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History: TikiMaster-Preference-Report

Source of version: 20

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            ! List of all preferences in Tiki

!! The list
{FANCYTABLE(head="Name|description|locations in the admin panels|")}
access_control_allow_origin %%% Access-Control-Allow-Origin|Domains allowed to make "CORS" (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or Cross-Domain Ajax) requests from this server.|general/2|
''activity_basic_events'' %%% Record basic events|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. This is primarily for entry level options. Using custom events is strongly encouraged.|community/2|
''activity_basic_tracker_update'' %%% Record tracker item update|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2|
''activity_basic_tracker_create'' %%% Record tracker item creation|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2|
''activity_basic_user_follow_add'' %%% Record user following users|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2|
''activity_basic_user_follow_incoming'' %%% Record user being followed by users|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2
''activity_basic_user_friend_add'' %%% Record user adding new friend|Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.|community/2|
''activity_custom_events'' %%% Custom activities|Allow the defining of custom behaviors in addition to internal events.|community/2|
''activity_notifications'' %%% Enable notifications through activities|Allow users to create notifications using activities.|community/2|
''ajax_autosave'' %%% Ajax auto-save|Save content during editing, enabling work to be recovered after any interruption. Also enable a real-time preview. This option is required for WYSIWYG plugin processing.|features/2, textarea/1, wysiwyg/1|
''ajax_inline_edit'' %%% Inline editing|Enable inline editing of certain values. Currently limited to tracker item fields.|trackers/1|
''ajax_inline_edit_trackerlist'' %%% Tracker list inline editing|Enable inline editing of all fields on the tracker list page.|trackers/1|
''ajax_edit_previews'' %%% Preview Edits|Add a preview tab to text areas.|textarea/1|
''alchemy_ffmpeg_path'' %%% ffmpeg path|Path to the location of the ffmpeg binary|fgal/1|
''alchemy_ffprobe_path'' %%% ffprobe path|Path to the location of the ffprobe binary|fgal/1|
''alchemy_imagine_driver'' %%% Alchemy Image library|Select either Image Magick or GD Graphics Library.|fgal/1|
''alchemy_unoconv_path'' %%% unoconv path|Path to the location of the unoconv binary.|fgal/1|
''alchemy_gs_path'' %%% ghostscript path|Path to the location of the ghostscript binary.|fgal/1|
''alchemy_unoconv_timeout'' %%% unoconv timeout|The maximum amount of time for unoconv to execute.|fgal/1|
''alchemy_unoconv_port'' %%% unoconv port|unoconv running port.|fgal/1|
''allocate_memory_unified_rebuild'' %%% Search index rebuild memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Search index rebuild. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|performance/11, search/1|
''allocate_time_unified_rebuild'' %%% Search index rebuild time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Search index rebuild. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11, search/1|
''allocate_memory_tracker_export_items'' %%% Tracker item export memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|performance/11, trackers/1|
''allocate_time_tracker_export_items'' %%% Tracker item export time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11, trackers/1|
''allocate_memory_tracker_import_items'' %%% Tracker item import memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|trackers/1|
''allocate_time_tracker_import_items'' %%% Tracker item import time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|trackers/1|
''allocate_time_tracker_clear_items'' %%% Tracker clear time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11, trackers/1|
''allocate_memory_print_pdf'' %%% Printing to PDF memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Printing to PDF. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|performance/11, print/1|
''allocate_time_print_pdf'' %%% Printing to PDF time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Printing to PDF. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11, print/1|
''allocate_time_secdb_check'' %%% Security check time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Security check. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11|
''allocate_memory_php_execution'' %%% PHP execution memory limit|Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during PHP execution. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.|performance/11|
''allocate_time_php_execution'' %%% PHP execution time limit|Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during PHP execution. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.|performance/11|
''allowmsg_by_default'' %%% Users accept internal messages by default||messages/1|
''allowmsg_is_optional'' %%% Users can opt out of internal messages||messages/1|
''areas_root ''%%% Areas root category ID|ID of category whose child categories are bound to a perspective by areas|workspace/2, category/1|
''article_comments_per_page'' %%% Number per page|Set the number of comments per page.|articles/1|
''article_comments_default_ordering'' %%% Display order|Set the display order of comments.|articles/1|
''article_paginate'' %%% Paginate articles|Divide articles into multiple pages with pagebreak markers.|articles/1|
''article_remembers_creator'' %%% Article creator remains article owner|Last article editor does not automatically become author (owner).|articles/1|
''article_user_rating'' %%% User ratings on articles|Allow users to rate articles.|articles/1, rating/1|
''article_user_rating_options'' %%% Article rating options|List of options available for the rating of articles.|articles/1, rating/1|
''article_image_size_x'' %%% Default maximum width for custom article images|Set the default maximum width of the article image|articles/1|
''article_image_size_y'' %%% Default maximum height for custom article images|Set the default maximum height of article images|articles/1|
''article_default_list_image_size_x'' %%% Default maximum width for custom article images in list mode (on View Articles)|Sets the default maximum width of custom article images in list mode (on View Articles page)|articles/1|
''article_default_list_image_size_y'' %%% Default maximum height of custom article images in list mode (on View Articles page)|Set the default maximum height of custom article images in list mode (on the View Articles page)|articles/1|
''article_image_file_size_max'' %%% Article image maximum file size|Maximum file size for an article image. Article images are stored in the database so it should remain low.|articles/1|
''article_custom_attributes'' %%% Custom attributes for article types|Enable additional custom fields for article types|articles/1|
''article_sharethis_publisher'' %%% Your ShareThis publisher identifier (optional)|Set to define your ShareThis publisher identifier|articles/1|
''article_related_articles'' %%% Related articles|Display a list of related articles at the bottom of an article page|articles/1|
''article_use_new_list_articles'' %%% Use new articles|Use the new CustomSearch-based article lists rather than database information|articles/1|
''article_feature_copyrights'' %%% Article copyright|Apply copyright management preferences to this feature.|articles/1, copyright/1|
''article_start_year'' %%% First year in the dropdown||articles/1|
''article_end_year'' %%% Last year in the dropdown||articles/1|
''art_sort_mode'' %%% Article order|Default sort mode for the articles on the list-articles page|articles/2|
''art_home_title'' %%% Title of articles homepage|Select the default title for the page that displays all articles.|articles/1|
''art_list_title'' %%% Title||articles/2|
''art_list_title_len'' %%% Title length||articles/2|
''art_list_type'' %%% Type||articles/2|
''art_list_topic'' %%% Topic||articles/2|
''art_list_date'' %%% Publication date||articles/2|
''art_list_expire'' %%% Expiration date||articles/2|
''art_list_visible'' %%% Visible||articles/2|
''art_list_lang'' %%% Language||articles/2|
''art_list_author'' %%% Author (owner)||articles/2|
''art_list_authorName'' %%% Author name (as displayed)||articles/2|
''art_list_rating'' %%% Author rating||articles/2|
''art_list_usersRating'' %%% Users rating||articles/2|
''art_list_reads'' %%% Reads||articles/2|
''art_list_size'' %%% Size||articles/2|
''art_list_img'' %%% Images||articles/2|
''art_list_id'' %%% Id||articles/2|
''art_list_ispublished'' %%% Is published||articles/2|
''art_trailer_pos'' %%% Trailer position||articles/2|
''art_header_text_pos'' %%% Header text position|Header text positionRequires a smaller image for list view|articles/2|
''auth_method'' %%% Authentication method|Tiki supports several authentication methods. The default method is to use the internal user database.|login/1|
''auth_token_access'' %%% Token access|With the presentation of a token, allow access to the content with elevated rights. The primary use of this authentication method is to grant temporary access to content to an external service.|security/5|
''auth_token_access_maxtimeout'' %%% Token access default timeout|The default duration for which the generated tokens will be valid.|security/5|
''auth_token_access_maxhits'' %%% Token access default maximum hits|The default maximum number of times a token can be used before it expires.|security/5|
''auth_token_preserve_tempusers'' %%% Do not delete temporary users when token is deleted/expired|Normally temporary users created (see tiki-adminusers.php) are deleted when their access token is deleted/expired. If turned on, this will keep those users around (and can be manually deleted later) but they will have no groups and therefore no perms|security/5|
''auth_token_share'' %%% Share access rights with friends when using Share|Allow users to share their access rights for the current page with a friend when sending the link by email, Twitter, or Facebook. The lifespan of the link is defined by the site.|security/5, community/1|
''auth_phpbb_create_tiki'' %%% Create user if not registered in Tiki|Automatically create a new Tiki user for the PHPbb login|login/9|
''auth_phpbb_skip_admin'' %%% Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in|The user “admin” will be authenticated by <b>only</b> using Tiki’s user database. This option has no effect on users other than “admin”.|login/9|
''auth_phpbb_disable_tikionly'' %%% Disable Tiki users with no phpBB login|Disable Tiki users who don’t have a phpBB login as they could have been deleted.|login/9|
''auth_phpbb_version'' %%% phpBB Version||login/9|
''auth_phpbb_dbhost'' %%% phpBB Database Hostname||login/9|
''auth_phpbb_dbuser'' %%% phpBB Database Username||login/9|
''auth_phpbb_dbpasswd'' %%% phpBB Database Password||login/9|
''auth_phpbb_dbname'' %%% phpBB Database Name||login/9|
''auth_phpbb_table_prefix'' %%% phpBB Table Prefix||login/9|
''auth_ldap_permit_tiki_users'' %%% Use Tiki authentication for users created in Tiki|If this option is set, users that are created using Tiki are not authenticated via LDAP. This can be useful to let external users (ex.: partners or consultants) access Tiki, without being in your main user list in LDAP.|login/3|
''auth_ldap_host'' %%% Host|The hostnames, ip addresses or URIs of your LDAP servers. Separate multiple entries with Whitespace or ‘,’. If you use URIs, then the settings for Port number and SSL are ignored. Example: “localhost ldaps://master.ldap.example.org:63636” will try to connect to localhost unencrypted and if if fails it will try the master LDAP server at a special port with SSL.|login/3|
''auth_ldap_port'' %%% Port|The port number your LDAP server uses (389 is the default, 636 if you check SSL).|login/3|
''auth_ldap_debug'' %%% Write LDAP debug Information in Tiki Logs|Write debug information to Tiki logs (Admin -> Tiki Logs, Tiki Logs have to be enabled).|login/3|
''auth_ldap_ssl'' %%% Use SSL (ldaps)||login/3|
''auth_ldap_starttls'' %%% Use TLS||login/3|
''auth_ldap_type'' %%% LDAP Bind Type|<ul><li><b>Active Directory bind</b> will build a RDN like username@example.com where your basedn is (dc=example, dc=com) and username is your username</li><li><b>Plain bind</b> will build a RDN username</li><li><b>Full bind</b> will build a RDN like userattr=username, userdn, basedn where userattr is replaced with the value you put in ‘User attribute’, userdn with the value you put in ‘User DN’, basedn with the value with the value you put in ‘base DN’</li><li><b>OpenLDAP bind</b> will build a RDN like cn=username, basedn</li><li><b>Anonymous bind</b> will build an empty RDN</li></ul>|login/3|
''auth_ldap_scope'' %%% Search scope|Used after authentication for getting user and group information.|login/3|
''auth_ldap_basedn'' %%% Base DN||login/3|
''auth_ldap_userdn'' %%% User DN||login/3|
''auth_ldap_userattr'' %%% User attribute||login/3|
''auth_ldap_useroc'' %%% User OC||login/3|
''auth_ldap_nameattr'' %%% Realname attribute|Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.|login/3|
''auth_ldap_countryattr'' %%% Country attribute|Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.|login/3|
''auth_ldap_emailattr'' %%% Email attribute|Synchronize Tiki user attributes with the LDAP values.|login/3|
''auth_ldap_groupdn'' %%% Group DN||login/4|
''auth_ldap_groupattr'' %%% Group name attribute||login/4|
''auth_ldap_groupdescattr'' %%% Group description attribute||login/4|
''auth_ldap_groupoc'' %%% Group OC||login/4|
''auth_ldap_memberattr'' %%% Member attribute||login/4|
''auth_ldap_memberisdn'' %%% Member is DN||login/4|
''auth_ldap_usergroupattr'' %%% Group attribute||login/4|
''auth_ldap_groupgroupattr'' %%% Group attribute in group entry||login/4|
''auth_ldap_adminuser'' %%% Admin user||login/3|
''auth_ldap_adminpass'' %%% Admin password||login/3|
''auth_ldap_group_external'' %%% Use an external LDAP server for groups||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_host'' %%% Host||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_port'' %%% Port||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_debug'' %%% Write LDAP debug Information in Tiki Logs|Write debug information to Tiki logs (Admin -> Tiki Logs, Tiki Logs have to be enabled).|login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_ssl'' %%% Use SSL (ldaps)||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_starttls'' %%% Use TLS||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_type'' %%% LDAP Bind Type|<ul><li><b>Active Directory bind</b> will build a RDN like username@example.com where your basedn is (dc=example, dc=com) and username is your username</li><li><b>Plain bind</b> will build a RDN username</li><li><b>Full bind</b> will build a RDN like userattr=username, userdn, basedn where userattr is replaced with the value you put in ‘User attribute’, userdn with the value you put in ‘User DN’, basedn with the value with the value you put in ‘base DN’</li><li><b>OpenLDAP bind</b> will build a RDN like cn=username, basedn</li><li><b>Anonymous bind</b> will build an empty RDN</li></ul>|login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_scope'' %%% Search scope||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_basedn'' %%% Base DN||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_userdn'' %%% User DN||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_userattr'' %%% User attribute||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_corr_userattr'' %%% Corresponding user attribute in 1st directory||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_useroc'' %%% User OC||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_adminuser'' %%% Admin user||login/4|
''auth_ldap_group_adminpass'' %%% Admin password||login/4|
''auth_ws_create_tiki'' %%% Create user if not registered in Tiki|If a user was externally authenticated, but not found in the Tiki user database, Tiki will create an entry in its user database.|login/10|
''auth_api_tokens'' %%% API access|Enable access to Tiki API via definition of API tokens.|security/10|
''auth_webhooks'' %%% Webhook access|Enable Tiki to receive webhook requests from 3rd parties.|security/11|
