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History: PluginList with editable filters

Source of version: 11 (current)

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            ! PluginList with editable fields

((PluginList)) can have a similar behavior to ((PluginTrackerFilter)) and ((PluginCustomSearch)) using the following:

So adding __editable="y"__ to how you would normally use filtering in ((PluginList)). Ex.:
{filter field="tracker_field_ABC" editable="y"}

* Better performance than ((PluginTrackerFilter))
* Easier to set up than ((PluginCustomSearch)) (no need to set up a tpl if you just need a simple filter)

New in Tiki 20: ((PluginTrackerList To PluginList Converter)) supports this. Ref:[https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/71293/]

!! Multiselect
You can also use
{filter field="tracker_field_ABC" editable="multiselect"}

!! Tiki22
Added Math filter collection:
1. when mirroring a field - added its configuration - so mirroring an ItemLink will most probably add you a dropdown filter
2. when not mirroring a field - added 3 different types of filters - fulltext/initial/exact matches. You can use each of them like this:
{filter field="..." editable="y"} to use fulltext
{filter field="..." editable="initial"} to use initial match - e.g. matching 123 in 123USD
{filter field="..." editable="exact"} to use exact match - useful for searching identifiers or things that are not matched via fulltext - stopwords like Y/N yes/no, etc.

Added range filter to Numeric field. To use it:
{filter field="..." editable="range"}

~tc~ (alias(PluginList with editable fields)) ~/tc~