History: PHP 8
Preview of version: 6
As of 2022-10-25, Tiki doesn't support PHP 8.0 or 8.1 for reasons explained here: https://tiki.org/forumthread78628-Tiki-24-and-PHP-8
Tiki24 and Tiki25 work beautifully on PHP 7.4.x
According to W3Techs, PHP 7 is used by 71.2% of all the websites who use PHP. PHP 8 is only at 5.6%, beaten by PHP5 at 23.1% Source: https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/pl-php
Some web hosting companies will cease supporting PHP 7.x as soon as PHP itself ceases support (November 2022). However, other hosting companies continue to offer it. Some charge extra for this service because
- They want to incite clients to move to PHP 8.x which is better and uses fewer resources (hosting company saves on resources)
- To help cover the cost of security backports. Even if PHP doesn't support PHP 7.4 any more, some Linux distributions will backport security fixes.
There is no point in reporting bugs on PHP 8.x unless you have the development skills to actually do the work, or you have financial resources to sponsor the work. Please reach out to Marc Laporte if you can help.
Various PHP LTS offerings