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History: WebDAV

Source of version: 66 (current)

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            ^ Support for WebDAV was first added to ((Tiki5)) and massively improved in ((Tiki20)).

WebDAV is very client & environment-dependent. Thus while it works is some conditions for some people, it doesn't work reliably for others. If it's not working for you, please ((dev:report a bug)). ^

! WebDAV (or "Web Folders")

__Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning__, or __WebDAV__, is a set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows computer-users to edit and manage files collaboratively on remote World Wide Web servers. This feature has been introduced in ((Tiki5)), using [http://ezcomponents.org/docs/api/latest/introduction_Webdav.html|eZ Components's implementation of WebDAV], and latest switched to ((SabreDAV)).

Purpose: permits a user to access the ((File Gallery)) (There is also ((WebDAV access to Wiki Pages))) via a WebDAV client such as Nautilus from Gnome (GNU/Linux), Konqueror or [http://dolphin.kde.org/|Dolphin] from KDE (GNU/Linux or MS Windows), or the [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/540|Open As Webfolder] Firefox plugin in MS Windows. This means also the ability to drag & drop files from your favorite file manager in your desktop computer directly to the WebDAV-powered file gallery in Tiki. Or re-arranging files in subfolders, etc. in the Tiki file galleries directly from your favourite file manager desktop application:

With WebDAV and ((Category Transitions)), Tiki can be considered as a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_management_system|DMS]. However: WebDAV is still considered an experimental feature!

If you plan to test the WebDAV features in some server, please ensure that your test site is online, and that it has the basic configuration requirements set. As an example, the site http://demo.tiki.org/12x/ where most of the following screenshots were taken is online ^

{CENTER()}{img fileId="248" alt="" rel="box[g]" class=reflect scale="0.5" }{CENTER} 

!!# Server requirements
You need [http://php.net/manual/en/class.domdocument.php|DOMDocument]. (php5-xmlrpc, php-xml-parser, php-pear, or similar;)

{CODE(caption="DOMDocument missing")}Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /var/www/html/lib/ezcomponents/Webdav/src/tools/xml.php on line 132{CODE}

and [http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.installation.php|DateTime]

{CODE(caption="DateTime is missing")}Fatal error: Class 'DateTime' not found in /var/www/html/lib/ezcomponents/Webdav/src/tools/date_time.php on line 22{CODE}

I (sylvieg) thinks mod_dav must be activated on apache
For ubuntu: 
a2enmod dav
a2enmod dav_fs
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

!!# Server Configuration
Go to "Admin > Features" and enable "File galleries" and "WebDAV".

Then you have to set perms on file galleries properly. The important
permissions are:
* for __viewing__
** view_file_gallery
** list_file_gallery

* for __writing__
** upload_files
** admin_file_galleries

If you want to allow file versioning in the file gallery, you have to change in (assuming your file gallery is ID number 1) __tiki-list_file_gallery.php?edit_mode=1&galleryId=1__ :

|| ::Param:: | ::Values & Description::
"Maximum number of archives for each file" | -1 (none), 0 (unlimited), or any number of your choice.

!!# Client Configuration
You can see a quick overview of client configuration for each Operating System (O.S:) to access webdav in general, in this page:

Specific details follow below for the specific usage tested with Tiki for serveral O.S.

!!# Basic Usage
Once properly connected to a WebDAV folder, you can double click a file, edit (in your desktop software) and when you save, the file is saved to your Tiki directory. 

If file versionning is activated in that file gallery (''"Maximum number of archives for each file''" set to something different than -1), a copy of each save is conserved.

You could have an .odt or .doc file in a file gallery. That user would be able to open that file from KWord or MS Office directly 

~~lightgrey: ''__Note__: OpenOffice.org doesn't seem to work with any version of WebDAV - neither OOo 3.x, 2.x or 1.x, even if you select that OOo uses its own file dialogues, from "Tools > Options > General"'' ~~ 

In this example we edited the file "Testing_webdav_from_office_apps.odt" from KWord:

{CENTER()}{img fileId="246" alt="" rel="box[g]" class=reflect}{CENTER}

and when we click in the tool icon on the left of each file, we can see the "Archives" section of the popup box, which indicates that this file has 3 prior versions in this Tiki WebDAV-powered file gallery. If you click on archives, you can access to the previous versions of that file, with the username of each editor, edit date, etc.

{CENTER()}{img fileId="247" alt="" rel="box[g]"  class=reflect } {CENTER}

!!# Usage through file managers
You need to write the URL with the appropriate syntax for the tiki file galleries in order to connect to the WebDAV folder.

{CENTER()}{img fileId="252" alt="" rel="box[g]" class=reflect}{CENTER}

Once connected, you can double click on the file name (or click with alternate mouse button and select the program of your choice).

Edit that file, and when you click on save, the file will be directly saved to the file gallery.

__Special feature: Access any version__
* If you activate versioning for the files in file gallery, you can access whichever version you like, the default is the last one. 
* To access a precise version just add this part:
+ {CODE()}?version_number{CODE}
+ at the end of the file name... 
+ The different versions are not shown in the file listing in order to keep the user interface simpler.

