History: ImageMagick Install
Source of version: 14 (current)
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!Install ImageMagick For those that use the image gallery in tiki, note that GD is used by php for image processing. But GDlib comes with some restrictions on file formats, especially regarding GIF use. Support for Image Magick is added now, that offers a wider range of available file formats. !!Install ImageMagick and Libs Get Image Magick from [http://www.imagemagick.org/] * Be sure to install the libraries. ** On RPM based system (RedHat, Mandrake) ++ rpm -q libMagick5 ++ libMagick5- ** On APT based system (Debian, Knoppix) ++ apt-get -s install imagick !!Install Imagick PECL Module * Get the PECL module from [http://pecl.php.net/package/imagick] Or use pecl to download it: {CODE()}pecl install imagick{CODE} ** Activate the extension in /etc/php.ini {CODE()}extension=imagick.so{CODE} * Windows Users can download a dll from [http://php.chregu.tv/php_imagick.dll] or [http://snaps.php.net/] pecl file. php_imagick.dll has to be placed into the extension_dir directory (/php/extensions...), add {CODE()}extension=php_imagick.dll{CODE} to php.ini, and finally copy all the dll files from ImageMagick installation root directory to /windows/system32. * Debian sid users have that package : apt-get install php4-imagick * Other users have to compile it. To compile it, you have to recompile your PHP Get the PHP sources on [http://php.net], read the INSTALL file from the imagick module and ./configure PHP with --with-imagick Special Tip : If your compilation stops, There are 2 Bugs: * do a "rm ./configure" in your php src directory before performing Step 8 of the INSTALL-file of imagick. * edit imagick.c (Version 0.95) Line 624 should be "RunlengthEncodedCompression" not "RLECompression", this may depend on your libMagick however your make should tell you the right way. Install your new PHP, restart your webserver. Do a phpinfo() to see if Imagick support is added. If not, you may have forgot to rm ./configure. !!Tikiwiki setting up In the ((Image Gallery Config)) select Imagick as __Library to use for processing images__. If PHP is unable to find the PHP Imagick the setting reverts back to GD. -=Useful Links=- * Next Version of the PEAR module will work with GraphicsMagick too: + [http://graphicsmagick.sourceforge.net/]