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A documentation status Tag


This is a documentation status Tag used to indicate the Documentation Status of a page. If you see a page that needs to be deleted, link it to this one. See How to Tag for more information.

One page links to delete

Page Hits
Documentation Status 88674


  • If there is more than one page on a topic (feature, etc), and the second is empty, it should be deleted. For example:
    • No need to have InterTiki and an empty "Configuring InterTiki"
    • No need to have Polls and an empty "Poll+Details"

  • If a feature has a lot of documentation, and warrants more than one page, so be it. But lets not force ourselves into a structure which leads to the creation of empty pages. (ex.: FeatureUser, FeatureDetails, FeatureAdmin, etc.

  • On the other hand if a feature has no documentation at all, it's OK to have a stub. There are over 100 plugins and 100 modules. It's expected to have some missing documentation here, especially for things in mods. Ideally, all pages are in the structure.

Created by lindon. Last Modification: Saturday 03 August, 2019 07:41:34 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.