''available_languages'' %%% Available languages|By default, all languages supported by Tiki are available on multilingual sites. This option allows limiting the languages to a subset.|i18n/1|
''available_themes'' %%% Available themes|Restrict available themes|look/1|
''bigbluebutton_feature'' %%% BigBlueButton web conferencing|Integration with the BigBlueButton collaboration server for web conference and screen sharing.|rtc/1|
''bigbluebutton_server_location'' %%% BigBlueButton server location|Full URL to the BigBlueButton installation.|rtc/1|
''bigbluebutton_server_salt'' %%% BigBlueButton server salt|A salt key used to generate checksums for the BigBlueButton server to assure that requests are authentic.|rtc/1|
''bigbluebutton_recording_max_duration'' %%% BigBlueButton recording maximum duration|A maximum duration for the meetings must be submitted to BigBlueButton to prevent the recordings from being excessively long if a user leaves the conference window open.|rtc/1|
''bigbluebutton_dynamic_configuration'' %%% BigBlueButton dynamic configuration|Uses the advanced options of BigBlueButton to configure the XML per room.||
''blog_comments_per_page'' %%% Number per page||blogs/1|
''blog_comments_default_ordering'' %%% Default ordering||blogs/1|
''blog_list_order'' %%% Default order||blogs/2|
''blog_list_title'' %%% Title||blogs/2|
''blog_list_title_len'' %%% Title length||blogs/2|
''blog_list_description'' %%% Description||blogs/2|
''blog_list_created'' %%% Creation date||blogs/2|
''blog_list_lastmodif'' %%% Last modified||blogs/2|
''blog_list_user'' %%% User||blogs/2|
''blog_list_posts'' %%% Posts||blogs/2|
''blog_list_visits'' %%% Visits||blogs/2|
''blog_list_activity'' %%% Activity||blogs/2|
''blog_sharethis_publisher'' %%% Your ShareThis publisher identifier (optional)|Set to define your ShareThis publisher identifier|socialnetworks/4, blogs/1|
''blog_feature_copyrights'' %%% Blog post copyright|Apply copyright management preferences to this feature.|copyright/1, blogs/1|
''box_shadow_start'' %%% Module (box) shadow start||look/2|
''box_shadow_end'' %%% Module (box) shadow end||look/2|
''calendar_view_days'' %%% Days to display in the calendar||calendar/1|
''calendar_view_mode'' %%% Default view mode||calendar/1|
''calendar_list_begins_focu''s|View list begins||calendar/1
''calendar_firstDayofWeek'' %%% First day of the week||calendar/1|
''calendar_timespan'' %%% Split hours in periods of|Times shown in week and day view.|calendar/1|
''calendar_minute_interval'' %%% Minute Interval|Interval to show between minutes on time selectors|calendar/1|
''calendar_start_year'' %%% First year in the dropdown||calendar/1|
''calendar_end_year'' %%% Last year in the dropdown||calendar/1|
''calendar_sticky_popup'' %%% Sticky popup||calendar/1|
''calendar_view_tab'' %%% Item view tab||calendar/1|
''calendar_addtogooglecal'' %%% Show "Add to Google Calendar" icon||calendar/1|
''calendar_export'' %%% Show "Export Calendars" button||calendar/1|
''calendar_export_item'' %%% Show "Export Calendar Item" Button|Allow exporting a single calendar event as an iCal file|calendar/1|
''calendar_description_is_html'' %%% Treat calendar item descriptions as HTML|Use this if you use the WYSIWYG editor for calendars. This is to handle legacy data from Tiki pre 7.0.|calendar/1|
''calendar_watch_editor'' %%% Enable watch events when you are the editor|Check this to receive email notifications of events you changed yourself.|calendar/1|
''calendar_fc_premium_license'' %%% License for FullCalendar premium plugins|FullCalendar premium license.|calendar/1|
''captcha_wordLen'' %%% CAPTCHA image word length|Number of characters the CAPTCHA will display.|security/2, login/1|
''captcha_width'' %%% CAPTCHA image width|Width of the CAPTCHA image in pixels.|security/2, login/1|
''captcha_noise'' %%% CAPTCHA image noise|Level of noise of the CAPTCHA image.|security/2, login/1|
''captcha_questions_active'' %%% CAPTCHA questions|Requires anonymous visitors to enter the answer to a question.|security/2, login/1|
''captcha_questions'' %%% CAPTCHA questions and answers|Add some simple questions that only humans should be able to answer, in the format: "Question?: Answer" with one per line|security/2, login/1|
''cas_create_user_tiki'' %%% Create user if not registered in Tiki|If a user was externally authenticated, but not found in the Tiki user database, Tiki will create an entry in its user database.|login/8|
''cas_autologin'' %%% Try automatically to connect SSO||login/8|
''cas_skip_admin'' %%% Use Tiki authentication for Admin log-in|The user “admin” will be authenticated by <b>only</b> using Tiki’s user database. This option has no effect on users other than “admin”.|login/8|
''cas_force_logout'' %%% Force CAS log-out when the user logs out from Tiki.||login/8|
''cas_show_alternate_login'' %%% Show alternate log-in method in header||login/8|
''cas_version'' %%% CAS server version||login/8|
''cas_hostname'' %%% Hostname|Hostname of the CAS server.|login/8|
''cas_port'' %%% Port|Port of the CAS server.|login/8|
''cas_path'' %%% Path|Path for the CAS server.|login/8|
''cas_extra_param'' %%% CAS Extra Parameter|Extra Parameter to pass to the CAS Server.|login/8|
''cas_authentication_timeout'' %%% CAS Authentication Verification Timeout|Verify authentication with the CAS server every N seconds. Null value means never reverify.|login/8|
''categories_used_in_tpl'' %%% Provides the current categories to Smarty templates|When enabled, the $objectCategoryIds variable is set to the identifiers of the categories of the object being viewed. This allows showing alternate content depending on the categories of the current object, but reduces performance.|category/1, look/6|
''categories_add_class_to_body_tag'' %%% Categories to add as CSS classes to <body>|Pages in selected categories will have a class with syntax like "cat_catname" added to the body tag.|category/1, look/5|
''categories_cache_refresh_on_object_cat'' %%% Clear cache upon category change|A cache is used to avoid having to fetch all categories from the database every time; this clears the cache when an object is categorized to keep the count up to date.|performance/8, category/1|
''categorypath_excluded'' %%% Exclude these category IDs|Category path won't appear for these category IDs.|category/1|
''categorypath_format'' %%% Category path format|Alter how the category path will be rendered.|category/1|
''category_jail'' %%% Category jail|Limits the visibility of objects to those in these category IDs. Used mainly for creating workspaces from perspectives.|category/1|
''category_jail_root'' %%% Category jail root|Always display categories outside of the jail root, which would be for normal categorization.|category/1|
''category_defaults'' %%% Category defaults|Require certain categories to be present. If none of the categories in a given set is provided, assign a category by default. Use *7 to specify all the categories in the subtree of 7 + category 7. Can do only this for objectname matching the regex (Example: /^RND_/ = name beginning by RND_)(Optional) Can do for wiki only (optional). Rename will only reassign the categories for wiki pages.|category/1|
''category_i18n_sync'' %%% Synchronize multilingual categories|Make sure that the categories of the translations are synchronized when modified on any version.|category/1, i18n/1|
''category_i18n_synced'' %%% Synchronized categories|List of categories affected by the multilingual synchronization. Depending on the parent feature, this list will be used as a white list (the only categories allowed) or as a black list (all categories allowed except those specified).|category/1, i18n/1|
''category_sort_ascii'' %%% Sort categories case insensitively|Ignore case and accents when listing categories. Disable to use the "locale" sort settings.|category/1|
''category_autogeocode_within'' %%% Automatically geocode items with this category|Automatically geocode items based on category name when categorized in the sub-categories of this category ID|category/1|
''category_autogeocode_replace'' %%% Replace any existing geocode|When automatically geocoding items based on category name, replace existing geocode, if any|category/1|
''category_autogeocode_fudge'' %%% Use approximate geocode location|When automatically geocoding items based on category name, use randomly approximated location instead of precise location|category/1|
''category_morelikethis_algorithm'' %%% "More Like This" algorithm for categories||category/1|
''category_morelikethis_mincommon'' %%% Minimum number of categories in common||category/1|
''category_morelikethis_mincommon_orless'' %%% List objects with most categories in common|No minimum is applied.|category/1|
''category_morelikethis_mincommon_max'' %%% Maximum number of "more like this" objects|The default maximum records setting for the site is used of this is set to 0.|category/1|
''category_custom_facets'' %%% Generate custom facets from categories|Comma-separated list of category IDs.|search/2, category/1|
''category_browse_count_objects'' %%% Show category object count|Show object count when browsing categories, complying with search and type filters|performance/8, category/1|
''center_shadow_start'' %%% Center shadow start||look/2|
''center_shadow_end'' %%% Center shadow end||look/2|
''change_language'' %%% Users can choose the language of their interface|Allow users to change the language of the menus and labels.|i18n/1|
''change_theme'' %%% Users can change theme||user/1, look/1|
''change_password'' %%% Users can change their password|Registered users can change their password from their User Preferences page. If not, passwords can be changed only by the admin.|login/1|
''change_month'' %%% Select month in Date Picker|Users can select month in the Date Picker instead of seeing month as text.|general/4|
''change_year'' %%% Select year in Date Picker|Users can select year in the Date Picker instead of seeing year as text.|general/4|
''comments_notitle'' %%% Disable comment titles|Don't display the title input field on comments and their replies.|comments/1|
''comments_field_email'' %%% Email field|Email field for comments (only for anonymous users).|comments/1|
''comments_field_website'' %%% Website field|Website field for comments (only for anonymous users).|comments/1|
''comments_vote'' %%% Use vote system for comments|Allow users with permission to vote on comments.|comments/1, rating/1|
''comments_archive'' %%% Archive comments|If a comment is archived, only admins can see it|comments/1|
''comments_akismet_filter'' %%% Use Akismet to filter comments|Prevent comment spam by using the Akismet service to determine if the comment is spam. If comment moderation is enabled, Akismet will indicate if the comment is to be moderated or not. If there is no comment moderation, the comment will be rejected if considered to be spam.|comments/1, security/2|
''comments_akismet_apikey'' %%% Akismet API Key|Key required for the Akismet comment spam prevention.|comments/1, security/2|
''comments_akismet_check_users'' %%% Filter spam for registered users|Activate spam filtering for registered users as well. Useful if your site allows anyone to register without screening.|comments/1, security/2|
''comments_allow_correction'' %%% Allow comments to be edited by their author|Allow a comment to be modified by its author after posting it, for clarifications, correction of errors, etc.|comments/1|
''comments_correction_timeout'' %%% Comment edition timeout|The period(time) in minutes during which a comment can be modified by its author after posting it, for clarifications, correction of errors, etc.|comments/1|
''comments_inline_annotator'' %%% Inline comments using Apache Annotator|Use the Open/Apache Annotator JavaScript based library for managing inline comments as annotations.|comments/1|
''comments_inline_annotator_with_info'' %%% Show extra info|Show author and date on Open Annotator inline comments.|comments/1|
''comments_heading_links'' %%% Anchor links on headings|Cause a link icon to appear on hover over each heading, useful for sharing the URL to an exact location on a page.|comments/1|
''comments_per_page'' %%% Number of comments per page||comments/1, look/3|
''comments_sort_mode'' %%% Sort mode for comments||comments/1|
''comments_threshold_indent'' %%% Limit indentation on thread reply||comments/1|
''conditions_enabled'' %%% Terms and Conditions|Automatically present a terms of use page to be accepted by users accessing the site.|general/2|
''conditions_page_name'' %%% Terms of Use page name|Wiki page for Terms of Use content. The page may be translated using the multilingual feature.|general/2|
''conditions_minimum_age'' %%% Minimum age|When presenting the terms of use, request age.|general/2|
''connect_feature'' %%% Tiki connect|Connect your Tiki with the community by sending anonymised statistical data to tiki.org|connect/2, features/1|
''connect_send_info'' %%% Send site information|Additionally send keywords, location, etc. to tiki.org so you can connect with other Tiki sites near you.|connect/2|
''connect_site_title'' %%% Site title|Name of site to be listed on Tiki Connect|connect/2|
''connect_site_email'' %%% Email contact|Email to register|connect/2|
''connect_site_url'' %%% URL|URL to register|connect/2|
''connect_site_keywords'' %%% Key words|Key words or tags describing your site|connect/2|
''connect_site_location'' %%% Site location|Site location expressed as longitude, latitude, and zoom|connect/2|
''connect_send_anonymous_info'' %%% Send anonymous information|Send anonymous usage information.|connect/2|
''connect_frequency'' %%% Connection frequency|How often to send information|connect/2|
''connect_server'' %%% Tiki connect server URL|Where to send the information.|connect/2|
''connect_last_post'' %%% Last connection||connect/2|
''connect_server_mode'' %%% Connect server mode|For use by mother.tiki.org.|connect/2|
''connect_guid'' %%% Connect GUID|For use by mother.tiki.org. Do not modify|connect/2|
''contact_anon'' %%% Allow anonymous visitors to use the "Contact Us" feature.||general/2|
''contact_priority_onoff'' %%% Display contact priority|Display contact priority option|general/2|
''contact_user'' %%% Contact user|User to contact|general/2|
''cookie_name'' %%% Cookie name|Name of the cookie to remember the user's login|login/1|
''cookie_domain'' %%% Domain|The domain that the cookie is available to.|login/1|
''cookie_path'' %%% Path|The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. Tiki will detect if it is installed in a subdirectory and will use that automatically.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_feature'' %%% Cookie Consent|Ask permission of the user before setting any cookies, and comply with the response.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_name'' %%% Cookie consent name|Name of the cookie to record the user's consent if the user agrees.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_expires'' %%% Cookie consent expiration|Expiration date of the cookie to record consent (in days).|login/1|
''cookie_consent_description'' %%% Cookie consent text|Description for the dialog.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_question'' %%% Cookie consent question|Specific question next to the checkbox for agreement. Leave empty to not display a checkbox.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_button'' %%% Cookie consent button|Label on the agreement button.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_alert'' %%% Cookie consent alert|Alert displayed when user tries to access or use a feature requiring cookies.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_mode'' %%% Cookie consent display mode|Appearance of consent dialog|login/1|
''cookie_consent_dom_id'' %%% Cookie consent dialog ID|DOM id for the dialog container div.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_disable'' %%% Cookie consent disabled|Do not give the option to refuse cookies but still inform the user about cookie usage.|login/1|
''cookie_consent_analytics'' %%% Cookie consent for analytics|Make it possible for users to opt in to essential cookies, such as "remember login", "timezone" etc without opting in to third party cookies such as those for Google Analytics and other external services.|login/1|
