Unix Commands
I wrote MultiTiki. I'm not happy with it for a couple of reasons:
1. I is too general to be useful. A newbie would NOT be able to set up multiple tikis based on the infromation presented.
2. I wanted to show the commands like I did for http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=RecipeMultTiki
But doc.tikiwiki.org has no offical format for showing Unix commands. Are all you guys hosting on Windows?
3. I linked to RecipeMultTiki in a footnote. If that link breaks, my new page will be really useless.
mose told me on IRC he was going to address 2.
I'm not sure what to do about 1. I don't know enough about hosting on Windows to write an authoritative description. If I just more-or-less copy RecipeMultTiki, that will be very verbose and only apply to Unix, maybe only RedHat Linux actually.
Thanks, George Geller