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History: Hybridauth social login

Preview of version: 16

Social Network Configuration

The connection to the website through social networks uses the Hybridaouth library it allows the visitor, to quickly register on a site by letting their network provide information about themselves. The principle of operation is simple. When a user chooses a social network, he is sent to the server of the latter. There he is invited to enter his details. When they are validated, he is returned to the TIKI site on which he wanted to connect.

Configuration steps

To achieve this some data must be provided:

First, choose your social network(s). To do this, go to Settings -> Users & Community -> Social networks -> General tab or tiki-admin.php?page=socialnetworks#content_admin1-1 and make your choice(s) then validate.


Secondly, still in "Configure social network integration", go to the Settings tab (tiki-admin.php?page=socialnetworks#content_admin1-2), your choices will be visible in well framed zones above. In each zone check the box YourSocialNetwork login allowed ? by doing that a button leading to your site will be available on the login page but will not be functional.


In this document YourSocialNetwork represents the name of the social network of your choice.

Thirdly, turn in each area click on the more/less button...


You will have to complete different parameters. The mandatory fields are YourSocialNetwork Application ID and YourSocialNetwork Application secret.
For a successful experience in Tiki, we advise you to check the boxes below.

YourSocialNetwork auto-create user?
YourSocialNetwork user prefix to auto-create
YourSocialNetwork auto-create user email?
YourSocialNetwork auto-create user tracker item?
YourSocialNetwork auto-create user name(s)?


The field YourSocialNetwork user prefix to auto-create is filled with the initial of the network you have chosen. So the username will be the combination of the value in this field and a sequence of numbers that will be assigned to it.

This will automatically create a user in Tiki that will be in the default register group.
For this to work properly you would need to enable the User preferences screen option, you can find this by going to Settings -> User Settings tab -> User preferences screen (http:example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=user#contentadmin_user_setting-1).

Some errors may be there

TikiHybrid_construct : this site is not register with it means that you haven't insert the ID and the secret code of your Application yet.

TikiHybrider error : A valid CallBack url is required means the path in the socnets Login Base Url field in Settings -> Users & Community -> Social networks -> Settings is not correct. Make sure to have in this field the value https://<your domain name> tiki-login_hybridauth.php?provider=


Information Version
Marc Laporte Missing aliases 39
Marc Laporte 38
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Update Facebook login sample 37
Aris Bernotas 36
Aris Bernotas 35
Aris Bernotas 34
Aris Bernotas corrected facebook graphAPI outage check image 33
Aris Bernotas Facebook error FileId change 32
Aris Bernotas How to check Facebook error "something went wrong" 31
Aris Bernotas 30
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 29
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 28
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 27
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 26
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 25
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 24
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 23
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Updating the documentation for Tiki26 - More later 22
Marc Laporte 21
Marc Laporte 20
Marc Laporte Page renamed from Social-Networks-Configuration to Hybridauth social login. Semantic alias redirect created 19
Marc Laporte 18
Adrien 17
Adrien 16
Eutyche ODIMBA 15
Eutyche ODIMBA 14
Eutyche ODIMBA 13
Eutyche ODIMBA 12
Eutyche ODIMBA 11
Eutyche ODIMBA 10
Eutyche ODIMBA 9
Eutyche ODIMBA 8
Marc Laporte img Plugin modified by editor. 7
Eutyche ODIMBA 6
Eutyche ODIMBA 5
Eutyche ODIMBA 4
Eutyche ODIMBA 3
Eutyche ODIMBA 2
Eutyche ODIMBA 1