''cookie_refresh_rememberme'' %%% Refresh the remember-me cookie expiration|Each time a user is logged in with a cookie set in a previous session, the cookie expiration date is updated.|login/1|
''count_admin_pvs'' %%% Count admin pageviews|Include pageviews by Admin when reporting stats.|stats/1, general/2|
''dailyreports_enabled_for_new_users'' %%% Enable daily reports for new users|Determines if daily reports will be automatically enabled for new users.|user/4, features/1|
''default_mail_charset'' %%% Default character set for sending mail|Specify the character encoding used by Tiki when sending mail notifications.|general/1, i18n/1|
''default_map'' %%% default mapfile||maps/1|
''default_wiki_diff_style'' %%% Default diff style||wiki/2|
''default_rows_textarea_wiki'' %%% Wiki||textarea/1|
''default_rows_textarea_comment'' %%% Comment box|Size (height) of the comment text area.|comments/1, textarea/1|
''default_rows_textarea_forum'' %%% Forum||textarea/1|
''default_rows_textarea_forumthread'' %%% Forum reply||textarea/1|
''default_calendars'' %%% Select default calendars to display||calendar/1|
''default_group_transitions'' %%% Group transition sets default|Sets the group transitioned to as the user's default group.|community/1|
''desactive_login_autocomplete'' %%% Disable browser's autocomplete feature for username and password fields|Use to deactivate the autocomplete in the log-in box. The autocomplete features can be optionally set in the user’s browser to remember the form input and proposes the remember the password. If enabled, the user log-in name and password cannot be remembered. You should enable this feature for highly secure sites.|login/1|
''directory_country_flag'' %%% Show country flag|Show the country flag|directory/1|
''directory_cool_sites'' %%% Enable "popular sites"||directory/1|
''directory_validate_urls'' %%% Validate URLs|Should Tiki check the URL?|directory/1|
''directory_columns'' %%% Columns per page|Number of columns per page when listing directory categories|directory/1|
''directory_links_per_page'' %%% Links per page|How many links should be displayed per page.|directory/1|
''directory_open_links'' %%% Method to open Directory links|The linked-to website can be opened in various ways|directory/1|
''direct_pagination'' %%% Use direct pagination links||look/3|
''direct_pagination_max_middle_links'' %%% Maximum number of links around the current item||look/3|
''direct_pagination_max_ending_links'' %%% Maximum number of links after the first or before the last item||look/3|
''display_field_order'' %%% Fields display order|The order date field inputs should be listed in.|general/4|
''display_start_year'' %%% Start year|Year to show first in dropdown lists.<br>For example, use "-2" for the current year minus two, or "2010" for a specific year|general/4|
''display_end_year'' %%% End year|Year to show last on dropdown lists.<br>For example, use "+2" for the current year plus two, or "2016" for a specific year|general/4|
''email_due'' %%% Re-validate user email after|The number of days after which an email will be sent to the user with a link to revalidate the account. The user will not be able to login (that is, the account will be invalid), until the user clicks the link. Use this feature to verify that a user’s email is still valid.|login/1|
''email_footer'' %%% Email footer|Text appended to outgoing emails.|general/1|
''email_detect_disposable'' %%% Display Disposable Emails|Show if a user's email address is from a disposable / temporary email address provider|login/1|
''error_reporting_adminonly'' %%% PHP errors visible to admin only|PHP Errors will be shown to only the Admin user.|general/1, features/3|
''error_reporting_level'' %%% PHP Error reporting level|Level of errors to be reported. Errors can be seen in a collapsible box at the bottom of the page, if any exist.|performance/8, general/1, features/3|
''error_tracking_enabled_php'' %%% Track PHP errors|Enable integration with error tracking service(ex: Sentry, GlitchTip) for PHP.|general/1|
''error_tracking_enabled_js'' %%% Track JavaScript errors|Enable integration with error tracking service(ex: Sentry, GlitchTip) for JavaScript.|general/1|
''error_tracking_dsn'' %%% Data Source Name (DSN)|DSN used for connect to the error tracking service.|general/1|
''error_tracking_sample_rate'' %%% Sample rate|Sampling allows you to better manage the number of reported events, so you can tailor the volume of data needed. Use a value between 0 and 1. E.g.: 0.25 (will report 25% of the events)|general/1|
''error_generic_non_admins'' %%% Show generic error message|Show a generic error message for non admins users. The error is logged to the database.|general/1|
''error_generic_message'' %%% Generic error message|Message to display to non admin users when an error occurs.|general/1|
''faq_comments_per_page'' %%% Default number of comments per page|Maximum number of comments to display on each page. Users may override this number.|faqs/1|
''faq_comments_default_ordering'' %%% Default order of comments|In which order to list the comments on the page.|faqs/1|
''faq_prefix'' %%% Prefix for answers|The prefix for that Tiki should display for each FAQ answer.|faqs/1|
''faq_feature_copyrights'' %%% FAQ copyright|Apply copyright management preferences to this feature.|faqs/1, copyright/1|
''feature_blog_mandatory_category'' %%% Limit blog categories to those under this category|If you get an error message indicating a mandatory category is required when editing a blog post, this is the option to blame. Set it to None.|category/1, blogs/1|
''feature_areas'' %%% Areas|Binding categories and perspectives to each other|workspace/2, features/1, category/1|
''feature_wiki'' %%% Wiki|Pages and collaboratively authored documents with edit history.|workspace/1, features/1, wiki/1|
''feature_blogs'' %%% Blog|Online diaries or journals.|features/1, blogs/1|
''feature_machine_translation'' %%% Machine translation|Uses machine translation to translate the content of the site to other languages. Note that this feature relies on external services thay may not be free. Google Translate is a paid service.|i18n/1|
''feature_trackers'' %%% Trackers|Database and form generator|features/1, trackers/1|
''feature_forums'' %%% Forums|Threaded or flat discussions.|features/1, forums/1|
''feature_file_galleries'' %%% File gallery|Storage of files of various formats to display or download, etc. With check-in and check-out (lock) capability|features/1, fgal/1|
''feature_file_galleries_save_draft'' %%% Save files as drafts|Allow saving of files as drafts|fgal/1|
''feature_file_galleries_templates'' %%% File gallery configuration templates||fgal/1|
''feature_articles'' %%% Articles|Articles can be used for date-specific news and announcements. You can configure articles to automatically publish and expire at specific times or to require that submissions be approved before becoming "live."|articles/1, features/1|
''feature_polls'' %%% Polls|Presentation of a set of votable options, typically displayed in a module|features/1, polls/1|
''feature_newsletters'' %%% Newsletters|Content mailed to registered users or other subscribers.|features/1|
''feature_calendar'' %%% Calendar|Events calendar with public, private and group channels.|calendar/1, features/1|
''feature_banners'' %%% Banners|Insert, track, and manage advertising banners.|features/1, ads/1|
''feature_categories'' %%% Category|Site-wide content category system. Items of different types (wiki pages, articles, tracker items, etc.) can be categorized. Categories can have permissions to control content access|workspace/1, features/1, category/1|
''feature_unified_user_details'' %%% Unified user details |Use User Details Page using the Unified Index.|user/3|
''feature_score'' %%% Score|Score is a game to motivate participants to increase their contribution by comparing to other users.|community/2, score/1|
''feature_score_expday'' %%% Score expiry||score/1|
''feature_search'' %%% Unified search index|Enables searching for content at the site using a Tiki-managed index.<br>It's recommended to set a cron job to periodically rebuild the search index.|features/1, search/1|
''feature_freetags'' %%% Tags|Enables tags to be set on pages and other items for freeform categorization.|features/1, freetags/1|
''feature_actionlog'' %%% Action log|Provides the ability to track the actions of users and produce reports on a per-user or per-category basis.|features/1|
''feature_contribution'' %%% Contribution|Enables users to specify the type of contribution they are making while editing items at the site. The contributions are then displayed color-coded in history and other reports.|features/1|
''feature_multilingual'' %%% Multilingual|Enables internationalization features and multilingual support at the site.|i18n/1|
''feature_faqs'' %%% FAQs|Frequently asked questions and answers|faqs/1, features/1|
''feature_surveys'' %%% Surveys|Create questionnaires with multiple-choice or open-ended questions|features/1, polls/2|
''feature_directory'' %%% Directory|User-submitted Web links|features/1, directory/1|
''feature_quizzes'' %%% Quizzes|Sets of questions that can be presented, with the sessions timed and the scores recorded.|features/1|
''feature_featuredLinks'' %%% Featured links|A simple menu system to display external web pages in a new browser tab or an iframe within the site, etc.|general/3|
''feature_copyright'' %%% Copyright|Use the Copyright Management System (or ©MS) to display the license of your content|features/1, copyright/1|
''feature_references'' %%% Wiki references|Permits using references and the reference library.|wiki/2|
''feature_library_references'' %%% Library references|Enforce library reference as master|wiki/2|
''feature_references_style'' %%% Reference style|Default style when using references|wiki/2|
''feature_references_popover'' %%% Display reference in a popover|Display the details of the reference in a popover|wiki/2|
''feature_shoutbox'' %%% Shoutbox|Quick comment (graffiti) box. Like a group chat, but not in real time.|features/1|
''feature_live_support'' %%% Live support system|One-on-one chatting with customer|features/1|
''feature_share'' %%% Share|Add a "Share" link in all pages to send it via email, Twitter, Facebook, message or forums|share/1, features/1|
''feature_html_pages'' %%% HTML pages|Static and dynamic HTML content|features/1|
''feature_contact'' %%% Contact us|A basic contact form a visitor can use to contact the site admin|general/2|
''feature_minichat'' %%% Minichat|Real-time group text chatting enabled through a module.|features/1|
''feature_comments_moderation'' %%% Comments moderation|Enables the admin or other authorized group member to validate comments before they are visible|comments/1, security/2|
''feature_comments_send_author_name'' %%% Add author name in From email header|Add the name of the comment author in the email header "From", making the email look like sent from  "John Doe &lt;noreply@example.com&gt;"|comments/1|
''feature_comments_locking'' %%% Comments locking|Comments can be closed (no comments, or no new comments)|comments/1|
''feature_comments_post_as_anonymous'' %%% Allow logged-in users to post comments anonymously|This can be used to encourage honest feedback without self-censorship, such as in a forum for brainstorming or feedback for improvement.|comments/1|
''feature_wiki_description'' %%% Show the page description|Display the wiki page description between the page title and the page content.|wiki/1|
''feature_page_title'' %%% Display page name as page title|Display the page name at the top of each page as page title. If not enabled, the page content should contain an h1 heading to function as the page title, or the page description can be used as the title.|wiki/1|
''feature_wiki_pageid'' %%% Show the page ID|Each wiki page has a numeric ID and this can be displayed.|wiki/1|
''feature_wiki_icache'' %%% Individual wiki cache|Allow users to change the duration of the cache on a per-page basis.|performance/3|
''feature_jscalendar'' %%% Date picker for date selection|JavaScript popup date selector (uses jQuery UI DatePicker).|calendar/1, look/4|
''feature_htmlpurifier_output'' %%% Output should be HTML purified|This activates HTML Purifier on wiki content and other outputs, to filter out potential security problems like XSS code. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax, producing unwanted results.|security/1|
''feature_fullscreen'' %%% Full screen|Allow users to activate full-screen mode.|textarea/1|
''feature_shadowbox'' %%% Shadowbox / ColorBox|Display images in a modal popup window (also referred to as shadowbox, lightbox or colorbox).|look/4|
''feature_quick_object_perms'' %%% Quick permission assignment|Quickperms are an interface in addition to the normal edit-permissions page, for quick assignment of permissions for a page or other object.|security/1|
''feature_user_encryption'' %%% User encryption|Tiki user encryption enables a personal, secure storage of sensitive data, e.g. password. Only the user can see the data. No decryption passwords are stored.|security/1|
''feature_password_domains'' %%% Password domains|Securely store extra user passwords and other user specific data for other "domains", or just for yourself|security/1|
''feature_purifier'' %%% HTML purifier|HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP and integrated in Tiki. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist, it will also ensure that your documents are standards-compliant. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax and produce unwanted results.|security/1, textarea/1|
''feature_ajax'' %%% Ajax|Allows for efficient retrieval and display of information from the server, thus improving the user experience. This feature is required for the interface for many features to work.|features/2, wysiwyg/1|
''feature_webmail'' %%% Webmail|Provides a webmail interface for site users' own IMAP or POP accounts.|user/4, features/1|
''feature_intertiki'' %%% Intertiki|Allows several Tiki sites (slaves) to get authentication from a master Tiki site|login/1, intertiki/1|
''feature_mailin'' %%% Mail-in|Create and publish wiki pages and articles via email|features/1|
''feature_print_indexed'' %%% Print indexed|Generate a printable version of the whole wiki or a subset of pages, filtered by category.|print/1|
''feature_sheet'' %%% Spreadsheet|Spreadsheets with calculations and charts|features/1|
''feature_slideshow'' %%% Slideshow (reveal.js)|Create simple presentations via Wiki Syntax.|features/1|
''feature_slideshow_pdfexport'' %%% Slideshow (reveal.js) PDF export|Wiki page based slideshow to pdf export|features/1, print/1|
''feature_wysiwyg'' %%% Full WYSIWYG editor|WYSIWYG is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get". <a href="https://ckeditor.com">CKEditor</a> is used to provide a word-processor-like editing experience.|textarea/1, wiki/1, wysiwyg/1|
''feature_kaltura'' %%% Kaltura video management|Integration with the Kaltura video management platform|video/1, features/1|
''feature_friends'' %%% Friendship Network|Users can identify other users as their friends|community/2|
''feature_banning'' %%% Banning system|Deny access to specific users based on username, IP, and date/time range.|security/2, login/1|
''feature_banning_email'' %%% Ban usernames and emails|Banning rules use both email and username to match rules.|security/2, login/1|
''feature_stats'' %%% Stats|Record basic statistics about major Tiki features (number of wiki pages, size of file galleries, etc.)|stats/1, general/2, features/1|
''feature_action_calendar'' %%% Action calendar|Displays a calendar of system events, such as wiki page modifications, forum posts and article publications. Days with events show links to the action calendar page.|calendar/1|
''feature_referer_stats'' %%% Referrer stats|Record domain name of sites that send visitors to this Tiki.|stats/1, general/2|
''feature_redirect_on_error'' %%% Redirect on error|On an error, refresh to the homepage as specified on the Admin General page.|general/3|
''feature_comm'' %%% Communications (send/receive objects)|Send/receive wiki pages and articles between Tiki-powered sites|features/1|
''feature_mytiki'' %%% Display "My Account" in the application menu||user/1|
''feature_minical'' %%% Mini calendar|Displays a personal calendar for each user.|user/2|
''feature_userPreferences'' %%% User preferences screen||user/1|
