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History: PluginTour

Source of version: 24

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            Note: This is non-functional in ((Tiki25)) and ((Tiki26)) because [https://github.com/sorich87/bootstrap-tour/issues/774|Bootstrap Tour has not yet been ported to Bootstrap 5].

! Plugin Tour
''Introduced in ((Tiki15))''

{DIV(class="lead")}Use this ((wiki plugin)) to build your product tours, page component describers and other sequential information displays with Bootstrap popovers in a quick and easy way, using [http://bootstraptour.com/|Bootstrap Tour].{DIV}{TOUR(title="Welcome to the tour" prev="-1" placement="bottom")}A tour created with PluginTour is being demonstrated on this page. Please check the source view of the page for details, along with the general documentation. {TOUR} 

{TOUR(element="#module_25 .panel-heading" title="This is a module" placement="top")}Page elements outside of the wikitext can be anchors for tour steps. Just use a unique identifier (id or class).{TOUR}
!! Parameters {TOUR(placement="top")}Use the appropriate parameters to create the tour steps/stops as you like.{TOUR}
{pluginmanager plugin="tour"}
{TOUR(orphan="y" title="I'm an orphan" backdrop="y")}I'm not connected to any page element.{TOUR}

!! Examples
The first step:
{CODE()} {TOUR(title="Welcome to the tour" prev="-1" element="#PluginTour")}Here's the start of a tour.{TOUR} {CODE}

A middle step:
{CODE()}{TOUR(title="A typical middle step")}This step is neither first nor last on the page, isn't anchored to an element, and isn't an orphan. It's nothing special.{TOUR} {CODE}{TOUR(title="A typical middle step")}This step is neither first nor last on the page, isn't anchored to an element, and isn't an orphan. It's nothing special.{TOUR}

A step that specifies a page element:
{CODE()}{TOUR(element="#module_1 .panel-heading" title="This is a module heading.")}This is a module.{TOUR}{CODE}

A step that indicates that the following step is on another page:{TOUR()}This is the last visible step in this page. The next step is on another page.{TOUR}
{CODE()}{TOUR(path="PluginTour-page-2")}This plugin has a title and body content, but these won't be displayed - this step is simply a redirect to the target page.{TOUR}{CODE}{TOUR(path="PluginTour-page-2")}This plugin has a title and body content, but these won't be displayed - this step is simply a redirect to the target page.{TOUR}

The last step:
{CODE()}{TOUR(next="-1")}This is the last step of the tour.{TOUR} {CODE}

!! Usage notes {TOUR(Some tips about using the plugin)}This plugin has been tested in Tiki 15, 16, 17, and the upcoming 18.{TOUR}
* For each step of the tour, input the Tour plugin syntax as shown above. 
* The first and last steps need a -+prev="-1"+- and -+next="-1"+- parameter, respectively. Without these, the tour won't display correctly.
* If the tour isn't configured to start on page load (if ''start="n"'' is set), a start button can be made with the "show_restart_button" parameter.
* Each step will pop over the page element where the plugin syntax is input in the wiki page, etc. 
* The position of the popup relative to the element it pops up over can be set with the ''placement'' parameter.
* To create a step that is positioned other than where the plugin syntax is input, use the -+element+- parameter to specify an HTML id or other unique selector.
* Use the -+path+- parameter to indicate that the next step is on another page. Simply using a wiki page name is OK.
* A tour plugin step that uses the -+path+- parameter doesn't itself display (it is not visible); it simply acts as a redirect, so it shouldn't be used to contain information. Any guidance to the user that the tour is continuing on another page should be inserted in the ''previous'' plugin step (as of May 2017). 
* At this time, the "prev" button on the first step of the tour's second page is ghosted and doesn't work to return to the first page.

!! Adding a tour to a page that doesn't have wiki text content
Normally, as described above, the tour plugins are written into the wiki text of the page(s) on which the tour displays. However, it is possible to have a tour on an admin page or other such page that doesn't have wiki text.

