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History: PluginEvents

Source of version: 10 (current)

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            ! Plugin Events
''Introduced in ((Tiki2))''

Use this ((wiki plugin)) to display upcoming events from the tiki site's calendars in a formatted table.

!! Parameters
{pluginmanager plugin="events"}
!! Example with datetime, max and maxdays parameters set
Below is an example using the 2 calendars at [http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-calendar.php]. There are two calendars (ID's 1 and 2) and the code below accesses both of them.

''This code:''
{CODE(wrap="1" colors="tiki")}
{EVENTS(calendarid="1|2" datetime="1" max="8" maxdays="15")}{EVENTS}

''Produced the following on May 3, 2009:''

{REMARKSBOX(type="note" title="Note")}''Although the max is set at eight, only four events are displayed. This is because there were only four events within 15 days (the maxdays setting) of the date the screenshot was made.''{REMARKSBOX}

{CENTER()}{ATTACH(file=>PluginEvents1.jpg, image=>1)} {ATTACH}{CENTER}