History: Gérer les Groupes
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! Gestion des Groupes ^Cette page est présentement en voie de traduction. Veuillez revenir plus tard...^ ! Groups In Tiki, __Groups__ are the primary means to control ((Permissions|permissions settings)) and access to ((Category|categories of objects)) in your web site. It is one of the features that makes Tiki stand out from the other wiki/cms software out there. Using groups and categories, you can create your own "wiki hotel" where any number of groups can have private "rooms" (sets of pages) that only they (and the site administrators of course) can access. To configure groups goto http://yoursite/tiki-admingroups.php !!Group Home Page Each group can have a group home page that they are automatically taken to when they log into the site. If they are a member of several groups, the default group is chosen. This is only available once it is enabled, via Admin->General->Navigation Tick box: Use group homepage. !!Steps to create a private room: # Create a group and a category with the same name e.g: steering (a committee) # Have a list of users, you can upload a .csv if you like, either way assign all your users to this group. # Assign pages to the category you created. # Assign permissions to the category such that the permissions ''__view_categories__'' and ''__admin_categories__'' are awarded to the appropriate group. # Ensure that any new pages created are included in the category as well, otherwise they will not be protected. Tiki, moreover, has another way to manage groups, categories and permissions in a more flexible and advanced way, but if you are new to Tiki, you will be fine adding groups, categories and permissions step by step. When you are an advanced user / admin, and you need to manage large sets of groups with some frequency (like educational scenarios), you can take advantage of the "((Workspaces))" feature. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - -- - - - - - !!Related pages ((group)), ((user permissions)), ((permissions)), ((category)), ((admin)) !Creating Groups ---- To create a group: *Expand the Admin drop down: *Click on Groups, you'll see the page below ::{img src="img/wiki_up/groups-add-example-2.png" }:: *Fill in the form with the ((group)) name and description *If the ((group)) you are creating should be included as a sub-group of another ((group)), use the include box to choose the ((group)) or ((group)) that the new ((group)) should be a part of. +__Note__: By default, all groups will include the __Registered__ group. *If the ((group)) should have it's own homepage, put the wiki page name or full URL in the Home Page Box (Do not forget to have checked 'Use group homepages' in admin->general ) . Special value: the user homepage prefix (ex: UserPage) can be use to redirect a user to his homepage at login. *When all fields have been filled in click the Add button. The form will refresh and you ((group)) will appear in the new list (see below) *Group Default Category(Default category assigned to objects edited by a group user): (__tw>=1.10__)If a user with a default group (do not forget to set the default group for each user) edits (create or modify) an object and save the object without putting a category, the specified category is automatically assign to the object. !Assigning users to groups. From the user administration screen click on the gold key to the right of the user line. ::{img src="img/wiki_up/groups-example-9.png" }:: The assign user form will be opened (see below) ::{img src="img/wiki_up/groups-example-6.png" }:: This form shows the user information, the ((group)) that the user already belongs to, and a list of ((group)) that the user can join. There are also shortcuts to ((group)) permissions, ((group)) admin, and user admin from this page. !Assigning permissions to groups. From the ((group)) administration screen click on the gold key icon for a particular ((group)) and you will see a screen divided in two parts. The first part (see below)shows the permissions that are currently set for the group. ::{img src="img/wiki_up/groups-example-10.png" }:: The lower part of the screen shows all the permissions available to the ((group)), as well as details about the currently assigned permissions. The entry below shows that the permission has been inherited from the permissions given to registered users. {img src="img/wiki_up/groups-example-11.png" } An entry like the one below shows that the ((group)) has permission to administer the feature, in this case, calendars. {img src="img/wiki_up/groups-example-12.png" } Additional permissions are assigned by clicking the checkboxes next to the permission, and then clicking the update button at the top or bottom of the page when finished. !Changing or Removing Groups ::{img src="img/wiki_up/groups-example-4.png" }:: *To change a ((group)), click on the ((group)) name *To change permissions on a ((group)), click on the key icon *To remove a ((group)), click on the X. !!Changing ((group)) Settings ::{img src="img/wiki_up/groups-example-5.png" }:: After clicking on the ((group)) you want to change, you'll see the form above. *To change ((group)) Name, Description, Subgroups Included, or Homepage, edit the form and click the save button. *To remove a ((group)) member, click on the red X next to the members name. __Note!: This does not remove the