History: Facebook Tab
Source of version: 3 (current)
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!Facebook Tab ~tc~ Preference documentation generated from https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/lib/prefs/ ~/tc~ ~tc~ To update documentation see https://dev.tiki.org/How-to-get-commit-access ~/tc~ {PREFDOC(tab="socialnetworks-facebook" img="16:1350")/} Since Tiki 16 Tiki integrate default parameters that are used by Facebook when fetching a page if they are missing or if you prefer to use your own for the entiere Tiki. !!!!Activate Facebook integration ''Note: It is possible to have your post (forum, blog, article, etc) posted to Twitter using an external social media automation solution. Those external services are very popular and use Tiki RSS feed to fetch and publish content on your behalf.'' __Consumer Key__ and __Consumer Secret__ are used for integrate your Tiki and Facebook using a Facebook application. !!!!Setting up Facebook integration First, you need to register a new application with Facebook. This can be done via the [http://www.facebook.com/developers|Developers tool]. Later on, you can edit the Application via [http://www.facebook.com/editapps.php|Application settings] in your Facebook profile. !!!!!Step 0 On the Developer page click on [http://www.facebook.com/developers/createapp.php|Set Up New Application] and enter a name for your Application, sell your soul (agree to the terms) and click on __Create Application__. After a successful captcha check, you can proceed with step 1. You may need to login in Facebook to accept the validation process in Facebook (to allow the developer application use your account details in Facebook, etc). !!!!!Step 1 The name of your application is already set, so you don't need to enter a new one. Feel free to upload a logo and icon for your app. As I give support via e-Mail, I entered my email address for the users support. {img fileId="335" rel="box[g]" thumb="y" alt=""} !!!!!Step 2 Enter the site URL and the Site Domain. My test server is at test.ott-consult.de and tiki is at the URL for my test server is at [http://test.ott-consult.de/trunk]. The Site URL therefore is __http://test.ott-consult.de/trunk/tiki-socialnetworks.php?request_facebook__. {img fileId="334" rel="box[g]" width=600 link="dl334&display"} !!!!!Step 3 In this step, you don't to change anything since the __Post-Authorize Callback URL__ field has been removed by Facebook. {img fileId="464" rel="box[g]" width=600 link="dl336&display"} !!!!!Step 4 Here, you choose the way your application authorizes with Facebook. As it is set by default, just check that __HTML5/mobile web__ for your __Application type__ is selected. {img fileId="337" rel="box[g]" width=600 link="dl337&display"} !!!!!Step 5 Start Using Facebook Credits, this financial/billing integration mostly not needed for Tikiwiki, leave it that way. {img fileId="465" rel="box[g]" width=600 link="dl338&display"} !!!!!Step 6 On this last step, you can give the Facebook __Deauthorize Callback__ which will be called, when a user disallows your application on Facebook. Don't choose sandbox mode here. Usually, your web server has a static IP address. By putting it on the __server whitelist__, you can add a bit of security, as only requests from that IP will be processed. If you run a server farm with multiple servers, add all IP addresses. You can also uncheck all the "deprecated" setting, it won't hurt. {img fileId="466" rel="box[g]" width=600 link="dl338&display"} Now you created the application at Facebook and you can enter the data on your tiki server. Go to Admin->Social networks and enter the data from Facebook. {img fileId="339" rel="box[g]" width=600 link="dl339&display"} !!!!!User authorization Users need the tiki_p_social_network ((permission)) in order to use social networks. To login via facebook, the Anonymous group will need this permission. Before being able to use the Facebook integration, users must authorize the TikiWiki site by requesting an oauth token. This can be done via the __Social networks__ tab on ((MyTiki|My Tiki)). ^Note : As i (Bernard) authorize it i encounter an error from Facebook servers: "message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.". I had to logout/login for Facebook to accept the authorization. It is possible also that you have to wait more than 15mn for the Facebook server to use the setting you just entered.^