''feature_notepad'' %%% User notepad||user/2|
''feature_user_bookmarks'' %%% My bookmarks||user/2|
''feature_contacts'' %%% User contacts||user/2|
''feature_user_watches'' %%% User watches|Receive email notification of changes. Each user can choose to be notified of changes to specific items|user/4, features/1|
''feature_group_watches'' %%% Group watches|All users in a group selected by a users admin (tiki_p_admin_users) will receive email notification of changes to specific items. Users cannot choose to stop receiving those notifications while they are members of that group|user/4, features/1|
''feature_daily_report_watches'' %%% Daily reports for user watches|Allows you to schedule daily reports of watches to be sent (batched) at specific times.|user/4, features/1|
''feature_user_watches_translations'' %%% User watches translations||user/4, features/1, i18n/1|
''feature_user_watches_languages'' %%% User watches languages|Watch language-specific changes within a category.|features/1|
''feature_usermenu'' %%% User menu||user/2|
''feature_tasks'' %%% User tasks||user/2|
''feature_messages'' %%% User messages|Enables inter-user messages (for this to work for new users, the tiki_p_messages permission must be assigned to at least the Registered group)..|user/4, messages/1|
''feature_userfiles'' %%% User files||user/5|
''feature_userlevels'' %%% Menu user levels|Enables control of the per-group visibility of menu options|user/2, general/3|
''feature_groupalert'' %%% Group alert|With this feature you can choose the user in the group to be alerted about some changes in the Tiki site: Calendar items, Tracker changes, Tracker item changes, File gallery changes|user/4, features/1|
''feature_integrator'' %%% Integrator||features/3|
''feature_xmlrpc'' %%% Edit Blogs with XMLRPC API|Tiki implements the XML-RPC API of wBlogger. This API is used by several Windows applications that can be used to manage weblogs. Any application implementing the wBlogger XML-RPC API can be used to edit Tiki blogs.|features/3|
''feature_debug_console'' %%% Debugger console|A popup console with a list of all PHP and Smarty variables used to render the current webpage. It can be viewed by clicking 'Quick Administration->Smarty debug window' or by appending ?show_smarty_debug=1 or &show_smarty_debug=1 to the page URL. You may also execute SQL, watch vars and perform a number of other functions.|security/1, features/3|
''feature_tikitests'' %%% TikiTests|Permits recording and playback of functional tests|features/3|
''feature_version_checks'' %%% Check for updates automatically|Tiki will automatically check for new updates each time you access the Admin Home page, based on your Check frequency selection.||
''feature_ticketlib'' %%% Require confirmation of an action if a possible CSRF is detected||security/1|
''feature_detect_language'' %%% Detect browser language|Look up the user's preferred language through browser preferences.|i18n/1|
''feature_best_language'' %%% Show pages in user's preferred language|When accessing a page which has an equivalent in the user's preferred language, favor the translated page. Based on the user’s Tiki preferences.|i18n/1|
''feature_sync_language'' %%% Synchronize page and site language|Changing the page language also changes the site language|i18n/1|
''feature_translation'' %%% Translation assistant|Track translation operations between pages.|i18n/1|
''feature_urgent_translation'' %%% Urgent translation notifications|Enable changes to be flagged as urgent, so translations are marked with a notice visible to all users.|i18n/1|
''feature_translation_incomplete_notice'' %%% Incomplete translation notice|When a page is translated to a new language, a notice will automatically be inserted into the page to indicate that the translation is not yet complete.|i18n/1|
''feature_multilingual_structures'' %%% Multilingual structures|Structures search for equivalent pages in other languages.|i18n/1|
''feature_multilingual_one_page'' %%% Display all languages in a single page|List all languages as options in the page-language dropdown list, to see them all at once.|i18n/1|
''feature_obzip'' %%% GZip output|Compress your pages on-the-fly, if the requesting browser supports this|performance/1|
''feature_help'' %%% Help system|Activates links to Tiki documentation.  You can specify a Help URL that contains customized help pages. By default, the Help system uses http://doc.tiki.org/|general/2|
''feature_display_my_to_others'' %%% Show user's contribution on the user information page|View user's contribution on the user information page.|user/3|
''feature_smileys'' %%% Smileys|Also known as emoticons|textarea/1|
''feature_tag_users'' %%% Tagging users|Add support for @username mentions|user/2|
''feature_notify_users_mention'' %%% User mention notifications|Add support for @username mentions notifications|user/4|
''feature_draw'' %%% Draw (SVG edit)|Draw enables creating and editing SVG images in all wiki text areas|features/1, fgal/6|
''feature_draw_hide_buttons'' %%% Draw (SVG edit) hide buttons|Hide buttons in Draw, HTML id, comma-separated.|features/1, fgal/6|
''feature_draw_separate_base_image'' %%% Separate base image|Leaves the initially edited image as a separate file and stores the drawing separately|features/1, fgal/6|
''feature_draw_in_userfiles'' %%% Draw in user file gallery|Users' drawings are stored in their user files gallery|features/1, fgal/6|
''feature_docs'' %%% Docs (WebODF)|Docs enables viewing and editing Open Document Format files|features/1, fgal/6|
''feature_dynamic_content'' %%% Dynamic content system|Block of content which can be reused and programmed (timed)|features/1, textarea/1|
''feature_filegals_manager'' %%% Use file galleries to store images|If not enabled, images will be stored in the file system, in the /img/wiki_up directory, instead.|textarea/1, wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_ext_icon'' %%% External link icon|External links will be identified with an icon. To customize the icon, change the "link-external" icon in the icon set.|textarea/1|
''feature_wiki_ext_rel_nofollow'' %%% Add "rel=nofollow" to external links|Nofollow is used to instruct some search engines that the link should not influence the ranking of the link's target in the search engine's index.|security/2, textarea/1|
''feature_semantic'' %%% Semantic links|Going beyond Backlinks functionality, this allows some semantic relationships to be defined between wiki pages.|semantic/1, wiki/2|
''feature_webservices'' %%% Web services|Can receive web services via JSON or YAML.|webservices/1, features/3|
''feature_menusfolderstyle'' %%% Use folder icons for menu section (parent) items|When a menu isn't set as a Bootstrap or CSS menu, use folder icons for menu section items (rather than plus/minus signs).|general/3|
''feature_breadcrumbs'' %%% Breadcrumbs|Indicates the navigation path through parent pages to the current page.|general/3|
''feature_antibot'' %%% Anonymous editors must enter anti-bot code (CAPTCHA)|Use CAPTCHA to ensure that anonymous input is from a person.|security/2, login/1|
''feature_wiki_protect_email'' %%% Protect email against spam|Protect email against spam submissions.|security/2|
''feature_sitead'' %%% Site ads|Enable advertising|ads/1|
''feature_poll_anonymous'' %%% Anonymous voting|Allow anonymous users to participate in voting|polls/1|
''feature_poll_revote'' %%% Allow re-voting|Visitors can vote mulitiple times in a poll.|polls/1|
''feature_poll_comments'' %%% Comments for polls|Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.|comments/1, polls/1|
''feature_faq_comments'' %%% Comments for FAQs|Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.|comments/1, faqs/1|
''feature_sefurl'' %%% Search engine friendly URL|If the site is using Apache, you can rename _htaccess as .htaccess to use short URLs. On IIS, rename web_config as web.config|features/1, sefurl/1|
''feature_sefurl_filter'' %%% SEFURL postfilter||sefurl/1|
''feature_sefurl_title_article'' %%% Article title in SEFURL|The article title rather than article number can be displayed in the search engine friendly URL.|articles/1, sefurl/1|
''feature_sefurl_title_blog'' %%% Blog title in SEFURL|The blog title rather than blog number can be displayed in the search engine friendly URL.|sefurl/1, blogs/1|
''feature_sefurl_title_forumthread'' %%% Display forum thread or forum post title in the search engine friendly URL||sefurl/1, forums/1|
''feature_sefurl_title_trackeritem'' %%% Tracker title in SEFURL|To display the title, you should disable `Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page`|trackers/1, sefurl/1|
''feature_sefurl_title_max_size'' %%% Max size of title in the search engine friendly URL (Tracker Items and Forum Threads)|Limit the number of characters in the tracker item or forum thread title.|sefurl/1|
''feature_sefurl_tracker_prefixalias'' %%% Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page|This redirection uses the wiki prefix alias feature|trackers/1, sefurl/1|
''feature_canonical_url'' %%% Canonical URL tag|Indicates to search engines which URL to use, to prevent duplicate listings|sefurl/1|
''feature_canonical_domain'' %%% Canonical URL domain|If this is a testing site with duplicate content, you may want to put the real site domain here so search engines don't index the testing site. In complex perspective setups using multiple domains, you may want more control on which canonical domain is advertised.|sefurl/1|
''feature_sefurl_routes'' %%% Custom Routes|Custom routes allow the definition of URLs by the admin, that can be mapped to existing Tiki objects like pages and trackers.  "Add BASE tag in the page HEAD" is required when you have "/" as part of the URL.|sefurl/1|
''feature_modulecontrols'' %%% Show module controls|Enable controls in modules|module/1|
''feature_perspective'' %%% Perspectives|Permits overriding of preferences.|workspace/1, features/1|
''feature_wiki_replace'' %%% Search and replace|Enables finding and replacing of content in the edit box|textarea/1|
''feature_submissions'' %%% Submissions|Articles can be submitted but need to be approved before they are published.|articles/1|
''feature_cms_rankings'' %%% Rankings|Users can see several charts or rankings about the item.|articles/1|
''feature_article_comments'' %%% Comments on articles|Users with permission can post or reply to comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.|articles/1, comments/1|
''feature_cms_templates'' %%% Article content templates|Predefined content for an article|articles/1|
''feature_cms_print'' %%% Print articles||print/1|
''feature_cms_emails'' %%% Specify notification emails when creating articles|Send a notification email when creating an article. Remember that notification emails for article topics can be redefined when the topic is edited after its creation.|articles/1|
''feature_cms_sharethis'' %%% ShareThis buttons|Enable sharing site content via ShareThis|articles/1|
''feature_categorypath'' %%% Category path|Show the category tree above the wiki page|category/1|
''feature_categoryobjects'' %%% Show category objects|Show, at the bottom of the wiki page, objects in the same category|category/1|
''feature_search_show_forbidden_cat'' %%% Ignore category viewing restrictions|Display items the user may not be entitled to view in search results.|performance/4, security/3, search/1, category/1|
''feature_listPages'' %%% List pages|Allow viewing the wiki page list|wiki/4|
''feature_lastChanges'' %%% Latest changes|Enable users (with permission) to see the sortable, searchable list of wiki pages (tiki-lastchanges.php) organized by last-updated date. Use the Configuration area to specify which items to display..|wiki/4|
''feature_listorphanPages'' %%% Orphan pages|Allow listing of "orphan pages" (pages not linked to from another page).|wiki/4|
''feature_search_fulltext'' %%% MySQL full-text search|Also known as 'Basic Search'. This search uses the MySQL full-text search feature. The indexation is continuously updated.|search/1|
''feature_referer_highlight'' %%% Referer search highlighting|When a user lands on a Tiki page from a search engine, Tiki highlights the search words they used. Its similar to using Tiki’s search facility.|search/1|
''feature_search_stats'' %%% Search statistics|Enables administrators to collect and view statistics on search activity.|search/1|
''feature_search_show_forbidden_obj'' %%% Ignore individual object permissions|Display items the user may not be entitled to view in search results.|performance/4, security/3, search/1|
''feature_search_show_object_filter'' %%% Object filter|Enables object type filters to be displayed above the search results to further reduce search results by object type.|search/2|
''feature_search_show_search_box'' %%% Search box|Shows a search box above the search results to do additional searches.|search/2|
''feature_search_show_visit_count'' %%% Visits|Include the number of visits in the search results.|search/2|
''feature_search_show_pertinence'' %%% Relevance|Display Tiki's estimate of the relevance of search matches in the search results.|search/2|
''feature_search_show_object_type'' %%% Object type|Shows object type filters above the search results to further reduce search results by object type.|search/2|
''feature_search_show_last_modification'' %%% Last-modified date|Show the last-modified date in search results.|search/2|
''feature_blog_rankings'' %%% Rankings|Users can see several charts or rankings about the page.|blogs/1|
''feature_blog_heading'' %%% Custom blog headings||performance/8, blogs/1|
''feature_blog_edit_publish_date'' %%% Publish dates can be modified||blogs/1|
''feature_blogposts_comments'' %%% Blog post Comments|Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.|comments/1, blogs/1|
''feature_blog_sharethis'' %%% ShareThis buttons|Enable sharing site content via ShareThis|blogs/1|
''feature_file_galleries_rankings'' %%% Rankings|Users can view the “top” or “most” downloaded files.|fgal/1|
''feature_file_galleries_comments'' %%% File gallery comments|Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.|comments/1, fgal/1|
''feature_use_fgal_for_user_files'' %%% Store user files in a file gallery||user/5, fgal/1|
''feature_use_fgal_for_wiki_attachments'' %%% Use file galleries for wiki attachments|Wiki attachments will be stored in the file gallery.|wiki/2, fgal/1|
''feature_file_galleries_author'' %%% Require file creator's name for anonymous uploads||fgal/1|
''feature_file_galleries_batch'' %%% Batch uploading|Direct import of local files into a file gallery. This method can handle large files. The user can upload files via FTP to the target folder. It is highly recommended to use a file directory as the file gallery storage when using this feature.|fgal/1|
''feature_forum_rankings'' %%% Rankings|Users can see several charts or rankings about the page.|forums/1|
''feature_forum_parse'' %%% Accept wiki syntax||forums/1|
''feature_forum_topics_archiving'' %%% Topic archiving||forums/1|
''feature_forum_quickjump'' %%% Quick jumps||forums/1|
''feature_forum_replyempty'' %%% Replies are empty||forums/1|
''feature_forum_allow_flat_forum_quotes'' %%% Allows quoting in flat forums|Allows users to reply.|forums/1|
''feature_forums_allow_thread_titles'' %%% First post of a thread can have an empty body||forums/1|
''feature_forums_name_search'' %%% Forum name search||search/1, forums/1|
''feature_forums_search'' %%% Forum content search||search/1, forums/1|
''feature_forum_content_search'' %%% Topic content search||search/1, forums/1|
''feature_forum_local_tiki_search'' %%% Unified search for forums and file galleries||search/1, forums/1|
''feature_forum_post_index'' %%% Index posts on forum section change.|Re-indexes forum posts to match the parent section when the section is changed|forums/1|
''feature_editcss'' %%% Edit CSS|Edit CSS files directly in the browser.|security/1, look/5|
''feature_theme_control'' %%% Theme Control|Assign different themes to various sections, categories, and objects.|look/1|
''feature_view_tpl'' %%% Tiki template viewing||security/1, look/5|
''feature_edit_templates'' %%% Edit templates||security/1, look/5|
''feature_custom_html_head_content'' %%% Custom HTML head content|Additional content such at meta or link tags can be added to the head section of HTML files. Smarty filters can be used here.|look/5|
