick an avatar from the library (more than 500) or upload an image to be used as your avatar.
* Surveys, create surveys to get a better understanding on your users opinions, many survey question types, users can fill surveys and stats are stored.
* Many bugs fixed, google module now works, definition lists fixed, wiki lists fixed, etc., etc.
* Webmail, set-up as many POP-accounts as you want, select a "current" account and you will be able to read mails, write emails, delete emails, download attachments, use attachments, write or read HTML based emails. Manage your address book, automatically add addresses to your address book and all the regular cool webmail features.
* Trackers, trackers are a flexible way to track user-requests and groupware tasks, you can define the fields for each tracker. Many field-types supported. Tracker items can be commented and can have file attachments, tracker items can be assigned to a user or group and will appear in the user preferences page (the user's home). Trackers and tracker items can be monitored and Tiki will send you an email when something is changed. You can open-close tracker items.
* Dates and times are displayed in the time zone specified by the user and/or the administrator. The administrator (but not the user) can also specify the date and time format strings. Month and weekday names are also localized, if locales are configured correctly on the server.