!!!# Nautilus (GNOME - GNU/Linux)
Type in the location bar of nautilus something like:

where user is your username in Tiki (with enough global permissions or local on that file gallery; see above), and example.org is the base URL of your site online. You will be prompted you password, and then, you'll be able to see and browse your file galleries as folders, etc. 
Drag and drop works, editing documents in WebDAV enabled applications (such as plain text files with gedit, etc.)

In case of concurrent editing, the latest user willing to save a modified file concurrently will see a message like:
{QUOTE()}"The file dav://user@example...yourfile.txt has been modified since reading it." 

[[Save Anyway] or [[Don't Save]

"If you save it, all the external changes could be lost. Save it anyway?" {QUOTE}

!!!# Konqueror or Dolphin (KDE - GNU/Linux & MS Windows)
Can be used in conjunction with Konqueror as browser, Dolphin as file manager, Kate as simple text editor, KWord as an Office application for advanced text edition, etc. 

Similar to the description in Nautilus/Gnome above but using this type of syntax for the URL instead, to be typed in the location bar: of nautilus something like:

You will be prompted for your password, and then, you'll be able to see and browse your file galleries as folders, etc. 
Drag and drop works, editing documents in WebDAV enabled applications (such as plain text files with gedit, etc.)

In this case, you can edit Office documents (.odt, .doc, ...) with __KWord from KOffice__ (tested with KWord 2.1.0 and KDE 4.4.2 on GNU/Linux)

{CENTER()}{img fileId="245" alt="" rel="box[g]" class=reflect} {CENTER}

KDE can also be installed on other operating systems. It has been proven to work on MS Windows, where some of the same applications as in GNU/Linux can be used for accessing files and folders on WebDAV-powered tiki file galleries (Dolphin, Kate, ...):

{CENTER()}{img fileId="250" alt="" rel="box[g]" class=reflect} {CENTER}

!!!# Cyberduck
"Open source FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Cloud Files, Google Docs & Amazon S3 Browser for Mac & Windows"

{img fileId="678" thumb="y" button="y" rel="box[g]" height="200px" desc="An example of how to configure for Tiki WebDAV"}

!!!# Finder (Mac OSX)

Mac OSX has the ability to connect to WebDAV folders, through "Finder > Go > Connect to server"

For instance url: http://demo.tiki.org/9x/tiki-webdav.php and the user/password that can reads files, wiki page

Once connected, files can be edited with WebDAV compatible applications, such as TextEdit ~~lightgrey:''(Add other applications if you know them)''~~
{CENTER()}{img fileId="253" alt="" rel="box[g]" class=reflect} {CENTER}

!!!# Windows 7 web folders
Windows 7 has support for WebDAV, also called ''web folders''. The setup is rather easy:
#Click on ''Computer => Map network drive''
#Add your site under ''folder''. Here is an example for WebDAV+SSL: {CODE()}
https://example.org/tiki-webdav.php/File galleries/
#Enter your username/password

However: It's very easy for this described procedure to fail (for various reasons):
*For WebDAV+SSL: Make sure the server has a valid certificate!
*If you don't use SSL: For security reasons Windows 7 doesn't provide support for ''Basic Authentication'', only for ''Digest Authentication''. There is one possible workaround that ''might'' help (it requires changing the registry though):
##Open ''regedit'' (e.g. type ''regedit'' in the Start menu under ''Search programs and files'')
##In the editor go to the following place:{CODE()}
##Double click ''BasicAuthLevel'' and change its value from ''1'' (default) to ''2''
*WebDAV+LDAP might give some issues. First try to see if WebDAV access with a normal (Tiki based) user works...
*There might also be an issue with permissions: Try to see if WebDAV works with a user that has permissions for ''tiki_p_admin_file_galleries''.

It is not always possible to edit files directly. E.g. Word doesn't seem to be able to ''save'' a file directly to a mapped web folder...

!!!#NetDrive (MS Windows)
[http://www.netdrive.net/download.html/|NetDrive] (from Novell) __doesn't__ always (ever?) __seem to work__ properly together with Tiki-Wiki's WebDAV. It might be possible to establish a connection without any errors but no content is shown(??). Here is an example configuration for WebDAV + SSL:
#''Site name'': YourBookmarkName
#''Server Type'': WebDAV
#Click on ''Advanced'':
##Choose ''UTF-8'' as ''Encoding''
##Choose ''Use HTTPS''
#''Site IP or URL'': {CODE()}https://example.org/tiki-webdav.php{CODE}
#''Port'': 443
#''Drive'': YourDriveLetter
#Disable ''Connect as Anonymous''
#Enter your username and password under ''Account''

!!!# Webdrive (MS Windows and MacOSX)
[http://www.webdrive.com/products/webdrive/index.html|Webdrive] is a commercial client with support for WebDAV. It offers a free trial version for 20 days. There is one very serious issue with this client however (check below). To connect to Tiki-Wiki do the following (example for WebDAV+SSL):
#Right click ''Sites'' and add a new bookmark for a site. Then click on it.
#''Server type'': WebDAV
#''Drive'': YourDriveLetter
#''Site Address/url'': {CODE()}https://example.org/tiki-webdav.php{CODE}
#Disable ''Anonymous/Public Logon''
#Enter your username and password under ''Username'' and ''Password''
#''Recommended'': Unless performance is essential choose ''Multi-user'' instead of ''Single User'' under ''Properties => Cache => Options''. Or make sure that  files are validated using the Server modified time...