''feature_html_head_base_tag'' %%% Add base tag in the HTML head section|The base tag specifies a default address for all links on a page.|look/6|
''feature_sitelogo'' %%% Site logo and title|Display a site logo image and/or title in the page header area.|look/2|
''feature_left_column'' %%% Left column||look/2, module/1|
''feature_right_column'' %%% Right column||look/2, module/1|
''feature_siteloclabel'' %%% Prefix breadcrumbs with "Location : "|Place the term "Location:" in the breadcrumbs.|general/3|
''feature_siteloc'' %%% Site location bar||general/3|
''feature_sitetitle'' %%% Larger font||general/3|
''feature_sitedesc'' %%% Use page description||general/3|
''feature_endbody_code'' %%% Custom code just before the closing </body> tag|Enter lines here to be placed near the end of the HTML file.|look/5|
''feature_site_report'' %%% Webmaster report|Activate the feature to report a problematic page to the webmaster..|look/2|
''feature_site_report_email'' %%% Webmaster email|A specific email address can be set for receiving the webmaster reports.|look/2|
''feature_layoutshadows'' %%% Shadow layer||look/2|
''feature_jquery_tooltips'' %%% Tooltips|Enable tooltips such as this to have a custom appearance, styled by CSS.|features/2|
''feature_jquery_autocomplete'' %%% Autocomplete|Provides various dropdown menus on many text input boxes for page names, user names, groups, tags, etc.|features/2|
''feature_jquery_reflection'' %%% Reflection|Creates a reflection under an image. Used in Plugin Img with the parameter "class=reflect"|features/2|
''feature_jquery_ui'' %%% JQuery UI|Include jQuery UI library. Enables a number of interface features.|features/2|
''feature_jquery_ui_theme'' %%% jQuery UI theme|jQuery UI theme. Used in some modal popups and in the TikiSheet feature, etc.|features/2, look/1|
''feature_jquery_validation'' %%% Validation|Provides various validation possibilities such as for trackers.|features/2|
''feature_jquery_carousel'' %%% jQuery infinite carousel|Create a slideshow (like an image carousel) for file galleries. Used in Plugin Carousel.|features/2|
''feature_jquery_tablesorter'' %%% jQuery sortable tables|Provides an interactive way to sort and filter data in tables produced with Plugin FancyTable and Plugin TrackerList, as well as administrative tables.|features/2|
''feature_jquery_media'' %%% jQuery media|Provides a media player via Plugin MediaPlayer that can be used in wiki pages or other wiki text area to play media files including .flv, .mp3, .mp4, .swf, .avi, .wmv, .ram, .mov, .mpeg, and .pdf. A Flash-based open source media player is used.|features/2|
''feature_jquery_tagcanvas'' %%% TagCanvas|TagCanvas is a Javascript class which will draw and animate an HTML5 canvas-based tag cloud.|features/2|
''feature_jquery_zoom'' %%% jQuery zoom|Enables zoom in images on mouseover or click. Used in Plugin Img with the parameter "thumb=zoombox"|features/2|
''feature_tabs'' %%% Use tabs|Separates page content into tabbed panels|look/6|
''feature_wiki_1like_redirection'' %%% Redirect to similar wiki page|If a requested page doesn't exist, redirect to a similarly named page|general/3, wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_pagealias'' %%% Redirect to page alias, if any|If a requested page doesn't exist, redirect to an alias page, if specified using an alias semantic link|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_templates'' %%% Wiki content templates|Prewritten content (probably partial content) for a wiki page|wiki/1|
''feature_warn_on_edit'' %%% Warn on edit conflict|When another user is editing a page, spreadsheet or tracker item, you will be warned about a possible conflict. This feature is useful to prevent collisions when editing.|trackers/1, wiki/1|
''feature_wiki_undo'' %%% Undo||wiki/1|
''feature_wiki_footnotes'' %%% Footnotes|Logged-in users can write personal footnotes when editing a page. The footnotes display immediately below the wiki page only to the user who edited it. This is a good way for users to make personal notes about pages..|wiki/1|
''feature_wiki_allowhtml'' %%% Allow HTML|Per-page option: HTML tags are used to create elements of the wiki page, instead of being displayed as code.|wiki/1|
''feature_actionlog_bytes'' %%% Log bytes changes (+/-) in action logs||performance/8, wiki/1|
''feature_sandbox'' %%% Sandbox|A <a href="/tiki-editpage.php?page=SandBox">special page</a> to test the wiki feature that can edited, but the content is not saved.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_comments'' %%% Comments below wiki pages|Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page.|comments/1, wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_pictures'' %%% Images|Allow users to upload images to a page.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_export'' %%% Export|Users can export individual pages and structure pages content as a file (requires tiki_p_admin_wiki permission).|wiki/2|
''feature_wikiwords'' %%% WikiWords|Automatically convert "CamelCase" words into wiki links.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_plurals'' %%% Link plural WikiWords to their singular forms||wiki/2|
''feature_wikiwords_usedash'' %%% Accept dashes and underscores in WikiWords||wiki/2|
''feature_history'' %%% History|Users (with permission) can see the history of each wiki page.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_history_ip'' %%% Display IP address||wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_history_full'' %%% Wiki full history|Record all versions, rather than only when page content or description changes or when an edit comment is given|wiki/2|
''feature_page_contribution'' %%% View page contributions by author|Visualize the contributions that different authors have made to a wiki page|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_discuss'' %%% Discuss pages on forums|Enabling the option will add, on each wiki page, a Discuss button that links to a forum thread dedicated to discussion of the particular page.|wiki/2|
''feature_source'' %%% View source|Users (with permission) can see the wiki and/or HTML syntax of the page.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_ratings'' %%% Rating|Enables adding a poll from the polls feature to a wiki page. The poll is unique to the page, created from a “poll template” which is created in the Polls feature: set a poll’s ‘active’ drop-down to “template”.|rating/1, wiki/2|
''feature_backlinks'' %%% Backlinks|Present a list of pages that link to the current page.|semantic/1, wiki/2|
''feature_likePages'' %%% Similar pages|Display a list of pages named similarly to the current page.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_rankings'' %%% Rankings|Users can see several charts or rankings about the page.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_structure'' %%% Structures|Structures allow grouping any number of wiki pages in a hierarchy, with a common navigation bar and the option to print them all together as a single HTML document.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_structure_drilldownmenu'' %%% Structures drill down menu|Ajax-style menu in which the user moves through the page hierarchy by clicking to reveal the next level down|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_open_as_structure'' %%% Open page as structure|Open a page within its structure (with structure navigation, etc.), even if no structure parameter is given in the URL|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_make_structure'' %%% Make structure from page|Show a button below each wiki page to allow converting it from a simple wiki page into the root page of a new structure|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_categorize_structure'' %%% Categorize structure pages together|Place new pages of a structure in the same category as the structure's root page|category/1, wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_no_inherit_perms_structure'' %%% Disable inherited direct object permissions|Normally pages will inherit object permissions from their parent page. However, object permissions override category permissions. So, if you are relying on category permissions in structures, you may want to consider this setting, in order to disable inheritance of direct object permissions when adding pages from a structure|wiki/2|
''feature_create_webhelp'' %%% Create webhelp from structure|If enabled, the Structure Admin page will include a new option for generating WebHelp (a self-contained, HTML “help” version of the wikii structure). Use this option to distribute wiki pages to offline users in a usable format.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_import_html'' %%% Import HTML|Enable import of HTML pages.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_use_date'' %%% Use date parameter|Allow wiki page version to be selected from a parameter "date" on the url.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_use_date_links'' %%% Report it in wiki links|Add the date parameter to wiki links.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_import_page'' %%% Import pages||wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_userpage'' %%% User's information page|A personal wiki page for each user.|user/2, wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'' %%% Userpage prefix|All userpages share a common prefix. The page name will be a concatenation of the prefix and the username. A prefix is required.|user/2, wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_usrlock'' %%% Users can lock pages|Enable users to lock pages and so prevent others from editing them|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_multiprint'' %%% MultiPrint|Enable printing of multiple wiki pages as well as an entire structure of wiki pages as a book in a single HTML document|print/1|
''feature_wiki_print'' %%% Print Wiki|Provide a print icon and layout of the wiki page formatted for printing|print/1|
''feature_listorphanStructure'' %%% Pages not in structure|Users (with permission) can see the sortable, searchable list of wiki pages (tiki-listpages.php). Use the Configuration area to specify which items to display.|wiki/2, wiki/4|
''feature_wiki_attachments'' %%% Attachments|Allow users to upload (attach) files to a page.|wiki/2|
''feature_wiki_sharethis'' %%% ShareThis buttons|Enable sharing site content via ShareThis|socialnetworks/4|
''feature_wiki_mandatory_category'' %%% Limit wiki page categories to those under this category|If an error message indicates a mandatory category is required when editing a wiki page, set this option to "None".|category/1, wiki/1|
''feature_wiki_show_hide_before'' %%% Show/hide icon before headings|For use with the !!- or !!+ syntax. Activating this will display the show/hide icon at the left of the heading; otherwise, it displays below.|wiki/1|
''feature_wiki_argvariable'' %%% Wiki argument variables|Allow writing request variables in wiki content using {{paramname}} or {{paramname|default}} - special case {{page}} {{user}}|textarea/1|
''feature_show_stay_in_ssl_mode'' %%% Users can choose to stay in SSL mode after an HTTPS login||login/1|
''feature_switch_ssl_mode'' %%% Users can switch between secured or standard mode at login||login/1|
''feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting'' %%% Wiki paragraph formatting|When the wiki paragraph formatting feature is on, all groups of non-blank lines are collected into paragraphs.  Lines can be of any length, and will be wrapped together with the next line.  Paragraphs are separated by blank lines. When the Wiki paragraph formatting feature is off, each line will be presented as you write it.  This means that if you want paragraphs to be wrapped properly, a paragraph should be all together on one line.|textarea/1, wysiwyg/1|
''feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting_add_br'' %%% Create line breaks within paragraphs|When Wiki paragraph formatting is enabled, this option creates line breaks within paragraphs.|textarea/1, wysiwyg/1|
''feature_wiki_monosp'' %%% Automonospaced text|Lines indented with spaces will automatically be converted to monospace font.|textarea/1|
''feature_wiki_tables'' %%% Tables syntax||textarea/1|
''feature_autolinks'' %%% AutoLinks|Web (http://) and email addresses will automatically be converted to links.|textarea/1|
''feature_hotwords'' %%% Hotwords||textarea/1|
''feature_hotwords_nw'' %%% Open hotwords in new window||textarea/1|
''feature_hotwords_sep'' %%% Characters that limit a hotword||textarea/1|
''feature_use_quoteplugin'' %%% Use Quote plugin rather than ">" for quoting||textarea/1|
''feature_use_three_colon_centertag'' %%% Center text using ::: instead of ::||general/3, textarea/1, wiki/2|
''feature_simplebox_delim'' %%% String to use to delimit simplebox||textarea/1|
''feature_community_gender'' %%% Users can choose to show their gender|Display a user's gender if permitted by the user.|community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover'' %%% Allow showing user's information on mouseover|Show users' information on mouseover.|community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover_name'' %%% Real name|Show the user's real name|community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover_gender'' %%% Gender||community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover_picture'' %%% Profile picture (avatar)||community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover_score'' %%% Score||community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover_country'' %%% Country||community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover_email'' %%% Email||community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover_lastlogin'' %%% Last login||community/1|
''feature_community_mouseover_distance'' %%% Distance||community/1|
''feature_community_list_name'' %%% Name||community/2|
''feature_community_list_score'' %%% Score||community/2|
''feature_community_list_country'' %%% Country||community/2|
''feature_community_list_distance'' %%% Distance||community/2|
''feature_cal_manual_time'' %%% Manual selection of time/date||calendar/1|
''feature_webdav'' %%% WebDAV access to Tiki|Allow file gallery access with WebDAV|fgal/6|
''feature_fixed_width'' %%% Fixed width|Restrict the width of the site content area, in contrast to a liquid (full-width) layout.|look/2|
''feature_socialnetworks'' %%% Social networks|Integration with social applications and networks like Twitter and Facebook|socnets/1, socialnetworks/1, features/1|
''feature_group_transition'' %%% Group transition|Enables transitions for users between different groups. Transitions will create a user approval workflow.|community/1|
''feature_category_transition'' %%% Category transition|Enables transitions for objects between different categories. Transitions will create a document workflow.|category/1|
''feature_credits'' %%% Tiki user credits||features/1|
''feature_invite'' %%% Invite users|Allow users to invite new users to register at this site, by sending an email.|community/1|
''feature_alternate_registration_page'' %%% Alternate registration page|Enter URL of a custom registration page. Tiki will automatically redirect default registration page (tiki-register.php) to this page.|general/3|
''feature_loadbalancer'' %%% Load balancer|Activate this only if the server is behind a load balancer (or reverse proxy). This enables logging the IP of the user rather than the IP of the proxy server|general/2|
''feature_port_rewriting'' %%% Tiki is behind a frontend-proxy/load-balancer that rewrites ports|Activate this only if the server is behind a frontend-proxy/load-balancer (or reverse proxy) that rewrites ports. This enables Tiki to use the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO parameter set by the proxy, to provide correct links.|general/2|
''feature_accounting'' %%% Accounting|Double-entry accounting system|features/1|
''feature_syntax_highlighter'' %%% Code editor (CodeMirror)|CodeMirror code editor, which provides syntax highlighting|textarea/1|
''feature_syntax_highlighter_theme'' %%% Syntax highlighter (CodeMirror) Theme|CodeMirror themes (clear cache after changing)|textarea/1|
''feature_dummy'' %%% Dummy preference|This is useful for developers to learn how to create a new preference. HTML may be used.|features/3|
