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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
access_control_allow_origin Access-Control-Allow-Origin Domains allowed to make "CORS" (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or Cross-Domain Ajax) requests from this server.
activity_basic_events Record basic events Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. This is primarily for entry level options. Using custom events is strongly encouraged.
activity_basic_tracker_create Record tracker item creation Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.
activity_basic_tracker_update Record tracker item update Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.
activity_basic_user_follow_add Record user following users Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.
activity_basic_user_follow_incoming Record user being followed by users Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.
activity_basic_user_friend_add Record user adding new friend Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events.
activity_custom_events Custom activities Allow the defining of custom behaviors in addition to internal events.
activity_notifications Enable notifications through activities Allow users to create notifications using activities.
ajax_autosave Ajax auto-save Save content during editing, enabling work to be recovered after any interruption. Also enable a real-time preview. This option is required for WYSIWYG plugin processing.
ajax_inline_edit Inline editing Enable inline editing of certain values. Currently limited to tracker item fields.
ajax_inline_edit_trackerlist Tracker list inline editing Enable inline editing of all fields on the tracker list page.
alchemy_ffmpeg_path ffmpeg path Path to the location of the ffmpeg binary
alchemy_ffprobe_path ffprobe path Path to the location of the ffprobe binary
alchemy_gs_path ghostscript path Path to the location of the ghostscript binary.
alchemy_imagine_driver Alchemy Image library Select either Image Magick or GD Graphics Library.
alchemy_unoconv_path unoconv path Path to the location of the unoconv binary.
allocate_memory_print_pdf Printing to PDF memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Printing to PDF. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
allocate_memory_tracker_export_items Tracker item export memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
allocate_memory_unified_rebuild Search index rebuild memory limit Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Search index rebuild. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server.
allocate_time_print_pdf Printing to PDF time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Printing to PDF. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
allocate_time_tracker_clear_items Tracker clear time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
allocate_time_tracker_export_items Tracker item export time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
allocate_time_unified_rebuild Search index rebuild time limit Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Search index rebuild. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values.
allowImageLazyLoad Allow image lazy loading Allow that images are loaded in a lazy way
allowmsg_by_default Users accept internal messages by default
allowmsg_is_optional Users can opt out of internal messages
allowRegister Users can register Allow site visitors to register, using the registration form. The log-in module will include a "Register" link. If this is not activated, new users will have to be added manually by the admin on the Admin-Users page.
areas_root Areas root category ID ID of category whose child categories are bound to a perspective by areas
art_header_text_pos Header text position Header text positionRequires a smaller image for list view
art_home_title Title of articles homepage Select the default title for the page that displays all articles.
art_list_author Author (owner)
art_list_authorName Author name (as displayed)
art_list_date Publication date
art_list_expire Expiration date
art_list_id Id
art_list_img Images
art_list_ispublished Is published
art_list_lang Language
art_list_rating Author rating
art_list_reads Reads
art_list_size Size
art_list_title Title
art_list_title_len Title length
art_list_topic Topic
art_list_type Type
art_list_usersRating Users rating
art_list_visible Visible
art_sort_mode Article order Default sort mode for the articles on the list-articles page
art_trailer_pos Trailer position