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History: PluginTrackerTimeline

Source of version: 17 (current)

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            ! Plugin Tracker Timeline
''Introduced in ((Tiki3)), with support for  [http://www.simile-widgets.org/timeline/|SIMILE Timeline] added in ((Tiki7))''

Use this ((wiki plugin)) shows a timeline view of a tracker, which can be used to display event schedules or gantt charts. The tracker needs to have a field title, a field summary, a field start, a field end, a text field (to group event together). The plugin can work on different scale: hour, day, month, year 

{pluginmanager plugin="trackertimeline"}
!! Examples
!!!Example 1
''This code:''
{trackertimeline tracker="10" title="24" summary="25" start="26" end="27" lower="2010-03-20" upper="2010-04-10" group="28" scale1="day"}

''Would produce:''

^:: {img fileId="241" alt="" rel="box[g]"} ::^

!!! Example 2
''This code:''
! TikiFest Timeline
You may have to reload page for timeline to load: work in progress ;-)

{trackertimeline tracker="5" title="26" summary="27" start="28" end="29" group="30" lower="2003-01-01 00:00:00" upper="2012-01-01 00:00:00" scale1="month" scale2="year" simile_timeline="y" image_field="38"}
''Would produce:''
^{img src="display644" thumb="y" width="600" link="display644" rel="box[g]"}^

Data comes from Tracker5 with this type of information:

|| title |	startInvert | Sort |	end | |	group |	link |	image
Munich |	2003-09-01 |	2003-09-05 |  |	tikifest | |		
Paris |	2003-09-02 |	2003-09-30 |	tikifest |	|	
Dakar |	2004-01-04 |	2004-01-05 |	tikifest |  |		
Paris |	2004-01-22 |	2004-01-28 |	tikifest | |		
TikiFest1 Montreal |	2004-01-24 |	2004-01-27 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFest1 |	
Montreal |	2008-05-14 |	2004-04-07 |	tikifest | |		
San Dimas |	2004-04-29 |	2004-04-30 |	tikifest |		
London |	2004-07-02 |	2004-07-03 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestUK |	
TikiFestMontreal6 |	2010-08-27 |	2010-08-28 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestMontreal6 |	
TikiFestTampa |	2010-09-25 |	2010-09-27 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestTampa |	
TikiFestNewYork6 |	2010-10-03 |	2010-10-06 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestNewYork6 |	
TikiFestBerlin2010 |	2010-11-12 |	2010-11-14 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestBerlin2010 |	
TikiFestLondon6 |	2010-11-22 |	2010-11-24 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestLondon6 |	
TikiFestQuebec7 |	2011-02-12 |	2011-02-13 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestQuebec7 |	
TikiFestConfoo2011, Confoo.ca |	2011-03-04 |	2011-03-08 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestConfoo2011 |	
TikiFestBoston7 |	2011-03-14 |	2011-03-18 |	tikifest |	http://tiki.org/TikiFestBoston7 | 

!!Related pages
* [http://profiles.tiki.org/Time_Sheet]