user, it just takes them out of the group. !Assigning a tracker to a ((group)) see: ((Group Tracker)) !Group Permissions In this section you can see information for the ((group)) that you selected as name, description and permissions assigned. Then you can create a new permission level and you can if you want assign all the permissions in some level to the group. Or remove all the permissions in some level from this group. As you can see permissions are organized in levels. By default Tiki comes with four prearranged levels that you can modify as you want: * Basic: permissions for anonymous users, basic site usage * Registered: permissions for logged users * Editor: Permissions to site editors can manipulate content. * Admin: Permissions for admins only. Can be dangerous if misused In the second part of the screen you can assign permissions and change levels. ::{picture file=img/wiki_up//GroupInfo-2.jpg}:: The top section is used to select a permission category, for example games, forums, FAQs,etc. All can be used to see all the permissions at once (the screen will be VERY long). For each category for which permissions will be displayed the checkboxes indicate if the permission is assigned to the ((group)) or not. You can assign/remove permissions using the checkboxes; you can also change the level of any permission using the dropdown. In this way you can re-classify the permissions as you need and then easily assign all level-x permissions to a ((group)) whenever you want. When a user belongs to more than one ((group)) the permissions are accumulated. ! Permissions Permissions are what ((group)) CAN do. Note that permissions always ALLOW ((group)) to do things; there are no restrictive permissions in Tiki because they can conflict if the user belongs to more than one group. The list of permissions that you can assign to ((group)) are: !!General permissions ||tiki_p_admin | Administrator, can manage users ((group)) and permissions and all the weblog features tiki_p_use_HTML | Can use HTML in pages tiki_p_edit_templates | Can edit site templates tiki_p_admin_dynamic |Can admin the dynamic content system tiki_p_admin_banners | Administrator, can admin banners tiki_p_admin_categories | Can admin categories tiki_p_vote_poll | Can vote polls tiki_p_edit_cookies | Can admin cookies tiki_p_view_stats | Can view site stats tiki_p_view_referer_stats | Can view referer stats tiki_p_eph_admin | Can admin ephemerides tiki_p_admin_mailin | Can admin mail-in accounts tiki_p_edit_languages | Can edit translations and create new languages tiki_p_admin_banning | Can ban users or ISP tiki_p_create_css | Can create new css suffixed with -user || !!Wiki permissions ||tiki_p_edit | Can edit pages tiki_p_view | Can view page/pages tiki_p_remove | Can remove tiki_p_rollback | Can rollback pages tiki_p_admin_wiki | Can admin the wiki tiki_p_wiki_attach_files | Can attach files to wiki pages tiki_p_wiki_admin_attachments | Can admin attachments to wiki pages tiki_p_wiki_view_attachments | Can view wiki attachments and download tiki_p_upload_picture | Can upload pictures to wiki pages tiki_p_minor | Can save as minor edit tiki_p_rename | Can rename pages tiki_p_lock | Can lock pages tiki_p_edit_structures | Can create and edit structures tiki_p_edit_copyrights | Can edit copyright notices || !!File galleries permissions ||tiki_p_admin_file_galleries | Can admin file galleries tiki_p_create_file_galleries | Can create file galleries tiki_p_upload_files | Can upload files tiki_p_download_files | Can download files tiki_p_view_file_gallery | Can view file galleries tiki_p_batch_upload_files | Can upload zip files with files || !!Comment permissions ||tiki_p_post_comments | Can post new comments tiki_p_read_comments | Can read comments tiki_p_remove_comments | Can delete comments tiki_p_vote_comments | Can vote comments tiki_p_edit_comments | Can edit all comments || !!Blog permissions ||tiki_p_create_blogs | Can create a blog tiki_p_blog_post | Can post to a blog tiki_p_blog_admin | Can admin blogs tiki_p_read_blog | Can read blogs || !!Image gallery permissions ||tiki_p_admin_galleries | Can admin Image Galleries tiki_p_create_galleries | Can create image galleries tiki_p_upload_images | Can upload images tiki_p_view_image_gallery | Can view image galleries tiki_p_batch_upload_images | Can upload zip files with images || !!Forums permissions ||tiki_p_admin_forum | Can admin forums tiki_p_forum_post | Can post in forums tiki_p_forum_post_topic | Can start threads in forums tiki_p_forum_read | Can read forums tiki_p_forum_vote | Can vote comments in forums tiki_p_forums_report | Can report msgs to moderator tiki_p_forum_attach | Can attach to forum posts tiki_p_forum_autoapp | Auto approve forum posts || !!Communications permissions ||tiki_p_send_pages | Can send pages to other sites tiki_p_sendme_pages | Can send pages to this site tiki_p_admin_received_pages | Can admin received pages tiki_p_send_articles | Can send articles to other sites tiki_p_sendme_articles | Can send articles to this site tiki_p_admin_received_articles | Can admin received articles || !!Games permissions ||tiki_p_play_games | Can play games tiki_p_admin_games | Can admin games || !!Quiz permissions ||tiki_p_admin_quizzes | Can admin quizzes tiki_p_take_quiz | Can take quizzes tiki_p_view_quiz_stats | Can view quiz stats tiki_p_view_user_results | Can view user quiz