History: Wiki Plugin de
Source of version: 8 (current)
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^Translation of this page is incomplete.^ ! Wiki Plugins Wiki plugins sind eine mächtige Art von Wiki Syntax, die es Dir erlaubt, Eigenschaften und interaktive Daten und Funktionen in alle Typen von Funktionsbereichen/Seiten Deiner Tikiwebsite (Wiki Seiten, Blogs, Artikel, Foren, etc.) einzubinden. Ein paar Beispiele, was Wiki-Plugins leisten: Sie ... *stellen Bilder und Videos dar und spielen Audio Dateien ab *arrangieren inhalte in Zeilen und Spalten, erstellen formatierte Tabellen und Boxen *zeigen automatisierte Inhaltsverzeichnisse, Backlinks, Redirects zu anderen Seiten *zeigen Tabellen, Maße, Zeichnungen und Karten an *zeigen Benutzer- und Trackerinformationen an, führen Datenbankabfragen durch und zeigen Informationen anderer Seiten *etc., etc., etc Auch wenn sie als Plugins bezeichnet werden, beachte bitte, dass die überwiegende Mehrheit der verfügbaren Plugin Teil Deiner Tiki Installation sind. Sie sind nicht sogenannte "Add-Ons"", die Du separat installieren musst. Viele sind standartmässig aktiviert, und die anderen brauchst Du nur im Control Panel zu aktivieren. {REMARKSBOX(type=tip, title=Tip)}''Plugins are also easy to develop - see ((dev:Create a Plugin)) for some tips on how to get started.''{REMARKSBOX} !! Distributed Plugins Documented on This Site {toc type=fancy} {REMARKSBOX(type=note, title=Note)}''When in the edit window of a page, click on the {img src=img/icons/help.png} icon and then click on 'Plugins help' for a list of plugins and their descriptions with buttons for inserting the syntax and linking to the documentation.''{REMARKSBOX} !! Site Settings for Plugins !!! Enabling Plugins If not enabled by default, the site administrator must enable a plugin before it can be used by (since 3.0) going to ''Admin Home > Editing and Plugins > Plugins (tab)'' and checking the "Enable" box of that plugin and clicking "Change Preferences." !!! Enable Edit Plugin Icons On the same tab (''Admin Home > Editing and Plugins > Plugins (tab)''), a feature called "Enable edit plugin icons" can be enabled, which will place an {img src=img/icons/wiki_plugin_edit.png} icon wherever there's a plugin. This edit icon will display a popup input form when clicked so that the plugin can be edited without editing and saving the whole page. !!! Toggle Plugin Edit Icons Also, "Toggle display of section and plugin edit icons" can be enabled (at ''Admin Home > Wiki > General Preferences (tab) > Edit (section)''). This will place an icon at the top of every page for turning section and plugin edit icons on or off with a single click ({img src=img/icons/wiki_plugin_edit_view.png} to toggle on and {img src=img/icons/wiki_plugin_edit_hide.png} to toggle off). !!! Plugin Security Plugins that are a potential security risk require approval by an administrator before they can be used - a notice will appear when that's the case. !! Distributed Plugins versus Mods Most plugins are bundled with the rest of the tiki software. The list of bundled plugins varies with each Tiki version - please see ((All Plugins)) for which are available from version 2.0 on. The table of contents above is to the documentation for distributed plugins. Some plugins are not installed by default with your tiki installation. They can be installed separately as a ((Mod)). See ((Mods Type Wikiplugins)) for a list of these and links to their documentation, and see ((Mods User)) for information on how to install them. !! Plugin Syntax The way plugin syntax works in general is described below. The individual documentation page for a plugin also gives examples of the specific syntax for that plugin. !!! Regular Syntax Most plugins have "begin" and "end" tags and use the following syntax: {CODE(wrap=1)} {PLUGINNAME(parameter1=value1|value2, parameter2=value)} content affected by plugin and called body or data {PLUGINNAME} {CODE} * __Avoid spaces:__ No spaces in or around the tag names or parameter values + %%% * __Case sensitive:__ Tags must be in all caps for regular syntax plugins + %%% * __Ending tag:__ For some plugins, a forward slash can be used instead of a closing tag as follows: +~~chocolate: ~np~{AGENTINFO(info=>IP) /}~/np~~~ instead of ~~chocolate: ~np~{AGENTINFO(info=>IP)}{AGENTINFO}~/np~~~ +''This shortcut won't work for plugins that require text in the body of the plugin (between the tags).'' + %%% * __Parameters:__ ** For regular syntax plugins, parentheses are always necessary even if no parameters are set. For example: ~np~{CODE~/np~~~red:()~~} ** Parameters are separated by commas, values within a parameter are usually separated by vertical bars (~~chocolate:|~~) (but check the documentation for that plugin to be sure) ** Either ~~chocolate:=~~ or ~~chocolate:=>~~ can be used to separate parameters from values ** Parameter values may be enclosed in single or double quotes, but don't have to be. Example:~np~{CODE(wrap=~/np~~~red:"1"~~)} ** Parameters you don't specify may be set to a default - check the documentation for that plugin for more information. !!! Special Syntax The following plugins use a slightly different syntax: ((PluginBanner)), ((PluginContent)), ((PluginCookie)), ((PluginDraw)), ((PluginImg)), ((PluginMaketoc)), ((PluginRSS)), ((PluginTOC)). Here's what's different about the syntax for these: * Only one tag, and it's in lower case * No parentheses for the parameters are needed * For example: + ~~chocolate:~np~{toc}~/np~~~ instead of ~~chocolate:~np~{TOC()}{TOC}~/np~~~ + ~~chocolate:~np~{toc type=fancy}~/np~~~ instead of ~~chocolate:~np~{TOC(type=fancy)}{TOC}~/np~~~ !! Related Pages *((Plugin Security)) - regarding enabling and approving plugins *((Plugin Help)) - illustration of plugin help for version 3.0 *((Plugin Alias)) - powerful feature that allows you to configure plugins with your own defaults * For developers: [http://dev.tiki.org/Create+a+Plugin|Create a plugin], [http://dev.tiki.org/Hello+World#To_create_a_new_plugin|Hello World#To_create_a_plugin] !!Aliases * (alias(Plugin de)) * (alias(Plugins de)) * (alias(Wiki Plugins de))