History: Console
Source of version: 48
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! Console Tiki Console is to administer your Tiki instance via the command line. It is based on [http://symfony.com/doc/master/components/console/introduction.html|Symfony's Console Component]. ''Please note that the following information is given for [https://tiki.org/Versions|Tiki LTS versions], more commands exists and this list will be updated as the next LTS is released.'' {CODE()}php console.php{CODE} {TABS(name="WYSIWYG" tabs="21.x LTS|18.x LTS")} {CODE(colors="shell", ln="0")} [root@ html]# php console.php Tiki Console Tool Usage: command [options] [arguments] Options: -h, --help Display this help message -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi Force ANSI output --no-ansi Disable ANSI output -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question --site=SITE Multi-Tiki instance --as-user=AS-USER Run the command as a different Tiki user -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug Available commands: help Displays help for a command list Lists commands patch Apply a specific database schema patch backup backup:files Create a backup of Tiki instance files cache cache:clear Clear Tiki caches cache:generate Generate Tiki caches daily-report daily-report:send Send daily user reports database database:backup Create a database backup (with mysqldump) database:configure Database: Configure (write local.php) database:install Clean Tiki install database:redact Unavailable: Redact database database:update Update the database to the latest schema dev dev:fixbom Fix BOM and line endings for all files faker faker:comments Generate comments fake data faker:tracker Generate tracker fake data files files:batchupload Batch upload files into the file galleries files:check Detect orphan or extra files files:copy Copy files from file galleries to a regular directory on the file system files:deleteold Remove expired files which were uploaded using the deleteAfter option files:move Move files from file galleries to a regular directory on the file system gallery gallery:migrate Migrate images from the Image Gallery to the File Gallery goal goal:check Reviews all active goals and assigns rewards. index index:catch-up Catch-up on incremental indexing. index:optimize Optimize the unified search index index:rebuild Fully rebuild the unified search index installer installer:lock Disable the installer list list:execute Performs Plugin ListExecute command on a particular page mail-in mail-in:poll Read the mail-in messages mail-queue mail-queue:send Send the messages stored in the Mail Queue multitiki multitiki:list List MultiTikis in a path multitiki:move Moves a MultiTiki site from one tiki instance to another notification notification:digest Send out email notification digests objects objects:notify-maintainers Send out email notification to maintainers for objects whose freshness is greater than the limit ocr ocr:all Unavailable: OCR all queued files ocr:file Unavailable: Attempt to OCR a file. Defaults to queued OCR job ocr:set Unavailable: Set the OCR status of files (Queue, Skip) ocr:status Unavailable: Give statistics on file OCR status (Queued, Processing, Finished, Skipped) package package:clearcache Deletes all content from Composer's cache directories. package:disable Disable a Tiki Package package:enable Enable a Tiki Package package:install Install package package:list List installed/available to install packages package:remove Remove package package:update Update package plugin plugin:approve Approve a list of plugin invocations/calls plugin:list List all plugin invocations/calls plugin:refresh Parses all the pages to refresh the list of plugin invocations/calls preferences preferences:delete Delete a preference preferences:export Export preferences preferences:get Get a preference preferences:rebuild-index Fully rebuild the preferences index preferences:set Set a preference profile profile:apply Apply a profile profile:baseline Generate the SQL patch to assign profile symbols for an existing installation. profile:export:init Initialize profile export for current site. profile:forget Forget a profile installation recommendation recommendation:batch Identify and send recommendations rss rss:clear Clear incoming RSS feed cache rss:refresh Refresh incoming RSS feeds scheduler scheduler:heal Heal scheduled tasks scheduler:run Run scheduled tasks scss scss:compile Compile SCSS theme files into CSS sitemap sitemap:generate Generate sitemap theme theme:install Install a new theme theme:remove Remove a theme theme:update Update a theme tiki tiki:info Displays the Tiki and/or PHP version tiki:stats Display a table with the KPIs tracker tracker:clear Clear all items from a tracker without warning or notifications. Use with care! tracker:export Export a CSV file from a tracker using a tracker tabular format tracker:import Import a CSV file into a tracker using a tracker tabular format translation translation:englishupdate Fix English strings after modifying them. translation:getstrings Update language.php files with new strings users users:list Display the list of users in the system users:password Set the password to a given user vcs vcs:automerge Semi Auto Merge vcs:fixids Fix the Id's of SVN Keyword for all files vcs:update Update SVN to latest version & perform tasks for a smooth update. {CODE} ///// {CODE(colors="shell", ln="0")} user@server:/www/tiki18$ php console.php Console Tool Usage: command [options] [arguments] Options: -h, --help Display this help message -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi Force ANSI output --no-ansi Disable ANSI output -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question --site=SITE Multi-Tiki instance --as-user=AS-USER Run the command as a different user -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug Available commands: help Displays help for a command list Lists commands patch Apply a specific database schema patch addon addon:install Apply profiles for addon addon:remove Remove objects created by addon profile creation addon:upgrade Upgrade profiles for addon to newer version backup backup:files Create a backup of Tiki instance files cache cache:clear Clear Tiki caches daily-report daily-report:send Send daily user reports database database:backup Create a database backup (with mysqldump) database:configure Database: Configure (write local.php) database:install Clean Tiki install database:redact Command not available database:update Update the database to the latest schema faker faker:tracker Generate tracker fake data files files:batchupload Batch upload files into the file galleries files:check Detect orphan or extra files