results || !!Articles & Submissions permissions ||tiki_p_edit_article | Can edit articles tiki_p_remove_article | Can remove articles tiki_p_read_article | Can read articles tiki_p_submit_article | Can submit articles tiki_p_edit_submission | Can edit submissions tiki_p_remove_submission | Can remove submissions tiki_p_approve_submission | Can approve submissions tiki_p_admin_cms | Can admin the cms tiki_p_autoapprove_submission | Submitted articles automatically approved || !!FAQ permissions ||tiki_p_admin_faqs | Can admin FAQs tiki_p_view_faqs | Can view FAQs tiki_p_suggest_faq | Can suggest FAQ questions || !!User permissions ||tiki_p_create_bookmarks | Can create user bookmarks tiki_p_configure_modules | Can configure modules tiki_p_cache_bookmarks | Can cache user bookmarks tiki_p_usermenu | Can create items in personal menu tiki_p_minical | Can use the mini event calendar tiki_p_userfiles | Can upload personal files tiki_p_tasks | Can use tasks tiki_p_notepad | Can use the notepad tiki_p_newsreader | Can use the newsreader || !!Chat permissions ||tiki_p_admin_chat | Administrator, can create channels remove channels etc tiki_p_chat | Can use the chat system || !!Content template permissions ||tiki_p_edit_content_templates | templates Can edit content templates tiki_p_use_content_templates | templates Can use content templates || !!Shout box permissions ||tiki_p_view_shoutbox | Can view shoutbox tiki_p_admin_shoutbox | Can admin shoutbox (Edit/remove msgs) tiki_p_post_shoutbox | Can pot messages in shoutbox || !!Drawing permissions ||tiki_p_admin_drawings | Can admin drawings tiki_p_edit_drawings | Can edit drawings || !!HTML page permissions ||tiki_p_view_html_pages | pages Can view HTML pages tiki_p_edit_html_pages | pages Can edit HTML pages || !!Tracker permissions ||tiki_p_modify_tracker_items | Can change tracker items tiki_p_comment_tracker_items | Can insert comments for tracker items tiki_p_create_tracker_items | Can create new items for trackers tiki_p_admin_trackers | Can admin trackers tiki_p_view_trackers | Can view trackers tiki_p_attach_trackers | Can attach files to tracker items || !!Survey permissions ||tiki_p_admin_surveys | Can admin surveys tiki_p_take_survey | Can take surveys tiki_p_view_survey_stats | Can view survey stats || !!Webmail permissions ||tiki_p_use_webmail | Can use webmail || !!Newsletter permissions ||tiki_p_admin_newsletters | Can admin newsletters tiki_p_subscribe_newsletters | Can subscribe to newsletters tiki_p_subscribe_email | Can subscribe any email to newsletters || !!User message permissions ||tiki_p_messages | Can use the messaging system tiki_p_broadcast | Can broadcast messages to ((group)) tiki_p_broadcast_all | Can broadcast messages to all user || !!DSNs Permissions are created dynamically. See the Wiki ((PluginSql|SQL plugin)) for information !!Directory permissions ||tiki_p_admin_directory | Can admin the directory tiki_p_view_directory | Can use the directory tiki_p_admin_directory_cats | Can admin directory categories tiki_p_admin_directory_sites | Can admin directory sites tiki_p_submit_link | Can submit sites to the directory tiki_p_autosubmit_link | Submitted links are valid tiki_p_validate_links | Can validate submitted links || !!Galaxia Workflow ||tiki_p_admin_workflow | Can admin workflow processes tiki_p_abort_instance | Can abort a process instance tiki_p_use_workflow | Can execute workflow activities tiki_p_exception_instance | Can declare an instance as exception tiki_p_send_instance | Can send instances after completion || !!Charts ||tiki_p_admin_charts | Can admin charts tiki_p_view_chart | Can view charts tiki_p_vote_chart | Can vote tiki_p_suggest_chart_item | charts Can suggest items tiki_p_autoval_chart_suggestio | Autovalidate suggestions || !!ExtWikis missing permissions here !!Live Support ||tiki_p_live_support_admin | Admin live support system tiki_p_live_support | Can use live support system || !!Calendar ||tiki_p_view_calendar | Can browse the calendar tiki_p_change_events | Can change events in the calendar tiki_p_add_events | Can add events in the calendar tiki_p_admin_calendar | Can create/admin calendars || !!Permissions for individual users What if you want to give a specific user some permissions? Just create an artificial ((group)), assign the user to that ((group)) and give the ((group)) the permissions that you need. !!Individual permissions As we explained you can set up individual permissions for some Tiki objects. When assigning individual permissions the permissions you can assign are the same as you have in the global permissions screen. Once an object has individual permissions only the individual permissions apply to the object, and not the global permissions. The following objects accept individual permissions: * Wiki pages * Image galleries * File galleries * Forums * Weblogs * Newsletters * Surveys * Quizzes * Trackers -=Liens utiles=- *(related-to(Permissions)) *(related-to(Users)) *((Group Transitions)) *((Module groups_emulation|Group emulation)) ~tc~ (alias(Groupe)) (alias(Groupes)) (alias(Group,fr)) (alias(Group, fr)) (alias(Group ,fr)) (alias(Groupe,fr)) (alias(Groupe, fr)) (alias(Groupe ,fr)) (alias(Groups,fr)) (alias(Groups, fr)) (alias(Groups ,fr)) (alias(Groupes,fr)) (alias(Groupes, fr)) (alias(Groupes ,fr)) (alias(Group Management,fr)) (alias(Groups Management,fr)) (alias(Groups Managements,fr)) ~/tc~