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History: Forums

Source of version: 33 (current)

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            ! {icon name="comments"} Forums
{DIV(class="row")}{DIV(class="col-sm-9")}{DIV(class="lead")}Forums are one of the most frequently used ((feature|features)) in a Tiki website set up for collaborative use. A forum can be either self-contained, or can be the discussion venue for wiki pages (each page can have an associated forum thread). {DIV}
;__Overview__: This page and the linked-to subpages describe how to configure and use the Forums feature.
;__To access__: Click the __Forums__ icon {icon name="comments" size="2"} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or %%% Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=forums__ {DIV}{DIV(class="col-sm-3")}^::Related Topics::
*((dev:Administration|Bugs and Wishes))^ 
::{DIV(class="thumbnail")}{img type="fileId" fileId="1397" thumb="zoombox" desc="Forum thread screenshot" alt="Screenshot"}{DIV}::{DIV}{DIV}

*((Forum User))
+''What is the forum and how to use it?''
+ %%%
*((Forum Management))
+''For forum moderators, who have advanced permissions''
+ %%%
* ((Forum Admin))
+''Initial and general setup''
*((Forum and Mailing List Synchronization))
+''How to set up a mailing list and forum so discussions take place in both''
~tc~ ++ %%%
**((Forum Details))
++''List of database tables, PHP modules and template files'' <-- Seems like a pointless page. ~/tc~

!! Useful Links
*The Tiki project site [http://tiki.org/tiki-forums.php|support forums]
*((dev:forum|Forum Bugs Reports))
*[http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=5&status=op&sort_mode=f_41_desc&filtervalue%5B56%5D=Accepted&filtervalue%5B26%5D=forum&filtervalue%5B48%5D=&filtervalue%5B27%5D=&filtervalue%5B28%5D=&filtervalue%5B54%5D=&filtervalue%5B55%5D=&filterfield=26&filter=filter|Forum Bugs & Wishlist Reports]

!!Related modules
*((Module forums_best_voted_topics))
*((Module forums_last_posts))
*((Module forums_last_topics))
*((Module forums_most_commented_forums))
*((Module forums_most_read_topics))
*((Module forums_most_visited_forums))
*((Module top_forum_posters))

-=Alias names for this page:=-
(alias(Forum)) | (alias(Discussion board)) | (alias(Message board))