History: Index of Modules
Source of version: 8
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!Module Parameters Some modules have special parameters that change the information displayed. For specific information about a module, go back to ((Module)) and choose the correct module from the list. ^__Help out:__ We need ((help)) with documentation on module parameters. This information may be in the module ((.tpl)) or ((PHP)) file itself.^ ^__Note:__ Not all parameters listed below are applicable to every module. ^ ^__Syntax__ Parameters must be entered without spaces.If you need multiple parameters, the syntax is similar to parameters you can sometimes notice in the address bar of your browser as with ''lang'' parameter above, e.g. ''max=20&lang=fr''.^ ---- __''lang''__ You can display a module only for some languages. In the parameters input field you may enter e.g. ''lang=fr''. That means the module will be displayed only if the current language is French. You may also enter ''lang[]=en&lang[]=fr'' what will display the module only if the current language is ''French'' or ''English''. You can see a list of possible language strings in [http://tikiwiki.org/TikiWikiInternationalizationAndLanguages]. See also tip above for custom modules. __''flip''__ You can make a module ''shade''able - to toggle the module contents, so that only the titlebar is displayed - by entering flip=y in the parameter field. This causes the module to display a button on the title bar that will toggle module contents on and off. The module defaluts to unshaded (contents shown) and the state is stored in the users' session cookie. Entering flip=yc defaults the module to shaded. See also the ((Users Shade Modules)) feature. __''title''__ To override the title of a menu, add ''title=Menu''. If you have a space in your title, use: ''title="Developer Menu". You can use this parameter e.g. for quick_edit module title. TO have no title, use the param notitle=y __''decorations''__ You can suppress module decorations for a module by entering ''decorations=n'' in the parameters field. This is unlikely to be useful for most admins (it is provided to enable module content to be embedded in other CMS sections). This param does not affect the tiel (see notitle param for that) __''section''__ A module can only appear in one section. Some sections: wiki page, mytiki, calendar, cms .... This option works partially in 1.9. * Wiki pages: __wiki__ * Blogs and posts: __blogs__ * Forums and threads: __forums__ * Files and galleries: __file_galleries__ * __Tiki >= 1.9.8 parameters__ __''overflow''__ If you are using PHPLayersMenu vertical, the menus need to overflow out of the module and into the middle section. Use ''overflow=y''. __Tiki >= 1.10 parameters__ __''page=HomePage''__ The module will only be displayed in the page named HomePage. At present, do not use quotation marks around the page name. __''nobox''__ Values are 'y' or 'n', default is 'n'. It's advised to use nobox=y as parameter for modules including phplayers menu. When ''nobox=y'' is used with the MODULE wikiplugin (as an argument), only the module data is displayed. The surrounding ''div.box-shadow, div.box,'' ''div.box-title'' and ''div.box-footer'' tags are not used. This parameter has no effect for modules assigned on the admin modules page for the left and right columns. The ''decorations=n'' parameter should be used for a "nobox" effect in these locations. __''bgcolor''__ TO overwrite the background color of the title box. The value can be a colorname (ex: bgcolor=blue) or an hexadecimal value(ex: bgcolor=#FFEBCD) __''color''__ To overwrite the text color in the tile. (ex: color=white) __''creator''__ Value is 'y' or 'n': If you are in a wiki section and if you are on a page, it will display the module only if you are the page creator if creator=y, only if you are not the page creator if creator=n. __''contributor''__ Value is 'y' or 'n': If you are in a wiki section and if you are on a page, it will display the module only if you are one of the contributors if contributor=y , only if not if contributor=n - contributors are the users that the page history knows who edited the page (Notice: if the history is cleared or if the history is not activated, the contributors list is empty). __''theme''__ The module will only be displayed if the theme is 'theme' example: theme=strasa.css __Tiki >= 1.10 parameters__ __''notitle''__ Not to have title for the module. Values are y or n - default n __''pagemenu''__ Name of the wiki page to act as a menu, within the ((Module menupage)) __Tiki >= 3.0 parameters__ __''nopage''__ To specify the wiki page where a module does not occur To specify more than one page use ~np~nopage[]=daisy&nopage[]=ripe+tomato~/np~. The module will appear only when not in one of these pages __''page[]''__ To specify multiple page use ~np~page[]=hello&page[]=What+to+do~/np~, the module will appear in any of these pages.