This method uses a ((module)) for the tour plugin text that is assigned to, for example, the pagebottom module zone. Since all the steps of the tour are in the admin page content (and not in the module zone), the ''element'' parameter is used for each step that needs to be located in the page. But not all page elements in an admin page have unique DOM selectors, or ones that are easy to identify, so the ability to have a tour with complete tour-step placement may be limited for some pages.

!!! Example: Look & Feel Admin page tour
The Look & Feel admin page is checked with a DOM inspector to identify the selectors where tour steps are to be placed. 

{DIV(class="row")}{DIV(class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1")}{img src="display1385" link="display1385" responsive="y" class="thumbnail"}{DIV}{DIV}

The tour's steps are specified using PluginTour in a new wiki page, and a new ((Module menupage|menupage module)) is created to place that wiki page's content in the pagebottom module zone. (Any module zone could be used but some may already be crowded with content. Also, while the menupage module was made to create menus, it can be used to display any wiki page content, so is good for this purpose.) For example, a page named Admin_look_tour_test was made that has this content:

{TOUR(title="Preference Filter" element="#preffilter-toggle-1 + label" placement="bottom" prev="-1")}Switch this to "Advanced" to see additional features and options.{TOUR}

{TOUR(element=".filter-menu" placement="right")}After switching the toggle to "Advanced", you can click here to select your preferred level of option availability: Basic, Advanced, Experimental, and/or Unavailable.{TOUR}

{TOUR(element=".adminanchors" placement="top")}These are the icons of features of this web site. Click them to navigate to their respective administration pages.{TOUR}

{TOUR(element="form#look" placement="top" title="Save your changes")}Change the settings and click the "Apply" button to save any desired changes. Or to cancel changes, just navigate away from the page without applying the changes.{TOUR}

{TOUR(element="form#look" placement="bottom" title="End of tour" next="-1")}{TOUR}

This produces these tour steps:
{DIV(class="row")}{DIV(class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1")}{img src="display1386" link="display1386" responsive="y" class="thumbnail"}
{img src="display1387" link="display1387" responsive="y" class="thumbnail"}
{img src="display1388" link="display1388" responsive="y" class="thumbnail"}
{img src="display1389" link="display1389" class="thumbnail"}

Keep in mind that the tour code specified in the module will be available to all pages at the site. But the tour steps only activate when the ''element'' set in each step is found in the page. For this tour to show up only on tiki-admin.php?page=look, be sure the ''elements'' specified are only found on that page. Otherwise you may have random tour steps popping up on other pages. 

Alias names for this page
(alias(Plugin Tour)) | (alias(Plugin Tours)) | (alias(PluginTours)) | (alias(Tour)) | (alias(Tours))



Information Version
Merci Jacob Tiki27 PluginTour update 25
Marc Laporte 24
Marc Laporte AutoTOC 23
Gary Cunningham-Lee Text edits. 22
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added info about a tour on a page without wiki text. 21
Gary Cunningham-Lee Improved text. 20
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added another step. 19
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added placement=bottom to step 1. 18
Gary Cunningham-Lee Removed element parameter on step 1 as it wasn't working. 17
Gary Cunningham-Lee 16
Gary Cunningham-Lee 15
Gary Cunningham-Lee Info added. 14
Gary Cunningham-Lee Removed comment about too-wide popovers, as this has been fixed. 13
Gary Cunningham-Lee Information updated; redundant parameter descriptions removed. 12
Gary Cunningham-Lee Removed inline code syntax for "show_restart_button" because it wasn't being parsed. 11
Gary Cunningham-Lee 10
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added "show restart button" info. 9
Gary Cunningham-Lee Updated information. 8
patrick.proulx 7
Xavier de Pedro 6
Xavier de Pedro typo 5
Gary Cunningham-Lee Fixed typos. 4
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added tentative information. 3
lindon 2
Xavier de Pedro 1