''feature_htmlfeed'' %%% HTML feed|A way to transfer HTML content from one Tiki site to another|features/1|
''feature_inline_comments'' %%% Inline comments|Contextual comments|comments/1|
''feature_equal_height_rows_js'' %%% Enable JavaScript plugin for equal-height rows|Enable responsive rows, the contained elements of which have the same height.|look/4|
''feature_conditional_formatting'' %%% Conditional formatting|Use different coloring for certain system objects. Only groups are supported for now.|look/4|
''feature_theme_control_savesession'' %%% Store session variable for current theme|Store a session variable for current theme so that it can  be used for auto-selecting a category when categorizing|category/1, look/1|
''feature_theme_control_parentcategory'' %%% Parent category of theme control categories|Choose the parent category of categories used for theme control|category/1, look/1|
''feature_theme_control_autocategorize'' %%% Automatically select the theme-control category of the current theme when categorizing|When creating or editing an object, automatically select the category that matches the theme-control category of the current theme|category/1, look/1|
''feature_lang_nonswitchingpages'' %%% Certain pages redirect to homepage when language is changed||i18n/1|
''feature_lang_nonswitchingpages_names'' %%% List of pages that redirect|List of names of pages that always redirect to the homepage when the language is switched|i18n/1|
''feature_wizard_user'' %%% User wizard|Wizard to help users set up their basic settings and account details|user/2|
''feature_userWizardDifferentUsersFieldIds'' %%% Present different input fields in the User Wizard than are in the Registration form|Ask a different set of fields for the User Details section in the User Wizard than the ones shown in the Registration form|login/1|
''feature_userWizardUsersFieldIds'' %%% Tracker fields presented in the User Wizard as User Details|User's information tracker fields presented in the User Wizard as User Details (separate field IDs with colons)|login/1|
''feature_typo_enable'' %%% Enable Typography Features|Features to replace normal characters with typographic equivalents|performance/8, textarea/1|
''feature_typo_quotes'' %%% Smart “curly” quotes|Convert "straight" quotes to “curly” ones, also convert ’ apostrophe and ‘single’ quotes|textarea/1|
''feature_typo_approximative_quotes'' %%% Convert approximative ASCII quotes|Convert plain-ASCII quote substitutes `` '' ,, << >> to their typographic equivalent “ ” „ « »|textarea/1|
''feature_typo_dashes_and_ellipses'' %%% Smart em-dash and ellipsis|Convert double hyphen -- to em-dash — and three consecutive dots ... to typographic ellipsis character…|textarea/1|
''feature_typo_nobreak_spaces'' %%% Smart no-break space|Prevents line breaks from occuring at unfortunate places in the text by replacing regular space character with no-break spaces where appropriate: around some punctuation, when used as thousand separator, and between a unit abbreviation and the number preceding it.|textarea/1|
''feature_default_calendars'' %%% Display only select calendars by default||calendar/1|
''feature_intertiki_mymaster'' %%% Master Tiki server|Master Tiki server that this client will obtain user authorizations from.|intertiki/1|
''feature_intertiki_import_preferences'' %%% Import user preferences|Client Tiki will copy the user preferences from the master server.|intertiki/1|
''feature_intertiki_import_groups'' %%% Import user groups|Groups the user belongs to on the master server will be imported (along with their security definitions).|intertiki/1|
''feature_intertiki_imported_groups'' %%% Limit group import|This list will limit the group import feature to only those groups listed here.|intertiki/1|
''feature_intertiki_sharedcookie'' %%% Intertiki shared cookie|Causes a user who logs into or out of either the slave or master site to be automatically logged into or out of all other sites.|intertiki/1|
''feature_intertiki_server'' %%% This site is a master server||intertiki/2|
''feature_scheduler'' %%% Scheduler|Provides the ability to run tasks at a scheduled time.|general/1, features/1|
''feature_absolute_to_relative_links'' %%% Convert from absolute to relative link|Process wiki text and convert internal links from absolute to relative links|textarea/1|
''feature_system_suggestions'' %%% Tiki suggestions|Tiki suggestions displayed once per login session based on a list of rules|features/1|
''feature_templated_groups'' %%% Templated Groups|Templated Groups enables Organic Groups, although strictly speaking not all Templated Groups are Organic in the sense of being created by users since they can be completely admin managed.|features/1|
''feature_machine_learning'' %%% Machine learning|Define machine learning models, train them and run queries against them.|features/1|
''feature_tiki_manager'' %%% Tiki manager|Use local Tiki Manager to install, upgrade, clone and manage local or remote Tikies.|features/1|
''feature_url_suffix_cleaner'' %%% URL Suffix Cleaner|When the requested page does not exist, tests removing 1 or 2 of the last characters from the URL to see if it gets an existing page.|general/3, wiki/2|
''feature_realtime'' %%% Realtime Tiki|Use built-in websockets server within Tiki to enable realtime communication features of the app. See help page for more information on how to start the server.|general/2|
''federated_enabled'' %%% Federated search|Search through alternate site indices.|search/4|
''federated_elastic_url'' %%% Elasticsearch tribe node URL|URL of the tribe client node accessing multiple clusters.|search/4|
''feed_default_version'' %%% Default feed format||rss/1|
''feed_atom_author_name'' %%% Feed author name|Default author of each item in the feed.|rss/1|
''feed_atom_author_email'' %%% Feed author email|Email of the author of each item in the feed.|rss/1|
''feed_atom_author_url'' %%% Feed author homepage|Homepage URL of the author of each item in the feed.|rss/1|
''feed_rss_editor_email'' %%% Feed editor email|Email address for person responsible for editorial content.|rss/1|
''feed_rss_webmaster_email'' %%% Feed webmaster email|Email address for person responsible for technical issues relating to channel.|rss/1|
''feed_img'' %%% Feed image path|Specifies a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that can be displayed with the feed.|rss/1|
''feed_language'' %%% Feed language|The default language for this feed|rss/1|
''feed_basic_auth'' %%% RSS basic authentication|Propose basic HTTP authentication if the user has no permission to see the feed|rss/1|
''feed_cache_time'' %%% Feed caching time|Cache the feed for this number of seconds.|rss/1|
''feed_articles'' %%% RSS for articles|RSS feeds for articles|rss/2|
''feed_blogs'' %%% RSS for blogs|RSS feeds for blogs|rss/2|
''feed_blog'' %%% RSS for individual blogs|RSS feeds for individual blogs|rss/2|
''feed_file_galleries'' %%% RSS for file galleries|RSS feed for file galleries|rss/2|
''feed_file_gallery'' %%% RSS for individual file galleries|RSS feeds for individual file galleries|rss/2|
''feed_wiki'' %%% RSS for wiki pages|RSS feed for wiki pages|rss/2|
''feed_forums'' %%% RSS for forums|RSS feed for forums|rss/2|
''feed_forum'' %%% RSS for individual forums|RSS feeds for individual forums|rss/2|
''feed_tracker'' %%% RSS per tracker|RSS feed per tracker|rss/2|
''feed_calendar'' %%% RSS for calendar events|RSS feed for calendar events|rss/2|
''feed_directories'' %%% RSS for directories|RSS feed for directories|rss/2|
''feed_shoutbox'' %%% RSS for shoutbox|RSS feed for shoutbox|rss/2|
''feed_articles_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_blogs_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_blog_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_file_galleries_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_file_gallery_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_wiki_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_forums_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_forum_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_tracker_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_calendar_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_directories_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_shoutbox_max'' %%% Maximum number of items to display||rss/2|
''feed_articles_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_blogs_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_blog_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_wiki_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_forums_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_forum_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_tracker_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_calendar_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_directories_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_shoutbox_showAuthor'' %%% Show author||rss/2|
''feed_articles_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_blogs_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_blog_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_file_galleries_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_file_gallery_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
'feed_wiki_homepage'|Homepage URL||rss/2
''feed_forum_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_tracker_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_calendar_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_directories_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_shoutbox_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''feed_articles_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_blogs_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_blog_title'' %%% Title|Title to be prepended to the blog title for all blogs. If this field is empty only the blog title will be used.|rss/2|
''feed_file_galleries_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_file_gallery_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_wiki_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_forums_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_forum_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_tracker_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_calendar_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_directories_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_shoutbox_title'' %%% Title||rss/2|
''feed_articles_desc'' %%% Article RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for articles.|rss/2|
''feed_blogs_desc'' %%% Blogs RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for blogs.|rss/2|
''feed_blog_desc'' %%% Blog RSS Description|Description to be prepended to the blog description and published as part of the RSS feeds for individual blogs. If this field is empty, the blog description only will be used.|rss/2|
''feed_file_galleries_desc'' %%% File galleries RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for file galleries.|rss/2|
''feed_file_gallery_desc'' %%% Individual file galleries RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feeds for individual file galleries.|rss/2|
''feed_wiki_desc'' %%% Wiki pages RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for wiki pages pages.|rss/2|
''feed_forums_desc'' %%% Forums RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for forums.|rss/2|
''feed_forum_desc'' %%% Individual forums RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feeds for individual forums.|rss/2|
''feed_tracker_desc'' %%% Individual trackers RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for individual trackers.|rss/2|
''feed_calendar_desc'' %%% Calendar events RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for calendar events.|rss/2|
''feed_directories_desc'' %%% Directories RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for directories.|rss/2|
''feed_shoutbox_desc'' %%% Shoutbox RSS description|Description to be published as part of the RSS feed for shoutbox messages.|rss/2|
''feed_tracker_labels'' %%% Tracker labels|Include tracker field labels in the RSS output|rss/2|
''feed_forums_homepage'' %%% Homepage URL||rss/2|
''fgal_podcast_dir'' %%% Podcast directory|File system directory for storing podcast files|fgal/1|
''fgal_batch_dir'' %%% Path||fgal/1|
''fgal_prevent_negative_score'' %%% Prevent download if score becomes negative|If using Tiki Score system, users with a negative score cannot download files.|fgal/1|
''fgal_limit_hits_per_file'' %%% Allow download limit per file||fgal/1|
''fgal_allow_duplicates'' %%% Allow file duplicates|Allow the same file to be uploaded more than once.|fgal/1|
''fgal_display_zip_option'' %%% Display ZIP option in gallery|Users can upload a .zip (archive file). Tiki will automatically un-zip the archive and add each file to the gallery..|fgal/1|
''fgal_match_regex'' %%% Must match|A regular expression that must be matched to accept the file example A-Za-z* (filename can only have a-z letters). For example, if you want to require that uploads must have a word processing file extension, you could enter ~np~.*.(odt|sxw|doc|dot|rtf|wpt|frm|wpd|txt|ODT|SXW|DOC|DOT|RTF|WPT|FRM|WPD|TXT) ~/np~|fgal/1|
''fgal_nmatch_regex'' %%% Cannot match|A regular expression that, if matched, causes the file to be rejected. For example, .gif rejects gif images. Note that the period must be escaped since a regular expression is being used. If you don’t know anything about regular expressions just leave the fields blank and all the files will be accepted.|fgal/1|
''fgal_quota'' %%% Quota for all files and archives|The total size of files uploaded to all the file galleries or to a specific file gallery can be limited. The quota for a file gallery applies to that file gallery and all the file galleries under it. When the limit is reached, no more files can be uploaded. The user will see an explanatory error message. An email can be sent via the Mail notifications feature.)|fgal/1|
''fgal_quota_per_fgal'' %%% Quota for each file gallery|A different quota can be defined for each file gallery.|fgal/1|
''fgal_quota_default'' %%% Default quota for each new gallery||fgal/1|
''fgal_quota_show'' %%% Show quota bar in the list page||fgal/3|
''fgal_use_db'' %%% Storage|Specify if uploaded files should be stored in the database or file directory.|fgal/1|
''fgal_use_dir'' %%% Path to the directory to store file gallery files|Specify a directory on this server, for example: /var/www/  It's recommended that this directory not be web-accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory.|fgal/1|
''fgal_preserve_filenames'' %%% Preserve filenames|Preserve original filename instead assigning a hash as name|fgal/1|
''fgal_search_in_content'' %%% Searchable file gallery content|Include the search form on the current gallery page just after "Find"|fgal/3|
''fgal_search'' %%% Include a search form in file galleries||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_ratio_hits'' %%% Display hits ratio to maximum|Display hits with a ratio of hits to maximum hits|fgal/3|
''fgal_display_properties'' %%% Display properties in the context menu||fgal/3|
''fgal_display_replace'' %%% Display "Replace" in the context menu||fgal/3|
''fgal_delete_after'' %%% Automatic deletion of old files|The user will have an option when uploading a file to specify the time after which the file is deleted|fgal/1|
''fgal_checked'' %%% Allow action on multiple files or galleries|Include "Remove" as an option for the checkbox action in file galleries|fgal/3|
''fgal_delete_after_email'' %%% Deletion emails notification|Email addresses (comma-separated) to receive a copy of each deleted file|fgal/1|
''fgal_keep_fileId'' %%% Keep the same fileId for the latest version of a file|If the checkbox is checked, the file ID of the latest version of a file stays the same. A link to the file will always link to the latest version. If not checked, each version of the file is assigned its own file ID, so a link to the file will be to a specific version of the file|fgal/1|
''fgal_show_thumbactions'' %%% Show thumbnail actions|Show the checkbox and wrench icon for file actions menu when not displaying details|fgal/3|
''fgal_thumb_max_size'' %%% Maximum thumbnail size|Maximum width or height for image thumbnails|fgal/3|
