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History: Connect

Source of version: 12 (current)

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{DIV(float=right,width="200px")}^::Related Topics::
* [http://tiki.org/home|Tiki Community]
* [http://tiki.org/tiki-directory_browse.php?parent=2|Tiki Sites]
* [http://info.tiki.org/file4|Featured Tiki Sites]^{DIV}
;__Overview__: Use this page to "connect" with the [http://tiki.org/Home|Tiki Community]. You can also send feedback and usage information to the developers.
;__To access__: Click the __Connect__ icon {icon name="admin_connect" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on icon set in use."} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=connect__ 
;__Tabs__: This page contains the following tabs:{toc}
;__Note__: This feature was introduced in ((Tiki8)). Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS). It is a community-driven project which exists and improves thanks to the participation of people just like ''__YOU__''!