files:copy Copy files from file galleries to a regular directory on the file system files:deleteold Remove expired files which were uploaded using the deleteAfter option files:move Move files from file galleries to a regular directory on the file system gallery gallery:migrate Migrate images from the Image Gallery to the File Gallery goal goal:check Reviews all active goals and assigns rewards. index index:catch-up Catch-up on incremental indexing. index:optimize Optimize the unified search index index:rebuild Fully rebuild the unified search index installer installer:lock Disable the installer less less:compile Compile LESS theme files into CSS list list:execute Performs Plugin ListExecute command on a particular page mail-in mail-in:poll Read the mail-in messages mail-queue mail-queue:send Send the messages stored in the Mail Queue multitiki multitiki:list List MultiTikis in a path multitiki:move Moves a MultiTiki site from one tiki instance to another notification notification:digest Send out email notification digests plugin plugin:approve Approve a list of plugin invocations/calls plugin:list List all plugin invocations/calls plugin:refresh Parses all the pages to refresh the list of plugin invocations/calls preferences preferences:delete Delete a preference preferences:get Get a preference preferences:rebuild-index Fully rebuild the preferences index preferences:set Set a preference profile profile:apply Apply a profile profile:baseline Generate the SQL patch to assign profile symbols for an existing installation. profile:export:init Initialize profile export for current site. profile:forget Forget a profile installation recommendation recommendation:batch Identify and send recommendations rss rss:clear Clear incoming RSS feed cache rss:refresh Refresh incoming RSS feeds scheduler scheduler:heal Heal scheduled tasks scheduler:run Run scheduled tasks sitemap sitemap:generate Generate sitemap tracker tracker:clear Clear all items from a tracker without warning or notifications. Use with care! tracker:import Import a CSV file into a tracker using a tracker tabular format users users:list Display the list of users in the system users:password Set the password to a given user {CODE} {TABS} ~tc~ {img fileId="802"} ~/tc~ !! Examples Below are some common examples of how to use the console. They are typically for a recent version (so if they don't work, it could be that your Tiki is too old) !!! Batch Upload ''A console command for ((Batch Upload)) so you can set a scheduled batch upload cron task'' {CODE(caption="Example command line usage" colors="shell")} # file according to sub-directory name and create missing galleries php console.php files:batchupload 1 --subdirToSubgal --createSubgals # file according using sub-directory with integer name into gallery with corresponding ID php console.php files:batchupload 1 --subdirToSubgal --subdirIntegerToSubgalId # set file user etc so apache can manage the files afterwards php console.php files:batchupload 1 --fileUser apache --fileGroup allusers --fileMode 0775 # upload files from a different directory php console.php files:batchupload 1 --filesPath /var/www/other/uploads # more help php console.php help files:batchupload {CODE} !!! Plugin List Execute Actions can be run in conjunction with ((PluginListExecute)): {CODE()} php console.php list:execute "Page Name" "Action Name" {CODE} If you see this type of error message: {CODE()} [root@server]# php console.php list:execute "Batch Sync Users" "SyncUsersTrackers" Command not available at this stage. Complete required installation steps. [root@server]# {CODE} You may need to update the database schema first, with the usual: {CODE()} [root@server]# php console.php d:u {CODE} !!! Wiki Plugin Approval {CODE()} plugin:approve plugin:list plugin:refresh {CODE} !!! Disable the Installer Disable the installer: {CODE()} php console.php installer:lock {CODE} !!! Manage files from file galleries Copy files from a gallery to a regular directory on the filesystem: {CODE()} php console.php files:copy 1 /tmp/dest/ {CODE} Move files from a gallery to a regular directory on the filesystem: {CODE()} php console.php files:move 1 /tmp/dest/ --confirm {CODE} !!! Clear Caches and options {CODE(caption="All the cache")}php console.php c:c {CODE} {CODE(caption="All the cache")}php console.php c:c all {CODE} {CODE(caption="Help")}php console.php c:c help {CODE} {CODE(caption="Database cache")}php console.php c:c private {CODE} {CODE(caption="Modules cache")}php console.php c:c modules {CODE} {CODE(caption="Templates cache")}php console.php c:c templates {CODE} {CODE(caption="CSS and JS caches")}php console.php c:c public {CODE} !!! Translations {CODE(colors="shell", ln="0")} translation:englishupdate: Fix English strings after modifying them. translation:getstrings: Update language.php files with new strings {CODE} You can use the following parameters with translation:getstrings {CODE(colors="shell", ln="0")} [-l|--lang [LANG]] [--outputfiles] [--exclude [EXCLUDE]] [--include [INCLUDE]] [--basedir [BASEDIR]] [--filename [FILENAME]] {CODE} {CODE(color="tiki" caption="Getting string for a single language")} php console.php translation:getstrings --lang=en {CODE} Note: The basedir parameter is working only if it point to this or another Tiki root directory (will search for /lang/...) !!! Users commands A few commands related to user management are available in the Tiki console. {CODE()} users users:create Create a new user users:list Display the list of users in the system users:password Set the password to a given user users:unlock Unlock a user {CODE} !!! Help on database update {CODE()}php console.php database:update --help {CODE} !!! To mark an upgrade error as registered (so it will be ignored) {CODE()}php console.php database:update --auto-register {CODE} '' This is useful if you get database errors such as "Duplicate entry..." sometimes'' !!! Help on database install {CODE()}php console.php database:install --help {CODE} {RBOX(title="Note")}If you get -+Credentials file local.php not found. See http://doc.tiki.org/Installation for more information.+- message it means you are doing fresh install from command line and need to create the -+db/local.php+- file manually first or run the Installer via a web browser.{RBOX} ~tc~ The RBOX above is an alias for {remarksbox type="information" title="Note"} ~/tc~ !!! Getting advanced help {img fileId="803"} !!! More advanced examples See more advanced examples, where memory limit or execution timeout are raised, or rebuild is forced and logged, in this other page: * ((Search and List from Unified Index)) -=alias=- * (alias(Command Line Tool)) | (alias(Console Tool)) | (alias(Command-line tool))