__Remark__: When editing or replacing files (e.g. using Word or drag and drop) WebDrive seems to add the files as a ''new file'' each time (probably deleting the old one first). I.e. the ''file id'' is changed after each edit. This means that all references from Wiki pages to this files have to be redone after each edit. This makes ''WebDrive'' essentally useless together with Tiki-Wiki... :(

!!!# BitKinex
BitKinex is a freeware-client for Windows XP/Vista/7 and available under http://www.bitkinex.com/ .

Most of the setting are the defaults or obvious except:
{img fileId="353" thumb="y" rel="box[g]"}

If you run in trouble with other clients, give BitKinex a try!

!!!# Android WebDAV File Manager
{DIV(float="right")}{img src="https://lh5.ggpht.com/thTRiaHvqOtoJaOwLnRORs10YfmiF0Fzk4eUwLMFoqtutkkir8mesjlfpabWzi92s7E=w300-rw" width="80"}{DIV}
There a many apps that claim that can manage webdav-powered servers. Tiki requires that the webdav app is able to manage folders with spaces, for instance ("File Galleries"), and not alol seem to do it. __WebDAV File Manager__ is a small free application that works outof the box nicely with Tiki webdav powered File Galleries.

{img fileId="937" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="150"}{img fileId="935" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="150"}{img fileId="936" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="150"}{img fileId="933" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="150"}{img fileId="934" thumb="y" rel="box[g]" width="150"}

!!# Usage through web browsers
You need to log in as usual to your tiki site, and go to the WebDAV file gallery to see the links to open that file as in a WebDAV folder. 

!!!# Internet Explorer (MS Windows)
#Go with your web browser to __tiki-webdav.php__. You will see the link __Open Tiki WebDAV as WebFolder __.
+{img fileId="255" thumb="y" alt="" rel="box[g]" width="250"} 
+You have this type of link also if you click on the context menu in that file gallery ("Open in WebDAV"; see screenshot above), It works ok with OpenOffice.org 2.x, KOffice and IE/MS Office, for instance. 
+For OpenOffice.org 3.x the file is open in read-only mode (known issue of eZ Components).
#IE displays the following message:
+{img fileId="256" thumb="y" alt="" rel="box[g]" width="250"} 
#Click __OK__. The login window appears.
+{img fileId="257" thumb="y" alt="" rel="box[g]" width="250"} 
#Enter your username and password and click __OK__.
!!!# Firefox with extensions (MS Windows)
!!!!# Trail-Mix extension
Trail-Mix extension allows to:
* Organize Files in a Firefox explorer
* Drag & drop to WebDAV servers, among others.

{CENTER()}{img src=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/images/p/35133/1248921824 }
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/13359 {CENTER}

Instructions on how to set it up:
# Open the Show menu and select "Online Files" 
+ (Click the cute little squirrel on the right.)
# Click the "WebDAV Server" toolbar button in the sidebar
# Enter the name you want to use for the server
# Enter the "DAV" URL, check the list above or ask your admin.
# Click ok - the top-most site directory will be displayed

Some servers redirect to login pages, and that can cause setup issues. If you get an error saying "Redirected", you may have to login first on a single-sign-on web page, but once you set it up it should work. Some servers may require https: instead of http: to use a secure SSL connection.

Also, you can set the DAV URL to any folder on the server, and only folders contained will be displayed.

More information at: 

The documentation didn't say anything that it was specific to MS Windows, but it has been proven to work under MS Windows, and not, under GNU/Linux, so far.

!!!!# Other extensions
''__Note__: Some users reported that the Firefox extension "Open as WebDAV extension" (for MS Windows) allowed them to connect to Tiki WebDAV file galleries (using Win XP). Other users failed to reproduce that with Firefox 3.5 and 3.6 on Win XP SP2). Therefore, some more information is needed on how to use that extension or its requirements to work properly''

[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/540/|Open As Webfolder 0.25] extension for firefox on Windows.

[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=17C36612-632E-4C04-9382-987622ED1D64&displaylang=en|Microsoft Software Update for Web Folders (KB907306)]

!!# Note about Apache with PHP as fcgi or cgi
In ((Tiki6)) an authentication problem has been identified with Apache when PHP is used in FCGI or CGI mode. 

If Apache is calling PHP in CGI mode, authentication HTTP Headers are not set.
In this case, you have to add the following lines inside your Apache VirtualHost config :
   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
   RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]

!!# WebDAV access to Wiki Pages
Added in ((Tiki7)). Please see ((WebDAV access to Wiki Pages))

* KWord: http://www.koffice.org/kword/
* KDE on Windows: http://windows.kde.org/
* Nautilus: http://www.gnome.org/projects/nautilus/

* (alias(Webfolder))
* (alias(Web folders))