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History: GlitchTip

Source of version: 13

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            New in ((Tiki23))

!!!# Introduction
GlitchTip is an Open Source error tracking system and you can self-host GlitchTip or subscribe to [https://glitchtip.com/|GlitchTip.com]

The recommended and fully functional way to track your Tiki errors in GlitchTip is (where yourtiki.org is your Tiki instance and glitchtip.example.com is your GlitchTip instance):

!!!# Setup GlitchTip for a new project:
* Add a new project in your Glitchtip instance by clicking the "Create New Project"
* Choose PHP as your platform, input the project name (yourtiki.org) and select your team
{img type="attId" attId="100"}
* Tiki23+ bundles sentry/sdk so you should not run Composer

{img type="attId" attId="101"}
* Note and copy your DSN from the left panel, it will be used in the Tiki .ini file:
{img type="attId" attId="102"}

!!!# Create a new .ini file and modify local.php:

^ It is not recommended to use tiki-admin.php Setup Error Tracking feature in Admin > General > Error Tracking because it loads later and will miss some error messages ^

* Navigate to your Tiki root /db folder and create a new tiki.ini file containing
{CODE(caption="db/tiki.ini" colors=php)}
preference.error_tracking_enabled_php = y
preference.error_tracking_enabled_js = y
preference.error_tracking_dsn = https://4bd1dec539c9496b9d3f3ef5bd284f70@glitchtip.example.com/4
Of course, replace the preference.error_tracking_dsn link with the DSN generated by GlitchTip

* Now add the following lines to your existing local.php file in the same /db folder
{CODE(caption="db/local.php" colors=php)}
$system_configuration_file = 'db/tiki.ini';
$system_configuration_identifier = 'glitchtip';

!!!# You are done
Check the errors reported in your GlitchTip instance, by navigating to your project.

Original commit: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/825


Information Version
Marc Laporte Sample rate 27
Alvin Bauma 26
Emmanuel Masikilizano Not sure about this remark 25
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 24
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 23
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Added critical information ? 22
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 21
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Adding information about System Configuration 20
Marc Laporte 19
Marc Laporte 18
Marc Laporte 17
Marc Laporte 16
Marc Laporte 15
Marc Laporte 14
Marc Laporte 13
Marc Laporte 12
Horia N. 11
Horia N. 10
Horia N. 9
Horia N. 8
Horia N. 7
Horia N. 6
Horia N. 5
Horia N. 4
Horia N. 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1