History: Import-Export
Source of version: 54 (current)
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! Import and Export Use this page to link to topics regarding importing & exporting data and content to Tiki. You might also want to read about the ((MediaWiki Importer)) or the ((WordPress Importer)). !! Databases You can import and export databases by means of PhpMyAdmin. In addition, you can export a database from the command line with something like: {CODE()} mysqldump -u mysqluser -p db > file.sql {CODE} And import it to a new server with a similar command in the new server (provided you ftp upload the file to your new server): {CODE()} mysql -u mysqluser -p -f db < file.sql {CODE} where mysqluser stands for your mysql username, * -p with no passwod will imply that the mysql server will request you the password as hidden input in the next line after you hit enter in the command above * -f indicates that you want to force the mysql to continue even if it finds that some mysql column already exists, etc. * db stands for the database name * file.sql stands for the sql filename. See also: * ((Import database)) * ((Backup)) !! Profiles Profiles are designed to help configure Tiki sites. But since they can create data (typically for sample data), they can be used to import various data types. Notably: ((Article)), ((Blog)), ((Category)), ((Menu)), ((Tracker)) and ((Wiki)) More details at: http://profiles.tiki.org/handlers Also: * ((profiles:Save current configuration as a profile)) * ((Export trackers)) * ((Import Trackers)) !! Wiki ((XML Wiki Import-Export)) [Batch upload wiki pages from CSV|http://tikiwiki.cvs.sourceforge.net/tikiwiki/_mods/goodies/batch_load_pages/] See also tiki-admin.php?page=wiki * Import HTML * Import pages !! Quiz ((Quiz Question Import)) !! Image Gallery see tiki-batch_upload.php "Directory Batch Loading" must be activated here: tiki-admin.php?page=gal !! File Gallery see tiki-batch_upload_files.php Must be activated in admin panel !! Trackers See ((Tracker Import Export)), ((Export trackers)) & ((Import Trackers)). !!! Trackers definition tiki-admin_trackers.php See also ((Export trackers)) and ((Import Trackers)) !!! Tracker data tiki-admin_trackers.php?trackerId=1 (replace 1 with your tracker ID) See also ((Export trackers)) & ((Import Trackers)) !! Forums doc/devtools/tiki_forum_migration.php !! Articles New in 1.10. !! Users See [http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Users%20Management#Adding_new_users_in_bulk|Users Management] !! Categories import from .csv at tiki-admin_categories.php (version 3.0) !! Screen Scraper Via ((Browser Automation)) !! Importing from non-Tiki software. ((Migrate to TikiWiki)) ((MediaWiki to TikiWiki)) ((Confluence Importer)) ((Mod import-phpwiki|Import from PHPwiki)) ((Try to convert HTML to wiki)) ((Non-Tikiwiki conversion tools)) E.g., [http://www.google.com/search?q=html2wiki&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS223US224|html2wiki tools], MediaWiki conversion import tools. ! Related Features * ((Communication Center)) to send and receive wiki pages and articles between Tiki instances * ((Mail-in)) * ((Interoperability)) with the outside World * ((Web Services)) coming to 3.0! * ((Import database)) import complete Tiki database ! Related topics * ((Backup)) * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values|.csv is a file format] -=alias names for this page=- (alias(Import)) | (alias(Export)) | (alias(Import and Export)) -=sister pages=- dev:((dev:Import-Export))