''fgal_enable_auto_indexing'' %%% Automatic indexing of file content|Uses command line tools to extract the information from the files based on their MIME types.|search/1, fgal/5|
''fgal_enable_email_indexing'' %%% Automatic indexing of emails stored as files|Parses message/rfc822 types of files (aka eml files) and stores individual email headers and content in search index.|search/1, fgal/5|
''fgal_asynchronous_indexing'' %%% Asynchronous indexing||search/1, fgal/5|
''fgal_upload_from_source'' %%% Upload files from remote source|Enable copying files to file galleries from a URL that will be polled for new revisions.|fgal/1|
''fgal_source_refresh_frequency'' %%% Remote source refresh frequency limit|Minimum number of seconds to elapse between remote source checks to prevent flooding the server with requests.|fgal/1|
''fgal_source_show_refresh'' %%% Display controls to attempt a file refresh|Let users trigger a refresh attempt from the remote host.|fgal/1|
''fgal_tracker_existing_search'' %%% Allow searching for existing files in the tracker files field|Search files using the search index.|trackers/1, fgal/1|
''fgal_fix_mime_type'' %%% Set MIME type based on file suffix|Sets the MIME type of an image file according to the file suffix when it is incorrectly detected as application/octet-stream|fgal/1|
''fgal_clean_xml_always'' %%% Clean XML Always|Sanitize XML based files such as SVG for all users.|fgal/1|
''fgal_allow_svg'' %%% Allow SVG file upload|Because SVG files may contain malicious code and compromise system security, specifically grant permission to upload SVG files..|fgal/1|
''fgal_browse_name_max_length'' %%% Maximum name length|Length to which to truncate file names in browse view.|fgal/3|
''fgal_image_max_size_x'' %%% Maximum width of images|Default maximum width of images in galleries.|fgal/3|
''fgal_image_max_size_y'' %%% Maximum height of images|Default maximum height of images in galleries.|fgal/3|
''fgal_elfinder_feature'' %%% Use elFinder UI|Alternative file manager with drag and drop capability|fgal/6|
''fgal_elfinder_on_toolbar'' %%% Use elFinder on Toolbars|Use elFinder in the popup on toolbar FileGallery buttons|fgal/6|
''fgal_elfinder_debug'' %%% Enable elFinder debug mode|Shows errors and warnings in the elFinder window and adds debugging information to service calls.|fgal/6|
''fgal_pdfjs_feature'' %%% Use PDF.js|Uses PDF.js to display PDF files in web pages|fgal/6|
''fgal_default_view'' %%% Default view||fgal/3|
''fgal_sortField'' %%% Default sort field||fgal/3|
''fgal_sortDirection'' %%% Default sort direction||fgal/3|
''fgal_icon_fileId'' %%% Gallery icon|Enter the ID of any file in any gallery to be used as the icon for this gallery in browse view|fgal/3|
''fgal_show_explorer'' %%% Show explorer||fgal/3|
''fgal_show_path'' %%% Show path||fgal/3|
''fgal_show_slideshow'' %%% Show slideshow||fgal/3|
''fgal_show_ocr_state'' %%% Show OCR Status|||
''fgal_list_id'' %%% ID||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_type'' %%% Type||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_name'' %%% Name||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_description'' %%% Description||fgal/1|
''fgal_list_size'' %%% Size||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_created'' %%% Created / Uploaded||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_lastModif'' %%% Last modified||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_creator'' %%% Uploaded by||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_author'' %%% Creator||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_last_user'' %%% Last modified by||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_comment'' %%% Comment||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_files'' %%% Files||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_hits'' %%% Hits||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_lastDownload'' %%% Last download||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_lockedby'' %%% Locked by||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_backlinks'' %%% Backlinks|Present a list of pages that link to the current page.|fgal/3|
''fgal_list_deleteAfter'' %%% Delete after||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_share'' %%% Share||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_source'' %%% Source||fgal/3|
''fgal_list_id_admin'' %%% ID||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_type_admin'' %%% Type||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_name_admin'' %%% Name||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_description_admin'' %%% Description||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_size_admin'' %%% Size||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_created_admin'' %%% Created / Uploaded||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_lastModif_admin'' %%% Last modified||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_creator_admin'' %%% Uploaded by||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_author_admin'' %%% Creator||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_last_user_admin'' %%% Last modified by||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_comment_admin'' %%% Comment||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_files_admin'' %%% Files||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_hits_admin'' %%% Hits||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_lastDownload_admin'' %%% Last download||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_lockedby_admin'' %%% Locked by||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_backlinks_admin'' %%% Backlinks|Present a list of pages that link to the current page.|fgal/4|
''fgal_list_deleteAfter_admin'' %%% Delete after||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_share_admin'' %%% Share||fgal/4|
''fgal_list_source_admin'' %%% Source||fgal/4|
''fgal_convert_documents_pdf'' %%% View or export office documents as PDF|If enabled allows to view documents without download or to export documents as PDF files|fgal/1|
''fgal_maximum_image_width_preview'' %%% Maximum width of file preview in pixels|The maximum value of width in pixels for the files preview in the popover.|fgal/1|
''fgal_export_diagram_on_image_save'' %%% Export diagram image on save|If enabled, diagrams will be cached in PNG format when saved or edited.|fgal/1|
''fgal_use_casperjs_to_export_images'' %%% Use locally CasperJS to export images|If enabled, diagrams can be exported using CasperJS.|fgal/1|
''fgal_use_drawio_services_to_export_images'' %%% Use draw.io public services to export images|When exporting PDFs, if this setting is enabled, diagram images will be fetched using Drawio's services if not in cache. This basically works like a fallback.|fgal/1|
''fgal_drawio_service_endpoint'' %%% Draw.io service endpoint|Configure the draw.io service endpoint to export the diagram images.|fgal/1|
''fgal_use_diagram_compression_by_default'' %%% Use diagram compression by default|if this setting is enabled, diagram will use compression by default.|fgal/1|
''fgal_use_record_rtc_screen'' %%% Use RecordRTC to screen record|if this setting is enabled, will use RecordRTC to record the screen activity.|fgal/1|
''file_galleries_comments_per_page'' %%% Number per page|Number of comments per page|comments/1|
''file_galleries_comments_default_ordering'' %%% Default order|Default order of comments.|comments/1|
''file_galleries_use_jquery_upload'' %%% Use jQuery upload|Use the improved Tiki 15+ upload page|fgal/1|
''file_galleries_redirect_from_image_gallery'' %%% Redirect to file gallery|If enabled, redirect all requests to images that were migrated from the image gallery to the corresponding file in the file gallery|fgal/1|
''flaggedrev_approval'' %%% Revision approval|Uses flagged revisions to hide unapproved wiki page revisions from users without necessary privileges.|wiki/3|
''flaggedrev_approval_categories'' %%% Revision approval categories|List of category IDs for which revision approval is required.|category/1, wiki/3|
''footer_shadow_start'' %%% Footer shadow div start||look/2|
''footer_shadow_end'' %%% Footer shadow div end||look/2|
''footnote_popovers'' %%% Display footnote content in popover|When the mouse is over the footnote reference, show footnote content in a popover window.|wiki/1|
''forum_image_file_gallery'' %%% Forum image file gallery|File gallery used to store images for forums|forums/1|
''forum_comments_no_title_prefix'' %%% Do not start messages titles with 'Re:'||forums/1|
''forum_match_regex'' %%% Uploaded filenames must match regex||forums/1|
''forum_thread_defaults_by_forum'' %%% Manage thread defaults per-forum||forums/1|
''forum_thread_user_settings'' %%% Display thread configuration bar||forums/1|
''forum_thread_user_settings_threshold'' %%% Display the thread configuration bar only when the number of posts exceeds||forums/1|
''forum_thread_user_settings_keep'' %%% Keep settings for all forums during the user session||forums/1|
''forum_comments_per_page'' %%% Number per page||forums/1|
''forum_thread_style'' %%% Default style||forums/1|
''forum_thread_sort_mode'' %%% Default sort mode||forums/1|
''forum_list_topics'' %%% Topics||forums/2|
''forum_list_posts'' %%% Posts||forums/2|
''forum_list_ppd'' %%% Posts per day (PPD)||forums/2|
''forum_list_lastpost'' %%% Last post||forums/2|
''forum_list_visits'' %%% Visits||forums/2|
''forum_list_desc'' %%% Description||forums/2|
''forum_list_description_len'' %%% Description length||forums/2|
''forum_reply_notitle'' %%% Don't display forum thread titles|Titles of posts usually don't change because they are a direct reply to the parent post. This feature turns off the display of titles in edit forms and forum display.|forums/1|
''forum_reply_forcetitle'' %%% Require reply to have a title|Present an empty title input form and require it to be filled in before the forum post is submitted.|forums/1|
''forum_quote_prevent_nesting'' %%% Prevent Nesting of Quote wikiplugins when replying|Strips quote plugin in reply in order to prevent nesting of quote plugins.|forums/1|
''forum_available_categories'' %%% Forum post categories|Categories available in the category picker for forum posts.|category/1, forums/2|
''forum_category_selector_in_list'' %%% Include category selector in forum list|Include a dropdown selector in the forum list to choose a category for the post.|category/1, forums/2|
''forum_inbound_mail_ignores_perms'' %%% Allow inbound email posts from anyone|Allow messages from non-users in the forums using incoming messages from any email address.|forums/1|
''forum_inbound_mail_parse_html'' %%% Parse HTML in inbound email posts|Attempt to keep the formatting of HTML "rich text" emails if using WYSIWYG.|forums/1|
''forum_strip_wiki_syntax_outgoing'' %%% Strip wiki markup from outgoing forum emails|Convert outgoing emails from forum posts to plain text.|forums/1|
''forum_moderator_notification'' %%% Send moderation email|Send email to forum moderators when post is queued|forums/1|
''forum_moderator_email_approve'' %%% Approve link in moderation email|Include a link for forum moderators to approve queue from email|forums/1|
''forum_notifications_use_new_threads'' %%% New email thread for each topic|If enabled each topic a forum will use it's own email thread, instead of all forum posts sharing the same one.|forums/1|
''forums_ordering'' %%% Default order||forums/2|
''forums_section_ordering'' %%% Section order||forums/2|
''freetags_multilingual'' %%% Multilingual tags|Permits translation management of tags|i18n/1, freetags/1|
''freetags_sort_mode'' %%% Ordering of tagged objects|Default sort mode for tagged items|freetags/1|
''freetags_browse_show_cloud'' %%% Show tag cloud|Show the full tag cloud in the list-tags screen.|freetags/1|
''freetags_browse_amount_tags_in_cloud'' %%% Maximum number of tags in cloud||freetags/1|
''freetags_show_middle'' %%% Show tags in middle column|On pages that have content tagged, this option enables the display of the tags at the top of those pages. Tags can be set, among other places, in the properties tab when editing a wiki page..|freetags/1|
''freetags_preload_random_search'' %%% Preload random tag|A random tag will be selected on the tag search page (if no tag is pre-selected)..|freetags/1|
''freetags_browse_amount_tags_suggestion'' %%% Tag Suggestions|Number of tags to show in tag suggestions|freetags/1|
''freetags_normalized_valid_chars'' %%% Valid characters pattern|Click on the links below to set or clear a pattern to limit characters accepted in tags. |freetags/1|
''freetags_lowercase_only'' %%% Lowercase tags only|Convert uppercase characters in tags to lowercase, if this is a preferred style for making tags more user-friendly..|freetags/1|
''gal_batch_dir'' %%% Batch loading directory|||
''gal_image_mouseover'' %%% Display image information in a mouseover box|||
''gal_list_name'' %%% Name|||
''gal_list_parent'' %%% Parent|||
''gal_list_description'' %%% Description|||
''gal_list_created'' %%% Created|||
''gal_list_lastmodif'' %%% Last modified|||
''gal_list_user'' %%% User|||
''gal_list_imgs'' %%% Images|||
''gal_list_visits'' %%% Visits|||
''gal_match_regex'' %%% Uploaded image names must match regex|||
''gal_nmatch_regex'' %%% Uploaded image names cannot match regex|||
''gal_use_db'' %%% Storage|||
''gal_use_dir'' %%% Directory path|||
''gal_use_lib'' %%% Image processing library|||
''generate_password'' %%% Generate password|Display a button on the registration form to automatically generate a very secure password for the user.|login/1|
''geo_enabled'' %%% Maps & Location Enabled|Provide controls to load map and location libraries.|maps/1|
''geo_locate_wiki'' %%% Geolocate wiki pages|Provide controls to indicate a geographic location of wiki pages in the edit form.|maps/1, wiki/2|
''geo_locate_article'' %%% Geolocate articles|Provide controls to indicate a geographic location in the article edit form.|articles/1, maps/1|
''geo_locate_blogpost'' %%% Geolocate blog posts|Provide controls to indicate a geographic location in the blog post edit form.|maps/1, blogs/1|
''geo_tilesets'' %%% Available tile layers on maps|Enables replacement of the default OpenStreetMap tiles with tiles from other mapping services, such as Google or Bing.|maps/1|
''geo_google_streetview'' %%% Google Street View|Open Google Street View in a new window to see the visible coordinates.|maps/1|
''geo_google_streetview_overlay'' %%% Google Street View overlay|Open Google Street View in a new window to see the visible coordinates.|maps/1|
''geo_always_load_openlayers'' %%% Always load OpenLayers|Load the OpenLayers library even if no map is explicitly included in the page|maps/1|
''geo_zoomlevel_to_found_location'' %%% Zoom level for the found location|Zoom level when a searched-for location is found|maps/1|
''geo_openlayers_version'' %%% OpenLayers version||maps/1|
''geo_bingmaps_key'' %%% Bing Maps API Key|Needed for Bing Map Layers|maps/1|
''geo_nextzen_key'' %%% Nextzen Maps API Key|Needed for Nextzen Map Layers|maps/1|
''browsertitle'' %%% Browser title|Visible label in the browser's title bar on all pages. Also appears in search engine results.|general/1|
''fallbackBaseUrl'' %%% Fallback for tiki base URL|The full URL to the Tiki base URL including protocol, domain and path (example: https://example.com/tiki/), used when the current URL can not be determined, example, when executing from the command line.|general/1|
''validateUsers'' %%% Validate new user registrations by email|Tiki will send an email message to the user. The message contains a link that must be clicked to validate the registration. After clicking the link, the user will be validated. You can use this option to limit false registrations or fake email addresses.|login/1|
''wikiHomePage'' %%% Wiki homepage|The default home page of the wiki when no other page is specified. The page will be created if it does not already exist.|general/3, wiki/1|
''useGroupHome'' %%% Use group homepages|Users can be directed to different pages upon logging in, depending on their default group.|general/3|
''limitedGoGroupHome'' %%% Go to the group homepage only if logging in from the default homepage||general/3|
''cachepages'' %%% Cache external pages||textarea/1|
''cacheimages'' %%% Cache external images||textarea/1|
''tmpDir'' %%% Temporary directory|Directory on your server, relative to your Tiki installation, for storing temporary files. Tiki must have full read and write access to this directory.|general/2|
