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History: Tutorial - Navigating Maps

Source of version: 23 (current)

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The ''Maps Feature'' has evolved over times, we switched from map server to google maps to openstreetmaps/openlayers.
This page is not up to date any more and need review!

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{include page="Maps General information"}

The maps feature allows you to display maps, zoom on certain areas, change layers displayed and query features. Let's have an overview.

!The map

First click on Maps on the maps menu in the Main Tiki Menu:

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsMenu.png" }

You will arrive to this page that presents you with the default map set by the site.

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsInterface.png" }

The interface is composed of several elements. The main image is your map, on the top right is the overview to show where you are in regards to the whole map. Below the overview is the legend, describing how each feature is represented on the map. Below the map is the scalebar, it will give you an indication of distances on the map. There are some other items but we will see them later.
The first technique to master is moving on the map.

Below the map you see a series of tools, these tools with their associated drop down menu allows you to zoom in, zoom out, pan and query the current map.

!Let's zoom in to New Zealand.

First select the zoom in icon, let's take the one with a factor of 4: 

{img src="img/icons/zoom+4.gif" } (You can also select it from the drop down menu)

Then click on the map on New Zealand. The place where you click on the map will be the place at the center of the next map. This is true for all the tools. So remember, where you click is the point that will be at the center of the next map. Also, do not try to draw a rectangle or drag the image, you only click once!

You should be now there:

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsZoomIn4.png" }

!Let's pan to Fiji.

Select the panning tool:

{img src="img/icons/move.gif" }

As explained before, after you select this tool, you just clik on the point you would like to see in the middle of the next redraw. Consider the pan tool like a zoom tool with no zoom.

Click on the main island of Fiji, you should be here now:

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsPanning.png" }

You notice that the overview image shows a red rectange where you are on the overall map. It is a convenient aid when you are a little bit lost.

!let's add/remove a layer

Below the llegend you have the layer manager, it could be collapsed, so your first task is to expand it by clicking on __Layer Manager__ to reveal all the layers:

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsLayerManager.png" }

This table shows each layer name, if it is displayed or not, if the labels are displayed, if the layer is queryable and finally if you can download the raw data that makes the layer. Over your mouse on the icons in the layer manager header to see the function of each column.

You can notice that the Grid layer is not displayed, tick the grid layer __on__ box, select the panning tool 

{img src="img/icons/move.gif" }

 and click on the __Redraw__ button. You should see your map like this with a grid overlay on top.

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsWithGrid.png" }

Now on the Layer Manager again, add labels for the Cities layer and ensure that the panning tool is still selected (otherwise you will zoom in or out) then click redraw.

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutLayerManagerGridLabels.png" }

Your map should now be like this:

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsWithLabels.png" }

As an exercise remove the Grid Layer and redraw the map.

!Querying Features

Select the query tool 

{img src="img/icons/info.gif" } 

and click on any feature on the map, for instance click on the red dot for Suva, in Fiji. The selected features will be highlighted, usually in yellow and a list of attributes linked to the selected features will be displayed below the map area. Scroll down if needed.

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsQuery.png" }

You notice that the fist column indicates the coordinates of where you clicked then there is the list of selected features grouped by layer. You can see for instance that for the Layers Countries, the feature selected is __name: Fiji__ and the __total__ population is 88074.

!Changing the size of the map

You can change the size of the map by selecting the desired size on the top down list. It is useful to keep a small map size when you are setting up your map, selecting the right area, with the right layers, and then redraw your map to a big size, so you can view the details and may be copy the resulting map image into your report.

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsSizeSelection.png" }

The first map on this tutorial is in fact 600 pixels wide, the other maps are 400 pixels wide, the default for this map.

!Maps and Layers explained

If you click on the map title __World Map__ you will be directed to a wiki page that will explain you everything about this map. In a same fashion, you may notice that the layers in the layer manager have a question mark after their name.

{img src="img/wiki_up/tutMapsLayerManager.png" }

The layers have been set each to be linked with a wiki page, this page does not yet exist. If you click on the question mark you will be directed to edit this wiki page.

This is the power of Tiki to associate maps and layers with wiki pages where you can have data about the data (metadata): who created the layer, with what instrument, when was it created, what is the accuracy of the features, what do they represents,...
Tiki is therefore a __Geospatial Content Management System (GeoCMS)__.

* ((Maps General information))

* (alias(Tutorial: Navigating Maps))