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History: PluginCustomSearch Chart Examples Output Tpl

Source of version: 2 (current)

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            <pre style="display: none;" class="facets-data">{$facets|var_dump}</pre>
<pre style="display: none;" class="charts-data">{$chart|var_dump}</pre>
{if not empty($facets)}

	{if empty($container)}
		{$containerClass = 'row'}
		{$containerClass = $container.class}
	{$i = 0}
	<div class="{$containerClass}">
		{foreach $facets as $facet}
			{if count($facet.options) gt 0}
				{if not isset($chart[$i].class)}{$chart[$i].class = 'col-sm-12'}{/if}
				<div class="{$chart[$i].class|escape}">
					<label class="h3">
						{if not empty($chart[$i].title)}
							{$facet.label|replace:' (Tree)':''|tr_if|escape}
					{$values = []}
					{$labels = []}
					{foreach from=$facet.options key=value item=label}
						{if strpos($label, 'trackeritem:0 ') !== false}
						{if preg_match('/(.*?)\s+\((\d+)\)/', $label|escape, $matches)}
							{$labels[] = $matches[1]}
							{$values[] = $matches[2]}

					{if not isset($chart[$i].type)}{$chart[$i].type = 'bar'}{/if}
					{if not isset($chart[$i].id)}{$chart[$i].id = 'chart_'|cat:$i}{/if}
					{if not isset($chart[$i].size)}
						{$chart[$i].size = ['','']}
						{$chart[$i].size = ':'|explode:$chart[$i].size}

					{if not isset($chart[$i].colors)}
						{$col = []}
						{$col = ':'|explode:$chart[$i].colors}

					{if not empty($chart[$i].hcolors)}
						{$hcol = ':'|explode:$chart[$i].hcolors}
						{$hcol = $col}

					{$datasets = [
						'data'                  => $values,
						'backgroundColor'       => $col
					{if $hcol}{$datasets.hoverBackgroundColor = $hcol}{/if}
					{if $chart[$i].title}{$datasets.label = $chart[$i].title|escape}{/if}

					{$data = ['data' => ['labels' => $labels,'datasets' => [$datasets]]]}

					{$options = ['responsive' => true, 'maintainAspectRatio' => false]}{* some handy defaults (not working as expected) *}
					{$data.options = $options}

{*					<pre style="display: none;" class="data-options">{$data|var_dump}</pre>*}

					{wikiplugin _name='chartjs' type=$chart[$i].type id=$chart[$i].id width=$chart[$i].size[0] height=$chart[$i].size[1] debug=1}
			{$i = $i + 1}