''helpurl'' %%% Help URL|The default help system may not be complete. You can contribute to the Tiki documentation, which is a community-edited wiki.|general/2|
''popupLinks'' %%% Open external links in new window|Open links to external sites in a new browser tab or window.|textarea/1|
''allowImageLazyLoad'' %%% Allow image lazy loading|Allow that images are loaded in a lazy way|performance/1, features/2, textarea/1, look/4|
''wikiLicensePage'' %%% License page|The wiki page where the license information is written.|copyright/1|
''wikiSubmitNotice'' %%% Submit notice|Text to appear when content is being submitted|copyright/1|
''gdaltindex'' %%% Full path to gdaltindex||maps/1|
''ogr2ogr'' %%% Full path to ogr2ogr||maps/1|
''mapzone'' %%% Map Zone||maps/1|
''modallgroups'' %%% Always display modules to all groups|Any setting for the Groups parameter will be ignored and the module will be displayed to all users.|module/1|
''modseparateanon'' %%% Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users|If an individual module is assigned to the Anonymous group, the module will be displayed only to anonymous visitors. Registered users will not see the module.|module/1|
''modhideanonadmin'' %%% Hide anonymous-only modules from Admins||module/1|
''maxArticles'' %%% Maximum number of articles on the articles homepage|The number of articles to show on each page of the Articles homepage.|articles/1|
''sitead'' %%% Site Ads and Banners Content|||
''urlOnUsername'' %%% URL to go to when clicking on a username|URL to go to when clicking on a username. Default: tiki-user_information.php?userId=%userId% <em>(Use %user% for login name and %userId% for userId))</em>|user/3, general/3|
''forgotPass'' %%% Forgot password|Users can request a password reset. They will receive a link by email.|login/1|
''twoFactorAuth'' %%% Allow users to use 2FA|Allow users to enable Two-factor Authentication.|login/1|
''useGroupTheme'' %%% Group theme|Enable groups to each have their own visual theme.|look/1|
''sitetitle'' %%% Site title|The displayed title of the website.|look/2|
''sitesubtitle'' %%% Subtitle|A short phrase that, for example, describes the site.|look/2|
''maxRecords'' %%% Maximum number of records in listings||look/3|
''maxVersions'' %%% Maximum number of versions:||wiki/2|
''allowRegister'' %%% Users can register|Allow site visitors to register, using the registration form. The log-in module will include a "Register" link. If this is not activated, new users will have to be added manually by the admin on the Admin-Users page.|login/1|
''validateEmail'' %%% Validate user's email server|Tiki will attempt to validate the user’s email address by examining the syntax of the email address. It must be a string of letters, or digits or _ or . or - follows by a @ follows by a string of letters, or digits or _ or . or -. Tiki will perform a DNS lookup and attempt to open a SMTP session to validate the email server.|login/1|
''validateRegistration'' %%% Require validation by Admin|The administrator will receive an email for each new user registration, and must validate the user before the user can log in.|login/1|
''useRegisterPasscode'' %%% Require passcode to register|Users must enter an alphanumeric code to register.  The site administrator must inform users of this code. This is to restrict registration to invited users.|security/2, login/1|
''registerPasscode'' %%% Passcode||security/2, login/1|
''showRegisterPasscode'' %%% Show passcode on registration form|Displays the required passcode on the registration form. This is helpful for legitimate users who want to register while making it difficult for automated robots because the passcode is unique for each site and because it is displayed in JavaScript.|security/2, login/1|
''registerKey'' %%% Registration page key|To register, users need to go to, for example: tiki-register.php?key=yourregistrationkeyvalue|security/2, login/1|
''userTracker'' %%% Use a tracker to collect more user information|Display a tracker form for the user to complete as part of the registration process. This tracker will receive and store additional information about each user.|login/1|
''groupTracker'' %%% Use tracker to collect more group information||login/1|
''eponymousGroups'' %%% Create a new group for each user|Automatically create a group for each user in order to, for example, assign permissions on the individual-user level.|login/1|
''syncGroupsWithDirectory'' %%% Synchronize Tiki groups with a directory||login/4|
''syncUsersWithDirectory'' %%% Synchronize Tiki users with a directory||login/4|
''rememberme'' %%% Remember me|After logging in, users will automatically be logged in again when they leave and return to the site.|login/1|
''remembertime'' %%% Duration|The length of time before the user will need to log in again.|login/1|
''urlIndexBrowserTitle'' %%% Homepage Browser title|Customize Browser title for the custom homepage|general/3|
''urlIndex'' %%% Homepage URL||general/3|
''useUrlIndex'' %%% Use custom homepage|Use the top page of a Tiki feature or another homepage|general/3|
''tikiIndex'' %%% Use the top page of a Tiki feature as the homepage|Select the Tiki feature to provide the site homepage. Only enabled features are listed.|general/3|
''disableJavascript'' %%% Disable JavaScript|Disable JavaScript for the purpose of testing even if enabled in the browser.|general/1, features/3|
''maxRowsGalleries'' %%% Maximum rows per page|||
''rowImagesGalleries'' %%% Images per row|||
''thumbSizeXGalleries'' %%% Thumbnail width|||
''thumbSizeYGalleries'' %%% Thumbnail height|||
''scaleSizeGalleries'' %%% Default scale size|||
''gmap_key'' %%% Google Maps API Key|Needed for Street View or other advanced features|maps/1|
''gmap_defaultx'' %%% Default x for map center||maps/1|
''gmap_defaulty'' %%% Default y for map center||maps/1|
''gmap_defaultz'' %%% Default zoom level||maps/1|
''gmap_article_list'' %%% Show map mode buttons in articles list||articles/2, maps/1|
''gmap_page_list'' %%% Show map mode buttons in page list||maps/1, wiki/4|
''goal_enabled'' %%% Goal, recognition and rewards|A tool to set motivational goals to increase engagement on the site.|community/2|
''goal_badge_tracker'' %%% Reward badge tracker|Tracker ID containing the list of badges to be awarded on goal completion. Each badge can be awarded only once per user.|community/2|
''goal_group_blacklist'' %%% Groups not eligible for goals|Groups that will not be on the eligible group list.|community/2|
''h5p_enabled'' %%% H5P support|Handle H5P package files on upload. H5P enables the creation, sharing and reusing of interactive HTML5 content.|fgal/6|
''h5p_whitelist'' %%% Whitelist|Allowed filetypes|fgal/6|
''h5p_track_user'' %%% H5P Tracker User|Store H5P results|fgal/6|
''h5p_dev_mode'' %%% H5P Developer Mode|Use "patched" libraries?|fgal/6|
''h5p_filegal_id'' %%% Default Gallery|File gallery to create new H5P content in by default.|fgal/6|
''h5p_save_content_state'' %%% Store user state|Allows users to resume at the point they last got to|fgal/6|
''h5p_save_content_frequency'' %%% Save Frequency|How often to update user data.|fgal/6|
''h5p_export'' %%% Export|Allows users to export H5P content|fgal/6|
''h5p_hub_is_enabled'' %%% Hub Is Enabled|Updates libraries from h5p.org|fgal/6|
''h5p_site_key'' %%% Site Key|H5P Site Key.|fgal/6|
''h5p_h5p_site_uuid'' %%% H5P UUID|H5P Unique ID.|fgal/6|
''h5p_content_type_cache_updated_at'' %%% Content Type Updated|Last update.|fgal/6|
''h5p_check_h5p_requirements'' %%% Check Requirements|Unused so far|fgal/6|
''h5p_send_usage_statistics'' %%% Send Usage Statistics|Unused so far|fgal/6|
''h5p_has_request_user_consent'' %%% Request User Consent|Unused so far|fgal/6|
''h5p_enable_lrs_content_types'' %%% LRS Content Types|Reporting (?)|fgal/6|
''h5p_custom_js_files'' %%% Custom H5P Javascript Files|Comma-separated: library or "*" for all, path to the file and optional version number, one per line.|fgal/6|
''h5p_custom_css_files'' %%% Custom H5P CSS Files|Comma-separated library or "*" for all, path to the file and optional version number, one per line.|fgal/6|
''header_shadow_start'' %%% HHeader shadow div start||look/2|
''header_shadow_end'' %%% Header shadow div end||look/2|
''header_custom_css'' %%% Custom CSS|Additional CSS rules can be entered here and will apply to all pages, or the CSS ID of a page can be used to limit the scope of the rule (check the HTML source of the particular page to find its body ID tag.)|look/5|
''header_custom_js'' %%% Custom JavaScript|Includes a block of inline JavaScript after the inclusion of jQuery and other JavaScript libs in all pages.|features/3, look/5|
''highlight_group'' %%% Highlight group||user/3|
''home_blog'' %%% Home blog (main blog)||general/3, blogs/1|
''home_forum'' %%% Home forum (main forum)||general/3, forums/1|
''home_file_gallery'' %%% Home file gallery (main file gallery)|Select the default file gallery|general/3, fgal/1|
''http_port'' %%% HTTP port|The port used to access this server; if not specified, port %0 will be used|login/1|
''http_skip_frameset'' %%% HTTP lookup: skip framesets|When performing an HTTP request to an external source, verify if the result is a frameset and use heuristic to provide the real content.|general/2|
''http_referer_registration_check'' %%% Registration referrer check|Use the HTTP referrer to check registration POST is sent from same host. (May not work on some setups.)|login/1|
''http_header_frame_options'' %%% HTTP header x-frame options|The x-frame-options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page in a &lt;frame&gt;, &lt;iframe&gt; or &lt;object&gt;|security/1|
''http_header_frame_options_value'' %%% Header value||security/1|
''http_header_xss_protection'' %%% HTTP header x-xss-protection|The x-xss-protection header is designed to enable the cross-site scripting (XSS) filter built into modern web browsers|security/1|
''http_header_xss_protection_value'' %%% Header value||security/1|
''http_header_content_type_options'' %%% HTTP header x-content-type-options|The x-content-type-options header is a marker used by the server to indicate that the MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers should not be changed and be followed.|security/1|
''http_header_content_security_policy'' %%% HTTP header content-security-policy|The Content-Security-Policy header allows web site administrators to control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page.|security/1|
''http_header_content_security_policy_value'' %%% Header value|For example, to allow your Tiki to appear in an iframe on example.com set this value to <code>frame-ancestors https://example.com/</code>|security/1|
''http_header_strict_transport_security'' %%% HTTP header strict-transport-security|The Strict-Transport-Security header (often abbreviated as HSTS) is a security feature that lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be communicated with using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.|security/1|
''http_header_strict_transport_security_value'' %%% Header value||security/1|
''http_header_public_key_pins'' %%% HTTP header public-key-pins|The public-key-pins header associates a specific cryptographic public key with a certain web server to decrease the risk of MITM attacks with forged certificates. If one or several keys are pinned and none of them are used by the server, the browser will not accept the response as legitimate, and will not display it.|security/1|
''http_header_public_key_pins_value'' %%% Header value||security/1|
''https_external_links_for_users'' %%% HTTPS for user-specific links|When building notification emails, RSS feeds, the canonical URL or other externally available links, use HTTPS when the content applies to a specific user. HTTPS must be configured on the server.|login/1, sefurl/1|
''https_port'' %%% HTTPS port|the HTTPS port for this server.|login/1|
''https_login'' %%% Use HTTPS login|Increase security by allowing to transmit authentication credentials over SSL. Certificates must be configured on the server.|login/1|
''ids_enabled'' %%% Enable intrusion detection system|An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations.|security/4|
''ids_mode'' %%% Intrusion detection system mode|Define IDS operation mode, log only, or log and block with impact over a given threshold.|security/4|
''ids_threshold'' %%% Intrusion detection system threshold|Define IDS threshold, when configured in "Log and block requests" more.|security/4|
''ids_custom_rules_file'' %%% Custom rules file||security/4|
''ids_log_to_file'' %%% Log to file||security/4|
''ids_log_to_database'' %%% Log to database||security/4|
''image_responsive_class'' %%% Default for img-fluid class used in the IMG plugin|Default option for whether an image produced with the IMG plugin has the img-fluid class - a plugin parameter allows this to be overridden|textarea/2, look/6|
''intertiki_errfile'' %%% Errors log file|location, from your tiki root dir, where you want the error log file stored|intertiki/2|
''intertiki_logfile'' %%% Access log file|location, from your tiki root dir, where you want the access log file stored.|intertiki/2|
''ip_can_be_checked'' %%% IP can be checked|Check anonymous votes by user's IP|rating/1|
''javascript_cdn'' %%% Use CDN for JavaScript|Obtain jQuery and jQuery UI libraries through a content delivery network (CDN).|performance/1|
''javascript_assume_enabled'' %%% Assume JavaScript is enabled even if not supported|Assume JavaScript is enabled even if not supported, could be useful for load testing using tools like JMeter.|features/3|
''jquery_effect'' %%% Effect for modules||look/4|
''jquery_effect_tabs'' %%% Effect for tabs||look/4|
''jquery_effect_speed'' %%% Speed||look/4|
''jquery_effect_direction'' %%% Direction||look/4|
''jquery_effect_tabs_speed'' %%% Speed||look/4|
''jquery_effect_tabs_direction'' %%% Direction||look/4|
''jquery_select2'' %%% jQuery Select2 Select Boxes|Styled replacement for dropdown select lists and multiple-select inputs.|features/2|
''jquery_select2_sortable'' %%% Sortable Select2 Multi-selects|Enable drag and drop re-ordering of Select2 multi-select options.|features/2|
''jquery_colorbox_theme'' %%% Visual style of Colorbox (a.k.a. "Shadowbox")||look/4|
''jquery_fitvidjs'' %%% FitVids.js|jQuery plugin for fluid-width (responsive) embedded videos.|features/2|
''jquery_fitvidjs_additional_domains'' %%% FitVids.js additional domains|Youtube and Vimeo are supported by default. Also apply FitVids.js to videos from these domains.|features/2|
''jquery_timeago'' %%% jQuery Timeago|jQuery plugin for fuzzy timestamps.|general/4, features/2|
''jquery_smartmenus_enable'' %%% SmartMenus|Add "SmartMenus" to Bootstrap menus. See smartmenus.org for more.|general/3, features/2|
''jquery_smartmenus_collapsible_behavior'' %%% SmartMenus collapsible behavior|Parent items behavior in collapsible (mobile) view.|features/2|
''jquery_smartmenus_open_close_click'' %%% SmartMenus open/close on click|Use mouse clicks to open/close item/sub menus|features/2|
''jquery_ui_modals_draggable'' %%% Draggable Modals|Modal popups can be moved around.|look/4|
''jquery_ui_modals_resizable'' %%% Resizable Modals|Modal popups can be resized.|look/4|


!! How to export this list
#:~/public_html$  php console.php preferences:export --wiki=yes --fields=preference,name,description,locations pref.list
Exporting preferences...
Preferences exported in pref.list.tiki


!! To discuss improvements
* ((dev:Preferences report))


Information Version
Josue Zirimwabagabo 20
Josue Zirimwabagabo 19
Josue Zirimwabagabo 18
Gary Cunningham-Lee Removed line breaks that were making new table rows, etc. 16
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added more no-parse tags around pipe characters that aren't used to make table cells. 15
Gary Cunningham-Lee Put no-parse tags around pipe characters that shouldn't be parsed. 14
Gary Cunningham-Lee Put no-parse tags around pipe characters that shouldn't be parsed for table construction. 13
Marc Laporte 12
Marc Laporte 11
Marc Laporte 10
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte 8
Marc Laporte 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte How to do it 5
Marc Laporte Description as well 4
Marc Laporte An update 3
Loïc Yabili 2
Loïc Yabili 1