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History: Module users_own_rank

Source of version: 9

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            ! Module users_own_rank
{DIV(float=right,width="200px")}^::Related Topics::
* ((Module users_rank))
* ((Score))
Introduced in ((Tiki9)), it displays the logged user's rank and score.

{MODULE(module=users_own_rank, parameter=value)}text {MODULE}

!! Parameters
{pluginmanager module="users_own_rank"}
No parameter specific to this module.
It requires that feature ''feature_score'' is active.
It should not be displayed for anonymous, since this does not make any sense.
{* PLUGINMANAGER(module=users_own_rank) / *}

{include page="Module and Plugin Includes" start="startinclude1" stop="stopinclude1"}



Information Version
Baraka Kinywa 10
Baraka Kinywa 9
Yves Kipondo 8
Nelson Ko 7
Jean-Marc Libs 6
Jean-Marc Libs 5
Xavier de Pedro 4
Xavier de Pedro 3
Xavier de Pedro 2
Xavier de Pedro 1