History: Features
Source of version: 115
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! Features Tiki is the ((tw:FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features)). And for features which are beyond the scope of a PHP/MySQL application, please see: [http://suite.tiki.org/Tiki+Suite|Tiki Suite (Integrated Web and desktop suite)]. Unlike other projects that include a small set of features and then encourage users to install 3rd party add-ons, the Tiki community includes a large number of features in the main code base. This helps to ensure that when you upgrade, your existing features will not break. This also permits tight integration of the various features and makes it easier for you to re-use content across different features. For example, you can use the ((Wiki syntax)) throughout the application: in wiki pages, forum posts, trackers, and more. You can read more about the Tiki ((tw:Model)). Because Tiki is in a state of continual development by the community, not all features are fully developed. This page provides a rating system for each feature to help you judge if Tiki is the right tool for you. The ratings below are for the [http://info.tiki.org/Get+Tiki|latest stable version]. The next major version will continue to add improvements to these features and will provide new functionality, too. {maketoc title="" levels="1,2"} ^::__Rating System__:: ::__A__: Excellent - __B__: Very Good - __C__: Good - __D__: Poor - __E__: Very Bad::^ __Subjective self-evaluation by the Tiki community__ * Setup/admin UI: How easy / intuitive is to setup this feature? * UI end user : Once setup, how easy / intuitive is it for the end-user? (was it worth it?) * Stability: How many bugs left? * Feature-set / power: How does this feature compare to other FLOSS apps? ''This field is the default sort order'' !! Content features {trackerlist trackerId="7" fields="104:87:88:64:63:70:119:125" showtitle="n" showlinks="y" showdesc="n" showinitials="n" showstatus="n" status="o" sort_mode="f_63_asc" max="-1" filterfield="93" filtervalue="section" editableall="y"} !! Navigation features {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>7,fields=>104:87:88:64:63:70:119,showtitle=>n,status=o,showlinks=>y,showdesc=>n,showinitials=>n,showstatus=>n,sort_mode=>f_63_asc,filterfield=>93,filtervalue=>navigation,max=-1,editableall=>y)}{TRACKERLIST} !! Transversal features These are features that can apply to multiple content areas. {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>7,fields=>104:87:88:64:63:70:119,showtitle=>n,status=o,showlinks=>y,showdesc=>n,showinitials=>n,showstatus=>n,sort_mode=>f_63_asc,filterfield=>93,filtervalue=>transversal,max=-1,editableall=>y)}{TRACKERLIST} !! Text Area features These are features that you can use in all text-entry areas, such as wiki pages, blogs, articles, and forum. {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>7,fields=>104:87:88:64:63:70:119,showtitle=>n,status=o,showlinks=>y,showdesc=>n,showinitials=>n,showstatus=>n,sort_mode=>f_63_asc,filterfield=>93,filtervalue=> "Text Area",max=-1,editableall=>y)}{TRACKERLIST} !! Administration features {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>7,fields=>104:87:88:64:63:70:119,showtitle=>n,status=o,showlinks=>y,showdesc=>n,showinitials=>n,showstatus=>n,sort_mode=>f_63_asc,filterfield=>93,filtervalue=> "Administration",max=-1,editableall=>y)}{TRACKERLIST} !! Advanced features for programmers {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>7,fields=>104:87:88:64:63:70:119,showtitle=>n,status=o,showlinks=>y,showdesc=>n,showinitials=>n,showstatus=>n,sort_mode=>f_63_asc,filterfield=>93,filtervalue=> "Programmers",max=-1,editableall=>y)}{TRACKERLIST} !! Other {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>7,fields=>104:70:119,showtitle=>n,showlinks=>n,status=o,showdesc=>n,showinitials=>n,showstatus=>n,sort_mode=>f_63_asc,filterfield=>93,filtervalue=> "Other",max=-1,editableall=>y)}{TRACKERLIST} !! General notes: !!! About Tiki Features Because Tiki offers such a large number of features "out-of-the-box", it can be overwhelming, even to an experienced user or administrator. Tiki has all the classic CMS and portal features of other applications, but also includes features not available anywhere else. Tiki is highly configurable and modular; all features are optional and can be administered through Tiki's browser-based interface. ::What makes Tiki different? Its tight integration of all the features. :: !!! Community The whole Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a very active project. On average, there is a commit to the code (such as a bug fix or a new feature) [http://cia.navi.cx/stats/project/TikiWiki/|every 2 hours]. Over [http://tiki.org/WhoWhat#List_of_everyone_who_has_contributed_code|200 people have contributed to the source code]. With such a large number of contributors, the features continue to evolve and get better. Because Tiki is a FLOSS project, [http://info.tiki.org/Develop+Tiki|you can participate] and help make it better! !!! Using this evaluation This self-evaluation of features will help you know what to expect after installing Tiki. Many features are widely used and quite stable. Others are new and experimental. While others are no longer maintained and may have limited functionality. For beginners, we recommend using features that have been rated as __A__ or __B__; they are the most stable. The features and ratings are based on the [http://info.tiki.org/Get+Tiki|latest stable version of Tiki]. !!! Updating this evaluation To update and improve this self-evaluation, please [tiki-login.php|login], then click the name of the feature. You can then complete any of the missing information or change items that you feel are incorrect. For example, if you think a feature deserves a __B__ rating instead of a __D__, you can change it. You can also add comments about the features. Note: All changes will be reviewed by a [http://tiki.org/WhoWhat|project admin] and may be edited or modified if needed. To report a bug or request a new feature or enhancement, please use our [http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=5|bugs & wishlist tracker]. !! Missing features This page may not list all features. For example, many ((plugins)) are missing from this self-evaluation. By now (if you read this far!), you must be thinking "Wow, what does this thing ''not'' do?". Please see "((dev:Major Features Missing In Tiki))" for a list of features that are not a part of Tiki. !! Standards, and interaction with other services & application Please see: ((Interoperability)) for dozens of examples !! Community organization and priorities Please see: ((tw:SWOT))