History: PluginBlogList
Source of version: 16 (current)
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! Plugin Blog List Use this ((wiki plugin)) to display posts from a site blog. {maketoc} !!Parameters {pluginmanager plugin="bloglist"} !! Examples !!!Preview in a box ''This code:'' {CODE(wrap="1" colors="tiki")}{BOX(bg="beige" width="48%" )}__weBlog: Modern Computing__ {bloglist Id="2" Items="1" simpleList="n" charCount="256" wordBoundary="y" ellipsis="y" more="y" showIcons="n"}{BOX}{CODE} ''Would Produce (from another site):'' {img fileId="801"} !!!Table format ''This code:'' {CODE(wrap="1" colors="tiki")} {bloglist Id="1" Items="3"} {CODE} ''Would produce on this site:'' {bloglist Id="1" Items="3"} !!Related pages * ((PluginList)) -- plugin that can be used to create listings similar to this