History: Shopping Cart
Source of version: 24 (current)
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! {icon name="shopping-cart"} Shopping cart {DIV(class="lead")}Since ((Tiki5)) there has been a basic shopping cart feature in Tiki and, since ((Tiki7)), there are a number of advanced features that can be further configured. Products or services can be managed in ((trackers)). They can be displayed in ((wiki)) pages using the ((PluginList)), the ((PluginCustomSearch)) or the ((Pretty Tracker)) method and added to ((Module Cart)) through the ((PluginAddToCart)), to have information collected to a checkout page and sent to ((payment)). The profile ((pr:Shopping Cart)) can be used to get started easily with the Tiki Shopping Cart but there is also a more advanced Shopping Cart (Advanced Shopping Cart tab) that implies orders, stock, bundle and gift management.{DIV} ~tc~ Preference documentation generated from https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/lib/prefs/ ~/tc~ ~tc~ To update documentation see https://dev.tiki.org/How-to-get-commit-access ~/tc~ {PREFDOC(tab="payment-advancedshoppingcart")/} || :: Products list page:: %%% {img src="display990" link="display990" width="300" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} | ::Single Product Page:: %%% {img src="display991" link="display991" width="300" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} || || :: Checkout (before payment):: %%% {img src="display992" link="display992" width="300" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} | :: Checkout (after payment):: %%% {img src="display993" link="display993" width="300" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"} || !! Manage Product Inventory Allows inventory to be set and tracked for products in a tracker. The feature also puts products on hold when they are added to a users' cart and are returned subsequently if not bought. !! Bundled Products Allows one product to "contain" multiple other products. The price of the bundle itself is the price that the user pays. The child products' prices are ignored when a bundle is bought. !! Record Orders in Trackers Allows orders and order items to be saved in trackers and therefore, using the ((Unified Search)) Index can be reviewed or used in conjunction using the ((PluginList)), the ((PluginCustomSearch)) or with ((Pretty Trackers)) to show users what they have bought, etc... The recording also allocates and keeps track of value inputted to child products of bundles (not the actual price paid since the user pays the price of the bundle, not the child products). You will need at least two trackers, one to store Orders and Order Items, and two special profiles to be placed on wiki pages. !!! Profiles needed to record orders These profiles are to be placed on wiki pages on the system where the cart is. The tracker and field IDs in the profiles are to be updated so that orders and order items information can be recorded in the right fields. ((OrderProfile)) and ((OrderItemProfile)) !!! Trackers Needed Note that for now, the code expect certain specific Field Names. See ((Shopping Cart Trackers)) for more information !! Anonymous shopping Documentation on the way... !! Collect additional user information when buying certain products Documentation on the way... !! Gift Certificates Documentation on the way... !! Product Exchanges Documentation on the way... -= Page Aliases=- * (alias(Auction)) or (alias(Auctions)) "An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder." Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auction * (alias(Cart)) or (alias(Carts)) * (alias(Shopping Carts)) * (alias(Commerce)), (alias(E-Commerce)), or (alias(ECommerce)) * (alias(Market)) or (alias(Marketplace)): This feature should be like a Shopping Cart but where anyone can put items for sale. Think --classified ads, car pool, etc. Please also see [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rental_management_software] * (alias(market)) multi-sellers or a mall platform for sellers within the community