History: Editorial Board Meeting
Source of version: 15 (current)
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! Editorial Board Meetings ^This is a page for the meetings every month of the ((Editorial Board)) - Each month motions passed or rejected are moved to a month specific Editorial board page (see below). Undecided motions are carried over to the next month including their votes. Passing a motion requires votes of half plus one vote of all the current members. Members who don't vote in two consecutive meetings are no longer considered current. %%% %%% __Anyone can join the Editorial Board Meeting__ (:exclaim:) (come in!, after the second month contributing in EB meetings you'll be considered a current member and decide on documentation issues)^ !!! Meetings in 2009 {TITLESEARCH(search=>Editorial Board Meeting 2009,exclude=>Editorial Board Meeting,noheader=>1)}{TITLESEARCH} !!! Meetings in 2008 {TITLESEARCH(search=>Editorial Board Meeting 2008,exclude=>Editorial Board Meeting,noheader=>1)}{TITLESEARCH} !!! Meetings in 2007 {TITLESEARCH(search=>Editorial Board Meeting 2007,exclude=>Editorial Board Meeting,noheader=>1)}{TITLESEARCH}