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This page is superceded by Interface translation. Anything here not there should be moved.

This page explains how to add custom translations to your Tiki.
In short, you have to translate the strings you will find at the files under your ./lang/xx/ folder (being xx the two-letter code of your language):

  • ./lang/xx/language.php
  • ./lang/xx/language.js (since Tiki6.1)

How to customize your language file

first way for tikiwiki<=1.9 : the 'easy' but slow one

At this end of the lang/your_language/language.php file (your_language will be replaced by en,fr, en-uk....)
Insert the following block just before ?>

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include('lang/your_language/customization.php'); if (!empty($customizationLang)) $lang= array_merge($lang, $customizationLang);

Create the file lang/your_language/customization.php like this

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"My new translation" ); ?>

Don't forget that the customization.php file must be utf8 encoded
Don't forget to clean the cache (admin-> System admin) to have the translation updated
This change the tikiwiki files - so be careful when you sync with the latest version

Update also your ./lang/xx/language.js (available since Tiki6.1)

second way:

Use the get_strings procedure. Create a file lang/your_language/language.patch (same format and encoding than above) and run get_strings.php?patch=y as an admin. Idem clear the cache. It is the fastest method but it is a litle more difficult

third way for tikiwiki>=2.0

This method is the most simple. This can also be done to provide more appropriate or desired phrasing for a particular site and so may not be a translation issue per se.

The file should have this name and path: lang/your_language/custom.php where "your_language" is the directory of the particular language that the alternative text is for. The file's content is a mini version of the normal language file, like (spaces added for php tags to display): An example exists in lang/fr/custom.php_example

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< ? php $lang_custom=Array( "Text in template" => "My new version of text", "###end###"=>"###end###"); $lang = $lang_custom + $lang; ? >

➡️ Be sure the file is saved with UTF-8 encoding. If the file is not saved with UTF-8 encoding, a fatal error may result and no Tiki pages will display. Terms/phrases in the custom file will be used in place of the same terms/phrases in the regular language file. (Not just anything can be added to these files, of course. They must be strings specified for translation in the templates, etc.)

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