History: WordPress importer
Source of version: 4
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! Wordpress Importer Since ((Tiki7)).0. Basically you need to generate a Wordpress XML file and upload this file through the importer interface. {maketoc} !! Requirements * [http://php.net/manual/en/book.dom.php|DOMDocument] (should be enabled by default on recent PHP installations) {REMARKSBOX(type=note, title=Note)}Depending on the size of the file from the source software, the import process may take a while to complete. This might be a problem according to your PHP and web server settings. This script tries to change the relevant settings but there are some settings that the script cannot change. So, if you are having problems with the script, please try to increase the value of the following PHP settings: max_input_time, max_execution_time (this setting is limited by the web server setting, if you are running Apache also change its Timeout setting), post_max_size, upload_max_filesize, memory_limit. It is recommended that you run this script on a server where you can change the values of those settings (if needed).{REMARSKBOX} !Supported versions The script might work with other versions but it is tested with the following versions of each software: * Tiki 7.0 * Wordpress 3.0.1 !! What can be imported? * posts * pages * posts and pages attachments * posts and pages comments * tags and categories !! Importing a Wordpress site step-by-step !!! The Wordpress XML file Log in your wordpress site and go to "__Tools > Export__" (./wp-admin/export.php) !!! Using the importer interface Once you have a XML file with the data from your Wordpress site, go to your Tiki installation and under the Admin menu click on the option "__Tiki Importer__" (tiki-importer.php). Read carefully the messages and select the software from which you are going to import. Select the option that you want from the list of available ones: * * After the import process is finished, you will see some report like this one: {QUOTE()} Loading and validating the XML file Importing attachments: Attachment jbi2010_attachment_64_v3.pdf successfully imported! Attachment Presentacio.pdf successfully imported! (...) 6 attachments imported and 0 errors. Extracting data from XML file: Page "Presentation" successfully extracted. Page "Members" successfully extracted. Page "Research" successfully extracted. (...) Post "JBI2010: "Using R in Tiki for Bioinformatics"" successfully extracted. Post "JBI2010:"An extension of the Minimum Distance Probability Algorithm for Kernel-based Pattern Analysis"" successfully extracted. Post "Paper:"Mining Gene Expression Profiles: An Integrated Implementation of Kernel Principal Component Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition"" successfully extracted. Found 5 posts, 24 pages, 5 tags and 2 categories. Inserting them into Tiki: Post "JBI2010: "Using R in Tiki for Bioinformatics"" sucessfully imported Post "JBI2010:"An extension of the Minimum Distance Probability Algorithm for Kernel-based Pattern Analysis"" sucessfully imported Post "Paper:"Mining Gene Expression Profiles: An Integrated Implementation of Kernel Principal Component Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition"" sucessfully imported Page "Presentation" sucessfully imported Page "Members" sucessfully imported Page "Research" sucessfully imported (...) Importation completed! __===Click here=== to finish the import process__ {QUOTE} !!Known issues The following is a list of known issues with the current version of the importer. If you have technical knowledge please feel free to help. !! Support * See http://tiki.org/Support + for standard support mechanisms in Tiki !! Tips * Before using the importer it is a good idea to check your XML file for errors. You can do that by opening it on Firefox (or another program that can open XML files). If your file has XML errors Firefox will tell in which lines, whereas Tiki importer will just generate an error without further information. !! Related * ((Mediawiki Importer)) * ((Import-Export)) * ((Dictionary)) -=alias=- (alias(Wordpress Importer)) | (alias(WordpressImporter)) | (alias(WP Importer)) | (alias(WPImporter))