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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
wikiplugin_equation Plugin Equation Render an equation written in LaTeX syntax as an image
wikiplugin_event Plugin Event Embed Displays an event's information inside a wiki page
wikiplugin_events Plugin Events Display events from calendars
wikiplugin_exercise Plugin Exercise Create an exercise/test with questions and grade
wikiplugin_extendcarthold Plugin Extend Cart Inventory Hold Extend the time that items are held in a shopping cart.
wikiplugin_fade Plugin Fade Create a link that shows/hides initially hidden content
wikiplugin_fancylist Plugin Fancy List Create a formatted numbered list
wikiplugin_fancytable Plugin Fancy Table Create a formatted table that can be filtered and sorted
wikiplugin_favorite Plugin Favorite Display a button for a user to click to make an object a favorite
wikiplugin_file Plugin File Link to a file that's attached or in a gallery or archive
wikiplugin_files Plugin Files List files by ID, gallery or category, or show a slideshow of image files.
wikiplugin_fitnesse Plugin Fitnesse Test Suite Create test suites for applications built using Tiki
wikiplugin_flash Plugin Flash Video Embed a video or audio file
wikiplugin_fluidgrid Plugin Fluid Grid Arrange content into rows and columns using a Bootstrap fluid grid.
wikiplugin_font Plugin Font Format the font type and size of text
wikiplugin_footnote Plugin Footnote Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnoteArea)
wikiplugin_footnotearea Plugin Footnote Area Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnote)
wikiplugin_freetagged Plugin Tagged List similarly tagged objects
wikiplugin_friend Plugin Friend Friend and unfriend other users
wikiplugin_ftp Plugin FTP Create a button for downloading a file from an FTP server
wikiplugin_fullwidthtitle Plugin Set a Full-Width Page Title Display the page title the full width of the site content container.
wikiplugin_galleriffic Plugin Galleriffic Display a slideshow of images on a page using the Galleriffic script.
wikiplugin_ganttchart Plugin Gantt Chart Create and display a gantt graphic using tracker data
wikiplugin_gauge Plugin Gauge Display a horizontal bar gauge
wikiplugin_gdgraph Plugin GDGraph Create a simple graph from supplied data
wikiplugin_getaccesstoken Plugin Get Security Token Display a link on a secure page using an access token
wikiplugin_googleanalytics Plugin Google Analytics Add the tracking code for Google Analytics
wikiplugin_googlechart Plugin Google Analytics Chart Draw charts from Google Analytics data.
wikiplugin_googledoc Plugin Google Doc Display a Google document
wikiplugin_group Plugin Group Display content based on the user's groups or friends
wikiplugin_groupexpiry Plugin Group Expiration Show the expiration date of a group the user belongs to
wikiplugin_grouplist Plugin Group List Create a complete or filtered list of groups
wikiplugin_groupmailcore Plugin GroupMail Core Display GroupMail functions on a page
wikiplugin_groupstat Plugin Group Stats Show the distribution of users among groups
wikiplugin_h5p Plugin H5P Enable the creation, sharing and reuse of interactive HTML5 content.
wikiplugin_hasbought Plugin Has Bought Check whether a user has bought an item or added it to the shopping cart
wikiplugin_html Plugin HTML Add HTML to a page
wikiplugin_htmlfeed Plugin HTML Feed Add an item to HTML Feed
wikiplugin_htmlfeedlink Plugin HTML Feed Link Receive and display content from another site sent using PluginHTMLFeed
wikiplugin_icon Plugin Icon Display an icon
wikiplugin_iframe Plugin Iframe Include the body of another web page in a scrollable frame within a page
wikiplugin_img Plugin Image Display one or more custom-formatted images.
wikiplugin_include Plugin Include Include a portion of another wiki page
wikiplugin_includetpl Plugin Include Template File Include a Smarty template (.tpl) file in a page.
wikiplugin_includeurl Plugin Include URL Include the body content from a URL
wikiplugin_insert Plugin Insert Tracker Item Create a tracker item when the plugin is inserted in the page. The plugin code is removed and replaced by a link to the newly created item.
wikiplugin_invite Plugin Invite Invite a user to join your groups
wikiplugin_jq Plugin jQuery Add jQuery JavaScript code
wikiplugin_js Plugin JavaScript Add JavaScript code or files
wikiplugin_kaltura Plugin Kaltura Video Display a video created through the Kaltura feature